
 “You can be just friends with people, you know,“ Orla said. "I think it’s crazy ho

“You can be just friends with people, you know,“ Orla said. "I think it’s crazy how you’re in love with all those raven boys.”

Orla wasn’t wrong, of course. But what she didn’t realize about Blue and her boys was that they were all in love with one another. She was no less obsessed with them than they were with her, or one another, analyzing every conversation and gesture, drawing out every joke into a longer and longer running gag, spending each moment either with one another or thinking about when next they would be with one another. Blue was perfectly aware that it was possible to have a friendship that wasn’t all-encompassing, that wasn’t blinding, deafening, maddening, quickening. It was just that now that she’d had this kind, she didn’t want the other. 

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I went and collected a few seers we know can see the future and a few items that allow people to see the future.
All together we had a total of 7 individual ways to look into the future.
Out of all of the different ways and positions that we looked, there are 4 outcomes for this planet’s future in 100 years.

A. Dead planet with nothing on it. A few artificial life forms here and there but it’s mostly just barren.

B. Enslaved world under absolute dictatorship. This is where something has conquered the planet and everything is miserable.

C. Everything is fine and the world is just more advanced in technology.

D. Half the world is a wasteland while the remaining half is in a heated battle with some unknown forces that seek to destroy what’s left of the planet.

So yeah.
This is our possible futures.
Just letting you all know in advance.
Sorry to destroy all your future timeline fan fictions.

Hey, my name is Liam and I … make things.
I uh take items and junk and I have an ability to bond them together.

Give me a handle from a gun and a dozen forks and I could make a knife or gun.
I can even mesh technology together and … sometimes I can control what it becomes, or maybe I’m just lucky at guessing. I made a helicopter thing, once out of some junk I found in an abandoned house.

Years ago when I was a kid, my home town was attacked by some kind of alien. He alien wanted to build a ship to leave our world, but he was physically weak and needed slaves. So he used his powerful psychic talents to force us to build him a ship.

We spent weeks as his slaves, a lot of us died and he didn’t care, he only cared how quickly the ship was made. But our minds were filled with information and knowledge on how to construct his vessel.
Some soldiers showed up to stop him but we forced them away. The alien was getting upset and put some of his power into a bunch of us in order to activate our latent psychic abilities.
With these new powers we were better able to work and fight off the soldiers.

Long story short, the soldiers killed almost everyone and the alien died. But me and 12 others got the left over psychic energy, making us VERY powerful.
Most of them went mad, one simply disappeared, and another was taken by the military.
After everything that had happened, I lost almost all of my powers and I was bounced into foster homes after my mind was wiped.

But one day I regained my memories and I got new powers. Everything the alien understood of combining matter and energy was in my head and I could build almost anything.

So I was visited by the Company and they recruited me as an engineer.
After the battle with Kain, I was contacted by our mutual friend and he said he had a new job opening.

So now I fight monsters and try to save the world while making money.
Nice to meet ya’ll.

Fluorite, Herkimer Diamond, Tigers Eye, Rainbow Moonstone, Bloodstone, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Lapis Lazuli, Aqua Aura, Lolite, and Azurite. 

colonel-kurtz-official: A member of the United States Army’s 1st Extranormal Activities Division pho


A member of the United States Army’s 1st Extranormal Activities Division photographed with the remains of a Viet Cong guerilla killed by a Thành hoàng, or guardian spirit. While these village deities are generally benign and were even reported to help American and allied forces operating within their domains, in the more remote corners of Vietnam there are villages which are deemed “corrupt” or “tainted” by the ruling religion. Worshipping such shadowy beings as the Lecher, the Serpent God and the Beggar God in rituals which bear a striking similarity to those witnessed later by Soviet “Division P” troops in Afghanistan, the villages generally kept to themselves and were left alone by all sides. Unfortunately, when roused, the dark spirits are known to manifest physically and go on horrendous killing sprees far outside of their village borders. Only one such incident was officially reported, when a Soviet advisor, disregarding the warnings of his North Vietnamese comrades, led a company of VC directly through such a village. Not a single one survived, and although the Thành hoàng was eventually subdued and then banished by a sanctioned cultist, the amount of amateur footage and eyewitness accounts that was released to the public caused an uproar. From that day forward, the EAD was declassified and their “secret war” against non-human creatures and supernatural entities has become a topic of near-national obsession. 


“From where I was, it looked like bad news. Being out in the open was something none of us were used to, and we weren’t sure how the increased scrutiny would affect our ability to operate. What we had never banked on was the sheer raw ability of the American public to ferret out the truth when the situation calls for it. Within months we had tips going through the roof, some of them bum tips but most of them on the spot. We were all shocked– the first year, 83% of the tips checked out, and by 1982 it was 91.5%.

"Phil Edwards, who at the time was our J-3, always thought it was the massive interest of the American people forming a sort of telepathic collective consciousness that could sniff out supernatural entities. Privately, I always wondered whether that collective consciousness would someday gain sentience and if we might someday have to fight it, and many of the officers shared my fears. That precipitated our first foray into psychic warfare, our contact with Colonel Ed Dames’ First Earth Battalion, and our eventual exploitation of the ‘battlefield of the mind’s inner reaches’ as Dames put it…”

from Major Tom Selenkow’s article “What We Do In The Shadows: On the Frontlines of America’s Deadliest Secret War” published in Soldier of Fortune magazine in 1988

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So honored to have taken this class with Karen Cerato and blessed with the group I took it with! If

So honored to have taken this class with Karen Cerato and blessed with the group I took it with! If you’re in NH and interested in metaphysical topics I would definitely recommend her class:)

#energeticalignment #reiki #healers #healersofinstagram #psychics #clearing #chakrahealing #chakrabalancing #newhampshire #nashua

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 Temptation Thursday: Actor, Writer, Funny Man.  Today’s #temptation Singer, Director, Giver o

Temptation Thursday: Actor, Writer, Funny Man.  Today’s #temptation Singer, Director, Giver of Gasps and Screams. Your Favorite Daddy Patrick Wilson.

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Where in world is Leo Brown?| Mental Health, Weight and Stuff. 

Where have I been? Hey Sugarbears! I wanted come on and share an update with you guys. I hope you guys are doing well. Thank you so much for watching, commenting and subscribing.

#psychicleo    #psychics    #youtube    #reblog    #houston    #spiritualjourney    
 Serving: Behind door number one and backbreaker ovaness. Host, Roving Reporter and Boricua Buddy. T

Serving: Behind door number one and backbreaker ovaness. Host, Roving Reporter and Boricua Buddy. Today’s #MCM Influencer,  Lover of Snow and Nails Iván Emilio.

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 Happy Memorial Day. Thank you for your service and for fighting for us. Now, we fight for you.

Happy Memorial Day. Thank you for your service and for fighting for us. Now, we fight for you.

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Star Rating: *** (3/5 stars)

Every now and then I read one of Amelia Atwater-Rhodes’ books, just to keep my hand in. Her earliest vampire stories were some of my favourites back in middle school, and I still have a huge amount of nostalgic fondness for them. As time goes on she’s become a better writer by far, but her subject matter has veered away from vampires.

I don’t like the shapechangers and psychics she writes about as much as I enjoyed Aubrey, Risika, Jaguar, and all the rest. That said, she really has improved, and the people she writes about are better rounded, fuller characters. Token of Darkness follows Cooper, a high school athlete who barely survived a terrible accident, and has been seeing a teenage ghost named Samantha ever since. His struggles with flashbacks, physical disability, and heavy anxiety will resonate with many who deal with the same problems every day.

I felt that the pacing of the book was a little off, with a slow start and new information revealed in weird places. Too many new elements intrude all at once at the very end, with the resolution tied up in a neat bow with no loose edges. I would have liked some more uncertainty. The book deals with grief, loss, and trauma after all, and these things do not just disappear. Overall an enjoyable read, but not my favourite of her stories.

What do you wish for? An interesting ad from Weekly World News December 30, 2003.

What do you wish for? An interesting ad from Weekly World News December 30, 2003.

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Still feeling those full moon vibes from last night! What an uplifting and large group of souls came

Still feeling those full moon vibes from last night! What an uplifting and large group of souls came out! We meditated, burned shit, chanted, drummed, and dancee under the moon! Come by today and get weird with us 11-7!! ♒
#crystalshop #metaphysicalshop #sacredspace #crystalsofquartz #greenwoodlakeny #warwickny #westmilfordnj #fullmoonritual #mooncrystal #moonbowl #crystals #quartz #sacredhealing #shamanism #psychics #tarotreadings #peaceandlove #peaceonearth #pleaidian #aliensarereal #himalayansalt (at Crystals of Quartz)

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