


A few days ago Alan Chambers, of the now defunct Exodus International [an organisation which claimed to help ‘cure’ people of their same sex orientation], wrote an open apology to the LGBTQ community for the harm it had caused with its reparative therapy.  

When my partner started to read the story out to me at 7am after I just woke up, I didn’t really know how engage with it. It seemed like something I’d been avoiding had risen to consciousness. I haven’t really dealt with my faith and sexuality in any concrete way. I guess I’ve been coming to terms with my sexuality after 15 years of having not done this, rather than figuring out what that means for a faith I had/have. And while this post won’t fully explain where I feel I am in regard to this, I feel it’s a good opportunity to address some issues that I know I have come to have an opinion on, and why I think they’re important. 

This will mainly be addressed to Christians, people of various religious persuasions, and all those others [whatever your reasons] who think that same-sex attraction isn’t acceptable.  

The things I’d like to talk about are 1) Why Alan Chamber’s apology is a mostly a load of crap. 2) Why it’s homophobic to not accept LGBT people into your community. 3) Why my lack of acceptance of your view on homosexuality is different from your lack of acceptance of my view on homosexuality. 4) Why I’m disappointed with a lot of my christian *friends*. 

So, Alan Chambers has apologised to the LGBT community. He has closed his ‘pray-the-gay-away’ organisation. Here is an excerpt from that apology:

I am sorry for the pain and hurt many of you have experienced. I am sorry that some of you spent years working through the shame and guilt you felt when your attractions didn’t change. I am sorry we promoted sexual orientation change efforts and reparative theories about sexual orientation that stigmatized parents. I am sorry that there were times I didn’t stand up to people publicly “on my side” who called you names like sodomite—or worse. I am sorry that I, knowing some of you so well, failed to share publicly that the gay and lesbian people I know were every bit as capable of being amazing parents as the straight people that I know. I am sorry that when I celebrated a person coming to Christ and surrendering their sexuality to Him that I callously celebrated the end of relationships that broke your heart. I am sorry that I have communicated that you and your families are less than me and mine. 

You might think, if you’re at all open-minded, that this is a good thing. Well done Alan Chambers. A positive step forward. And, you know what, I think it is. It’s important to hear people who had been so staunchly against you apologise. It’s more than a lot of people would be willing to do. However, if we look a little deeper, nothing really seems to have changed. And my fear is that, this actually makes things worse. With an apology for trying to change people’s sexual orientation, make everybody ‘straight’, and exclude those who were unwilling to go along with such an idea,  [i.e. support oppression and discrimination] you might expect some positive affirmation of LGBT orientations: i.e “I’m sorry that I told you that being gay wasn’t ok; for trying to help you be more straight; for the hurt this has caused you – please forgive me. It’s ok to be gay.” But this is not what has happened. There has been an apology, with no change of attitude towards LGBT peoples at the core. Here is the next excerpt from the apology: 

I cannot apologize for my deeply held biblical beliefs about the boundaries I see in scripture surrounding sex, but I will exercise my beliefs with great care and respect for those who do not share them.  I cannot apologize for my beliefs about marriage. But I do not have any desire to fight you on your beliefs or the rights that you seek. My beliefs about these things will never again interfere with God’s command to love my neighbor as I love myself.   

Alan Chambers does not believe that same sex attraction is acceptable. He does not think that gay marriage is a positive step. And he won’t apologise for this. Won’t apologise! What was he apologising for then?

Just to be clear: he will apologise for the hurt caused in the past, but won’t apologise for propping up, proclaiming, and continuing a belief system and institution which will continue to hurt, exclude, discriminate against the LGBT community. He won’t apologise for his beliefs about marriage, but he won’t try and hurt you any more by claiming that he has changed his sexual preference and erased his own same-sex desire [which he was lying about] so you should be able to too. But he will continue to believe that he had the *right* view of marriage and of sexual practice and orientation, i.e. same-sex attraction is still fundamentally *sinful*. 

He says he wants to continue the conversation and cultivate human flourishing. How can someone flourish when they are constantly trying to erase part of themselves? Alan Chambers has a wife and family. He admits that he is still attracted to men. His apology was, in part, for claiming to not have these attractions, and for saying that it was possible to overcome them. His apology was not for having said that these attractions were sinful, evil, and unnatural. This, I assume, has still not changed. It’s a disgusting thing when someone apologises to you for the hurt they’ve caused, and then continues to tell you that you’re wrong and they’re right, indicating that they’re quite unaware of the hurt they’ve caused, or how they’ve caused it.

Another problem with this issue is that Alan Chambers has a wife. There will be a divide on this issue. *Generalisation warning* The Christians will say ‘Look, you can change your sexual orientation, this is the proof.’ The gay community will say, ‘He admits he’s still attracted to men, he’s just lying to himself and using Jesus as an excuse. He’s totally gay.’ 

I’d like to say this: if Alan Chambers wants to have a wife and be attracted to men as well as women, then that is just fine. We might call it bisexuality; we might call it being queer, or having non-normative sexuality; we might even, if we’re really progressive, not need to call it anything. I’m not interested in interrogating Alan Chamber’s personal life. What is not ok is to try and claim someone’s sexuality for your team, because you think you know best what certain indications of sexual attraction mean.

What is also not ok is for Alan Chambers to continue to tell others, inside and outside of his faith community, that same-sex attraction is fundamentally sinful. And this, I imagine, is where many of you will say ‘Well hold on a minute, if we can’t tell you how to live then don’t try and tell us how to live or what to believe.’ This is a classic response from Christians I have encountered. 

I’d like to move on to why I think my attitude towards fundamentalist Christians’ beliefs is different from their attitude towards my sexual orientation.

I’ll state here at the beginning of this section that I think that those who believe same-sex attraction to be sinful and unnatural, are homophobic and bigoted. Yes. Homophobia is not only a ‘fear’ of homosexuality, but an aversion to it, discrimination against it, and delegitimization of it, whether actively or passively. Bigotry is an intolerance held towards those who hold different opinions from oneself. Many people hold these traits without knowing that they do.

There are different ways to approach the reasons that same sex attraction is acceptable. One is just to state that it is. Simple. Heterosexuals don’t have to prove, justify, or argue for their sexual preference, so why should anyone who falls outside of that category have to? Why is the weight of responsibility on LGBT peoples rather than on those who exclude them?

Some people go for this, surprisingly (this is irony for those of you who grew up in sheltered communities where you didn’t know anyone gay until you went to university, or still have never had a gay friend). It’s got various names, like acceptance and love.

But, as I know, lots of people [read fundamentalist Christians] don’t go for this argument. So I’ll try a few other approaches. But I do it with the acknowledgment that I and other non-heterosexuals shouldn’t HAVE to do this. We shouldn’t have to educate. We aren’t required to justify ourselves. Why? In order to contradict my lack of need to justify myself -Because what we believe isn’t hurting anyone. This is one reason that why what I believe is different to what you believe. 

Second, most people don’t choose to have same-sex attraction, it just is part of their experience in the world. I’m not saying it’s something you’re born with either; by a culmination of various factors, one’s sexual orientation arises. But I also believe that sexuality can be fluid, can change over time. [This is not an attempt to say that everyone is bisexual.] If you’ve never thought about this, try the following: whatever your sexual attraction, try changing it. Do it now, wherever you’re sitting: imagine being attracted to the sex you are not usually attracted to. Take a few minutes. Can you do it? This experiment does two things. It either shows you that it’s difficult to change your sexuality just to tie in with a religious doctrine, or it shows you that sexuality can be fluid and not fixed to rigid categories. The argument works both ways. For anyone who has had to fight and struggle against their sexual desires, it can be distressing, tiring, and damaging. Please don’t be someone who tries to force others to do this. It’s inhumane. 

A response to this will be that there are people within the Christian community who have ‘succeeded’ in ‘changing’ their sexuality: they have been transformed! Unless you are one of those people, you can never really know what it’s like, or whether that attraction has been changed, augmented, diminished, or just repressed. For Alan Chambers, his desires never went away, but he is also attracted to women. But there are many whose sexuality will not take this form, and shouldn’t be forced into a heterosexual model of sexuality. I would also add that my guess would be that 90% of those within one of these communities who has been *transformed*, if asked honestly, would have preferred it if their sexual desires were just accepted and not labeled as abhorrent. The other 10% have probably internalized homophobia to such a degree that they are still praising God that they’re not gay. I had internalised a lot of homophobia and it has taken me about a year to come to terms with my same-sex attraction after years of rejecting, avoiding, and repressing it. The fear that is associated with same-sex desire when you try to start coming to terms with it is difficult. I imagine that this fear grips many Christians who experience same-sex attraction. It can be demoralising, cause depression, and provoke suicidal thoughts and suicide. Sound familiar to anyone who’s been through it or been close to anyone who’s been through it? If this if you, please do let me know if I’m wrong. I’d like to hear of your experience.

But for those of you who haven’t ever had to think about or question your sexuality to such a degree – please stop telling people that they’re wrong and sinful. It completely erases people’s experiences, difficulties and traumas. If you’ve never even questioned, or thought about your own sexuality, let alone other people’s, then please stop to consider how difficult and oppressive your attitude may be. For those of us who have lived the experience of same-sex attraction, perhaps you could pay us the courtesy of listening to us rather than ramming the bible [albeit 1 or 2 verses] in our faces and asking us to change. 

Not allowing practicing LGBT people into your community is discrimination, and therefore homophobic and bigoted. Allowing LGBT people into your community, but secretly hoping they’ll change is bigoted. Allowing LGBT people, not hoping they’ll change, but not allowing them to do certain things within the community, is bigoted. 

Remember when society didn’t let black people on buses; or when women weren’t able to vote; and only the upper classes were allowed into universities? Racism, sexism, classism are still issues for our society, but discrimination against someone’s sexual orientation is often over looked by Christians as different from these. “You cant join this club because you’re black” is akin to saying “you can’t join this club because you’re a lesbian”. The response to this will be that “It isn’t me who says that it’s wrong to be gay, it’s God.” Firstly, not all christians believe this, it’s YOUR interpretation, take some responsibility for a choice you have made to believe this. It didn’t pop up from nowhere, and others in your own community disagree with you, so it is a choice. You are making a choice to be bigoted. Being asked to change this belief is not akin to being asked to change your sexuality. You can do this quite easily. You can chose to keep your beliefs and not be a bigot. 

This argument that ‘God says’ was also used against blacks, women and other minorities throughout history to dehumanise and exclude them from christianity. [Sexism and the church/bible is well known, just ask any women who goes to church. See the following links for a short discussion of the bible and racism: http://bgsa.rice.edu/2012/09/05/religious-racism-jesus-saves/]. The same argument can’t continue to be used against LGBT peoples. And if it is, you can’t then complain that you get called homophobic and bigoted. This is what your attitude labels you as. 

Now, I’ve been told that I am a bigot because I don’t accept fundamentalist Christians’ attitudes towards homosexuality. I don’t accept this, and here is why. To resist discrimination is not bigoted. To resist hatred is not bigoted. To resist oppression is not bigoted. My lack of acceptance is in defense and support for an oppressed minority in society. It is resistance to intolerance which doesn’t tell fundamentalist christians how to live their lives, or that they cannot have their faith; they are still free to express their sexual desires, get married, go to church, believe in Jesus, pray, etc. Your lack of acceptance for my sexual orientation is a dictation, a closing down of differences, an intolerance to others, an obstinate belief that you are superior and that others are wrong. 

The bigotry would be returned if I was claiming that you couldn’t be a christian, couldn’t practice your faith. This exists in some parts of the world, and shouldn’t be accepted either. But that’s not what I’m saying. I might even want to practice a type of faith myself in the future, so I certainly don’t want to close that door. The difference is that your lack of acceptance oppresses people and that mine does not. Yours leads to discrimination in the work place, bullying in the school yard, depression, suicide, lack of equal rights [marriage],  hate crimes, murder, and a host of other things that you haven’t ever thought about.  Does my lack of acceptance of your intolerance lead to the same kinds of oppression for you? Your faith does not equal your belief that homosexuality is sinful. You can have one without the other. It’s not even integral. 

Your faith is a choice, and your interpretation of the bible is also a choice. Please take some responsibility for these choices and stop hiding behind ‘But God says.’ You could change your attitude towards homosexuality and it would have no affect your life. Zero consequences for your daily living. You could continue to believe in God, be a christian, live the life you wanted to. The same is not true for your lack of acceptance of same-sex desire. Your choice to take issue with something that doesn’t even affect your life is what is astonishing to those of us whose lives it does affect. You think that you can control people’s behaviour regarding something which doesn’t even personally affect you. It’s the height of arrogance. 

And who knows, one day it may well affect your life. One day you might be attracted to someone of the same sex. Maybe you already have been and you fear of this is why you’re so staunchly homophobic. Your children could be gay; one of your parents might come out; a close friend or a co-worker might share with you years of struggling with their sexuality. And you might have to begin to confront how your unexamined attitude then affects those relationships.

If the response to this is that that kind of belief is dishonouring to God, then all I have left to say to that is, why would a loving God be mad when two people love one another? Christians belief in love, and whether its between two men, two women, a trans guy and a lesbian, or any other combination, surely if people love and support one another, this isn’t going to be frowned upon by God. Love your neighbour as yourself: do to others as you would have them do to you. How would you feel if someone told you that you couldn’t be attracted to the opposite sex any more. It was sinful? You had to end your relationship and repent. You’d think they were crazy right? Just try stepping in someone else’s shoes for a minute. I’m not using love as the main reason here, because I don’t believe it’s the place to start actually. I’ve tried to show you some others, but love is also quite a good argument. And, if you tell me that it’s more loving to keep your conviction which says that homosexuality is sinful, then I’ll tell you that I’ve experienced that sort of love, and I’m not interested in it. It’s not more loving, it’s not better for my mental health, it doesn’t help me in the long run, and I won’t accept it as love. It’s homophobic and bigoted hate. Yes, it’s hateful. 

This is why Alan Chamber’s apology is worse than an outright statement of what he thinks about homosexuality. It pretends [knowingly or not] to be loving and compassionate, when in fact it hides a rejection and a hate for queer people. I’d rather deal with someone who told me straight away that they believed homosexuality was wrong than those who wrap it up in liberal speech and try pretend that they love you and want the best for you, only to end up saying things such as ‘But homosexuality isn’t Gospel sexuality’, ‘It’s not God’s best for you’, ‘God still loves you despite your same-sex attraction.’ 

You know what, fuck you! 

Too strong for your delicate ears? Well your whole attitude towards homosexuality is like a constant resounding fuck you to me and other queer people, so one small expletive is nothing in comparison. 

I’ve been in that place where God’s best for me has been presented, and it’s not the best for me, God’s or otherwise. Saying that you respectfully disagree is a complete rejection of my experience and I find it deeply offensive. 

There is a saying that the worst slave owners were the one’s who were kind to their slaves. I think the worse christians are the ones who profess their love for you but still fundamentally reject you. I have no time for this at the moment. If you think that’s just returning your intolerance towards me back at you, then you’ve heard nothing of what I’ve said.  Should black people support white people who think they’re inferior? Should women stay close their male friends who continually make sexist remarks? No. They should fight against these things. In the same way, if you think that same-sex desire is wrong, then my lack of acceptance to that is a resistance to discrimination, not a reiteration of discrimination. My lack of acceptance does not discredit your personhood. Yours does mine.  Coretta Scott King says that

“Homophobia is like racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in that it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood…This sets the stage for further repression and violence that spread all too easily to victimize the next minority group.”

I don’t know how to say it any more clearly. 

This video might help.


And for another response to Alan Chamber’s apology, see John Shore’s article in the Huffington Post.


The final thing I want to say, to my christian friends, is that I know I’ve not be in touch with  some of you for a while. It’s been a strange, complex and difficult year or so. And I haven’t always known how to speak to you about what’s been going on in my life. From the few conversations I’ve had with some christian friends about my sexuality, I’ve been told I’m deluded, confused, a moral relativist, on a path to somewhere else, spouting post-modern creeds, possessed by a sex demon, and of course, an intolerant bigot. So you can see that I’m not always hugely excited about these types of conversation. But I’ve also had one excellent conversation with a Christian, which shows me that it is possible to love, support and accept without being intolerant – in two directions! But I’d really like to hear from you in regard to this if you’re willing to engage in a dialogue about it, where ‘God says’ is not your only response to my bisexuality. 

Thanks for reading. 

What does “fear of success” actually mean?

I’m about to be 23 years old, and i’ve seen people with money and people without money grow up. Here’s a couple differences i’ve picked up from (doesn’t apply to everyone)

Kids with more money typically had money in their youth. Mainly from having a job.

Kids without money were more likely do go home and do whatever tf they wanted with their time.

As adults those who grew up with money more than likely have more lavish (we not taking kim k lavish, just causal nice looking lives) lives today whether it be starting families, leasing cars, buying homes, ect ect.

Those who grew up without are still in a childish mindset, living at home, working a job just to have money to go out and do whatever they want, ect blahzay blahzay. ON THE FLIP SIDE these adults are also the most creative mother fers, starting businesses, working on their craft and passions everything. It’s amazing to see honestly. that being able to keep your childhood lead to more creative adults.

This still begs the question, what is a fear of success? I believe, and you take what resonates, that a fear of success comes from the experience of how difficult it was for your family to make enough money growing up. Some don’t fear success they fear unhappiness and know that their success will make them happy. To change the game for yourself would mean facing the unknown.

and we know how scary that shit is.

So now i ask myself, do i fear success, do i fear uncertainty, or do I fear failure?

In hindsight and for the future, maybe we need to find a balance. i’m choosing to live ✨LAVISH✨ and starting young would of been a nice jumpstart. Love that i’m who i am just wish i had a better idea of where i was going when i was younger. But where i’m heading wouldn’t have existed had i not gone through it all.

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Do you want to remain anonymous?


How old are you?


What’s your sexual orientation?


Your pubic hair?


Are you virgin?


How old were you when you first masturbated?


How did you discover masturbation?

Bodily urge & curiosity

How old were you when you had your first orgasm?


Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?

On a pillow

How often do you masturbate?


When was the last time you masturbated?

This morning

Do you masturbate to any stimulus?


What do you think about?

Vulgar things, cheating, fantasies with other men

What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?

Single female in an orgy

Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)

Yes walk in on my fiance all the time, I usually leave to let him finish

Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)

Yes my fiance, sometimes he joins in depending if I let him see me or of I want to have solo time

Have you ever had cyber sex?

I think so? Messages, photos and videos through a private chat

Have you ever had phone sex?


Have you ever had a wet dream?

Yes, usually after smoking weed I have a full body almost spiritual orgasm

What‚ is your favourite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)

Jet water sitting on a showerhead, vibrator, clit stimulation, anal dildo

Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?

Quiet, sometimes

Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?

Usually naked or tight lacey underpants as subtle stimulation

Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?

Mostly clitorus, sometimes nipples and vagina, rarely stroke anus

Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?

Not live, I have sent videos in a private chat

Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?

Via a video call

Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?


Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)


Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?

Yes, boys and girls

Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?


Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?

Vulgar things and unattainable fantasies 

Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?

Just my fiance and maybe an ex boyfriend. I masturbate over a lot of other people and they have no idea

Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?

I tell very few people about it

Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?

Sometimes if he is not interested I wait until he is asleep and try to cum without waking him

What is your most embarrassing masturbation story?

I have masturbated in a workplace shower for employees

What is your funniest masturbation story?

Someone walked in on me masturbating while I was very drunk, I didn’t stop and told her goodnight like nothing was out of the ordinary. She watched a little and said goodnight, left

Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places? Or where do you do it?

Showers, bed mostly
Once at school during class with the help of a boy texting my phone on vibrate

Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?


Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?

I have to be turned on or watching stimulus to cum to my hands,  if I have a jet showerhead I cum in less than a minute no matter what

What is the easiest way for you to get off?

Showerhead on a power jet setting, someone wanting me, fantasies of what they desperately wish they could do to me

Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)

Clitoral is best

Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)

Only if I have smoked weed, it comes on on its own after a few hours and I orgasm almost every time

Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?


Do you ever suck on a dildo, fingers or anything while you masturbate?


Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)


What position do you typically masturbate in?

On my belly legs spread

How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc

On my own

Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible

Throbbing pulsing around my crotch and sometimes down my legs then relaxation all over my body. Often I can feel my pulse in the soles of my feet minutes after I orgasm

Describe a typical masturbation session.

I’m feeling aroused to start with usually. I either play with myself quietly if I’m in bed and don’t want to wake up my fiance; or I watch stimulus until I feel much more aroused and at theb I will play with my clit until I orgasm.

How long do you usually last?

Sometimes it takes up to half an hour to orgasm. I have played with myself for an hour and orgasms two or three times. In the shower using the power jet shower head setting I can orgasm countless times until they get too intense 

What is the quickest you have brought yourself to an orgasm?

Within a few minutes

What is the longest masturbation session you have had?

2 hours

What is the most times in a day you have cum?

I didn’t count. I guess around 10

How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)

Yes, depending on what part of the cycle it’s clear or creamy. Sometimes I don’t get very wet even though I think I should be getting wet

If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?


Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences? Say here

I think there should be more information out there about self pleasure for females at younger ages. And how to teach their partners to pleasure them safely.

Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?


Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?

Depends if I’m feeling aroused

This page wouldn’t be so good without all of you who come to read this, and take part! Thanks for your support and answers! Reblog + share!

(SUB - 41) Take part? Click here! 

Do you want to remain anonymous?


How old are you?


What’s your sexual orientation?


Your pubic hair?


Are you virgin?


How old were you when you first masturbated?

17 or 18.

How did you discover masturbation?


How old were you when you had your first orgasm?

I orgasmed the first time I masturbated so it’s either 17 or 18.

Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?

Can’t remember much but it took me a while to reach there. It felt really good though.

How often do you masturbate?

2-3 times a week.

When was the last time you masturbated?

2 days ago

Do you masturbate to any stimulus?

Does porn count? If does, yes.

What do you think about?

This sounds creepy af but I sometimes pretend I’m a pornstar filming a scene. Gets me going. I guess it’s because I watch porn a lot.

What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?


Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have you ever had cyber sex?


Have you ever had phone sex?


Have you ever had a wet dream?


What‚ is your favourite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)

Hands and oil, and grinding sometimes.

Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?


Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?


Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?

I’d like to rub my thighs and asshole

Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?

Yes but it was not live

Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?


Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)


Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?

Yes, boys and girls

Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?

I mean I would if it ever happened I guess.

Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?

I don’t think of people tbh I tried but couldn’t really concentrate.

Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?


Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?

Probably not

Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?

Never had a partner before. :(

What is your most embarrassing masturbation story?


What is your funniest masturbation story?


Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places? Or where do you do it?

Ugh I once did it at my grandparents’ house. I’m going to hell lmao

Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?


Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?

I orgasm very easily

What is the easiest way for you to get off?

Porn lmao

Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)


Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)


Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?

I did before but it didn’t do much.

Do you ever suck on a dildo, fingers or anything while you masturbate?

My fingers but sometimes

Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)


What position do you typically masturbate in?

My legs spread wide aahhh

How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc

I make the weirdest faces for sure lmao (lately i’m better at controlling it tho)

Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible

Pffft like flying, really!

Describe a typical masturbation session.

Usually after I watch some steamy porn. I get on my back, spread my legs wide. Sometimes I open my phone’s front camera to watch my pussy, doing that makes it so much hotter. I coat my fingers with my saliva and rub my clit. I only put my fingers inside to leak that white creamy liquid. And then I go back to rub my clit until I orgasm.

How long do you usually last?

Depends on how intense it was. I don’t really know. 4-5 seconds maybe???? Lol I’m really not sure.

What is the quickest you have brought yourself to an orgasm?

If there was build up before, it could only take a few seconds.

What is the longest masturbation session you have had?

15-20 minutes max.

What is the most times in a day you have cum?

3 and it was back to back so I almost passed out lmao

How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)

Soooo so wet. And yes, when I finger myself, I clench my ass to leak juices out of my pussy.

If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?


Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences? Say here


Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?

Hahaha I’m not THAT debauched lol

Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?

No unfortunately (i’m on my period atm)

This page wouldn’t be so good without all of you who come to read this, and take part! Thanks for your support and answers! Reblog + share!

(SUB - 40) Take part? Click here! 

Do you want to remain anonymous?


How old are you?


What’s your sexual orientation?


Your pubic hair?


Are you virgin?


How old were you when you first masturbated?


How did you discover masturbation?

Thanks to porn

How old were you when you had your first orgasm?


Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?

I don’t know how to explain it properly but I was just starting to feel very good and then suddenly I feel like i explode.

How often do you masturbate?

Not much, just when I’m in the mood

When was the last time you masturbated?


Do you masturbate to any stimulus?


What do you think about?

A dick penetrating me or tribbing with a girl

What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?

A fucking machine

Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have you ever had cyber sex?


Have you ever had phone sex?


Have you ever had a wet dream?


What‚ is your favourite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)


Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?


Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?

In my normal pijamas, I just take them off and that’s it

Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?


Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)


Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?

Yes, boys and girls

Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?


Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?

Tribbing with girls or a guy fucking me harder

Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?


Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?


Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?


What is your most embarrassing masturbation story?

I don’t have one

What is your funniest masturbation story?

I try to masturbate with a pen once

Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places? Or where do you do it?

In the bathroom

Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?


Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?

I have to work for it

What is the easiest way for you to get off?


Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)


Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)


Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?


Do you ever suck on a dildo, fingers or anything while you masturbate?


Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)


What position do you typically masturbate in?

I don’t know about positions

How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc

I arch my back

Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible

It feel wonderful but then I feel so sensible down there so I stop

Describe a typical masturbation session.

I watch porn and start touching myself

How long do you usually last?

15 minutes

What is the quickest you have brought yourself to an orgasm?

Don’t remember

What is the longest masturbation session you have had?

One day when I was home alone

What is the most times in a day you have cum?

2 times because I get very sensible

How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)

Yes, I leak fluids

If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?


Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences? Say here

Nothing to say

Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?


Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?

I don’t know

This page wouldn’t be so good without all of you who come to read this, and take part! Thanks for your support and answers! Reblog + share!

(SUB - 39) Take part? Click here! ❤️

Do you want to remain anonymous?


How old are you?


What’s your sexual orientation?


Your pubic hair?


Are you virgin?


How old were you when you first masturbated?


How did you discover masturbation?

I’m a victim of csa

How old were you when you had your first orgasm?


Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?

It was a total accident and I didn’t even know what it was until a week later. I had managed to steal two small vibrators, and I used one on my clit and one inside of me. It felt really good so I kept going until I came. But I didn’t have any idea of what a female orgasm might feel like since there’s pretty much no representation in any porn, so I thought I was dying.

How often do you masturbate?

Once or twice a day

When was the last time you masturbated?

Yesterday afternoon

Do you masturbate to any stimulus?


What do you think about?

I think about my boyfriend or fictional characters I like.

What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?

I was watching porn of a hot older man fucking and dominating a younger woman.

Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)

Yes, but I don’t think they knew I was masturbating. From what I understand, they tripped and hit my door, expecting it to be closed fully but it was cracked and they fell through.

Have you ever had cybersex?


Have you ever had phone sex?


Have you ever had a wet dream?


What‚ is your favourite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)

Vibrator over my panties. Fingering myself is a close second.

Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?

Very quiet

Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?

Yes, just a regular t-shirt and sleep shorts.

Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?

Not really. Sometimes I suck on my fingers.

Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?


Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)


Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?

Yes, only boys

Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?


Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?

Anyone I find attractive, but mainly my boyfriend

Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?


Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?

I’ve told my boyfriends and friends but that’s it.

Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?

Yes, mi in a long-distance relationship right now so they can’t help a lot.

What is your most embarrassing masturbation story?

One time, as I was climaxing, and it was very intense climax, I clenched up too hard and ended up farting loudly

What is your funniest masturbation story?

As I was cumming, my brain decided to provide me an image of the meme where it’s like some hand about to slam the “nut” button. Needless to say, that orgasm was ruined because I couldn’t stop laughing.

Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places? Or where do you do it?


Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?

I once used a gag toy that you used for pointing at things. I got it at the scholastic book fair. I inserted the handle inside of me. I didn’t know what I was doing, I was only about 8

Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?

I have to work for it.

What is the easiest way for you to get off?

Vibrator over my panties

Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)

Clitoral, with toy use. I can sorta “half cum” just by fingering myself though

Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)


Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?


Do you ever suck on a dildo, fingers or anything while you masturbate?

Yes sometimes

Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)

I try but I’m usually too impatient

What position do you typically masturbate in?

On my back

How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc

I’m usually blank faced, but I do writhe around slightly. I don’t react all that much

Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible

It feels like waves of pleasure radiating from my clit, reaching all over my body.

Describe a typical masturbation session.

I load up some porn on my phone, whatever I happen to be into at that point. I grab my vibe. I shimmy my pants off half way (for some reason I still like for them to be half on, so my legs don’t fall open too far) leaving my panties on, I position my vibe over my clit, and turn it on. I watch porn until I tip over the edge. Depending on how insatiable I am, I either stop after cumming once or I keep going. My record for cumming is 10 times

How long do you usually last?

Between 15 mins to an hour

What is the quickest you have brought yourself to an orgasm?

2 minutes.

What is the longest masturbation session you have had?

If you mean how long it took me to cum, 2 hours. Though vie had sessions that started at night and lasted until the early morning

What is the most times in a day you have cum?


How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)

I don’t get that wet. Though sometimes I leave wet spots when fingering myself, but not often.

If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?


Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences? Say here


Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?


Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?


This page wouldn’t be so good without all of you who come to read this, and take part! Thanks for your support and answers! Reblog + share!

(SUB - 38) Take part? Click here! ❤️

Do you want to remain anonymous?


How old are you?


What’s your sexual orientation?


Your pubic hair?


Are you virgin?


How old were you when you first masturbated?


How did you discover masturbation?

watching HBO and Cinemax after midnight made me interested in what those women were feeling, so I tried it in the shower

How old were you when you had your first orgasm?


Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?

I was dating an older man in college and he understood that I wasn’t ready for penetration. So we would only touch me over our clothes. He always came in his pants but I only felt a slight tingle. One night while watching a movie, he slid his hand underneath my panties. Before I could say anything his fingers were inside of me and I climaxed. It felt different than when I would masturbate. So I guess that was my first orgasm.

How often do you masturbate?

Once or twice a week

When was the last time you masturbated?

One week ago

Do you masturbate to any stimulus?

Visual stimulus? Images and GIFs that I have saved to my phone. Physical stimulus? Sometimes I use the end of a hair brush while I rub my clit.

What do you think about?

There is a scene from a movie that I think about

What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?

After swiping through the Tinder app, I masturbated with a guy. The conversation didn’t go anywhere (we didn’t meet up or anything), but his pictures were sexy. So I opened the app and used the pictures for inspiration.

Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have you ever had cyber sex?


Have you ever had phone sex?


Have you ever had a wet dream?


What‚ is your favourite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)


Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?

Quiet, I have roommates and the walls are thin.

Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?

No, I prefer to be naked

Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?

Yes, breasts and inner thigh

Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?


Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)


Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?

Yes, boys and girls

Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?


Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?

No one in particular

Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?


Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?

I don’t think so. No one has said anything to me.

Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?


What is your most embarrassing masturbation story?

Don’t have one. I try to masturbate when no one is home. Lest likely to get caught.

What is your funniest masturbation story?


Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places? Or where do you do it?

I was really horny one day and I couldn’t wait until I got home. I was shopping at a store and found the ‚the cleanest bathroom stall they had. I waited until I no one else was in the restroom and then took care of myself before someone else came in. Not the most satisfying experience, but I was able to finish shopping and get home to properly masturbate.

Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?

The handle of the toilet plunger

Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?

It takes a little work if I haven’t looked at anything sexual before masturbating.

What is the easiest way for you to get off?

Clit stimulation

Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)


Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)


Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?

Yes, I have tried it

Do you ever suck on a dildo, fingers or anything while you masturbate?


Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)


What position do you typically masturbate in?

Laying down

How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc

Legs tense, arched back, faces

Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible

I’m on a roller coaster and just before the big fall, the anticipation of the weightless fall. Then the fall for one good minute. I feel refreshed and energised at the same time, but I need to lay down.

Describe a typical masturbation session.

I need visual stimulation, I massage my breasts, move my hands down to my clit, hold my lips opened with my right hand, circle my clit with the left. Once I’m good and ready, slide two fingers inside and work them back and forth. Ease a third inside and angle towards my g-spot. If that’s not doing it for me, reach lower and use my other hand to rub my anus. Increase the speed and pressure. Then I climax.

How long do you usually last?

3-5 minutes

What is the quickest you have brought yourself to an orgasm?

2 minutes in a public bathroom

What is the longest masturbation session you have had?

10 minutes, had to slow down a few times when I thought someone could hear me

What is the most times in a day you have cum?


How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)

No leaking, but my hands have been covered

If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?


Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences? Say here


Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?


Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?


This page wouldn’t be so good without all of you who come to read this, and take part! Thanks for your support and answers! Reblog + share!

(SUB - 37) Take part? Click here! ❤️

Do you want to remain anonymous?


How old are you?


What’s your sexual orientation?


Your pubic hair?


Are you virgin?


How old were you when you first masturbated?

About 11

How did you discover masturbation?

On accident

How old were you when you had your first orgasm?


Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?

Also on accident. I’m very sensitive and used to play with my nipples through whatever bra i had on and then i took it off one day and was fuckin changed.

How often do you masturbate?

Depends on the week. some weeks it’s daily or multiple times a day, sometimes i go days without it

When was the last time you masturbated?

A couple days ago, before my period.

Do you masturbate to any stimulus?

Gifs, videos, fics, chatting with people, anonymous webcams

What do you think about?

A handful of dream celebrities or otherwise unattainable people

What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?

The last person i thought of while masturbating was the norse god Thor because i actually dedicate my orgasms to him, lol

Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)

Yes, my mother has a couple times but I was very quick

Have you ever had cyber sex?

Constantly. as a virgin, most of my relationships have been Ldrs

Have you ever had phone sex?


Have you ever had a wet dream?

I’ve come close

What‚ is your favourite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)

Toys, usualpy a vibrator followed by a dildo.occasionally an anal plug

Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?

Very quiet

Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?


Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?

I play with my nipples a lot or I’ll (gently, with no pressure on the windpipe bc thats dangerous) wrap my hand around my neck

Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?

Not yet

Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?


Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)

Over sexting, yes

Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?

Yes, boys and girls

Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?

I don’t know. I’m a little scared of it still because of various sexual traumas

Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?


Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?


Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?

Yes. I’m pretty open with a few of my friends.

Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?


What is your most embarrassing masturbation story?


What is your funniest masturbation story?

One time i was going very aggressively and letting myself be louder because no one was due home for a while but surprise! my mother came home early

Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places? Or where do you do it?

I like playing in public so I’ll hide away in a secluded area or a bathroom and play with myself on occasion, or I’ll go out with a toy in

Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?


Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?

It depends. I can’t get off on just penetration so i tend to go clitoral first

What is the easiest way for you to get off?


Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)


Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)


Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?

Sometimes! but I’m very small built so it’s not easy

Do you ever suck on a dildo, fingers or anything while you masturbate?

Yes absolutely

Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)

Sometimes, usually if I’m talking with someone or plan on it

What position do you typically masturbate in?

Missionary, on my back

How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc

Faces, lots and lots of squirming, hiding my face, lots of heavy breathing and whining, trying to curl my body in on itself

Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible

Sometimes it just feels like a release of tension, but every so often when i have a really good one i white out and it feels like electricity and fire running through me and everything is extremely sensitive for a very long time

Describe a typical masturbation session.

I’ll pull up whatever i masturbate to,let myself simmer for a bit so i can tell if my body’s feeling it or not. and if it is, I’ll start playing with my nipples and consuming whatever I’m masturbating to, then I’ll use a small vibrator on my clit until i come one to three times. then i either stop or I’ll go get my dildo and fuck myself until i squirt

How long do you usually last?

Anywhere from half an hour to an hour total

What is the quickest you have brought yourself to an orgasm?

15 minutes, with help

What is the longest masturbation session you have had?

Dragged out over the course of an entire day from talking to someone and having them control what i do and when and how many times.

What is the most times in a day you have cum?

Oh god, uh… somewhere around 10?

How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)

Sometimes I’m wetter than others but i do squirt very easily

If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?


Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences? Say here


Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?

A little

Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?

I shouldn’t, i should have been in bed over an hour ago

This page wouldn’t be so good without all of you who come to read this, and take part! Thanks for your support and answers! Reblog + share!

(SUB - 36) Take part? Click here! ❤️

Do you want to remain anonymous?


How old are you?


What’s your sexual orientation?


Your pubic hair?


Are you virgin?


How old were you when you first masturbated?

Before high school

How did you discover masturbation?

By accident

How old were you when you had your first orgasm?


Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?

It was when i discovered i preferred rough sex to vanilla

How often do you masturbate?


When was the last time you masturbated?


Do you masturbate to any stimulus?


What do you think about?


What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?


Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have you ever had cyber sex?


Have you ever had phone sex?


Have you ever had a wet dream?


What‚ is your favourite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)

Hands & toys

Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?


Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?


Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?


Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)


Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?

Yes, boys and girls

Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?


Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?

Thinking of getting there

Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?


Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?

Yes, they asked, i won’t lie about it

Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?

Yes, he was out of the country

What is your most embarrassing masturbation story?


What is your funniest masturbation story?


Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places? Or where do you do it?

Yes in public or anywhere in the house

Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?

The handle of a razor

Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?


What is the easiest way for you to get off?

Play with my clit

Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)


Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)

Anal, touching everywhere but my clit

Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?


Do you ever suck on a dildo, fingers or anything while you masturbate?


Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)


What position do you typically masturbate in?

On my stomach

How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc

Arched back closed eyes

Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible


Describe a typical masturbation session.


How long do you usually last?


What is the quickest you have brought yourself to an orgasm?

Less than a minute

What is the longest masturbation session you have had?

Can go for an hour

What is the most times in a day you have cum?


How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)

Slightly, like honey

If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?


Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences? Say here


Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?


Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?


This page wouldn’t be so good without all of you who come to read this, and take part! Thanks for your support and answers! Reblog + share!

(SUB - 33) Take part? Click here! ❤️

Do you want to remain anonymous?


How old are you?


What’s your sexual orientation?


Your pubic hair?


Are you virgin?


How old were you when you first masturbated?


How did you discover masturbation?

I watched a film about it. Welcome to Wellville I believe.

How old were you when you had your first orgasm?


Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?

With my first vibrator. And long after I gave up on ever achieving one

How often do you masturbate?

Now. Every day

When was the last time you masturbated?

This morning

Do you masturbate to any stimulus?

Tumblr, romantic stories

What do you think about?

I read books or comments and imagine myself in the scene

What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?

Impreg fetish story

Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)

Yup, but I just told my flatmate to get out

Have you ever had cyber sex?


Have you ever had phone sex?


Have you ever had a wet dream?


What‚ is your favourite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)


Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?

Very quiet

Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?


Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?

My nipple piercings

Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?


Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)


Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?

Yes, boys and girls

Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?


Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?

Anyone really

Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?


Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?

Well my flatmate

Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?


What is your most embarrassing masturbation story?

I have none

What is your funniest masturbation story?


Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places? Or where do you do it?


Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?


Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?

Really work for ut

What is the easiest way for you to get off?

With a bunny and a plug

Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)

So far only clitoral

Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)


Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?

Yes often

Do you ever suck on a dildo, fingers or anything while you masturbate?


Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)


What position do you typically masturbate in?

On my back

How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc

Arch my back and tense me legs

Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible

I feel hot and tense and tign and then it’s like a ruch of warmth rushes over my entire body

Describe a typical masturbation session.

My phone and at least two toys. And 45 min

How long do you usually last?

30 - 60 min

What is the quickest you have brought yourself to an orgasm?


What is the longest masturbation session you have had?

2 hours

What is the most times in a day you have cum?


How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)

Yes very wet! I sometimes leak before I play with myself

If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?


Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences? Say here


Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?

Sadly no

Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?


This page wouldn’t be so good without all of you who come to read this, and take part! Thanks for your support and answers! Reblog + share!

(SUB - 32) Take part? Click here! ❤️

Do you want to remain anonymous?


How old are you?


What’s your sexual orientation?


Your pubic hair?


Are you virgin?


How old were you when you first masturbated?


How did you discover masturbation?


How old were you when you had your first orgasm?


Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?


How often do you masturbate?

Sometimes, maybe 5/ month

When was the last time you masturbated?

Couple weeks ago

Do you masturbate to any stimulus?


What do you think about?

My boyfriend or any platonic crushes (singers, etc)

What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?

A porn video about impregnation

Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have you ever had cyber sex?


Have you ever had phone sex?


Have you ever had a wet dream?


What‚ is your favourite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)


Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?


Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?

No, in my panties

Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?

My boobs

Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?


Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)


Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?

Yes, boys and girls

Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?


Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?

My boyfriend

Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?

He knows

Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?


Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?

Yes, he was working

What is your most embarrassing masturbation story?

I don’t have one

What is your funniest masturbation story?

I once tried to masturbate riding a giant teddy bear sending pictures to my boyfriend

Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places? Or where do you do it?

No, in my bedroom or the shower

Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?

A make up brush, the handle part

Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?

I have to work for it

What is the easiest way for you to get off?

With a dildo

Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)

Vaginal, real or toys

Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)


Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?


Do you ever suck on a dildo, fingers or anything while you masturbate?


Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)


What position do you typically masturbate in?

On my back or on my knees

How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc

Arch my back and moan loudly

Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible

Like a pressure in my belly that tickles and when I cum it releases, I sometimes think I’m going to pee myself

Describe a typical masturbation session.


How long do you usually last?

Maybe 10-20 minutes

What is the quickest you have brought yourself to an orgasm?

5 minutes

What is the longest masturbation session you have had?

Almost 1 hour

What is the most times in a day you have cum?


How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)

Very wet and sticky

If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?

0Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences? Say here


Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?


Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?


This page wouldn’t be so good without all of you who come to read this, and take part! Thanks for your support and answers! Reblog + share!

(SUB - 30) Take part? Click here! ❤️

Do you want to remain anonymous?


How old are you?


What’s your sexual orientation?


Your pubic hair?


Are you virgin?


How old were you when you first masturbated?


How did you discover masturbation?


How old were you when you had your first orgasm?


Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?

I don’t remember

How often do you masturbate?


When was the last time you masturbated?


Do you masturbate to any stimulus?


What do you think about?


What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?

Multiple Orgasms

Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have you ever had cyber sex?


Have you ever had phone sex?


Have you ever had a wet dream?


What‚ is your favourite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)


Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?


Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?

Yes. I just wear my pj set and use my fingers underneath the pants.

Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?


Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)


Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?

Yes, boys and girls

Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?

I don’t know yet

Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?

No one

Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?


Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?

Yes. I told them

Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?


What is your most embarrassing masturbation story?

I don’t have one!

What is your funniest masturbation story?

I don’t have one!

Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places? Or where do you do it?


Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?


Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?


What is the easiest way for you to get off?

Rubbing my clit

Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)


Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)


Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?


Do you ever suck on a dildo, fingers or anything while you masturbate?


Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)


What position do you typically masturbate in?

Lying on my back

How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc

Arch back, o face, loud moan

Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible

Overwhelming. I feel like all my breath just got knocked out of me

Describe a typical masturbation session.

The duration always depends on the day but normally I’ll read something or watch something until I cum and then I keep going for overstimulation purposes.

How long do you usually last?

Depends. Sometimes 10 minutes. Sometimes 1.5 hours.

What is the quickest you have brought yourself to an orgasm?

Around 10 minutes.

What is the longest masturbation session you have had?

2 hours

What is the most times in a day you have cum?


How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)

I’m always wet so when I masturbate, I’m soaked. By the time I orgasm, my thighs are covered and I’m dripping everywhere.

If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?


Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences? Say here


Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?


Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?


This page wouldn’t be so good without all of you who come to read this, and take part! Thanks for your support and answers! Reblog + share!

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Do you want to remain anonymous?


How old are you?


What’s your sexual orientation?

Bi - Curious

Your pubic hair?


Are you virgin?


How old were you when you first masturbated?


How did you discover masturbation?

I was curious about my body and I was also looking at porn online.

How old were you when you had your first orgasm?


Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?

I had a little help with my partner, I had gotten close on my own but never achieved it by myself.

How often do you masturbate?

When I’m alone or get an urge.

When was the last time you masturbated?

2 days ago

Do you masturbate to any stimulus?

Yes, I masturbate to hentai games and porn.

What do you think about?

I think about myself in those situations and my partner doing certain stuff to me.

What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?

Some BDSM porn

Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)

Yes, I was sleeping in bed, with my partner, and for some reason I woke up, I rolled over and saw him on his phone, he has his back to me and I sat up slightly. I saw what he was looking at and I could see that he was masturbating with his free hand. I simply asked him: “What are you looking at?” just out of curiosity.

Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)

Not that I know of

Have you ever had cyber sex?


Have you ever had phone sex?


Have you ever had a wet dream?

I can’t remember it if I did

What‚ is your favourite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)

Hands or vibrator

Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?


Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?

Sometimes, in long-sleeved top and long trouser pjs, I usually use my hand or my vibrator (When I have it at mine)

Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?

Yes, I put my other hand on my neck, when it is free.

Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?

Only my partner

Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?

Only my partner

Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?

My partner

Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)


Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?

Yes, only girls

Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?


Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?

My partner

Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?

No, but I don’t think I need to.

Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?

My partner, we’re open about it to each other.

Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?

Yes, he was at work

What is your most embarrassing masturbation story?

I don’t have one

What is your funniest masturbation story?

I don’t have one

Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places? Or where do you do it?

I’ve masturbated in the work toilet before now. I want to in other places, but I never got the courage to do it.

Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?

My hairbrush

Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?

It’s impossible for me to orgasm by myself

What is the easiest way for you to get off?

Vibrator on the clit

Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)


Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)

Yes through anal, although I have never got there by myself

Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?

Sometimes, with my double ended dildo

Do you ever suck on a dildo, fingers or anything while you masturbate?


Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)

Inadvertently yes

What position do you typically masturbate in?


How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc

My back arches, head back, my other hand usually ends up around my neck.

Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible

It feels like bliss, I loose all my senses.

Describe a typical masturbation session.

I load up some porn, finding something that I like. I then rub my clit for a few minuets before coming to the edge, with the wave of pleasure becoming too much I stop. After about 10 minuets I to it all over again.

How long do you usually last?

I’m not entirely sure

What is the quickest you have brought yourself to an orgasm?

I don’t know

What is the longest masturbation session you have had?

I don’t know

What is the most times in a day you have cum?

6 I think, I lost count, but my partner was counting, I was dead after.

How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)

I get fairly wet, if I do the right thing I get very wet.

If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?


Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences? Say here


Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?


Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?


This page wouldn’t be so good without all of you who come to read this, and take part! Thanks for your support and answers! Reblog + share!

(SUB - 28) Take part? Click here! ❤️

Do you want to remain anonymous?


How old are you?


What’s your sexual orientation?

Bi - Curious

Your pubic hair?


Are you virgin?


How old were you when you first masturbated?


How did you discover masturbation?


How old were you when you had your first orgasm?


Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?

Accidental, humping a pillow while playing with my friends

How often do you masturbate?

Few times a week

When was the last time you masturbated?


Do you masturbate to any stimulus?


What do you think about?


What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?

Being dominated

Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have you ever had cyber sex?


Have you ever had phone sex?


Have you ever had a wet dream?


What‚ is your favourite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)


Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?


Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?


Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?


Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)


Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?

Yes, boys and girls

Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?


Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?

Being dominated

Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?


Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?

Some, told them

Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?

Yes, school

What is your most embarrassing masturbation story?


What is your funniest masturbation story?

I masturbated with my friend when their parents were in the same room

Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places? Or where do you do it?


Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?

A cooking utensil

Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?


What is the easiest way for you to get off?


Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)


Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)


Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?


Do you ever suck on a dildo, fingers or anything while you masturbate?


Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)


What position do you typically masturbate in?


How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc

Arch my back, pull faces, moan

Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible

Stress relief

Describe a typical masturbation session.

On bed watching porn

How long do you usually last?


What is the quickest you have brought yourself to an orgasm?

Under a minute

What is the longest masturbation session you have had?

2 hours

What is the most times in a day you have cum?


How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)


If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?


Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences? Say here


Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?


Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?


This page wouldn’t be so good without all of you who come to read this, and take part! Thanks for your support and answers! Reblog + share!

(SUB - 27) Take part? Click here! ❤️

Do you want to remain anonymous?


How old are you?


What’s your sexual orientation?

Bi - Curious

Your pubic hair?


Are you virgin?


How old were you when you first masturbated?


How did you discover masturbation?

I Was Playing Some Games On The Wii And I Was Sitting On My Knees Bend Over On Like A Low Chair. My Friends Suddenly Says ‘Did You Know That Thats How Dogs Do It?’ And I Said What Do You Mean And Then She Get Up Behind Me Doggy Style And Starts Moving Her Hips Into Me. Later At Night I Kinda Felt Around Down There And It Felt Pretty Nice.

How old were you when you had your first orgasm?


Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?

I Was Alone In My Room And I Had An Itch Down There And While I Was Scratching I Rubbed My Clit. I Felt I Was Getting A Bit Wet So I Started Rubbing My Clit Harder And Suddenly I Came. My Finger Smelled Like Cum, I Was Very Warm, Out Of Breath And I Was Really Confused About What Happened

How often do you masturbate?

Twice Or 3 Times A Week

When was the last time you masturbated?


Do you masturbate to any stimulus?


What do you think about?

I Just Watch The Porn

What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?

Getting Fucked By My Internet Friend

Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)

Nope But It Was Very Close Once. I Was In front Of My Desk On The Desk Chair With My Fingers Inside Me Watching Porn When Suddenly My Mom Comes In. Don’t Think She Say Anything

Have you ever had cyber sex?


Have you ever had phone sex?


Have you ever had a wet dream?


What‚ is your favourite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)

Hands, But I Would Like A Vibrator And Dildo

Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?

Quiet Cause Everyone Is Sleeping

Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?

Yeah I Guess, I Sleep Topless With Only Booty shorts On. I Just Slide Them To The Side And Finger Myself

Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?


Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)


Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?

Yes, Boys And Girls

Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?


Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?

Internet Friend

Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?


Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?

I Think My Mom Knows, My Room Smells Like Cum Every time I Masturbate

Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?

Don’t Have A Partner

What is your most embarrassing masturbation story?

Don’t Really Have One

What is your funniest masturbation story?

Don’t Have One Either But Sometimes I Just Giggle When Im Done Cumming

Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places? Or where do you do it?

At My Internship While She Was Away To Pick Up Her Kid. Did It Twice, Once On The Toilet And Once In The Office Where We Both Work. Just Sat Down On The Floor And Masturbated

Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?

My Moms Electric Toothbrush

Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?

Ya Pretty Easy

What is the easiest way for you to get off?


Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)

Clitoral And I Think I Could Get Off While Getting Fucked But I Dont Know Cause Im A Virgin

Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)

No Idea

Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?


Do you ever suck on a dildo, fingers or anything while you masturbate?


Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)


What position do you typically masturbate in?

On My Back

How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc

Arch My Back, Shaking Legs And Bite My Lip

Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible

Like An Adrenaline Rush Mixed With Alot Of Pleasure

Describe a typical masturbation session.

I Look At Tumblr, Get Horny, Watch Porn, Edge Myself A Few Times Then Cum 4 Or 5 Times

How long do you usually last?

Not Long, 15 Mins

What is the quickest you have brought yourself to an orgasm?

4 Mins

What is the longest masturbation session you have had?

45 Mins

What is the most times in a day you have cum?


How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)

Pretty Wet, Not Soaking Wet But Wet Enough

If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?


Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences? Say here

I Put A Finger In My Butt For The First Time At It Felt Weird

Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?

Not Really

Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?


This page wouldn’t be so good without all of you who come to read this, and take part! Thanks for your support and answers! Reblog + share!

(SUB - 25) Take part? Click here! ❤️

What’s your name? (I won’t post your name on Tumblr if you want to remain anonymous)


What’s your social media, and on what platform? (I won’t post your Tumblr if you want to remain anonymous)

hornywerewolfles (tumblr)

Do you want to remain anonymous?


How old are you?


What’s your sexual orientation?


Your pubic hair?


Are you virgin?


How old were you when you first masturbated?


How did you discover masturbation?

Watched my sister do it through her cracked door

How old were you when you had your first orgasm?


Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?

After I watched my sister, I ran to my bedroom and started rubbing myself. I was picturing her the entire time. Eventually I started getting close, and I didn’t know what the feeling was, so it worried me. I tried to stop, but I was already past the point of no return. I had to cover my face with my pillow to keep from being heard.

How often do you masturbate?

I try to wait a few days, but sometimes I can’t help it. Lately, it’s been either every day or every other day.

When was the last time you masturbated?

Two days ago

Do you masturbate to any stimulus?

Just my fingers and my thoughts

What do you think about?

I’ve started thinking about my friend a lot. She’s on a basketball team and wears very short gym shorts. Every time I see her long, athletic legs, it drives me wild.

What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?

I rubbed myself under a blanket while watching a movie with my friend.

Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)

Just my sister from the story above

Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)

Not yet

Have you ever had cyber sex?


Have you ever had phone sex?


Have you ever had a wet dream?


What‚ is your favourite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)

Hands. I don’t have any toys and I don’t like using lotion.

Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?

It depends on how long it’s been. The longer I go without it, the louder I get, though I try my best to keep quiet.

Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?

I take everything off when I masturbate now.

Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?

Everything. There’s no telling where my free hand will go when I get caught up in the moment.

Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?

Not yet

Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?

Not yet

Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?


Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)

Not yet

Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?

Yes, only girls

Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?

I wouldn’t mind it, but it hasn’t gotten to that point yet.

Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?

Any beautiful woman I see that day that I like.

Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?


Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?

I don’t think so

Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?

I have no partner

What is your most embarrassing masturbation story?

When I masturbated next to my friend while watching a movie. I was so close to getting caught.

What is your funniest masturbation story?

See above answer

Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places? Or where do you do it?

I did in a coffee shop once while waiting for my coffee.

Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?

Not yet. I’d love to try though.

Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?

If I wait a few days, it happens very easily. Otherwise, I kinda have to work for it.

What is the easiest way for you to get off?

I haven’t tried any other ways yet

Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)

Not sure

Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)

Not sure. Though I’ve always wanted to try hands-free.

Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?


Do you ever suck on a dildo, fingers or anything while you masturbate?


Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)

Sometimes, yes.

What position do you typically masturbate in?

Any position that feels comfortable at the moment.

How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc

Arch my back, shake, pull faces, scream if I’m not able to hold it in

Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible

Not sure how to describe it.

Describe a typical masturbation session.

I’ll see something hot, try to resist for as long as I can, but end up somewhere private and my hand just seems to start moving on it’s own.

How long do you usually last?

The longest I’ve lasted was 30 minutes. Usually have trouble making it past 5 minutes.

What is the quickest you have brought yourself to an orgasm?

About 30 seconds

What is the longest masturbation session you have had?

30 minutes

What is the most times in a day you have cum?


How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)

Not really. My orgasms are relatively dry. I get wet, but I just don’t leak or squirt.

If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?

I’m 20

Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences? Say here

Not that I can think of right now. Sorry if I’m boring…

Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?


Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?


This page wouldn’t be so good without all of you who come to read this, and take part! Thanks for your support and answers! Reblog + share!

(SUB - 24) Take part? Click here! ❤️

Do you want to remain anonymous?


How old are you?


What’s your sexual orientation?

Bi - Curious

Your pubic hair?


Are you virgin?


How old were you when you first masturbated?


How did you discover masturbation?

Reading a book

How old were you when you had your first orgasm?

10 or 11

Can you tell us more about your first orgasm? How did it happen?

While Dry humping a pillow

How often do you masturbate?

Every couple of days

When was the last time you masturbated?

Just before filling in this form

Do you masturbate to any stimulus?


What do you think about?

Sensation of my partner going down on me

What’s the last thing you thought of or masturbated to?

My partner and viewing tumblr

Have you ever walked in on or caught someone masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)


Have someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? (If yes, please tell us a little more about it)

Yes it was intentional

Have you ever had cyber sex?


Have you ever had phone sex?


Have you ever had a wet dream?


What‚ is your favourite method of masturbation? (i.e. Hands/Toys/Lotion/etc.)

Hand and toys

Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate?


Do you ever masturbate in pjs? If so what type and how?

I wear a t shirt or silky nighty

Do you ever touch any other part of your body whilst you masturbate?

Yes nipples

Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online?


Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate live online?


Have you ever watched someone masturbate in person?


Have you ever masturbated with someone? (Mutual masturbation)


Do you enjoy watching others masturbate?

Yes, boys and girls

Do you enjoy being watched while masturbating?


Who do you like to think about when you masturbate?

My partner

Have you ever told them you think about them while you masturbate?


Does anyone know you masturbate? How did they find out?

Yes and a drunken conversation

Have you masturbated because your partner wasn’t around to help? Where were they?

Yes away for work in another city

What is your most embarrassing masturbation story?

Almost getting caught by my children

What is your funniest masturbation story?


Have you ever masturbated in unique or strange places? Or where do you do it?

Driving home in my car

Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate?


Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it?


What is the easiest way for you to get off?

Viewing tumblr or porn

Is there only one way you can get off? (i.e. Vaginal/Clitoral/Toy Use)

No anal penetration also works

Are you able to achieve orgasm through only non-conventional or indirect methods? (Breast Play/Hands-Free/Anal)

Yes anal

Do you ever double penetrate while you masturbate?


Do you ever suck on a dildo, fingers or anything while you masturbate?


Do you edge when you masturbate? (Get to the point of orgasm and stop repeatedly to enhance the experience)


What position do you typically masturbate in?

Laying down

How do you react when you orgasm, arch your back, pull faces? Etc

Arch my back.  Point my toes

Describe how an orgasm feels to you when you cum? If possible

A warm feeling spreading out from my insides

Describe a typical masturbation session.

Mostly to relax and go to sleep

How long do you usually last?


What is the quickest you have brought yourself to an orgasm?

Maybe a minute

What is the longest masturbation session you have had?


What is the most times in a day you have cum?


How wet do you get? Do you leak fluids when you orgasm? (If yes, please describe)

Wet but no squirting

If you are older than 35, how has masturbation changed for you over the years?

From dry humping pillows to direct clitoral stimulation and vaginal penetration

Do you want to tell us something more about your masturbation experiences? Say here


Are you sexually aroused taking this survey?


Are you going to masturbate tonight after taking this survey?


This page wouldn’t be so good without all of you who come to read this, and take part! Thanks for your support and answers! Reblog + share!
