#obey me luke


simeon is just luke’s hot babysitter change my mind

Welcome to THE DEVILDOM REGION (part 2!)

Obey Me! x Pokémon !!

Welcome back to Devildom !! Meet the rest of the characters you’ll encounter along your journey!

Other than the 7 gym leader brothers, you’ll have to battle; Diavolo, Prince of Devildom and Champion of the Devildom Pokémon League. Get tips and train with regional pokémon professor Barbatos. Defeat the admins of TeamCelestial,SimeonandLuke, as they attempt to persuade you to quit the gym challenge. And battle your human rival Solomon as you race to collect pact badges during this adventure !!

Everyone is together in the RAD student council room when MC realizes they’ve lost their phone. They just had it, so it must be around somewhere…

MC: Hey, guys? I can’t find my phone. Could someone give me a ring quick?

The demon brothers and dateables look a bit puzzled by the request, but they each pull out a ring from their pocket and present it to MC. An awkward silence fills in the room until it’s disrupted by the sound of MC’s phone going off.

MC: Thanks, Luke. Found it.

A group of hungry and jeering demons suddenly approach Luke in the hallways of RAD. MC notices Luke and quickly steps in to guard him.

MC: *to the demons* Hey! What do you think you’re trying to do to my son?

Luke: Huh?! S-Son?!

Simeon: *places his hand on MC’s shoulder to signal his arrival* Actually, MC…

The demons cower at the sight of the group that has suddenly formed behind MC and Luke, which in addition to Simeon includes all seven demon brothers, the crown prince and his butler, and the immortal human sorcerer.

Simeon: I think you mean ourson.

MC: Oh, yeah, my bad.

Luke: *confused chihuahuanoises*

When the MC Won’t Pick Up the Phone: (Un)Dateables Edition 

Hey y'all, I’m really sorry for the long silence… The depression spell hit me way harder than usual this last time, had things in my life not been so fragile I probably would have considered some kind of extra treatment. It got pretty damn bad… But I’m doing better for now, took some rest and started on a big project for a different site just to take my mind off things. I hope to keep writing here too when I can but I’m just going to focus on myself for a little while, y’all. Sorry for making ya worry…


  • Okay so “patience” and “Diavolo” don’t really belong in the same sentence when it comes to MC.
  • You think Lucifer has it bad sometimes? Poor MC gets his neediness even worse.
  • It’s not his fault, really, he just gets so lonely all the time and MC comforts that… But expect spam. And bribes. So many bribes…
  • Dia: Good morning, MC!
  • Dia: I have great news, I’ve ordered Barbatos to learn yet another human dish for you! French toast is what I believe it’s called.
  • Dia: I’m no good judge of human food, would you like to come over and have a taste?
  • Dia: MC?
  • Dia: MC?
  • Dia: Are you alright?
  • Dia: Should I send help??
  • MC: Dia, sweetie, I’d love some French Toast but it’s 4 in the morning…
  • Dia: Yes, and?
  • MC: … Give me an hour, please.
  • Dia: Okay!


  • This man’s schedule doesn’t give him the luxury of talking to the MC as much as he would like…
  • Communicating through text is honestly easier on them both, since it gives him a decent amount of time to respond between chores.
  • Cause he can’t text all the time, he rarely gets upset if they don’t respond for a while. Who is he to talk? Barbs prides himself for being a demon, not a hypocrite.
  • That being said, he gets a little disappointed if they don’t answer his calls… He gets time for them so rarely, so he tries to make them count!
  • If the MC misses a call from Barbs, then they should call him back ASAP otherwise he’ll feel unappreciated and get a little sulky…
  • Admittedly, sulky Barbs is still polite, but the MC can tell the difference between Hello (I’m happy to see you!) and Hello (this is my just job). Plus, Dia doesn’t like it when Barbs is upset so best not do it, yeah?


  • Alright so, Simeon is still hit or miss when it comes to all this technology stuff. He’s gotten better! … But he still has his moments.
  • For that reason, Simeon mostly likes to just talk to them face-to-face or… Well by mail.
  • Would you think it’s weird to receive an aged parchment, beautifully penned in gold ink from an angel’s quill from a guy who lives, like, five minutes away tops?
  • Would you find it strange that these letters, romantic as they may look, are pretty much just daily gossip detailing the things that Luke and Solomon have been up to or asking how Lucifer is doing?
  • Would it bother you at all to get one of these every other day? And require a written response?
  • If not, congratulations. If so, well too bad. But hey, as soon as he figures out the camera feature you might start getting thumb-covered selfies! (Be nice to him, he’s still learning).


  • Everybody’s favorite little brother sends some pretty adorable texts! A lot of pictures of flowers, birds, or however his latest recipe came out.
  • But if he doesn’t hear from them in a while, poor kid just gets so worried…
  • Think about it, they’re all alone over there with a bunch of unpredictable demons! Who knows what could be happening whenever they don’t respond!!
  • To his credit, any time Luke can’t get ahold of MC, he doesn’t just spam them… He hauls ass over to the House or the closest demon brother like they’ve been missing for weeks and are down to their last drops of water!
  • Unfortunately, this annoys most of the House so then they all start nagging the MC to always respond to Luke’s texts as well… Basically, they just can’t ignore Luke - he worries waaay too much.


  • Look, this is Solomon. If there’s a message he wants the MC to see, they’re going to see it.
  • He may send it by carrier pigeon.
  • He may write it in the clouds.
  • He may just pop his head through a portal and tell them himself.
  • But they’re GOING to see it. There’s no escaping this magic madman…
  • If Solomon really feels like they’ve been ignoring him, they’ll start finding his “messages” popping up everywhere in sometimes spooky ways…
  • Like finding a message scrawled into the fog of a bathroom mirror, but instead of creepy murder shit, it just says, “Call me! ♡”
  • When the cracks on the wall start reading, “You want lunch?” it’s time to just pick up the phone already. Trust me.