#neville goddard



my affirmations randomly popping up in all my SPs heads at once

your reminder to persist !!

stop repeating your old story and start persisting in your new story. stop telling yourself / to others excuses like “persisting is hard ☹️” NO,persisting is not hard. stop telling yourself that persisting is hard, cause it‘s NOT. the only reason why persisting seems hard for you is because you keep repeating that. persisting is easy.If you really want your desires, persist. you won‘t regret it and you have nothing to lose; you only have so much to gain from persisting.

It is OK to have intrusive thoughts, a few negative thoughts, etc. there and there. It will NOT affect your manifestations. ♡ this is your daily reminder to not hold in any negative feeling and to take care of your body and mind :] cry, vent, etc. if you need to; It is OK to have those low days!



manifestation log that i’m posting here cuz wtf

like three days ago i wrote some affirmations that i repeated whenever and one of them was in regards to how others treat me!

me and this one girl had a weird patch like at the start of this week as she decided to start being unbelievably rude to me for what reason ? i don’t know, then her friend started getting involved and i was just so confused !!!!

then after ignoring her this whole week, today she starts talking to me as if nothing happened LOL and then she mentioned this one thing about how we went out last year with a couple of friends to the german market and how we should do it again as like a tradition ???? i’m genuinely so confused but like darn those affs worked so fast

and like i’m not really complaining, i wrote those affirmations because i was so confused but also because i wanted her to stop being so mean ! and also because i deserve respect

here are the affs if ur curious!!

thispost is this reason why i did this so fast, i stole star’s affs LOL

It’s so easy for me to stand firm in my power as the god of my reality.


Your results take as long as you assume them to be. You can get instant manifestations just by assuming they are fast for you. You can manifest that $1000 right now if you assume so. Your sp can conform right now if you give them no choice. Bc your desires have 0 free will in your reality. This is your reality, you decide when or whether you get your desires.

If you want to work yourself down to instant manifestations, assume it takes no less than 3 day to manifest. Then when you’re more confident with being able to manifest in time crunches, you can move to 2 days, 1 day, and then instantly:) Just do whatever makes you more comfortable<3

ℎ ℎ ℎ:

Just because you follow or watch other loa creators that have different loa beliefs and loa methods to manifest, it does not, i repeat, does fucking not mean how you manifest is wrong. There is no set rule on how to manifest so it’s all about learning what works for you and what helps YOU manifest, not everyone else. Just because a method is popular and everyone is telling you ‘it’s the best way to manifest’ doesn’t mean you have to try it. It doesn’t mean it’s what’s gonna work best for you. It’s all about doing what makes you feel like you have done everything right and you have your desires. You don’t have to visualise, you don’t have to do SATS, you don’t have to do anything that doesn’t resonate with you. Stick with what you know, and what you feel confident in.

The 3D has no choice but to conform. It has to, it’s literally it’s job! So sit back, relax, and persist.

The fact people are still like ‘manifesting is fake’ despite the previous CIA leaked documents stating that is in fact existent and we are living proof its real…

ℎ :

Why make things hard on yourself by labelling certain things as ‘hard’ or ‘impossible’. If you assume that, then yes it will be hard and impossible. Start assuming that everything is easy and effortless for you because it can be if you persist it to be so.

Manifesting? Easier than breathing. Persisting? Effortless. Making millions? Pff no big deal, i can do that in my sleep. Making everyone fall in love with me? Obviously easy when you look this hot. Everything is so fucking easy for me because i say so.

The3D is only the messenger. and everyone should know by now to not shoot the messenger.

You and the 3D are one, not separate. So there’s no point getting angry and ranting about how you don’t have your desires when you are the one creating your reality . Pointing out your unwanted circumstances is only persisting them to be true. So If you want to experience your desired circumstances you have to change what’s within yourself not the circumstances thats happening outside of yourself. To change your assumptions within is to change the world around you.



“The clothes you are now wearing were first imagined. The chair in which you are seated, the room that surrounds you – there isn’t a thing here that wasn’t first imagined; so you can see that imagining creates reality. If you don’t believe it, you are lost in a world of confusion.”

—Neville Goddard (Believe It In, 1969)

But that’s physical things. Those can be built. How to influence someone’s thoughts??

I don’t think you understand. Where did inventions come from? Thin air? No. Were they always here? No. It started in the mind. A human conceptualized something, in their imagination, and then it became a physical fact. It was imagined first, and then became a physical object/system. Yes, they may have invented it physically, but it still started in the imagination first. And you’re not “influencing” anyone’s thoughts, you’re shifting to a reality where their thoughts are already how you desire their thoughts to be.

“The clothes you are now wearing were first imagined. The chair in which you are seated, the room that surrounds you – there isn’t a thing here that wasn’t first imagined; so you can see that imagining creates reality. If you don’t believe it, you are lost in a world of confusion.”

—Neville Goddard (Believe It In, 1969)


INVEST IN YOURSELF. become the person you’ve always dreamed of, refocus your time and energy on the things that you really want, fill your mind with positive beautiful thoughts and watch those thoughts flourish into your reality. change your thoughts and you will change your reality


So I was getting my ass ready for Pilates last Saturday and I was on the phone to my friend. The night prior to that my affirmation was I’m good with money and money is good with me !

I was walking to my car and looked to my left and there was £15 cash on the floor ! I looked around to see if anyone had dropped it however no one was around. I was like omg that only took like 12 hours and I manifested finding random money outside of my house near my car!!!! The happiness and joy that I felt was amazing. I also got paid more than I was expecting this week which is nice . I’ve just booked to do my nails and I’ve got brunch booked for tomorrow. Part of this journey has been recognising that pampering myself and choosing myself is absolutely key to all of this. I’ve been affirming that I appreciate myself and that I am my everything. Appreciating myself for all the effort and energy I’ve dedicated to myself ! I bought some facemasks and will pamper myself this evening before.

Today I’ve started visualising myself physically counting money which has helped because whenever people would say visualisation I struggled with what exactly to visualize. Visualising myself physically counting money has helped me get into that feeling space and feel more like I have it.

Keep persisting and boosting our self concept because it is KEY .
