#pain relief



Hi there!

I recently started working with Sacred Smoke Herbals’s CBD flower for divinatory purposes, and just thought I’d mention the types I’ve tried and how I like them/what I use them for. As a secondary benefit, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis last year and smoking this flower has been extremely valuable for my pain management. 

Of course, they also have many witchy items like herbs and altar supplies–this is a great resource for those as well!

Another benefit is that they offer prerolls, which is extremely invaluable to me–I no longer have the dexterity to roll my own flower.

So far, in the order shown above, I’ve tried:

-Bubba Kush Hemp Flower

     This is my favorite for pain management! If I’ve had a stressful day, this soothes my muscles and allows me to relax enough to fall asleep.

-Astral Traveler Prerolls

     These were my most unexpected surprise! After smoking before bedtime, I had my first lucid dream in about 14 years. For clear reasons, these are also fantastic if you’re working with astral traveling!

-Sour Space Candy Hemp Flower   

     A variety that many folks are already aware of–this strain indeed does promote euphoria and relaxation. I find that I’m the most creative after using this!

-Wild CBD Honey

     The first thing you should know is that the bees who produced this honey are allowed to freely forage in wildflowers and taken excellent care of. With that out of the way, this is my favorite thing to add to a cup of chamomile tea before bed! It’s extremely relaxing and tastes amazing.

If anything here seems interesting to you, you can use my code ADELAIDE15 to get 15% and free shipping over 35$ on all of your orders! You can also click the link below to take advantage of this offer.


I’ve ordered more than I mentioned in this post, so if anyone would like me to do any more detailed reviews, please let me know! 


Hi there!

I recently started working with Sacred Smoke Herbals’s CBD flower for divinatory purposes, and just thought I’d mention the types I’ve tried and how I like them/what I use them for. As a secondary benefit, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis last year and smoking this flower has been extremely valuable for my pain management. 

Of course, they also have many witchy items like herbs and altar supplies–this is a great resource for those as well!

Another benefit is that they offer prerolls, which is extremely invaluable to me–I no longer have the dexterity to roll my own flower.

So far, in the order shown above, I’ve tried:

-Bubba Kush Hemp Flower

     This is my favorite for pain management! If I’ve had a stressful day, this soothes my muscles and allows me to relax enough to fall asleep.

-Astral Traveler Prerolls

     These were my most unexpected surprise! After smoking before bedtime, I had my first lucid dream in about 14 years. For clear reasons, these are also fantastic if you’re working with astral traveling!

-Sour Space Candy Hemp Flower   

     A variety that many folks are already aware of–this strain indeed does promote euphoria and relaxation. I find that I’m the most creative after using this!

-Wild CBD Honey

     The first thing you should know is that the bees who produced this honey are allowed to freely forage in wildflowers and taken excellent care of. With that out of the way, this is my favorite thing to add to a cup of chamomile tea before bed! It’s extremely relaxing and tastes amazing.

If anything here seems interesting to you, you can use my code ADELAIDE15 to get 15% and free shipping over 35$ on all of your orders! You can also click the link below to take advantage of this offer.


I’ve ordered more than I mentioned in this post, so if anyone would like me to do any more detailed reviews, please let me know! 


Hi there!

I recently started working with Sacred Smoke Herbals’s CBD flower for divinatory purposes, and just thought I’d mention the types I’ve tried and how I like them/what I use them for. As a secondary benefit, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis last year and smoking this flower has been extremely valuable for my pain management. 

Of course, they also have many witchy items like herbs and altar supplies–this is a great resource for those as well!

Another benefit is that they offer prerolls, which is extremely invaluable to me–I no longer have the dexterity to roll my own flower.

So far, in the order shown above, I’ve tried:

-Bubba Kush Hemp Flower

     This is my favorite for pain management! If I’ve had a stressful day, this soothes my muscles and allows me to relax enough to fall asleep.

-Astral Traveler Prerolls

     These were my most unexpected surprise! After smoking before bedtime, I had my first lucid dream in about 14 years. For clear reasons, these are also fantastic if you’re working with astral traveling!

-Sour Space Candy Hemp Flower   

     A variety that many folks are already aware of–this strain indeed does promote euphoria and relaxation. I find that I’m the most creative after using this!

-Wild CBD Honey

     The first thing you should know is that the bees who produced this honey are allowed to freely forage in wildflowers and taken excellent care of. With that out of the way, this is my favorite thing to add to a cup of chamomile tea before bed! It’s extremely relaxing and tastes amazing.

If anything here seems interesting to you, you can use my code ADELAIDE15 to get 15% and free shipping over 35$ on all of your orders! You can also click the link below to take advantage of this offer.


I’ve ordered more than I mentioned in this post, so if anyone would like me to do any more detailed reviews, please let me know! 


Hi there!

I recently started working with Sacred Smoke Herbals’s CBD flower for divinatory purposes, and just thought I’d mention the types I’ve tried and how I like them/what I use them for. As a secondary benefit, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis last year and smoking this flower has been extremely valuable for my pain management. 

Of course, they also have many witchy items like herbs and altar supplies–this is a great resource for those as well!

Another benefit is that they offer prerolls, which is extremely invaluable to me–I no longer have the dexterity to roll my own flower.

So far, in the order shown above, I’ve tried:

-Bubba Kush Hemp Flower

     This is my favorite for pain management! If I’ve had a stressful day, this soothes my muscles and allows me to relax enough to fall asleep.

-Astral Traveler Prerolls

     These were my most unexpected surprise! After smoking before bedtime, I had my first lucid dream in about 14 years. For clear reasons, these are also fantastic if you’re working with astral traveling!

-Sour Space Candy Hemp Flower   

     A variety that many folks are already aware of–this strain indeed does promote euphoria and relaxation. I find that I’m the most creative after using this!

-Wild CBD Honey

     The first thing you should know is that the bees who produced this honey are allowed to freely forage in wildflowers and taken excellent care of. With that out of the way, this is my favorite thing to add to a cup of chamomile tea before bed! It’s extremely relaxing and tastes amazing.

If anything here seems interesting to you, you can use my code ADELAIDE15 to get 15% and free shipping over 35$ on all of your orders! You can also click the link below to take advantage of this offer.


I’ve ordered more than I mentioned in this post, so if anyone would like me to do any more detailed reviews, please let me know! 


Hi there!

I recently started working with Sacred Smoke Herbals’s CBD flower for divinatory purposes, and just thought I’d mention the types I’ve tried and how I like them/what I use them for. As a secondary benefit, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis last year and smoking this flower has been extremely valuable for my pain management. 

Of course, they also have many witchy items like herbs and altar supplies–this is a great resource for those as well!

Another benefit is that they offer prerolls, which is extremely invaluable to me–I no longer have the dexterity to roll my own flower.

So far, in the order shown above, I’ve tried:

-Bubba Kush Hemp Flower

     This is my favorite for pain management! If I’ve had a stressful day, this soothes my muscles and allows me to relax enough to fall asleep.

-Astral Traveler Prerolls

     These were my most unexpected surprise! After smoking before bedtime, I had my first lucid dream in about 14 years. For clear reasons, these are also fantastic if you’re working with astral traveling!

-Sour Space Candy Hemp Flower   

     A variety that many folks are already aware of–this strain indeed does promote euphoria and relaxation. I find that I’m the most creative after using this!

-Wild CBD Honey

     The first thing you should know is that the bees who produced this honey are allowed to freely forage in wildflowers and taken excellent care of. With that out of the way, this is my favorite thing to add to a cup of chamomile tea before bed! It’s extremely relaxing and tastes amazing.

If anything here seems interesting to you, you can use my code ADELAIDE15 to get 15% and free shipping over 35$ on all of your orders! You can also click the link below to take advantage of this offer.


I’ve ordered more than I mentioned in this post, so if anyone would like me to do any more detailed reviews, please let me know! 

CBD Oil or Hemp Extract for Pain Whether it’s a busy and hectic lifestyle or the outcome of aging, p

CBD Oil or Hemp Extract for Pain

Whether it’s a busy and hectic lifestyle or the outcome of aging, pain is one of the most common conditions that people suffer from and complain about.

While painkillers work instantly to bring relief, they come with a number of undesirable side-effects, and even worse, your body may start becoming tolerant to them.

Thus, natural alternatives are on the rise.

One such solution to chronic pain is CBD oil or hemp extract.

CBD oil or hemp extract comes from cannabis indica, a plant that is quite popular in the form of marijuana.

So, many people confuse CBD oil with the characteristics that marijuana is popular for- getting people high.

To learn more about the benefits of CBD oil CLICK HERE:https://www.herbal-supplement-resource.com/advantages-of-using-cbd-oil-for-pain/
Post link

“There are all kinds of addicts, I guess. We all have pain. And we all look for ways to make the pain go away.”

Sherman Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian


1. It should not be used for antipyretic for more than 3 consecutive days, and for pain relief should not exceed 5 days. If the symptoms are not relieved, please consult a physician or pharmacist.

2. Patients with renal insufficiency, high blood pressure, heart insufficiency, peptic ulcer, asthma, hemophilia or other bleeding diseases (including abnormal blood clotting or platelet function) must consult a physician or pharmacist before use.

3. Use with caution in pregnant women and lactating women. Patients with active peptic ulcers are disabled.

Finally, any abnormal symptoms during the medication should be stopped immediately.

For more information,click this site.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to deal with pain that simply WILL NOT go away? I’ve reached out to my doctor finally (look, I’m the sort who waits until things get untenable, and then waits another few months, and then maybe finally does something about it) but the nearest appointment is 26 days away (I sent her a message about how bad it is, and I’m hopeful she’ll get me in sooner).

But this is really effecting me in a bad way. I’m crying every night, lying in bed feeling hopeless. Last night I was sobbing and screaming, I felt insane. I’ve never felt this way in my life. Never felt pain so extended and pervasive, and I find myself thinking, several times a day “how can I keep living like this? I don’t want to keep living if I feel like this.” Which is really fucking scary, because I’ve NEVER had feelings like that. I love life. Even when life is at its worst, I always have felt it can only get better. I’ve wanted to live as long as I can, to wring as much life out of myself as possible. And now, I just feel like this is all my life is going to be, just pain all the time, and I don’t want to live it.

details on type of pain and what I’ve tried under the cut:

The pain seems to be, from my googling, something to do with the levator ani muscle, probably levator ani syndrome, where the muscles of the pelvic girdle spasm regularly for longer than 20 minutes at a time, and are worsened by sitting down and sometimes lying. Not that it matters, but I think it’s because of my tailbone, which was broken and healed incorrectly, curved to the left. This has caused tightness on that side of my glutes and hip, which means I spend a lot of time stretching in pigeon pose or with my ankle over the opposite knee. So it is something I’ve known about and tried to manage for years, but it’s gotten so much worse.

For me, personally, it is sometimes bad when sitting, but I can adjust position to make it less or go away, but when I lie down, it goes on for hours at a time, preventing me from sleeping. Sometimes, when it goes away long enough for me to fall asleep, it will wake me up in the middle of the night from the intensity of the pain, and keep me up for hours. I’ve tried different positions, using pillows under my knees, between my knees, beneath my hips, in different positions on my sides and back. When it first came on, it would seem to go away after 10-15 minutes, and gradually got longer. Also, I used to be able to lie on my right side if nothing else and it would go away (though this presented its own problems as my right shoulder and neck are all fucked up and my physical therapist doesn’t like me sleeping on that side as it impacts bloodflow and sets back my progress). However now even the right side is often no use. The pain feels like a burning, electrical shock all throughout the pelvic area, though worse in my glutes and hips. Some nights it’ll settle down after an hour or so and I can get okay sleep until it wakes me again. Other nights it goes on for 4 or more hours in one go before I can drift off. It’s been over a month since I’ve had sleep uninterrupted by it.

I’ve tried extra strength pain medications of different types, as well as diclofenac sodium which I have on hand but tend not to use much because of my stomach issues. None even touch it the slightest. I’m also on gabapentin for nerve pain in my neck from a car wreck, no help. I have both methocarbamol and tizanidine for muscular issues, though I usually only take the former and only as needed because it doesn’t make me dopey. However, since it wasn’t helping, I tried tizanidine just to see, and it didn’t help, either. I’ve looked up additional stretches to add to my routine, specifically for the levator ani and guided meditation to just relax the pelvic girdle, with no luck. Use a massage gun on my hip and glutes every night, tried different topical applications (icy/hot, tiger balm, lidocaine 5%). Taken warm baths with epsom salt, and showers with massage head with hot water directly on the sore muscles. I’ve taken both tylenol pm and melatonin (not at the same time) hoping they’d at least help me sleep through the pain. Took several hits off a weed vape the other night when all else had failed. NOTHING has lessened the pain.

A couple times extended hand massage by my wife has helped, but we’re talking like a half hour, and it’s a lot to ask for on a nightly basis, and also IDK if it always actually helps, or if it’s just going away on its own eventually as it sometimes does.

I’m just desperate for anything that I might be able to do, at least until I speak to my doctor and can maybe get on some medication and get in to see a specialist or therapist.

Ever wanted to try CBD? Use our black friday coupon code BLACK15 for 15% off our CBD products. Shop here.

Sweater’s Pain Relief Tea Recipe

  • Tea of your choice as base
  • Peppermint
  • Lemon Balm
  • Bay Leaf
  • Thyme
  • Elderberry
  • Cinnamon
  • Honey
  • Ginger
  • Optional: Sugar to taste
  • Optional: Ice made of moon water mix of moon and regular purified water. (it was used with intention of pain relief and to cool the tea faster)


  1. Through this whole process fill your spell with intent to relieve the pain you feel. Emotional pain, mental, or physical.
  2. Gather your ingredients, know you can swap out ingredients as needed (especially if you have an allergy, or don’t have something for something used with a similar purpose)
  3. Warm your tea water slowly to the temperature for the correct brewing of your tea choice, pour into warmed cup.
  4. Put bag in to steep. Now is when you add your add-in ingredients. I measured with my heart. The measurements you put in as you feel you need them. Meaning if you think you need extra honey or cinnamon, do it.
  5. Once steeped, remove your tea bag. Now you can add your ice for cooling if you’d like. Enjoy!

It does take a little bit to kick in, but it does help! It’s been seen to work in as early as a few sips and as late as two or three cups in. This is for help in pain relief, it could remove your pain. But it’s possible it can return, or only remove some pain. I will say it depends on the person, as well as the strength of their intent.

It is pretty common knowledge these days that Cannabidiol oil can be used for a wide variety of medicinal purposes. Mainly used for reducing pain and inflammations, the calming effects of CBD are second to none. That is why it is usually used for stress relief and getting rid of depression.

However, there are also plenty of other benefits that you may not have known about beforehand. That is exactly what we are here to discuss today. These are some advantages of using CBD oil that you have probably not heard of before.

1.     Fighting Bacteria

There are plenty of bacteria which are completely resistant to drugs and other kinds of medicine. Research has shown that some of these bacteria are susceptible to CBD. It is yet to be found out how exactly it works, but the progress made in this field is quite substantial. Whatever the reason for bacteria getting destroyed, fact remains that it is extremely useful for destroying bacterial infections and diseases related to it.

2.     Reducing Inflammation

Another thing that you may want to know when buying cbd for sale, is the fact that it can be used for reducing inflammation as well. While it may seem harmless enough, inflammation contributes to a lot of dangerous diseases like Alzheimer’s, Cancer, different Heart diseases and so on. Those who want to change their conditions will find that it is possible to do so with the help of CBD oil.

3.     Oxidative Stress

The phenomenon of oxidative stress is something that is hugely responsible for a lot of illnesses these days. It happens when the body grows too many radicals and cannot keep up with the process of neutralizing them. It is a bigger problem in today’s world considering just how much more toxic it is compared to the past decades.

4.     Treating Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a very serious disease that can cause a person to literally go mad. Even the best pharmaceutical drugs have proven to be a failure in recent times. That is when CBD has risen as the potential choice for treating this deadly disease. Plenty of people who suffer from it have reported to seeing fewer hallucinations compared to before after using this oil.

5.     Weight Maintenance

You already know that where to buy cbd oil. However, what you may not have known is that it also promotes conversion of body white fat into brown fat. Brown fat is known for enhancing the ability of the body to burn white fat, regulate sugar levels and thus, maintain decent levels of weight.

[image: the card I carry with to explain epidurals during labor, created by Penny Simkin]

I had a few requests for me to share my epidural informed consent ‘script’, so here it is in it’s MOST general version. Please remember that this is just an idea of what I might say, and it would definitely be different when I am with a laboring person, as I take their specific health and priorities and concerns and personality into consideration when I discuss this with them. This script is for someone who is undecided during labor about whether or not they want an epidural and is asking for more information.

*Of note: I don’t bring pain medication up without them starting the conversation unless I see them truly suffering. If I bring it up and they say no, I don’t bring it up again.

The conversation usually includes a few parts:

  1. Explaining what an epidural is and how it works
  2. Explaining the process for inserting the epidural
  3. Discussing risks, benefits, and alternatives
  4. Reviewing everything, answering questions, and then stepping out of the room to give them time to discuss if they would like that.
  5. Occasionally it may include offering a vaginal exam ahead of time if they think the information gleaned from the exam would change their decision

“I remember from your birth plan that you didn’t want to talk about pain medication unless you brought it up yourself - now that you’ve mentioned that you might want an epidural, do you feel like you’d like to talk about it?  There’s no rush since I KNOW that you can do this and ARE doing this in the exact right way for you right now.”

If yes, I continue.

“Epidural anesthesia is a pain medication that numbs you from here [show them the top of the uterus/diaphragm area] down to your toes. Everyone experiences them differently, so some people are completely numb and cannot even move their legs, while most people have some control over their legs but are numb enough to not feel the intensity of the contractions any longer. While you won’t feel the intensity, you will still likely feel the pressure of contractions or of the baby’s head as the descend in your pelvis, and you will still feel touch to the skin. You will definitely feel the baby’s head coming out, and that may be painful or intense even with the epidural in place. Our anesthesiologists usually do an epidural that allows for your legs to move, and so we will definitely help you into whatever position you need - sitting up, lying down, squatting, hands-and-knees, lying on your side - as long as you are still in the bed. It’s not usually safe to try standing with the epidural since most people don’t have enough sensation in their legs to hold their weight.

“The way they place the epidural is they have everyone but one partner/doula/support person step out of the room and you sit at the edge of the bed with your shoulders slumped over. The anesthesiologist will give you a numbing shot to the skin on your low back which some people say is the most painful part of the whole ordeal - it feels like a bee sting. Once that area is numb, they insert a larger needle into the epidural space, in your spine. [I carry an illustration of this to explain what I mean.] Then just like an IV in your arm, a tiny plastic catheter (tube) is threaded into that space and the metal needle is removed. The epidural medicine drips in a small amount at a time through the catheter. This way we can give you more or less medication at any time depending on what you want or need. Sometimes we will increase the medication if the regular rate isn’t strong enough, or we will decrease if you need more sensation to move or push.  It usually takes about 15 minutes to place the epidural and 15 minutes for it to start working.

“In order to have an epidural placed you will need an IV running fluids through your arm, continuous fetal monitoring, and a urinary catheter since you won’t have enough sensation to empty your bladder yourself.”

When it comes to talking about pros and cons I talk specifically about each person’s scenario instead of more generally, since the person I’m talking to is in labor! They don’t have much ability or desire to be thinking about anything that isn’t directly pertinent to them. Because of this I will discuss the epidural’s effects on the part of labor that they’re in now vs the future, but ignore the past. As in, if they’re in active labor I won’t talk about how an epidural might slow down early labor, but I might talk about it’s effects on pushing. For example:

“At this point you are in what we call ‘early labor,’ which means that your labor is still ramping up. It doesn’t mean that early labor is necessarily easier or that you will be in this place for much longer, but I have seen labors slow down when people get an epidural at this time. If that happens, we will talk about trying to stimulate your labor again either by position changes (though slightly limited in bed), nipple stimulation, membrane sweep, or pitocin. If you are coping well and able to go another hour without pain relief, I would recommend that we continue without. However the minute you tell me you have decided on epidural pain management, I will call the anesthesiologist. You are the only one who knows what’s right for your body.”

Another option for someone in active labor:

“At this point in your labor it’s unlikely that your contractions will slow down if you get an epidural, and in fact it’s possible that the relaxation of your pelvic muscles that comes with an epidural could allow baby to descend more and help to open your cervix with the pressure of their head. There’s no knowing what will happen either way.”

“The main risks to an epidural are the possibility that: 

  • Your contractions may space out [discuss what this would mean for their labor]
  • The possibility of a postpartum headache (this headache happens to about 1 in 100 people and is treatable with pain meds, but is still a very frustrating experience in the postpartum period)
  • The possibility that your blood pressure will drop and therefore your baby’s heart rate will slow (if this happens you can expect us to move you from one side to another, give you a ‘bolus’ aka large about of IV fluid, and maybe give you oxygen through a mask. Sometimes this can be scary because many Drs & RNs will come into the room all at once to address the issue.  Though this may seem scary, when it is treated with the usual measures, it does not cause harm to baby or increase the risk for cesarean birth.)
  • The possibility that the epidural won’t work at all or will have a small ‘window’ in which the epidural doesn’t work. If that happens our options are to grin and bear it, to try boosting the dose, or to take it out and try replacing it entirely.”

Here is a more extensive chart from LaborPains that I bring out sometimes when people are interested/in the right mind space to discuss further:

[image source]

“The research is ambiguous when it comes to whether or not the medications passing through the epidural will affect the baby as well as the laboring person.  There are no known long term disadvantages for babies.  Babies are much less affected by epidurals than other medications used in labor that are administered by IV.”

“There are other things we could use as well to support you in coping with these contractions:

  • Nitrous oxide - laughing gas (aka gas and air)
  • IV medications (Morphine, Stadol, Fentanyl, Nubain, Demerol)
  • Hydrotherapy - hot water in the tub or shower
  • Sterile water injections - local pain relief without medications for back pain
  • TENS units
  • Massage, position changes, labor support”

See my post going into depth on those topics here.

“What questions do you have?  Would you like me to step out for a moment so you can discuss this with your partner/doula/support person?”

Occasionally, if I think it would be useful, I will offer a vaginal exam before an epidural.  For some people going through transition, the knowledge that they are close can give them some very needed encouragement.  Vice versa, the knowledge that the cervix has not changed in many hours can also give people the information they need to decide that they would like an epidural.

“Would you like a vaginal exam before you decide on whether you would like pain medication or not?  Many homebirth midwives will almost never use vaginal exams since they are quite right in thinking that vaginal exams don’t change the course of labor.  However, in a hospital setting things change.  There are interventions like epidurals to be considered, and a vaginal exam can give useful information to someone deciding on using an intervention.  The exam itself IS an intervention in its own right.  The information derived from a vaginal exam may tell us what stage of labor you are at right now.  It does not tell us what will happen in the next 5 minutes (I’ve seen people dilate from 5cm to 10cm in 5 minutes) or in the next 5 hours (I’ve seen people be fully dilated for 5 hours before starting to push or giving birth).  A vaginal exam is not required before you get an epidural, though.  If you know for sure that’s what you want right now I will call the anesthesiologist right away.”


Pain Medication Preference Scale - by Penny Simkin, for use before labor


Post by me on Epidural side effects

Is it ok to get an epidural?

What other pain relief options exist besides epidurals?
