#newbie witch



“You have to be in a calm, peaceful, positive mindset to work magic!”


Magic isn’t some pixie-dust fairy tale cure that can only do good.

Magic is power. It is chaos, change, control.

I will not quell my emotions to suit your ‘magic’. Flowers will bloom with my laughter and hell fire will rain down with my fury.

Emotions do not weaken my magic. They make it stronger.

An important thing for new witches to know and understand.

A personal note, however: I believe that while emotions of all ranges can make magic more powerful, there are also certain magics that won’t work as well if you’re not in a cohesive mindset. Again, this is just a personal belief and may be specific to just me. When I am sad or depressed or emotionally drained, there is no way in hell I’ll be getting any kind of results with my magic, regardless of what kind it is, because usually, when I’m in those kinds of states, my magical energy is nonexistant. When I’m that distressed, I cannot form an energy ball between my hands, no matter how hard I try, and I’ve noticed for me that the amount and strength of energy I can create usually correlates pretty closely to how well I perform magic. Not everyone’s energy will follow the same or similar patterns. Just something to consider.






This list will explain common stones that are either toxic to use for drinking in gem water or stones that are soluble in water. :)

Alunite: Non toxic but soluble in water

Anglesite: Toxic and slightly soluble in water

Arsenopyrite: Potentially toxic

Azurite: Harmful

Azurite-Malachite: Harmful

Azurite-Pseudomalachite: Harmful

Bunsenite: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact

Calomel: Possibly hazardous to health

Cerussite: Toxic

Chalcanthite: Harmful; easily soluble in water

Cinnabar: Very toxic!

Cinnabar-Opal: The cinnabar stored in the opal is toxic

Crocoite: Toxic 

Cuprite: Harmful

Durangite: Potentially toxic

Eclipse Stone: Limestone with orpiment, toxic

Eilat Stone: Harmful

Erythrite: Potentially toxic

Fiedlerite: Toxic

Fluorite,Antozonitevariety: Potentially harmful

Galenite: Toxic and slightly soluble in water

Gaspeite: Harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact

Greenockite: Toxic

Halite: Not toxic in small quantities, but dissolves easily in water

Iron-nickel Meteorite: Harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact

Jamesonite: Potentially toxic

Lemon Chrysoprase: Potentially harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact

Lopezite: Very toxic! Hazardous even through skin contact

Malachite: Harmful

Millerite: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact

Minium: Toxic

Nickeline: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact

Olivenite: Potentially toxic

Orpiment: Toxic

Proustite: Potentially toxic

Psilomelane and Pyrolusite: Harmful

Pyromorphite: Potentially toxic

Rauenthalite: Toxic

Realgar: Toxic. Store in dark, securely locked place.

Scorodite: Potentially toxic

Sphaerocobaltite: Harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact

Stibnite: Harmful

Tetrahedrite: Potentially harmful

Ulexite: Non toxic but slightly soluble in warm water

Valentiniteand Senarmontite: Harmful

Vanadinite: Toxic

Wulfentie: Potentially toxic

Reblogging complete post so that it is not truncated and lost :3

Signal boost. This is vital information, folks.

Also turquoise is water soluble

selenite is also water soluble, and feldspars like labradorite and rainbow moonstone can lose their luster if left submerged.

Lapis lazuli should also not be placed in water, as it is semi-porous and could potentially ruin the stone (also, I think it might be somewhat water soluble, but this is unconfirmed).


A break-down of why your magickal intent may not be taking effect in your life

Hi there! So, if you’re reading this, you’ve probably had this problem at one time or another; in fact, almost all witches experience a ‘fizzled’ spell every once in awhile… but what happens when you’ve been casting multiple, and they all just won’t take? Here are some reasons why this could be happening:



  • The spell was not transferred enough energy to take effect. Think of this as filling up a balloon with helium ~ If you don’t put enough in, the balloon with just roll around or float a few inches above the floor, rather than floating high in the air like you intended for it to do. This can also happen with spells! There needs to be enough energy transfer (The energy you put in, the energy you’ve taken from something/someone else, etc.) to allow the spell to ‘take hold’ and manifest strongly and in the way you preferred. 
  • You’re not helping the magick along when it requires you to do so. For many spells, such as magick geared towards jobs, people, physical events, etc. there needs to be more than just one magickal variable working towards your intent to manifest. You need to work for it; If you cast a spell for a job, you also better be turning in that application and resume along with it ~! A spell can increase your chance, luck, and appeal, but it cannot contact your employer and set up an interview. 
  • (A break-off from the above reason) Your conditions just don’t allow the magick to materialize easily. This is the most possible to happen in weather spells, such as those to bring heavy rain to a dry climate area, or magick for something that your life/area just cannot manifest. For example, imagine somebody trying to cast a spell to ‘make one of their friends fall in love with them’ whilst having not a single friend in their life; the spell is incapable of materializing, because their are no variables for it to work with! It is a sad thing to think about, certainly, but this example shows how casting a spell that is wrong for your life situation can cause it to work improperly or not at all. (Tip: This person should have cast a spell for new friends first! This also shows how you may be casting spells that are wrong for the situation) 
  • Your wording was not the best. Similar to how people will often word things in a positive or future-tense manner (EX: ‘I AM BRAVE’ / rather than ‘I WILL BE BRAVE’) during spellwork or how in some fairytales the genie will grant a wish in a horrible way according to the wording of a wish, you must be careful to be clear and concise in what you’re wanting! Stay away from vague or general wording; You’ll wish you had when you try to cast a spell for a person to love you romantically, and later find that they love you like a sibling or best friend ~ 
  • You forgot to/incorrectly grounded after a spell. Grounding is not only important to maintain your own energies, but it is also a good tool for assuring that the energies of your spell don’t simply go on floating ‘up in the clouds’, failing to come down to earth and manifest! Grounding after a spell also increases the chances that it will work faster. 
  • Your focus/energy was off during the spell. Common for those with a low rate of focus, who’s mind wanders easily, or with low/confidence and doubt (which can especially put off your energies) you might have broken the intent of the spell while casting it. Not to worry, for spells can be re-cast and focus can be sharpened, but be sure to have a strong mind when performing visualization or transferring your intent into a spell! This can lead to a spell manifesting in a different way than you intended (which may not always be a bad thing) or just all-together not working.
  • (For people-directed magick)The person on the other end of your spell has a protection ward. If you’re simply trying as hard as you can to curse, heal, bless, cast upon another witch without their knowledge, there’s a chance that they have up some magickal barriers of their own. Be cautious with curses on other witches especially, since there are wards to reflect curses back upon the sender, and you never know! This can also be so if you are casting magick upon somebody to improve an aspect of their life; they may unknowingly be mentally/spiritually guarding, or ‘closing’ their energy, making it difficult for the magick to attach to them. 
  • Further tip: Have patience! Some spells take a while to manifest or come to be, and if you’re becoming discouraged after them not working within a week, you need to have a bit of patience.

Keep in mind that these are things anybody can do without knowing; they do not at all make you a bad or incapable witch, but it is important to know and accept why they may not be working. I hope for those that experience it, these reasons can provide some insight ~ This post was inspired by all of the anons who have been asking this question frequently

Send me a message if you have any questions or comments ♡ Thank you!


When I first started reading tarot I had all these reservations and newbie mistakes that I sometimes

When I first started reading tarot I had all these reservations and newbie mistakes that I sometimes made for YEARS. Don’t be like me, learn how to read tarot, be confident and understand that the good comes with the bad. And you’ll be an expert tarot reader in no time. 

Tarot is a tool for YOUR intuition - I don’t know why, but this really didn’t resonate with me right away. I would second guess, re-read, and not use my intuition when interpreting  the cards. In the end that cause some really inaccurate readings then if I would have just used tarot as a tool to grow my own intuition and spiritual feeling. 

Don’t stress read - I know I know we all do it. Madly shuffle the cards then start pulling whenever things start to go array. Let me be the first to tell you that is not an accurate reading. That is just you stressing out pulling cards in a fury that will only lead to more stress. 

Take time to meditate and clear your mind beforehand - Don’t come into a reading with a cloudy head. If you really want to get a good read, spend a few minutes clearing your mind before you shuffle your deck. 

There are no bad readings - I repeat, there are no bad readings. Even horrible tower falling outcomes are just the start to something new and better. If you do get an outcome from a tarot spread that is less than favorable breath and take it one day at a time. 

There are also no bad tarot cards - Just like there are no bad readings, there are no bad cards. Endings are just beginnings in reverse. So even if your BFF is stabbing you in the back with the 5 of Swords, don’t worry it’s just your spirits getting rid of them for you. 

Get to know your decks beforehand - Each deck sometimes has a little personality. Spend some time with them, know them, see how they read for you before you jump in with all the important stuff. 

Meditate with cards you feel drawn towards - Do you really vibe with the High Priestess? Or maybe it’s The Hermit for you. These cards could be your archetype. Pull them out, meditate, feel their answers and seek guidance from them. 

Take breaks from reading - I am a huge advocate from taking a break from tarot. Sometimes you need to change it up, put it down or just step away for a few days or a year. Whatever it is take time away if and whenever you feel the need to. 

Use tarot as a tool for manifesting - Ask questions, lots and lots of questions about different outcomes. If you don’t like the outcome, change your question or change your mind and ask again. Once you get the desired results stick to it. 

Don’t read for free, but practice - I see so many new tarot readers reading for free online. Don’t do it! Your time is precious and if someone wants a free reading, they can lean it themselves. 

Don’t skip knowing your shadow self in a reading - One of the best things you can do is learn exactly who you are, and you can’t do that without knowing all the parts of yourself you’ve rejected. Use the tarot to get to know yourself in the shadows too. 

The cards never lie - Never. Ever. 

Reshuffling won’t bypass a reading you didn’t like - Don’t get yourself trapped into ‘clarity’ cards. That’s shuffling and asking the same question again and again for clarity, or until you get the answer to the question you want. Sure ask for clarity ONCE when you don’t really understand, but don’t ask again and again just to see what you want. 

Don’t wait to start tarot - If you feel called to read tarot, start now! You don’t have to wait for someone to gift you a deck (who started that bad rumor anyway?!) 

Confidence is key - This also took me a long time to ‘get’. Read with confidence. You are a badass witch. You have stepped outside to do so much spiritual growth, why would your card reading reflect any different? 

Your tarot reading is not the end all be all - Tarot is subjective, not prophecy. So change your mind and change your future. Nothing is set in stone. 

Post link


Eco Tips:

As a witch who involves nature a lot in my craft, I find it super important to give back to the Earth and practice as respectfully of the environment as I can. Here is a little list of ways I do that. Not all of these are inherently ‘witchy’ but I feel people should consider using them in their craft. They aren’t just good for the Earth but also save you some money too!

When taking from the Earth, try to give back. You can leave an offering of water to plants that you take leaves, flowers etc from, fill a bird feeder with seed to encourage wildlife or pick up litter to show your gratitude and appreciation.

Walk, jog or ride a bike when you can. This saves you fuel (and money!), reduces pollution from fuel and also gets you outside and active. As you walk or ride, you can also observe the changing weather and seasons as well as any plants and animals you see.

Pour leftover water on your garden. Leftover water from boiling the kettle, cooking on the stove or bathing, can be poured on your plants after it has cooled down. (Just make sure there are no chemicals that may harm your plants). You can also empty your water bottle on your plant babies instead of tipping it down the sink, and charge this water with intent to help your plants grow and be healthy too.

Turn off the lightswitch and open the curtains and let in natural light instead. Plus, you can invite the energies of the Sun into your space for cleansing, healing, joy, prosperity and positivity.

Buy seasonal and local produce where you can. Buying seasonal foods can be cheaper and reduces demand for out-of-season produce which can put strain on resources used for growing and transporting these items. Buying locally also supports businesses in your area and there is less pollution as the products don’t need to be transported as far.

Keep houseplants around. They can increase air quality and improve breathing, enhance focus and memory and reduce stress. You can also use them in spellwork!

Purée excess fruits and vegetables to use them up quickly in soups or smoothies to reduce waste. And if the food can’t be eaten, try to compost it.

Plant flowers for the bees. Bees are sooo important to the ecosystem and pollinate plants, fruits and vegetables that feed not only us, but animals as well. Bees especially love colourful and native plants so if you can plant a garden using some of these, as well as a garden that has different flowers in bloom all year round, they will thank you for it!

Don’t get discouraged; every bit counts!

Feel free to reblog and add your own tips.

I don’t know about you all, but I’m horrible at keeping an eye on things. I always burn my incense over some water to help out! If still burning ashes fall, they’ll just get put out.

This is great for witches who can get distracted easily, like me.
