#oc x character


I heard y'all like fluff, so I drew fluff. Also, as per usual, Kitsune’s outfit is based on a song.

hello to all guys here are some illustrations of this fantastic story of twitter @CellnembaFreakyou hello to all guys here are some illustrations of this fantastic story of twitter @CellnembaFreakyou hello to all guys here are some illustrations of this fantastic story of twitter @CellnembaFreakyou hello to all guys here are some illustrations of this fantastic story of twitter @CellnembaFreakyou

hello to all guys here are some illustrations of this fantastic story of twitter @CellnembaFreakyou can find it archiveofourown.org/works/24979600/chapters/60473617 ❤️love with this couple cell and Okasha I illustrated my favorite scenes I bought the their daughter shelly

Post link

Here is Koeksisters Cookie and Roguefort Cookie’s fan children!

(Quick note a witch made the children for them, the witch grabbed DNA and stuff to make them have the personality traits and stuff.)

Salted pretzel Cookie’s POV: Me and Walnut Cookie just opened the door to my Uncle’s office to tell him that we finally caught one of the most wanted criminals. I don’t know when we opened the door, we saw my Uncle and Roguefort Cookie. Their hair was messy, they were sweating, and blushing. I wonder what they were doing in the room.

Mao Mao introduces one of his sisters to Mitsue and Adorabat :0

Oc, Vicky, and Idea belongs to Gacha7761

I FINALLY FINISHED! Btw most of these backgrounds aren’t mine, they belong to Cartoon Network, the animation and drawings are mine tho. I decided to try an art style inspired by my old ones.

Remake of my old fangirl oc I found. Mai’s new name is Mitsue and their new pronouns are they/them :D

Lmao sorry for being dead have some gay electronics

Ok so, school’s being just pain rn and I’m panicking as fucking hell for my Math test that I have in like- 2 days so I drew this thing based on the little fanfic I made for MIDI

[click for better quality pls ty Tumblr mobile just hates me]

Damn I may have gone through some big ass improvement but my background skills keep being literally inexistent fr like ajdnsnf

Also basically my first time drawing Sweet Cap'n and K_K and I’m pretty proud of how they turned out nlg

Guess fucking what

I decided to create a new Deltarune OC since my old ones are pretty much dead I’m so sorry for being a bad parent I promise I’ll revive them

Also because I desparately wanted to ship K_K with someone anyway because please they deserve love and I would die for them

So yeah, have an MP3 boyo because apparently that’s the best idea I could come out with ajdnn

[click for better quality pls Tumblr mobile hates me]

I also made a really rushed fanfic about how he met the three boys and since I kinda found out how to put a “read more” on Tumblr mobile, I’ll leave it down here

There may be a lot of spelling errors and shit I literally did this at 2am last night and I have a Chemistry test tomorrow please spare me

Also I’m not that good at writing characters that are not mine cuz it’s kinda difficult to keep them on canon without going wild or fucking everything up so hope I did it right jsjdns


New entry

It was sort of a special day at the Queen’s Mansion. The Swatchlings announced the arrival of a special guest, a very special one, requested by the Queen herself. It doesn’t happen every day to receive a royal invitation!

As the doors opened, a curious fella walked in, he was what seemed to be an MP3 player, with 90s aesthetic clothing.

[Queen]“Ohohohoh! Here comes the boy! What was your name again?

[MIDI]“The name’s MIDI m'lady! Heard ya wanted me to pay a visit for- somethin’- still dunno what kind of somethin’-”

[Queen]“I’ll tell you immediately. Swatch! Have you got those three already darling?”

[Swatch]“Of course my Queen”

Swatch then bowed, introducing the entrance of three little happy dudes. The first one looked like a teeny tiny speaker, with a small cap and a single yellow eye. The second one was a little shorter than the first. They seemed to be a some kind of boombox, with fancy, round sunglasses, a cap worn backwards and a blue hoodie.

Last but not least…

MIDI gasped a little at the sight of the third. They were really tall, maybe taller than the other two put together. Their body was formed by two boomboxes put together. One was the chest, white, with two big speakers. The other one was the head, green, with two big black eyes and tiny yellow pupils instead of the other two speakers. Their pants were also green. While the little dudes were noisy, jamming over their own music, the third was, instead, really chill, but still cheerful and supportive towards the other two. They had something… “special”, but MIDI didn’t know what that meant…

The little speaker was the first to notice MIDI standing there and exclaimed “Yo! Who’s that fancy guy over there!” The other two started staring curiously at the “fancy guy” as the Queen cleared her throat with a sip of battery acid to respond to the question.

[Queen]“Sweet, Cap'n, K_K, I present you…”

“Your replacement!”

Everyone was shocked, especially MIDI, who immediately opposed.

[MIDI]“Ayo what!? I didn’t know any of this! I didn’t know you already had musicians!”

[Queen]“Ohohoho! Because I don’t! At least since now. These little WALL-E ripoffs will now be imprisoned and you’ll be my musician as we stated yesterday! Isn’t it wonderful?”

[MIDI]“What!? Wonderful!? Of course not! I ain’t goin’ to steal someone else’s job!”

[Sweet]“Hah yeah! Plus, we sure have better beats than tha–”

[Queen]“Sweet. Honey. Darling. Shut up ^v^

The Queen then made a smooth, royal gesture, as an OK to the Swatchlings to take the three to bring them in their cell. As those huge guards approached the three, Sweet and Cap'n immediately ran behind K_K.

[Cap'n]“H-Hey! Come on! There must be another way!”

[Sweet]“Yeah! W-We can do better! Give us another chance!”

No response from the Queen. The Swatchlings tried to grab Sweet and Cap'n, but K_K quickly put themselves on the way to prevent it.

[K_K]“D-Don’t come any clos–”!!!

They didn’t even let them finish, that a Swatchling lifts them up and squeeze them hard to block them.

[K_K]“OW! Put me down!”


MIDI went to the rescue, attacking the Swatchling until he dropped K_K. MIDI ran to catch them and held them close to him to protect them. He then turned to the Queen defiantly.

[Queen]“MIDI! Sweetie. Honey. Darling. Why be so disobedient!”

[MIDI]“If going on your side means hurting these fellas then I’m sorry…”

He then held K_K closer. For some reason. K_K is highly confused, and embarrassed, but safe.. they don’t seem to dislike it at all…

[MIDI]…I won’t take the deal


[ * The enemies are now blocked by 4 huge sounds equalizer walls. For how long? I don’t fucking know ]

MIDI held K_K’s hand for some reason and started running out of the Mansion, heading to the Thrash Zone.

[Sweet]“Hey! Wait for us!”

[Cap'n]“Yeah! What’s all this runnin’ all of a sudden! I wasn’t ready!”

Once arrived to a safe place, the four could finally stop and metaphorically breathe a big sigh of relief.

[MIDI]“Woah- that was a pretty crazy run wasn’t it? Never ran so fast in my life!”

[Sweet]“Yeah but you still could’ve ran slower! I couldn’t even catch you!”

[Cap'n]“Sucks to have short legs, doesn’t it?”


And so the two started fighting- Still no response from K_K, who was just staring at their hand still squeezing MIDI’s. When MIDI noticed, he gently let go, embarrassed.

[MIDI]“A- Sorry that was embarrassing- I’m MIDI by the way, couldn’t have the chance to introduce myself properly. And- Uhm- you are?”

[K_K]“K_K! It’s the short for Cakes”



[MIDI]“Oh nono- nothin’ I was just- being sure I understood it right- I-I don’t want to forget it- Memory plays tricks most of the time if y'know what I mean! Hahah-…

MIDI shyly nudges K_K’s shoulder then stops, even more embarrassed than before. “Damn what the fuck were you thinking MIDI! That punchline was terrible!” He thought.

K_K exploded in a joyful laughter right after, which brought a smile on MIDI’s face. It was… simply adorable

[K_K]“You’re so silly! You should come with us!”

Sweet and Cap'n stopped fighting as soon as they heard K_K’s words.

[Sweet]“Him!?With us?

[Cap'n]“Wasn’t he tryin’ to steal our job or somethin’ a few minutes ago?”

[MIDI]“Oh nono! I never wanted to! I would never! Plus, y'all seem like a nice gang!

K_K clapped their hands happy and stared at Sweet with big puppy eyes waiting for a confirm.

[Sweet]"Oh well, if you put it like thatthen,welcome to the good side!
