#rafe cameron x you


Magic Touch- JJ Maybank

(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)

Summary: After JJ finds out a secret you’ve been keeping for a long time, he’s right by your side to help take care of you. 

Word count: 1,822

Warnings: verbal and physical abuse/violence, mentions of blood, cursing.

You tiptoed through your bedroom window, not trying to attract your mother as you packed your bag to spend the week at John B’s. Your mother was just like JJ’s father, always smuggling or doing drugs, drinking until they’re unconscious, or just passed out on the couch for days on end.

Your mother was never supportive of you, you worked everyday and your mother didn’t even have a job. She would take her anger out on you everytime she remembered your dad wasn’t in the picture. If you said or did something she didn’t like, she would verbally and physically tell you how she felt about it.

No one in the Pogue friend group knew about your struggles at home. Every time you showed up with a new cut or bruise, you always managed to find a new excuse on what happened. You figured you would have to tell them at some point, you just didn’t know it would have to be so soon.

You snuck around in your room, packing bathing suits and clothes. Bagging some more essentials you would need just in case. Scanning your room, you quietly zipped your bag shut before opening and closing your bedroom door. Turning around you froze in your tracks to see your mother standing there with her arms crossed.

“Are you staying at that Josh B’s house?” Her mother slurred, nearly falling over from just standing there. “His name is John B, and yes I am.” You stated, your tone firm even though your legs were shaking. You threw your backpack over your shoulders and walked by your mom

“Is that JJ boy going to be there too?” You ignored her question as you kept your focus on the front door. You had your hand on the doorknob before she shouted at you, “he’s just gonna use you!”

Your jaw clenched as you bit your tongue. Turning around to face her you felt anger bubbling from the center of your chest. “JJ is not going to ‘use’ me. You don’t even know him so keep his name out of your mouth.” You stepped back after you spoke, not knowing just how harsh your tone sounded.

“Your father would be ashamed of you,” she started, “you look just like him. And I fucking hate that, you know why? Because he should be here, and not you. Everytime I look at you, you make me wanna scream!” She spat, her voice was laced with venom and pure hatred.

“I wish you were the one who left and not him.” You raised your voice back at your mother whose eyes were widened with fury. Before you could even process what happened, your mother grabbed the nearest empty beer bottle and chucked it at you.

You let out a cry of pain as you felt a sharp blow right above your right eyebrow. You stood there in fear as your fingers reached up to touch the area that had been hit. You lowered your hand to see a small drop of blood on your finger. You flicked the drop of blood away as you quickly swung the front door open. The moment you stepped out of the house, you slammed the door shut and just ran as fast as you could to John B’s

Tears threatened to spill from your eyes, feeling mentally drained from those 5 minutes near your mother. You were tired, tired of both the physical and emotional pain every time you were in that house. You wanted to get as far away from there as possible. Your wound went numb as the summer breeze hit it. You were too focused on your legs running to focus on the pain.

Finally running up the driveway to John B’s house, you stopped at the front door as you bent over to catch your breath. Calming yourself down, you walked inside to find it was empty. You threw your bag onto the couch and headed into the backyard to see your friends fishing. “Hi guys!” You greeted them with a forced smile as you walked up to them.

“Hey Y/N! Wait, what happened?” Kie asked from the spot she was sitting in. You immediately turned back around and headed back into the house, only to be followed by JJ who dropped his fishing rod. You picked up your pace, knowing he was following you to find out what happened. You ran into the bathroom with him close behind you. Closing the bathroom door on him, you took a look at the small gash on your face.

“Y/N, if you don’t open this door right now I will break it down, and you know I will.” JJ demanded from the other side of the door. You sighed as you slowly opened the door, watching his face drop in horror and sadness as he saw the wound. “Y/N…” he stepped forward, entering the bathroom with you.

He quickly closed the door behind them as you stared at the cut in the mirror once more. A mixture of sadness and anger bubbled in his veins as he took in the sight of your wound, along with the look of sadness on your face. “Let’s get you cleaned up, buttercup.” JJ said, pushing his feelings away as to not upset you anymore then you already were. 

Before you could protest, he easily picked you up by the waist and sat you down on the sink counter. He stood between your legs, his arm reaching behind your head to grab a washcloth and a bar of soap.

Your eyes watched his hands as he lathered the washcloth with soap and water before carefully rubbing the cut. You flinched at the painful tingling sensation, backing away from his hand for a moment. “I know, I know, I’m sorry.” JJ whispered, his heart aching as she held onto his non busy hand. 

“Who did this to you?” He knew the answer since you had explained to him that you had to go home, but he didn’t want to believe it. You took a deep breath, your eyes focused on the bathroom floor. “It was your mom, wasn’t it?” He whispered after a moment of silence. You flickered your eyes up to meet his, and that’s when he knew his assumptions were correct.

“Y/N, princess… How long has this been going on for?” He asked, tucking a piece of loose hair behind your ear. “Pretty much since we moved here. After my dad just left, she always got mad and constantly told me I reminded her of him. How she wants him here instead of me. It started out verbal but then things just kind of… escalated.” You opened up, your voice just above a whisper.

“Why didn’t you tell us sooner? Why didn’t you tell me?” He was hurt that you had known him your entire life, but never told him about it. “I don’t want people thinking I’m asking for attention or lying. And I didn’t want to be a burden, I mean you guys have your own issues to deal with, I didn’t want to add onto it.”

He gently held the bottom of your chin in between his thumb and index finger. “Princess, listen to me. You aren’t and never will be a burden or any of us, and you never will be. Especially with stuff like this. I mean, I would’ve let you stay over more often if I knew. I know for a fucking fact John B or Kie would. And Pope will always be there for you, whether a shoulder to cry on or someone who will make you laugh. We’re your family, Y/n, we’re here for you.” JJ couldn’t help but feel like a hypocrite for saying these words when he was going through the same things with his father.

“I don’t want to talk about it with them right now, especially with John B’s dad still possibly out there. I just want us to focus on him.” You bit down on your bottom lip, trying to control your shaky breath.

You had always been a tough girl in JJ’s eyes. You could take a joke, you weren’t afraid to fight your own battles, you knew how to stand up for yourself and your friends. It broke his heart to see you so beaten up, both mentally and physically.

JJ entangled his hand through your hair and pulled you towards him, resting your head on his chest. You inhaled deeply before breaking down into tears, your body trembling against his. His other hand held your back, tracing small shapes onto your skin in an attempt to calm you down.

“Shh. It’s okay baby, I got you. You’re safe with us.” He softly hummed a soft tune in your ear as you clutched onto the fabric of his shirt. “You’re okay. I’m right here.” He held you tightly in his arms as he heard you slowly calm down. You slowly pulled away from him, wiping your nose with a tissue.

“There we go, princess.” He held your face in his hands and gently wiped away the trails of tears with his thumbs. You placed your hands on top of his and held them in their position. His eyes trailed down to your lips, wondering what they would feel like pressed against his.

He softly cleared his throat, his eyes dropping to the ground as he released you. “Let’s get you patched up.” Your cheeks turned a light pink as you shyly grinned as his back was turned. He reached behind you again to grab a box of bandaids. He quickly ripped one open and placed it on your wound, gently pressing the sides down to make it stay in place. He leaned forward and pressed a delicate kiss to the covered up wound, pulling back to see a soft grin on your lips.

You hopped off the counter and stood on your tiptoes, one hand using his shoulder to keep balance the other placed on the side of his cheek. You pressed a kiss to the left cheek, both of their heartbeats picking up speed. You got back onto your feet, your face warming up as he returned the kind gesture to you. 

As he pulled away, you two made eye contact realizing both of you wanted the same thing. “Can I-” he started, “kiss me.” You mumbled. His hands snaked their way around your waist as yours wrapped around his neck. His lips gently and carefully danced with yours, as if you were a glass doll and one wrong move would break you.

Pulling back, he rested his forehead against yours. “It feels better already.” You grinned, pressing your lips against his one more time. He opened the bathroom door, his arm still around your waist. “I got the magic touch. That’s not the only thing I could touch though.”


The Blip pt 2. - JJ Maybank

(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)

Hi lovely! I was wondering if you could write a The Blip part 2 with prompts: 10, 15, 31, and 57? Thanks

Summary: You and JJ spend the day together after his return from the blip.

Word count: 1,446

Warnings: cursing


10. “You’ve always felt like home.”

15. “I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.”

31. “This is the part where you ask me out and I say yes.“

57. “How could I ever forget about you?”

You woke up, finally feeling like you had gotten enough sleep for the first time in years, because you had. The feeling of having JJ by your side was something you couldn’t describe. You felt a new level of security with him, like nothing bad could ever happen to you when he was near. 

Attempting to stretch your arms out, you quickly realized that his hand was intertwined with yours, restricting you from pushing your arms out. Tilting your head up to look at him, his eyes were shut and his mouth slightly open. The way the light hit his face highlighted his facial features beautifully. You smiled to yourself as you felt him hold you closer to him.

He inhaled softly before his eyelids slowly fluttered open. "Morning.” Your heart raced at the sound of his morning voice, you had never imagined it to sound so raspy. Running your hand through his messy hair, he unknowingly leaned into your touch. “Morning sleepy, get your ass up we’re going to the beach.” You grinned, throwing the sheets off of him. You approached your window and opened the blinds, a groan coming from the bed. 

“Come on J, you’ve been gone 5 years, you need some sunshine.” He slowly dragged himself out of your bed and went to the bathroom to change. Your mind was full of questions and thoughts about this whole situation. You were finally old enough to possibly date JJ, but does he still see you as that young girl he used to babysit? 

You quickly threw on your bathing before he returned to the room. “I’m gonna go to my house to get my stuff, I’ll be right back.” “Do you want me to come with you?” He immediately shook his head, “no, no it’s okay I got it. You just… just stay here.” He was about to leave your house before you held him back. 

“If you want to bring clothes for the week, you’re welcome to stay. If- if you want.” You mumbled the last three words, this time your cheeks turned pink. He took a deep breath and leaned over, giving you a small kiss on your cheek. You tried to hide your grin as he left your room. Not being able to contain your smile anymore, you exhaled a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. 

You nodded your head in contentment, trying to ignore the butterflies JJ released in your stomach. After you packed your bag, you sat there in silence, waiting for JJ to return. You rubbed your bottom lip hoping JJ was doing okay with his father. You hadn’t heard any yelling or anything breaking so you just hoped for the best. JJ opened up about his home life with his father once, one night when it was really bad. You couldn’t help but ask where he got the black eye and bruise from, knowing he didn’t get it in a fight with a Kook.

It took him a while to admit it, but he slowly did open up to you about it, it was easier knowing that sometimes you went through the same thing. It killed him that you went through the same thing, he wanted to do anything and everything he could to make you feel safe. 

JJ returned in a matter of 5 minutes and swung his bag over his shoulders, running his hands through his hair. “Everything okay?” You asked. He nodded, “he was passed out on the couch, just like he was 5 years ago. But yeah, I’m okay. Let’s get to the beach.” He sniffled. “You wanna drive?” You asked him, dangling the car keys in your hand. He held his hands out and did a grabbing motion, like a child with a lollipop in front of his face.

He quickly nodded his head as you tossed him your car keys. He skipped to your car before stopping in his tracks before looking at you. Tilting your head he answered your questioning look, “it’s so weird to know this is your car and that you drive.” You jokingly rolled your eyes before getting into the passenger’s seat.

In a small moment, JJ left your house and sped down the roads of the Outer Banks, not caring how fast he was going as he drove with the windows down and the music blasting. ‘Are You Bored Yet?’ by The Wallows came on, your hand immediately reached forward to turn it up. You stuck your head out the window as you belted the lyrics, letting the cool air run through your hair. You missed JJ turning his head to look at you, admiring the way the wind easily flew through your hair. How the sound of your laugh sounded better than the music itself.

The drive to the beach was short, but it gave you both enough time to sing a few songs together. He parked in a spot and looked at how the restaurants and shops around the beach haven’t changed at all. He grinned as he turned the engine off and heard the sound of the waves crashing onto the land.

“God, I missed this.” He grinned, jumping out of the car and grabbing his bag. You joined him as he waited in his spot with his hand extending out for you to grab. Intertwining your hand with his, you took him to your favorite spot where not a lot of people go. It was a quiet spot by a pushed over lifeguard post. 

You laid out your largest towel and pulled out snacks and drinks for you two to share. JJ stripped down to his bathing suit and ran straight to the water, letting out cheerful shouts and cries of joys as he dove into an upcoming wave. You quickly took your clothes off as you adjusted your bottoms before running to join him in the water.

You two spent hours trying to swim out as far as you could, doing handstands, diving into waves, you name it you guys did it. The two of you ran back up to the sand and plopped yourselves onto the towel. “This no doubt is the best day of my life. I’m so glad to be back home.” JJ grinned, throwing his arm around your shoulder as he admired the way the sun reflected off the waves.

“I’m glad! And I’m really glad you’re back J, you’ve always felt like home to me.” You grinned, passing him a water bottle before you realized what your last sentence was. “Oh really?” Your cheeks blushed brightly, and he could sell it wasn’t just because of your sunburn. You rested your head on his shoulder as he held you close to him. 

“This is gonna sound really dumb,” you started, “but I couldn’t sleep right after you disappeared. I hated that I didn’t know where you were, I hated that I had to grow up with you, I hated that I got so scared that you would forget about me.” You admitted, feeling like a weight was lifted off your chest. He moved his body to turn and face you, he had confusion written all over his face.

“Wait, I’m sorry you think I would forget you? How could I ever forget about you?” You shrugged your shoulders as you stuck your hands in the sand. “Because I was only your 13 year old neighbor that you took care of." 

"You were, but now it’s just- I don’t know, different. Seeing you grown up and how beautiful you are.” You chuckled at his words, seeing how flustered he got after saying it. “You think I’m beautiful?” You tucked a piece of wet hair behind your ear, watching as he leaned in closer to you. “I do." 

You finally looked him in the eyes and decided to be bold, "you know, this is the part where you ask me out and I say yes.” He grinned at you before leaning in and giving your lips a slight peck. The small touch made goosebumps rise onto your arms. He pushed your hair out of your face and rested his forehead against yours. “I’ve waited for that moment for a long time.” He laughed, pulling back from you.

“I’d assume so, now I wanna know more about your crush on me you had and still have.” You shoved JJ backwards and into the sand, jumping to your feet and running towards that water. “Ohhhh you’re gonna get it!” He said, picking up sand in his hands and throwing it to your wet back. You felt the impact hit you as you were launched forwards into the waves.

Bruises- JJ Maybank

Request: hi❤ I was wondering if u could do the scene where the pogues see JJ’s bruises?

Word count: 2,455

Warnings: mentions of physical and verbal abuse.

“We gotta be done before my scholarship interview in the morning.” Pope explained to you and Kie as he pulled up to the back of the Chateau. “Okay, well, we gotta focus.”

“It’s gonna be fine. We got John B and JJ inside the well, and me up top. You, Y/N, and Sarah will be outside transporting.” Pope recalled the plan, exiting the truck.

They headed to the back of his vehicle, opening the back to grab their supplies. “That tin can hold up to like, 200-300 pounds.”

“Thanks.” Kie praised him as she unlatched the hinge. 

“Uh, what for?”

“For stranding us. You know, making us make up.” Kie softly grinned as you stood next to her. 

“Seriously Pope, you’re like the super glue for this group.” You complimented. “What makes you think that was me?”

Before Kie could respond, lines full of lights turned on, confusing the trio. A loud buzzing sound leading them towards the backyard.

“What the hell?” 

You guys walked into the area, colored and festive lights hung everywhere. Inflatable palm trees chilled in the corner. JJ sat in a shiny new hot tub, popping a bottle of champagne open.

“JJ?” you asked as you walked up to the front of the hot tub. “What did you do, JJ” Pope asked in disbelief. 

“I got a jet going straight in my butt right now. Y’all should get in immediately, you hear me? Salud!” JJ cheered to no one as he poured out a glass, only to drink straight from the bottle.

“How much did this cost?” Pope asked, already knowing the answer.

“Uh… well, with the generator, the petrol, and oh, hey, express delivery… pretty much all of it, yeah.” JJ’s words were slurred, clearly intoxicated.

Pope’s jaw fell open, “all of it?”

“Yeah, all of it.” JJ confirmed, pushing his sunglasses up. “You spent all the money in one day?”

“Yeah, burned a hole right through my pocket. But I mean like, come one guys, like, look at this! Finest in jet-based massage therapy, that’s what they told me.” JJ grinned at his actions. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, watching him take another drink from the bottle.

JJ noticed the look on your face, “Y/N, what? Can’t a man have a little luxury in his life? Come on,” he flung his sunglasses off, “all this scrimpin’ and scrapin’. I mean like… guys, we- you only live once, right? Enough of this emotional shit. Get in the Cat’s Ass. Come on.” 

“In the what?” Kie asked softly.

“In the Cat’s Ass. That’s what I named her.” JJ giggled to himself as he let the jets hit the back of his muscles. 

“Oh, hey, yo, I almost forgot.” He leaned over and pressed a button, a disco ball lighting up and spinning around.

“Yeah, that’s right, I know. Disco mode. That’s right baby!” He cheered in excitement.

“Are you kidding me? You could have paid for restitution!” Pope raised his voice. “Or literally given it to any charity!” Kie snapped. “Guys…” You started, seeing the pain in JJ’s eyes. 

“Or better yet you could’ve helped us buy supplies to get the rest of the gold out of the well!” Pope continued as JJ rubbed his eyes.

“Okay well you know what? I didn’t do that.” JJ yelled back as he stood up from his spot, revealing the new red and purple marks that littered his chest. You gasped, covering your mouth with your hands.

“I got a hot tub! For my friends. I got a hot tub for my friends. You know what? No, screw friends. I got a hot tub for my family!” JJ cried out, his voice wavering. “I got this for you.” He pointed to the champagne bottle that was already half empty.

Your eyes welled up with tears, noticing just how broken JJ Maybank was. “Guys, look what I did for you! Alright? Look at this!”

“JJ…” your voice cracked, “no, you, you both stop being emotional. It’s fine, okay?”

You marched up the steps of the hot tub, stopping at the first step, “come on Y/N, just get in.” You pulled the boy into your arms as you both cried against each other. His head rested on your stomach as you leaned your head down to rest on top of his.

“I just couldn’t do it.” JJ sobbed, his body shaking from the pain. He tightened his grip around your waist as you held him in your arms. One hand rubbed his shoulder while the other softly held onto the back of his head. 

“I can’t take him anymore!” He screamed into your chest, “I was gonna kill him.” 

“It’s okay baby, I got you. You’re safe with us.” you whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. Kie and Pope joined you on the steps, wrapping the boy in a group hug. “I just wanna do the right thing.” He admitted, letting out a heartbreaking sob.

“We know.” Kie reassured him, “we know.”

One by one the friends let go of him, "you guys can finish up whatever you were doing, I’ll take care of him.” JJ refused to let go of your waist as your fingers softly rubbed his scalp.

‘I got this.’ You mouthed, your friends nodding their heads in acknowledgment. The two walked away to continue their plans, you slowly lifted JJ’s head up to look at you.

“Hey JJ, let’s get you out of here, is that okay?” You spoke softly. He nodded his head, slowly releasing you. You held his hand as you eased him out of the hot tub and down the steps.

“Stay right here, I’m gonna grab a towel.” JJ muttered a gentle 'okay’. Sniffing to clear his sinuses. Running inside the house, you yanked a towel off the bathroom rack and headed back outside.

You wrapped it around his waist before leading him inside by his hand. Entering the bedroom, you picked out a pair of boxers and shorts for him to change into. “Do you think you can change into this without my help?” You asked him, holding out the clothes.

JJ nodded his head as he stumbled across the hall into the bathroom. You stood on the outside of the door, harshly biting down on your tongue. You’ve never seen JJ so broken, so hurt, and you wished you had known he was dealing with this.

You felt guilt and anger for not knowing about this sooner. Whenever JJ appeared with a new bruise or cut, he always told her that he got into a brawl with a Kook. He lied to you for 7 years, you never caught on which killed you on the inside.

After a few minutes, JJ opened the door with the towel in his hands, and changed into dry clothes. “Can we go lay down?” He questioned, his words still slurred. “Yeah, of course hunny.”

He walked into the bedroom and sighed. Without thinking he plopped himself onto the bed, letting out a cry of pain as the bed hit his bruises.

Biting your bottom lip you asked, “do you want me to get you an ice pack?” He nodded his head, resting his hands on his eyes. Heading into the kitchen, you grabbed an ice tray, dumping some ice cubes out into a ziplock bag.

You walked back into the room, shutting the door quietly. JJ praised you as you handed him the bag of ice. He placed it on the biggest bruise he had. “Can you- can you stay with me? And play with my hair because honestly it makes me feel safe.” He admitted, not even processing what he was saying.

You sat down next to him, allowing him to rest his head in your lap. Your fingers found your way to his hair, letting them run through and massage his scalp. You sat in silence before he spoke up. “I really, really like you Y/N. Like Really.” He emphasized the final 'really’.

“I really, really like you too JJ.” You spoke the truth. “You know, these last few days have been crazy as fuck. You know you’ve been there. But the amount of times I almost lost you scared the shit out of me.” He confessed, his hand reaching up to place itself on your leg.

“And-and when we almost got shot at Crains, my soul nearly left my body. I want to keep you safe.” Your eyebrows furrowed together as you listened to his words.

“But I’m a fuck up and I don’t wanna ruin your life. I mean my own dad doesn’t want me, why would you?” His voice cracked. You reached your hand down towards his face to make him look at you.

“Hey, don’t say that JJ. You have made my life so much better in every single way possible. You show you care about me. You let me smoke with you so we both forget about our problems together. You taught me more shit about fishing than I knew. You can call me the worst names possible, but it doesn’t bother me because I do the same to you. It scares me how much I like you because in a snap you could be gone. Hell, when you got arrested I couldn’t sleep the night of.” You rambled on, realizing that maybe you had more than a silly crush on him. 

“You’re cute when you ramble.” He muttered, grinning at the sound of your laugh, yawning loudly afterwards. “You ready to sleep hun?” You asked, a nod answering the question. You shifted a bit, laying down as he rested his head on your chest. You kissed the side of his head, feeling his arm around your waist slowly tighten its grip.


You woke up, and checked the clock reading the time, '9:36’. Turning your head, you saw JJ still passed out, his snoring filling the room. Carefully getting out of the bed, you walked outside into the backyard and headed straight to the hammock. 

You sat alone peacefully, the smell of the waters filled the air, the sounds of birds chirping softly echoed, and the feeling of a cool breeze skimmed your tan skin, sunglasses covering your eyes from the sun. Footsteps came up from behind you, a figure plopped itself down next to you.

A groan emitted from JJ’s mouth, shutting his eyes from the blinding sunlight. “How’s the hangover?” You asked, handing over the sun glasses. “Feels like I have forks jammed in my head. Thanks.” He grabbed the sunglasses, quickly putting them on.

“Do you remember anything from last night?” You asked, fiddling with your thumbs. “Uhhh, I remember almost falling into the bathtub when I was changing. And then- oh…” he trailed off remembering parts of the conversation you had.

The two sat in silence again as JJ rested his hand on your thigh. “I wish I could’ve stopped that from happening.” You broke the silence, your voice wavering at the image in your head of his bruises.

JJ shook his head, “No, no you-you do enough for me. I feel like I don’t deserve you.” He whispered the last part. Your heart clenched at his confession. “JJ, you are the best part of my life.” Your hand cupped his, looking at the boy who lifted up the sunglasses.

“I want to be able to take you on dates and treat you like a princess and buy you everything you could ever want. But I’m a Pogue, that could never happen.” He clenched his jaw, knowing deep down you deserve someone who could give you anything you wanted.

“JJ, I’m literally a Pogue too. I don’t care if you don’t have money because guess what? I don’t either. That doesn’t change the fact that I love you. Just being with you makes me feel safe.”

JJ’s mouth slightly fell open, allowing those three words to sink in. You realized what you had said before it was too late. Your facial expressions matched his as you quickly looked down at your hands. They sat there, trying to process the words you just said.

Stress flooded through your body as you waited for his response, only to continue to sit in silence. “I know that was just kinda thrown at you but please just be my best friend right now and not the guy I just confessed my love to.” You spoke up, killing the silence.

“I don’t want to be your best friend.” He started, instantly making your heart drop into your stomach. “What?” You whispered, continuing to crack your knuckles.

“I don’t want to be your best friend. I want to be your boyfriend. I want to take you out on dates. I want to do those weird face masks with you. I want to do any cliché shit you want to do. I want to do anything and everything with you. I want you to be my girlfriend so whenever we go to parties I can be like, 'this is my girlfriend’ and show you off. I want more than just being best friends.” He said, reaching over with his hand to hold the bottom of your chin.

JJ looked down at your lips before glancing back up to your eyes. Your heart rate picked up, “kiss me.” You assured him, turning to face him. Your eyes fluttered shut as you both leaned in, connecting your lips gently. JJ grinned into the passionate kiss, not being able to handle the butterflies in his stomach. 

You pulled back to catch your breaths, resting your foreheads against each other before you returned to your original position. He slung his arm around your shoulder, leaving you space to rest your head on his chest. You beamed as he used his index finger to rub up and down on your arm.

“Remember back in freshman year during homecoming, I asked you to dance with me to 'The Night We Met’?” JJ tilted his head down towards you, locking eyes. You nodded your head in response. “John B and Pope hyped me up for at least an hour to encourage me to ask you. And when you had your head on my chest and I just held you, it felt like we were the only two people alive. And I loved that feeling, I don’t want it to ever go away." 

Your smile got wider, remembering the moment as if it were yesterday. "It won’t.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head before falling back into a comfortable silence.

“Just making sure… we are dating right?” JJ spoke up earning a chuckle from you. “Yes. Yes we are.”

Falling For U- John B

Request: hi! Can u do an imagine based on Falling for U by Peachy! And Mxmtoon with prompts 8, 10, and 19? Tysm!!!

Summary: based on Falling For U by Peachy! And Mxmtoon

Word count: 2,371


8. “You make me feel safe.”

10. “You’ve always felt like home.”

19. “I just want this. I want you.”

I was hangin’ with you and then I realized. I didn’t think it was true, I was surprised, when I found out I’ve fallen for you.

John B had invited you over for a private surf lesson after you had told him you’ve never been. You had just moved to the Outer Banks last year, only recently meeting the Pogue and the rest of his friends. From the moment you met him you were drawn to him. Not for his attractive looks, but for his personality.

You had just met him, but he was always right by your side and ready to help you out through anything you were going through. He had a heart of gold and you adored the boy for that.

You first practiced your movements in the sand, rowing your arms front and back as if you were paddling to a wave. “And… jump up!” John B instructed. He stood by the side of the board, ready to catch you if you slipped. You lifted yourself up and jumped into position, John B’s hand holding yours to help you catch your balance.

“Nicely done Y/L/N. Now let’s see if you can actually do it in the water.” JB led you to the waves, guiding you on how far to go out. He scanned the waves trying to find one for you. He pointed his index finger to an incoming wave as it slowly began to rise, you looked at him with a look of fear.“You got this. I’ll be right here to help you out.” He reassured you. 

You exhaled, “if I drown it’s your fault.” He sent you a sly grin before saying, “don’t worry I know CPR.” You jokingly rolled your eyes while ignoring the butterflies you got in your stomach. You faced the wave as you paddled towards it, a tint of pink covered your cheeks as John B whooped and cheered from behind you. “And… jump!” You immediately popped up into position, almost surfing the whole wave before falling into the water.

You popped your head back above water to John B paddling towards you with your board next to him. “You okay?” He asked, pulling you back up onto your board. You wiped the water off of your face before nodding, getting ready to paddle again to a slightly larger wave. “Y/n/n you don’t have to surf today, this was just supposed to be a practice.” He reminded you. You were absolutely determined to get this. “I got this.” You winked at him before paddling to the wave.

JB let you take this one, watching you jump up into position in time. “Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!” You laughed as you skimmed through the wave. John B applauded you as the wave died down revealing pure shock on your face. “And the Pogue princess has done it ladies and gentlemen!” He yelled into his cupped hands as you made it to shore. 

You waited for him to get to you before jumping into his arms. You wrapped yours around his neck as he held you by the waist, spinning you around in glee. “You fucking did it! Holy shit!” He grinned as he put you down. You jumped up and down in excitement. “I know! JJ better watch his back I’m coming up to him.” You mumbled, earning a chuckle from him.

“I believe this calls for a celebratory drink.” JB held his hand out for you to grab, you gave him a weary look. His glance dropped to his extended hand, his fingers slightly wiggling. You giggled quietly before intertwining your hands together. This time the butterflies were stronger than ever. You slowly pieced together that you were developing feelings for your best friend, which you were not ready to admit. 

I didn’t wanna believe my feelings for you. I didn’t wanna believe that I could lose you if I told you just how I felt.

“I’m really scared Kie.” You admitted, clutching onto one of her pillows on her bed. She sat in front of you and held both of your shoulders, “don’t be Y/N! John B won’t be phased if he finds out you like him. Plus even if he knows that’s not gonna change anything.” “That’s not what JJ told me.” Kie furrowed her eyebrows at you before remembering past events.

JJ told you about the time John B dated a close friend of 5 years for a while but once they broke up they never spoke again. You refused to tell John B how you felt because you were terrified of rejection. You were terrified of him not feeling the same way, or pitying you for not feeling the same way. Then things become awkward and the whole friendship is ruined.

“That was years ago! He’s matured a lot now and from the way he looks at you I’m guessing he feels the same as you.” You buried your face into the pillow and groaned into the cushion. “Don’t do that. Don’t give me that.” You sighed, clutching onto the pillow. “Don’t give you what?” She asked. “Don’t give me hope.” Kie reassuringly rubbed your back, “It’ll all fall into place soon hun, just try to give it time.”

“Dude when you see her your face turns pink. You’re all like, "oh Y/N! Let me show you what true love is!” JJ exaggerated, putting his hand on his forehead before dramatically flipping his hair. “Shut up man.” John B grumbled from behind the steering wheel.

“Honestly dude I don’t know what’s got you so afraid. Just tell her and don’t be a pussy.” JJ said to him. “Okay well what if I tell her and she’s like, ‘what the fuck I just became friends with this dude.’ And she like, never talks to me again. What happens then?" 

JJ rolled his eyes at his over dramatic friend, "JB I love you, you know this but either man up and tell her or watch her fall in love with someone else. Your choice man.” John B slouched in his seat, realizing his friend had a point. 

But I can’t help it, I’m falling for you. And I can’t quit it 'cause I’m stuck on you. 

John B covered your eyes with his hands as he led you into the backyard. Today was your birthday and while the rest of the Pogues took you out for dinner, John b stayed at his house to set up his backyard with festive lights and decorations. He remembered the first time you met him, you had gone on and on about how you wanted to go to a paper lantern festival. Since there were none at the time, he managed to find a lantern to give to you. He had set up the hammocks with a soft blanket and comfortable pillows. He saved up to buy cute fairy lights girls used to decorate their rooms. 

“And… surprise!” JB uncovered your eyes and watched your face contort into pure joy. “John B…” you trailed off, getting teary eyed. “Is it too cliche? Damn it I shouldn’t have listened to Kie.” He muttered under his breath. You quickly turned to him and hugged him, shaking your head. “No, no it’s beautiful.” He held you in his arms before excusing himself.

He walked inside and returned with the lantern, a lighter, and a sharpie. You covered your mouth with your hands, watching him walk up to you with a dorky smile. “I know this isn’t a festival, but it’s the closest thing I could find.” He handed you the marker allowing you to write whatever you want. This was your chance to slowly start to tell him how you feel.

 You effortlessly wrote, 'JB+(your first and last initials)’ you looked back up to him to see his smile even wider than before. “Is this okay?” He nodded his head, “it’s perfect."  He held the other side of the lantern as you lit the bottom. "One, two, three.” You two sent it off into the air, watching it slowly rise into the night sky.

John B wrapped his arms around your frame, resting his chin on your shoulder as you watched the lantern float above them. Your heart felt like it skipped beats constantly whenever he was near you. You got butterflies in your stomach whenever your name left his mouth. Everything you did with him just felt comfortable and safe.

And it might be pathetic and you might be skeptical but I just want to be with you.

You unknowingly cuddled yourself into John B’s chest. You two were laying on the couch, you were fast asleep in his arms. He couldn’t help but admire you as you slept. How your eyelashes just looked naturally long when they were shut. How every now and then your nose would twitch. Your eyes would sometimes flutter when you dreamed. Today was a day where you had a dream about John B.

He furrowed his eyebrows as a quiet, “John B.” and a giggle escaped your lips. You were dreaming about you two traveling the world together after finding the gold. He took you everywhere you wanted to see, always looking at you when you were looking at the view. 

John B didn’t move for a minute, afraid that he would wake you. He watched as your nose twitched nestling your head onto his chest. He held you in his arms, his thumb gently rubbing up and down on your arm. Hesitating for a moment, he tipped his head down and kissed your forehead. He couldn’t hold his smile back as you grinned at the feeling. Your mind was telling you that happened in the dream, but in reality John B was slowly realizing just how strong his feelings are for you.

Please tell me, boy can you get a clue? Or come through 'cause I just want to be with you.

“No, JJ you don’t get it. I try to give him a hint that I like him but it just flies over his head.” You vented, hitting your head on the steering wheel. JJ lifted your head up off the wheel and against the headrest. “Y/N, John B is the most oblivious person all of us know. If you want to tell him you like him, you have to just say it.” He emphasized the 'have’. 

You groaned and turned your head to him. “Can’t you just do it for me?” You covered your face. “Sorry buttercup, it’s better if it comes from you. I’ll help keep Kie and Pope away from you guys but you have to be the one to tell him.” You exhaled loudly, nodding your head.

I’m scared of telling you how I feel. Maybe it’s better if I just try to conceal the truth. For me and for you. But I’m still stuck on you. I’m still falling for you, for you.

You paced in your room, waiting for John B to arrive at your house. Tonight was the night you were gonna admit how you felt about him. You stopped in your tracks as you heard a delicate tapping outside your window. Unlatching the lock, you let him step through the opening before closing it again.

He stood there as you paced back and forth again, making him sit down on the edge of the house bed. “Okay. Okay so, I have to say something and I just need you to wait until I’m done before you say anything.” You instructed him, earning a nod as a response.

“I like you. I like you a lot and it genuinely scares me. To the point where I went to JJ for advice because I couldn’t figure out what to do. I was scared because my brain just tells me there’s no possible way you would like me back. That if I told you how I felt you would think it’s weird or you would look at me differently and I don’t want that, I don’t want things to change in a bad way. But I wanted to say this because you just, you make me feel safe. You make me feel like I’m worth it. You give me these butterflies that leave the hair on my body standing up. I’m always with you because you’ve always felt like home. I could be skydiving with no parachute but I wouldn’t care because as long as I’m with you, I’m happy. Okay, now I’m just rambling but that’s it." 

You stopped panting, biting your nails as John B sat there trying to process everything you said. He had a dumb smile on his face as he looked up at you. "What? What? Was that too much? Did I just mess everything between us up?” You panicked.

He stood up from his spot and walked towards you. You couldn’t help but feel small and vulnerable as you slowly backed away from him. He cornered you against the wall, his breath fanning your lips. “You like me?” He quietly whispered, trying to make sure he heard that right before he made the next move.

“I really do.” You mumbled, your chest heaving from your heart rate picking up. His hand raised up and cupped the side of your face. He watched as your eyes fluttered shut, melting into his touch. “I won’t do anything until you tell me it’s okay." 

You opened your eyes to look at his brown ones. "Kiss me.” You reassured him. He dipped his head down and connected your lips to his. He exhaled in relief as he was finally able to kiss you. Something he’s been wanting to do for a while now. Now he was the one with butterflies. The pad of his thumb rubbed your cheek bone as you pulled away from him. “Do you want this?” You asked, pointing your finger between you two

“I’m falling for you, I’ve been falling for you. I just want this. I want you.” He whispered, pushing a stray piece of hair out of your face. Your face turned a light pink as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

Lazy Day- Topper Thorton

Request:Hiii, could i request a topper x reader with prompt 30 and 51? Thanks babes :)

Summary: You and Topper decide to spend some more time together after a lazy day. 

Word count: 1,895

Warnings: SMUT! oral sex (male and female), thigh riding, tiny choking kink, un protected sex (wrap it before you tap it fellas!)

Topper Thornton held you close in his arms as the sunlight entered through your curtains, blinding his sight. It was only 3 in the afternoon but you two decided to stay in and cuddle with each other. He groaned in pain as you woke up to his noises. As soon as you opened your eyes, you yelped in pain as the brightness took over your vision. 

“Here.” Topper clamped his hand over your eyes, shielding the light. “Is this okay?” He asked as he held his hand in place. “It would’ve been okay if you didn’t poke me in the eye.” You laughed as you removed his hand to rub your eye.

You sat up in the bed and stretched, your bones emitting a loud popping sound. Topper went into the bathroom as you changed into normal clothes. Instead of finding a normal pair of shorts, you grabbed a clean pair of your boyfriend’s boxers and lazily threw them on. You slid on a large plain grey t-shirt that fell loose around your thighs.

Walking to the kitchen, you began grabbing bowls to eat cereal. Standing on your tip-toes, you reached your arm up high in an attempt to grab hold of the Cinnamon Toast Crunch. “Is that my underwear?” Topper spoke from behind you, pressing against you to reach up for the box of cereal.

He helped you get it down, but still stood behind you as he wrapped his arms around your waist, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.

“Today was such an easy day but I feel like I’ve been awake since 2 a.m.” you mumbled, your body shivering as Topper pressed delicate kisses to the side of your neck. His hands lifted up under your shirt, his fingertips skimming your skin. 

 He nipped at your neck, “You know I never got to tell you this, but you look hot in my boxers and shirt.” Topper smirked at you. “Alright Thorton, keep it in your pants.” Laughing you stepped away from him and headed into the bathroom leaving him missing your touch. 

You did what you had to do and stood in front of the mirror. Your fingers ran through your hair to smooth down any fly aways. You and Topper had been dating for exactly 1 year.  But no matter how long you two were together, you would do little things to try to fix your appearance. Whether it was to fix your hair or maybe even applying mascara, you wanted to look good mostly for yourself. Topper was always by your side hyping you up. He would always tap your hands when he saw you fixing something, always telling you that you look perfect in every way.

You walked out of the bathroom and back into the living room. The two resumed their cuddles, Topper spooning your body. Everything was quiet, the only sound heard was the audio coming from the TV. You sighed in content as you slowly shut your eyes. “I feel like I should be tired, but I also feel like I could run a marathon. Okay that’s a lie I can’t run for shit but you get the idea.” Topper mumbled in your ear as he held you closer to him.

“You know, if you can’t sleep we could have sex.” You joked to the boy, who actually took it seriously. As soon as those words left your mouth he released you and began to pull his pants down. He flung the article of clothing across the floor, pulling you into his lap. His hands found their place on your ass, gently rubbing your skin. 

“You know I was joking, right?” You grinned as he started to guide you to grind on his clothes cock. You threw your head back only for Topper to grab the bottom of your chin to kiss you. Your lips danced together, practically molding the moment they touched. The kiss got heated quickly as his tongue slid across your bottom lip before trying to fight for dominance with yours. 

The pupils in his blue eyes grew as he watched you grind against him, his eyes staying locked on your facial expressions. His hands slid up from your ass to the hem of your shirt. He wasted no time in nearly ripping it off of your body. He froze in his spot as his eyes scanned over the navy blue lace bra you were wearing. “Wanna take this upstairs?” He asked, licking his lips in anticipation.

You exhaled while nodding your head. He jumped to his feet, wrapping his arms around you as you linked your legs around his waist. He easily carried you up into his bedroom, carefully placing you down onto your feet. He sat up against the headboard, patting his thigh signaling you to come over to him. 

You straddled his thigh, feeling him lightly tense under your touch. Wrapping your arms around his neck, his hand found the small of your back, tracing small circles on your skin. You slowly began to rock your hips back and forth against his thigh, “there we go, princess. You like getting off on my thigh?” He smugly asked, his hands finding your ass once again.

You nodded your head, not being able to trust your voice. You knew if you spoke, a moan would slip out. Topper knew this was a weakness you had so he wanted to use it to his advantage. “Use your words, princess.” You bit your lip harshly, “I love it.” You let out a quiet moan, feeling the fabric of his boxers rub your clit. 

“Don’t stop baby, you’re almost there."he mumbled, his hands reaching up and undoing your bra. He immediately cupped your breasts, his mouth finding your left nipple. You couldn’t hold back your moan as his tongue swirled around your nipple. You spend up the rate of your grinding, your hands entangling themselves in his hair. In a swift motion, Topper was hovering over you. "If you’re gonna cum, it’s either gonna be on my tongue, my fingers, or my cock.”

He peppered kisses on your stomach, teasingly pulling his boxers off of you. He gently blew on your core, watching you squirm under the feeling. His tongue laid flat on your folds before diving in quickly. His hands quickly pinned your thighs down knowing you would wanna shut your legs.

Your eyes fluttered shut, “Topper.” You moaned, grinding your core against his tongue. He moaned against you, the vibrations sending a new sensation up your spine. He pulled away from you, his thumb collecting your juices. He leaned forward towards your face, “taste yourself.” You held onto his wrist as your lips wrapped around his digit. His mouth fell open as he watched you swirl your tongue around it. “Good girl.” He praised.

You tugged on his boxers, signaling you wanted them off. He quickly slid them off, sitting back in his position against the headrest. You positioned yourself between his legs watching as his cock sprang up, a shade of red with precum leaking from the tip.

Wrapped your hand around the base, he thrusted into your touch. “Hey, hey, easy tiger.” You giggled as your thumb swirled on his tip. You smeared the precum around, dragging it down the base. You watched entertained as Topper nearly crumbled underneath your touch. 

“Princess, you should put that pretty little mouth to another use instead of talking.” Topper panted, one of his hands collecting your hair in a fist. Obeying his subtle words, you took him into your mouth. “Oh shit Y/N, your tongue feels so good.” He groaned.

You flattened your tongue on his shaft, bobbing your head up and down. Your hand pumped the area where your mouth couldn’t reach. You moaned against him as you heard him mutter a string of curse words. Topper bunched your hair in his hand, trying to resist the urge of pushing your head down onto him. 

“If you keep going I’m gonna cum.” Your eyes watered as you forced your head all the way down, your nose touching his pelvis. He let out an almost pornographic moan as you repeated the action over and over. He lifted your head up, watching as strings of saliva reached from your mouth to his cock. Giving his tip one last lick, he leaned forward, his hand wrapping around your throat.

“I know what I said before, but I want you to cum on my dick before anything else.” Topper ordered, pulling you into a passionate kiss. He tasted himself on your lips, which for some reason turned him on even more. He positioned you onto your back, his tip teasing your folds as he rubbed himself against you. “Jesus, Top can you just-” he silenced you as he harshly slammed himself into your entrance without warning. You let out a loud moan as you bit your lip, your mouth falling open at the impact. 

“Fuck Topper!” You cried out, watching his facial expressions as he hovered over you. Your nails raked down Topper’s back, no doubt leaving bright red scratch marks. Topper pulled all the way out before slamming himself back into you, the sounds of your skins slapping together being the only sound in the room. To Topper, the sound of their actions and your moans were music to his. Hearing you praise him, telling him his cock feels so good made him feel like he was on top of the world when really he was just on top of you. 

“You’re so fucking tight. You feel so good.” He groaned, his head dipping down to kiss your lips. Your mouth fell open in bliss allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. “You’re all mine Y/N. No one can fuck you like I can.” He grunted in your ear. Your legs started to shake as your eyes fluttered shut. Not only was the physical touch a turn on for you, but hearing Topper be dominant made your core ache. 

His one free hand latched onto your throat, giving it a squeeze before he ran his thumb across your bottom lip. “That’s my good girl. Taking my cock like a champion, feeling every single inch of me.” His hands roamed your body, pinching your nipple between his fingers as you became a moaning mess. One of his hands intertwined your fingers as he pinned one of your hands above your head. 

“I’m almost there baby.” You said. Topper’s thrusts became quick and sloppy. “Cum in me.” Topper moaned into your ear as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling you closer to him. “Together?” He asked, resting his forehead against yours. “Together.” You arched your back as you released yourself around him. You felt Topper’s member stop moving as he released himself in you. Topper hissed loudly as you clenched around him, drawing the sinful pleasure to an end. 

He slowly pulled himself out of you, watching his cum drop from your core. A shiver was sent through your body from the loss of touch. Topper fell to your side, bringing you into his arms. You rested your forehead against his chest as the two of you caught your breaths. “I love you, Y/N.” You peppered soft kisses to his neck, “I love you too, Top.”

Positive- Rafe Cameron

Summary: You and Rafe start your own family :)

Word count: 1,053

Warnings: mentions of vomit but aside from that just pure fluff!

You woke up next to your handsome husband. Husband. You never thought of the day you would be able to say Rafe Cameron was your husband. You peacefully rested your right hand on the side of his face, taking in every little detail of his sleeping face. 

How his mouth slightly parted open, his lips a little chapped. Sometimes he would twitch a little in his sleep depending on what kind of dream he was having. At times he unknowingly smiles when you would snuggle into his chest. He would always have an arm around you, afraid to let go. Your legs would be intertwined so if one of you had to get up, the other would immediately feel cold.

You suddenly felt the dinner from last night quickly rise up in your throat. You threw the bed sheet off of your body and ran into the bathroom. Rafe immediately sat up at the sound of his wife throwing up into the toilet. He ran into the bathroom and held your hair back, sitting on his knees. 

He rubbed a gentle hand on your back as you finished your business. You leaned your head against your arm, waiting to see if there was anything else coming up. “You okay, love?” Rafe asked as he grabbed some toilet paper to wipe around your mouth. This was the 4th time in a week where you had woken up vomiting. You also took notice that your period was a week late.

Rafe noticed the symptoms you were having and quickly figured it out. While you were at work, Rafe went out to the pharmacy and bought you three pregnancy tests. Three just in case one says positive and one says negative. He opened the cabinet door underneath the sink and pulled out the boxes. He gave you the box, your face read nothing but fear.

“It’ll be okay. I’ll be right outside the door.” He pressed a soft kiss to your temple as you nodded. You read the directions and proceed to do the steps you needed to take. You used all three tests at once just to see how that would work. You waited 5 minutes for the results, as you stared painfully at the sticks, time felt like hours.

After you looked at the clock, you picked up the test. Positive. You looked at the next two tests, they said the exact same thing, positive. You took a deep breath as a grin found its way to your face. You grabbed the tests and walked out of the bathroom. Rafe’s head snapped up at the sound of the bathroom door opening. 

“All the same. Positive.” You said, Rafe gasped as a reaction. His face broke out into a smile as he jumped up off the bed. He embraced you in his arms, picking you up and spinning you both around. He placed you down before holding your hands in his. “I’m gonna be a dad? Oh my God! I’m gonna be a dad!"  He yelled, kissing all around your face.


9 months later

You laid in a hospital bed, your stomach the size of a full blown watermelon. The upcoming parents had found out your baby was going to be a boy. You two spent nights trying to come up with a name and what you would do to be good parents.

Rafe sat in an uncomfortable chair next to his wife, holding your hand as you attempted to push as hard as you could. The doctor had your legs propped up, your body already felt weak at the amount of changes it went through.

You screamed out in pain as you squeezed Rafe’s hand tightly. You were in labour for 11 hours, the baby finally coming out. It started with the head as your face contorted back and forth from pain to relief with every inch of the baby that came out.

"It’s okay, beautiful. You got this you’re almost there. He’s almost here.” Rafe encouraged you as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “One more push!” The doctor said. You gave one final strong push as the sound of cries made the new parents smile. You exhaled loudly, resting your head against Rafe’s hand. The doctor handed the Camerons a pair of scissors. Each of you looped a finger into the tool and cut the umbilical cord.

“Alright let’s clean this guy up.” The doctor said to the nurse as Rafe ran his fingers through his wife’s hair, grabbing a paper towel to blot the sweat off of your face and chest. “You fucking did it hun. We’re parents.” Rafe breathed out.

“And here is your healthy baby boy.” A nurse said with your baby wrapped in a baby blanket. You held the baby in your arms as you broke down crying. “Oh my god.” You sobbed looking down at the tiny human in your arms. You moved over a bit so Rafe could sit next to you. You rested your head on his chest as he laid his cheek on your head.

Your baby boy looked up at you as if he was confused. Rafe rubbed the top of your baby’s head, the fuzz tickling his hand. “We made this.” Rafe exhaled in disbelief, he began to play with the baby’s hand, his tiny fingers wrapping around Rafe’s index finger. Tears began to stroll down his face, he had never been so happy in his life. 

“Have you decided on a name for him yet?” The parents looked at each other. “Luke Cameron.” You two stayed in the hospital bed, holding your newborn son. “You were just welcomed to the world and I already love you with all my heart.” Rafe mumbled as Luke continued to hold onto Rafe’s finger while gazing up at you. 

“We did this. Oh my god, I’m a mom.” You sniffled, pressing a gentle kiss to Lukes head. “I’m proud of us. And we’re gonna raise him to be the best kind of person. I’m gonna teach him about sports of course, and we can make little bedtime stories about our adventures and I can’t wait to buy him little footie pajamas and little baby hats and beanies.” Rafe rambled as he kissed the baby’s fingers.

“Here’s to our new adventure.”

Taken- JJ Maybank

Request: hi ! I was wondering if you’d be interested in doing 111, 131 & 160 with jj - his best friend gets kidnapped by the two dudes who were looking for the compass at john b’s place & he has to find a way to get her back?

(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)

Summary: You’ve been taken by the square groupers and JJ is anxious to get you back.

Word count: 2,484

Warnings: Kidnapping, violence, crying, fear, abuse, cursing, mentions of bruises and blood, angst and fluff.


111. “I’ll kill you, you sick bastard. I’ll kill you, you’re a fucking monster who deserves to die.”

131: “If I wanted you dead, this room would be a lot quieter.”

160: “Stop fighting!”

“Hey, has anyone heard from Y/N? I tried calling her to invite her to come surfing with us but she never picked up or texted me back.” JJ said to the Pogues, walking back to John B’s from the beach. His friends checked their phones, all of them shaking their heads.

“I mean you know her, she’s either asleep or painting something outside. But we gotta go get her anyway if we’re gonna go eat at The Wreck.” John B suggested already walking to his van. JJ sat in the back of the van, an odd feeling in his stomach. Pushing back the feeling, he relaxed into the seat.

A quick five minute drive went by before they arrived at your house. Your car was still in the driveway, your parents not home due to them working. They walked through the front door, they stopped in their steps as they took in the sight in front of them.

The couch and dining room table was flipped over, papers and small objects scattered the floor. There was a hole in the wall next to the front door. Broken plates and bowls were shattered all over the kitchen floor. JJ ran down the hallway into your room to see it completely destroyed as well. 

Photos of you and the Pogues were torn apart, your bed was flipped to the side, some clothes were splayed on the floor. JJ stood there like a deer caught in headlights. Pope, John B, and Kie joined his side, all of their jaws fell open. “Holy shit.” Pope muttered. JJ walked towards your dresser to see a poorly handwritten note.

‘This is your warning.’ JJ slammed his fists down against the wood, “damn it! God fucking damn it!” He yelled, his face now red with anger and fear. The Square Groupers had gotten to you, kidnapping you to warn John B and his friends that they were not messing around. 

JJ fell to his knees, his hands picking up a ripped up picture of the Pogues, all of them were smiling and genuinely happy. Now, if you took a look at someone in the group, everybody looked desperate and broken.


You woke up, your mind groggy and your body ached in pain. The last thing you remember was a rag being smacked over your mouth before darkness took over. You attempted to push the hair out of your face, however the tight feeling of a rope was wrapped around your wrists. You turned your head, noticing the dark and abandoned room you were sitting in.

Your mind felt like a static TV, it was functioning however you couldn’t focus on anything. Fear flooded your veins as you connected the dots, remembering the square groupers attacked you in your house. You groaned out in pain, the sound being muffled by a piece of duct tape covering your mouth. Heavy footsteps marched down a small staircase, one of the men walking up to you with a water bottle in his hand.

“If I take this off of you are you gonna scream?” You shook your head no. In this short period of time, you had the option of fighting against a man whose way stronger than you, or doing what you’re told in hopes that they don’t kill you regardless. The man titled the water bottle up towards your lips, your body melting as the liquid hit your tongue.

“Alright. Tell me what you know about the compass.” “I don’t know.” You lied through your teeth. “I said what do you know about the compass?” He raised his voice, making you flinch for a moment. “I said, I don’t fucking know!” You fought back however you resisted, making him furious. He hooked his arm back before his fist collided with the side of your face.

You yelped in pain, panting as your mouth began to taste the metallic trait of blood. He crouched down to your level. “You know, if I wanted you dead, this room would be a lot quieter.” He taped over your mouth and marched back upstairs, leaving you to pray that The Pogues would come find you.


JJ paced back and forth in the Chateau, his hands pulling on his hair from stress. "Jesus christ, they took her. They just marched right in and took her. I swear to god if they lay a single hand on her I’m gonna-” “JJ!” Kie shouted at the boy who immediately stopped in his place.

“Stop thinking about how she got taken and help us find a way to get her back.” John B placed his hands on the blonds shoulders, “we’re gonna find her." 

"We could try telling Peterkin.” JB offered, Pope and JJ immediately shooting the idea down. “You never fucking trust cops, are you kidding me?” JJ snapped. “Okay well what the hell do you want us to do? Wait around until her dead body washes up on shore?” John B raised his voice, getting in his friends face.

“Don’t even say that shit dude. Don’t even bring it up.” JJ stepped forward before Kie stepped between the two Pogues. “Jesus, stop fighting! When we were in her house we couldn’t find her phone, right? Pope, do you think you could try to find her location?" 

Pope nodded his head, instructing that he would need strong wifi and a good computer. JJ recommended the hotel he works at as a busboy, a kook hotel that had one of the strongest connections in the Outer Banks. 


Your eyes struggled to remain open, both men had walked down stairs to try to interrogate you. However, you remained silent which only aggravated the men even more which forced them to throw punch after punch at your body.

It had been about three days since your kidnapping, the three days felt like four months. Your eyes felt heavy, your mouth was dry but the only thing you could taste was pure metal. Your ribs and chest ached, only imagining how many bruises littered your skin. Your wrists no doubt had rope burn due to every move you made.

You slugged in your seat as you heard footsteps trample down the wooden steps. You closed your eyes and automatically assumed it was the men. "Holy shit, guys she’s down here!” Your eyes snapped open to see Pope running towards you. JJ stopped at the foot of the stairs, taking in every detail he saw.

He saw all the dark bruises, the small cuts, the irritation of your wrists, your eyes were red and had dark bags, Tears welded your eyes as you exhaled, the tape trapping your actual breath. Pope reached down and began to unite your legs. John B and Kie joined Pope to help untie the ropes and help you walk.

JJ heard the sound of footsteps above him, signaling that the square groupers were home. He sped upstairs, ready to kill the men who did this to you. You told John B to follow him, Kie and Pope telling him they would help you up the steps. Kie gently pulled the tape off your mouth allowing you to gasp, finally able to breathe normally.

The two helped you stand up, your legs nearly went numb after the blood began to flow back down. Step by step, they led you up back stairs to see one of the square groupers knocked unconscious on the floor. JJ was on top of the other one, beating his face in one punch at a time.

JJ threw a hooked punch directly to the side of his face, grunting with each action he did. Blood covered his knuckles as his face was red from pure anger. “I’ll kill you, you sick bastard. I’ll kill you, you’re a fucking monster who deserves to die. You never put your hands on a lady.“ 

John B ripped JJ off of the grouper, telling him that was enough. JJ took one last look at the man before spitting on his face, "and that was your warning to never mess with a pogue.” His eyes switched to see you in between Pope and Kie, their arms around your waist as yours were splayed around their shoulders.

He walked up towards you, “is it okay if I pick you up?” You nodded your head as he crouched down into position. Carefully, he picked you up bridal style. “Is this okay?” He whispered before you agreed. He carefully walked out of the house and into John B’s van.

JJ carefully sat you down on the seat, allowing you to get comfortable. The drive was silent, no one knowing what to say that wouldn’t upset you. Every bump the van hit caused your aches to hurt. JJ who was sitting across from you, reached forward and held your hand. Without looking away from the window, you gently squeezed his hand.

As soon as you returned to the Chateau, JJ was by your side and ready to carry you. You told him you would be able to walk, but as soon as you took one step your knees almost buckled. JJ and Pope were right by your side to help you stand.

They led you into the house and carefully let go of you, standing back as you stepped in place trying to regain feeling in your legs. “Do you need anything?” John B asked, handing you a bottle of water. You quickly uncapped it and chugged the liquid, panting as you crumpled the bottle in your hand.

“Some food and a shower would be nice. Maybe some sleep.” You said before throwing the bottle away. “I can go to the Wreck to get us food.” John B offered. “I’ll come with.” Pope stepped up. “And I’ll go to your house and pack some things for you to take here.” Kie said. Your heart melted at your friend’s offers. “You guys are the best.”

John B initiated a group hug, everyone careful on where their hands were. The trio left the house, leaving JJ and you alone. “Do- do you think you could sit in the bathroom with me? I don’t really wanna be alone.” You whispered, your cheeks lightly pink at your question. Without hesitation JJ agreed.

You walked into the bathroom, JJ behind you as he closed the door. Without you having to ask, he turned around to face the door, allowing you to change out of your dirty clothes. Turning on the water, you stepped in and allowed the cool water to hit your skin. You nearly cried at the feeling as the droplets hit your skin.

You raised your hands up to run through your hair, immediately hissing in pain as you stretched your torso. “Are you okay?” JJ asked from the other side of the curtain. The boy sat on the lid of the toilet, patiently waiting if you needed any help or you fell. “I- I uh can’t reach my hair without it hurting.” You said.

JJ went silent for a moment, “do you need help?” You muttered a soft 'yeah’. “Do you care if-” you quickly interrupted him. “JJ you’ve been my best friend for 9 years, I don’t care if you see my body." 

JJ stripped down to his boxers before stepping through the curtain. His cheeks flushed a light pink as he switched his gaze up to the ceiling. You turned around and faced away from the water. JJ lathered your hair with shampoo and conditioner, his fingers giving you a soft scalp massage.

You melted into his touch, nearly moaning at how good the feeling of soap on your skin made you feel. He stood aside and let the water hit your head, carefully running his fingers through your hair he rinsed the conditioner out. "And you are all clean,” he started turning the shower off, “you can dry off and I’ll get you a pair of clothes you can borrow.” You thanked him as he carefully slid by you, still avoiding looking at your nude body.

You slowly reached out and grabbed the towel, carefully wrapping it around yourself. JJ quickly returned with a set of his shorts and an old band shirt. Allowing you to hold onto him to balance yourself, you slipped on the shorts. “I think I can get it over my arms.” You said, your arms out directly in front of you. He helped you slide it on, his eyes continued to avoid your naked chest.

JJ had always been there for you from the day you met. From shoving the 5th grade bully into the wood chips because he laughed at you, to asking you to freshman homecoming after the boy you liked got asked by another girl. He would bring you food or snacks whenever you were on your period. He was the one who took the time to teach you how to surf. He was your best friend and you were his and nothing could separate you two.

JJ led you to his room and watched as you carefully laid down in the bed. You let out a moan of pleasure at the feeling of the soft fabric pressing against your skin. “Can you hold me?” You whispered avoiding eye contact with him. “Of course Y/N, I didn’t plan on leaving you alone.” JJ went around the bed to lay next to you.

His arm carefully rested at the top of your thighs, the only area near your waist that wasn’t hurt. You snuggled into his chest, melting into his touch as he held you close to him. Soft sobs escaped your lips as your body shook in it’s spot. “Shhh. It’s okay. I’m right here.” He whispered, stroking the back of your head.

“I’m so sorry we didn’t find you sooner.” He mumbled to the top of your head. “Don’t apologize J, you guys found me. You guys saved my life.” You said, slowly pulling away to look at him. He placed a soft kiss to your forehead. His stare landed at the dark black eye you had gotten. “But you got hurt.” He whispered, his fingers holding the bottom of your chin to get a better look.

You held him by the wrist, “but I’m alive. I’m right here J.” He shifted closer towards you, holding you in his arms where you were supposed to be. For the first time in 2 nights you were both able to close your eyes and feel at peace. “Get some rest Y/N, I’ll wake you up when the food is here.” He pressed another soft kiss to your forehead before you shut your eyes.

Snuggling closer to him, you placed a soft kiss to his neck and rested your forehead in the middle of his chest. “I love you.” He smiled. resting his cheek on the top of your head. “I love you too.”

Easy Day- Rafe Cameron

(Not my gif!)

Summary: after a stressful week you and Rafe are finally able to relax together.

Word count: 777

Warnings: none

A/N: hi! I just wanted to say if you sent in a submission I’m still working on it! I had to go visit my uncle who lives 2 states away from me and I haven’t had much time to write. I found this in my drafts and decided to post it! Love you guys xx

Rafe Cameron held you close in his arms as the sunlight entered through your curtains, blinding his sight. It was only 3 in the afternoon and the couple decided to take a nap due to their long work hours. He groaned in pain as you woke up to his noises, as soon as you opened your eyes you yelped in pain as the brightness took over your vision. 

“Here.” Rafe clamped his hand over your eyes, shielding the light from entering your sight. “Is this okay?” He asked as he held his hand in place. “It would’ve been okay if you didn’t poke me in the eye.” You laughed out as you removed his hand to rub your eye.

You sat up in the bed and stretched, your bones emitting a loud popping sound. Rafe went into the bathroom to comb his hair back as you changed into normal clothes. Instead of finding a normal pair of shorts, you grabbed a clean pair of your husband’s boxers and lazily threw them on. Then put on a large plain grey t-shirt that fell loose around your thighs.

Walking to the kitchen, you began grabbing bowls for you two to eat cereal. Standing on your tiptoes, you reached your arm up high in an attempt to grab hold of the Cinnamon Toast Crunch. “Is that my underwear?” Rafe spoke from behind you, your reflexes kicking in before you could process it was your husband. 

Your elbow flung back and nailed him right in the torso, forcing him to hunch over and groan in pain. You covered your mouth in shock as you held his shoulders. “Oh my god Rafe I’m so sorry!” You repeated over and over as he sat himself down at the table, still clutching his ribs.

“You know, last time you spooked me from behind I dropped to the ground. How is my wife more badass than me?” Rafe mumbled, recalling the time you called his name from behind him. He merely let out a shriek and his legs collapsed from under him. 

You two spent the rest of your night cuddling on the living room couch, your legs intertwined as Rafe held his wife in his arms. “Today was such an easy day but I feel like I’ve been awake since 2 a.m.” you mumbled as you snuggled your face into the crook of your husband’s neck. 

“I’m happy we finally got one day of peace.” He smiled down at you, pressing his lips to your forehead. You sadly got up from the comfortable position to go to the restroom. As you stood up, you raised your arms high to stretch. 

Your stomach now clearly showed, his boxers exposed. “You know I never got to tell you this, because you elbowed me in the ribs, but you look hot in my boxers and shirt.” Rafe smirked at you. “Alright Cameron, keep it in your pants.” You laughed, walking to the bathroom. 

You did what you had to do and washed your hands. Your fingers running through your hair to smooth down any fly aways. You two had been married for almost a year, dated for 3 years prior to that. But no matter how long you were together or where you were, you would do little things to try to fix your appearance. Whether it be fixing your hair or maybe even applying mascara, you wanted to look good mostly for yourself. Rafe was always by your side hyping you up with your appearance. 

You walked out of the bathroom and back into the living room. You two resumed the cuddles, Rafe spooning your body. Everything was quiet, the only sound heard was the audio coming from the TV. You sighed in content as you slowly shut your eyes. “I feel like I should be tired, but I also feel like I could run a marathon. Okay that’s a lie I can’t run for shit but you get the idea.” Rafe mumbled in your ear as he held you closer to him.

“You know, if you can’t sleep we could have sex.” You joked to the boy, who actually took it seriously. As soon as those words left your mouth he released you and began to pull his pants down. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. “For all things holy please put your penis away. I was joking babe. Okay maybe not. But not right now. We spent money on these damn movies so help me we’re watching them." 

Rafe couldn’t help but laugh at his wife’s attitude. He honestly couldn’t care what they did as long as they were together.

Euro trip blurb: late night talking

Masterlist can be found here!

Synopsis:If you’re feeling down, Rafe just wants to make you happier, baby.

a/n:the votes are in. Pre euro trip football blurb !

C’mon. Swap with me.”

Noah tore his eyes away from the seating chart, surveying his best friend’s features with something akin to mild amusement. “Not sure that’s how it works, bud.”

“Want a bet?” Rafe challenged roguishly, cocking his head to one side, “go on, White. It’s just fucking calc.”

“Hey,” Noah shrugged, raising his arms in surrender, “it’s not like it’s up to me. Mrs Bright’s the one that put you beside Kelce.”

“And the one that put you beside Y/n,” Rafe pressed, eyes widening pointedly, “you’re not seriously going to —”

He was forced to falter as Noah’s palm made contact with his shoulder, grip punishing in an attempt to bring a halt to the conversation. A curt shake of his head, and Noah sent Rafe a meaningful glance, having registered you and Kelce walk into the classroom before he had.

Ironic, really, that he had clocked it first — Rafe was sure that your skin was magnetic; that his senses tended to note your presence before his conscious mind did. Relaxed features, and hair twisted back into a claw clip; something sweet in the air, and Rafe felt his eyes close a moment, taking his time to breathe this in. His figure was straightening just as you sidled in beside him, a crease in your forehead that had his thumb itching to smooth it out.

“Why,” you fixed Rafe with a pointed glare, as though he wasn’t halfway to dropping down on one knee and asking you to please (please) marry him, “are you guys congregating?”

“No reason,” Rafe shrugged easily, eyes alight with mischief. He dipped his head until his lips were at your earlobe, warm breath tickling the sensitive skin beneath it.

“On a completely unrelated note,” he added in a low murmur, and your peripheries blurred then, lashes dangerously close to fluttering shut, “do you have a pen? I need to make a few changes to this seating arrangement.”

The teasing lilt to his tone was enough to bring you out of your reverie, a huff escaping your lips as you separated from his figure.

“Ofcourse you do,” you scoffed, resisting the urge to roll your eyes, “Rafael, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities to sit beside Amber in your other classes —”

“Amber?” Rafe echoed bemusedly, allowing you space to step forward and pore over the chart. He took a pause before resting his hands on the table either side of you, broad chest warm and welcoming on your back, “what’s she got to do with anything?”

He bowed his head again, flirting with the idea of taking it a step further. “Pretty sure Amber isn’t the girl I’m going to marry, one day.”

You huffed another exasperated sigh, turning toward him with your arms folded across your chest. “And who is?”

A long pause, one that appeared to warp space-time a little. Rafe Cameron held the moon and the stars in his eyes, and you swallowed slightly, breath hitching as his gaze darted down to your lips.

“I think you know the answer to that question,” he said softly, and you wouldn’t have guessed that Kelce and Noah were still standing there — that you were still standing there, knees like jelly and conviction more than a little meek.

You shook your head in lieu of a response, peeling your eyes away from his features to concentrate on the seating chart. Spotting your name first, you sent Noah a polite smile, eyes flitting back toward the plan in order to find Topper and Kelce’s seats, too. Unbeknownst to you, Rafe was using the momentary pause to pull Kelce to one side, firm grip on his shirt collar as he lowered his voice to a desperate hiss.

“Smith,” he ordered, raising his eyebrows pointedly, “swap with Y/n.”

“Rafael,” you frowned, speaking up before Kelce could, “he’s not going to swap with you.”

Your eyes were still trained on the seating chart, bottom lip chewed raw as they settled on Topper’s name. Amber’s right beside him, and you were almost certain he was going to be pleased with the arrangement. The revelation settled heavy in your stomach, and the defeated exhale on your lips was enough to bring Rafe’s brows together.

“What’s wrong?” He frowned, abandoning his hold on Kelce to step back into your side.

“Don’t worry about it,” you muttered, turning on your heel just as he made to catch your wrist. There was a slump in your shoulders that hadn’t been there before; poorly hidden disappointment that appeared to intensify as Topper walked in.

There you guys are!” He greeted easily, pulling you into his side, “how are we looking?”

“Hey,” you smiled weakly, a pained expression on your features, “good, I think. I mean — you’ll definitely be happy with the arrangement.”

“No he won’t,” Rafe said on instinct, absently tugging on the bill of his backwards cap, “Amber’s swapping with Kelce. Right, Smith?”

“I —” Kelce faltered a moment, sending Rafe a bewildered glance before realisation dawned on his features, “— uh, I guess?”

Topper surveyed Kelce’s features bemusedly, raising an eyebrow before looking toward the seating chart. “Aight. So we’re sitting together, then?”

Your gaze hadn’t yet left Rafe’s, and something within in softened then — an overwhelming sense of appreciation within it. “Mm-hm. And I’m with Noah.”

“Or,” Rafe added, the corners of his mouth twitching mischievously, “Kelce swaps with Amber, who then swaps with you —”

“Rafael,” you interrupted, the smile on your lips betraying your feigned indignation, “that is most definitely not happening.”

“Had to try,” he shrugged, sending you a wink that had you holding your breath, “but hey, no biggie. I’m sure I’ll have plenty of opportunities to sit beside you in all of my other classes —”

“Unbelievable,” you interrupted, shaking your head irately, “you’re unbelievable, you know that?”

“And you’re beautiful,” he responded effortlessly, falling into your step as you headed toward your seat, “and sweet, and trying to fucking kill me with this dress, and way too hot to sit beside White, and —”

“Like I said,” you repeated, seemingly unconvinced, unperturbed, and — well, and trying to ignore the fact that your heart felt the very opposite of those two words, “un-fucking-believable.”

You didn’t know Noah White without Rafe Cameron.

They were a package deal — always had been; the same, cocky personality emanating from two, equally handsome individuals. Perhaps that was why you had already written him off when given the opportunity to get to know him — same genre of trouble, same reputation you were looking to avoid, and same, tooth-aching sweet talk that made you feel like a prize.

Except, that he wasn’t. (And perhaps this was because Rafe Cameron wasn’t too; not in the brash sense, anyway, and especially not with you.)

Senior calc was quickly becoming one of your favourite periods, and you had Mrs Bright’s seating chart to thank for this perplexing new revelation. Because Noah White was actually pretty cool, once you gave him a chance — he was insanely good at maths, always had some gum in his backpack, and somehow knew about your broken headphones and brought you a spare pair, second week back.

He was also extremely perceptive — frustratingly so, and perhaps that was why a single glance in your direction brought a furrow to his brow. His gaze shifted past your figure, meeting Rafe’s a moment, before he was leaning right in, peering at the webpage you had open on your laptop.

“You good?” He whispered, speaking through the corner of his mouth in an attempt to remain discreet.

“Huh?” You questioned bemusedly, only just registering his presence, “oh — uh, yeah, no. I’m algood.”

Noah raised his eyebrows at your distracted expression, clearly unconvinced. “College admissions trouble?”

“Kind of,” you sighed, looking back toward the UNC webpage with a small frown on your lips, “just tossing up between a few options.”

“Ah,” Noah responded, sending you an apologetic smile, “well hey, if you ever wanna talk to someone about UNC, my older sister Em’s graduating from there this year.”

You perked up then, interesting piquing. “Is she?”

“Mm-hm,” Noah nodded, “she did a business degree, so I’m not sure how much help she’d be with —” he took a small pause, scanning the screen again in search of your chosen major, “— uh, Art History, but she could probably provide some perspective on the University as a whole.”

“Really?” You questioned, letting out a sigh of relief, “you sure she wouldn’t mind?”

“Nah, not at all,” Noah assured, bumping your shoulder affectionately, “she loves playing big sister. She’s home next week, too — she’ll be at the game if you wanted to speak to her about it in person.”

You nodded slowly, feeling your shoulders begin to relax. “That would be so amazing, seriously. Thank you Noah!”

“Hey,” Noah shrugged, grinning wide, “no biggie. Anything for the future sister-in-law.”

He raised his voice just enough for Rafe to hear the last few words, eyes alight with mischief as he registered your embarrassed groan.

“Unbelievable,” you huffed, feeling a familiar flush creeping up your cheeks, “un-fucking-believable, just like him.”

“White!” Rafe called, furrowing his brow in mock indignation, “stop harrassing my girl.”

“Rafael,” you frowned, fixing him with a pointed glare, “not your girl.”

“Sweetheart —”

“Not your sweetheart either, Cameron.”

“You’re welcome, by the way.”

Rafe raised his head bemusedly, halfway through tying up his shoes when Noah’s words registered. “Huh? For what?”

“Dude,” Noah took a purposeful pause, lifting his eyebrows pointedly, “for being the best wingman in history, obviously.”

Rafe surveyed Noah’s features with mild interest, cocking his head to one side. “Go on.”

“Did you know Y/n’s considering UNC?” Noah responded, sending Rafe a meaningful glance, “because she is.”

“Fuck off,” Rafe breathed, feeling something strange and syrupy sweet settle in his veins. The prospect of separating for college in the future had been a source of significant chagrin all summer; he wasn’t sure he was capable of surviving without the promise of your presence — warmth and everything good in this world, soft skin and softer disposition. And though the thought of living without you wasn’t something he wanted to entertain, Rafe knew he wouldn’t dream of standing between you and the college of your dreams. Whether that be UNC, or somewhere else entirely, he would accept your decision — would live life alongside it. Alongside, but not truly within it; he couldn’t, not unless the moon and the stars willed it.

“I know,” Noah nodded, scanning Rafe’s features a moment before continuing, “she’s unsure, though, so I told her she should speak to Em.”

“Your sister Em?” Rafe questioned, cracking a roguish grin, “aw, my two favourite girls getting alon—”

“Is Rose coming tonight, Cameron?” Noah retorted, letting out a dramatic sigh, “reckon she’ll help me warm u—”

“Fuck off,” Rafe gagged, making a face, “you know I was just playing. Why do you always have to take it too far?”

“Because your step-mom is milf central,” Noah shrugged easily, deftly dodging Rafe’s punch, “can’t blame me, bro.”

Anyway,” Rafe huffed, clearing his throat pointedly before continuing, “has Y/n spoken to her?”

“Nah, told her to find Em at the game,” Noah responded, straightening just as the rest of the team entered the locker room, “which means —”

Kelce,” Kelce interrupted, raising his voice an octave in a mocking attempt to adopt your reproachful lilt, “please do not tell Rafael that I’m going to be attending the game tonight, because last time I came he was fucking insufferable and — blah blah blah, what’ll it take for you to leave her alone tonight, Cameron?”

“You know I can’t help it, Smith,” Rafe grinned, endeared by the mere thought of his name escaping your lips — as if that was fucking possible, “there’s just —”

“—something about her,” Kelce finished, lowering his voice, this time — gruffer and deeper, caveman-like.

“Exactly,” Rafe nodded, unperturbed by Kelce’s attempt to goad him, “can’t promise shit.”

“I don’t get you, Cameron,” Topper said then, half-amused, half-exasperated by Rafe’s inability to give up, “a million girls in this world —”

“— and none quite like her, you know?” Rafe interrupted, knowing exactly where Topper was going with this, “you don’t get me, Thornton, because you don’t get true love.”

Topper raised an eyebrow at that, sharing a bewildered look with the rest of the team before shaking his head. “Right.”

The rest of the team, barring two, extremely perceptive individuals. And it wasn’t a coincidence that Kelce and Noah looked to each other then — stupid, convoluted love, and it felt as though they were the only two that understood it, sometimes.

A distance away, the spectator stands were filling at an alarming pace. Privately, you never understood the novelty of watching sweaty guys tackle each other on dewy grass (it almost frustratedyou — although, that was another story entirely), but you had promised your best friends your unconditional support, and your unconditional support is what they would receive. The fact that Noah’s older sister would also be here was an encouraging plus; you were hoping to be introduced right after the game was finished, receive some clarity on a decision that was slowly gnawing your insides raw.

You managed to find a few girls from your class just as the first whistle was blown, preparing yourself for an hour or so of menial small talk and polite cheering. Scanning the field on occasion, you would manage to make encouraging eye-contact with Topper whenever he looked toward you — a small flutter, a twinkle in your eye, and something safe and familiar would settle in your stomach. It wouldn’t somersault, nor thrum right out of your chest, wouldn’t be jelly in your knees like Rafe’s brilliant blue gaze. Because though you managed to avoid looking toward his figure, the something strange in your veins made you feel as though his eyes remained on you. Not enough to be distracted, sure, but just enough for his movements to falter with yours.

You would furrow your brow (attempting to understand a game you had long since given up on), and Rafe would feel an overwhelming urge to smooth the creases right out. You would whisper something slight in Yasmin’s ear, and his eyes would flit to your soft lips then, agonise over how badly he wanted to kiss them. You would smile at something silly, cheer when the team scored, and on occasion, you would hug your waist tighter — shiver a little as the cool, night air wrapped around your figure.

“Oi!” Rafe called suddenly, eyes lingering on your figure as he raised his hands in a T, “ref — I need to call a time-out.”

The referee surveyed his features, bewildered, taking a small pause before reluctantly blowing his whistle. “You have a minute, captain.”

“Sweet,” Rafe sent him a thumbs-up, jogging back toward the sidelines where his drink bottle and jumper lay slumped on the bench. The rest of the team stood frozen on the field, sending each other equally perplexed looks before Noah cupped his hands around his mouth.

“Cameron!” He called, making for his figure when he didn’t receive an answer, “the fuck are you doing?”

Rafe grabbed his faded, football jersey before turning toward his best-friend, meeting his bewildered gaze with a relaxed expression, unperturbed by the interruption. “Getting my jumper.”

“You — what?” Noah frowned, perplexed, “you called a time-out because you were cold?”

“No, you fucking idiot,” Rafe snorted, shaking his head as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, “I called a time-out because Y/n was shivering.”

He turned around before Noah had a chance to protest, expertly traversing the stands until he reached your figure within it. Eyes wide and a grimace on your features, it was clear that you were more than a little embarrassed by Rafe’s decision.

Rafael,” you hissed, and he was standing so fucking close, cologne and sweat and wonderful warmth clouding every one of your senses, “what are you doing?”

Rafe furrowed his brow a little at the question — your teeth were still chattering, eyes narrowed and something sweet on your skin; wasn’t it painfully clear why he was here?

“As much as I’d like to sit here,” he grinned, leaning in close until you could feel the heat radiating off his figure, “and warm you up myself, I have a football game to finish, sweetheart, so I thought I’d give you my jersey instead.”

“I’m not cold,” you muttered stubbornly, refusing to make eye-contact.

Rafe raised an eyebrow at the claim, placing the football jersey in your lap anyway. “You sure?”

“Positive,” you bit back, folding your arms across your chest, “and I would appreciate it if you didn’t call time-outs on my account, Rafael.”

“Not on your account,” Rafe shrugged easily, eyes twinkling a little, “mostly on mine. Pretty selfish, but I reckon my lucky charm wearing number fourteen would guarantee a win, don’t you?”

“Luckycharm?” You scoffed, fixing him with a pointed glare, “I’ve been to two games, maximum —”

“Not true,” Rafe winked, clutching his chest and pretending to swoon, “you’ve been on my mind during all of them.”

“Jesus, Cameron,” came a sweet voice behind you, speaking before you had a chance to, “Noah really wasn’t kidding, huh?”

You furrowed your brow at the sentiment, turning toward the source to find a gorgeous brunette already staring at you. She had the same eyes as Noah, gentle smile that relaxed your shoulders, and her gaze lingered a moment, mischief returning as she looked back toward Rafe’s figure.

“Don’t be jealous, Em,” Rafe grinned, straightening just as a warning whistle rang through the air, “you know you’ll always be my first love.”

“Alright, buddy,” Emma scoffed, shaking her head bemusedly, “now, for the love of God, please go back to playing football.”

“Yes ma’am,” Rafe nodded sagely, sending her a mock salute before jogging back down to the field.

The exchange had thrown you far more than you were willing to admit, and you found yourself staring down at the jersey on your lap — large and warm and him, with intent enough to drown out the second whistle. It was only when Emma tapped you on the shoulder that you were brought out of your reverie, turning back toward her with a weak expression on your features.

“Hey,” she greeted with a smile, pointing to the empty seat beside you, “mind if I —”

“No, yeah, of course,” you nodded eagerly, and another gust of wind then, one you refused to acknowledge in light of Rafe’s stupid fucking jersey in your lap.

She climbed into the seat from the one directly above it, surveying you a moment before responding. “You’re Y/n, right?”

“Right,” you affirmed, angling your body toward her, “and you’re Noah’s sister?”

“Em,” she corrected amicably, sending you another kind smile, “he told me about how you’re struggling a bit with college apps.”

You let out a defeated sigh, absently chewing on your bottom lip. “Yeah. Just a little unsure about where I’d fit best.”

Emma nodded in understanding, mouth half-open in response with she registered the way you were shivering.

“You know,” she said, raising an eyebrow knowingly, “you’re allowed to put on Rafe’s jersey if you want.”

“I don’t,” you scowled, resisting the urge to make a face, “not Rafael’s.”

Emma surveyed you with mild amusement, taking a pause to look toward the field. She caught Rafe’s gaze just as the team scored, his eyes widening pointedly as he mouthed an isn’t she fucking perfect?

She laughed then, a little endeared by his earnest expression, responding a teasing she’s way out of your league, bud before turning back toward you.

“Fair enough,” she nodded sagely, “he’s a bit of a pest, that one.”

You smiled then, crinkling your nose playfully. “Pretty sure he gets a kick out of harassing me.”

“Ah,” Emma said, eyes twinkling a little, “I don’t know if I’d go that far.”

“No,trust me,” you assured, sending her a meaningful glance, “you should see the way he is when we’re in class. He’s —”

“If it’s anything like,” she gestured toward the jersey on your lap, huffing a laugh, “that,then I’m sure harassing you is the last thing he wants to do.”

“You can’t know that,” you frowned, refusing to relent.

“You know,” she said then, pointing toward his figure in the distance, “I’m pretty sure he’s going to get a kink in his neck from how often he’s looked in this direction so far.”

“But seriously, Y/n,” she continued, smiling knowingly, “I’ve know Rafe for a long, long time. And not once have I seen him act like this over a girl.”

You swallowed slightly, a heat in your cheeks as you shifted your gaze toward the field. There Rafe was, combing calloused fingers through sweaty hair, ruggedly handsome as ever as he sent you a cheeky grin. I hope she helps you with your decision, he mouthed then, brilliant blue gaze never wavering, I hate seeing you stressed out.

You crinkled your nose at him, features bright enough to make him swoon. He was halfway to calling another time-out, halfway to pretending to get down on one knee — halfway to actually getting down on one knee when you tore your eyes away from him, a smile on your lips that hadn’t been there before.

“Um, right,” you responded awkwardly, eager to change the subject. It did funny things to your chest, made your skin feel warm and your mind grow hazy. “Anyway, I, um, I’d love to hear a little bit more about your experience at UNC.”

“Yeah, of course,” Emma nodded, all-business now, “do you have any specific questions before I go on my spiel?”

“Well,” you faltered a moment, tucking your bottom lip between your teeth, “I was hoping to do an Art History degree —”

“Oh, one of my sorority sisters did Art History!” Emma exclaimed, smiling wide, “she really really loved it, one of the best programmes in the country I hear.”

“Yeah?” You responded eagerly, leaning right in, “I — I really want to go, but my dad’s a UPenn alum, and he kinda wants me to follow in his footsteps. I just… I don’t know, I guess I wanted to know whether UNC’s worth fighting for.”

Emma was patient and kind in a way you weren’t used you; you hadn’t grown up with an older sibling, the only sage advice you ever received from a parental figure that thought they knew better. You ended up voicing concerns that didn’t just pertain to UNC, but to college as a whole — she was gentle, she was understanding, and you found yourself leaning into her presence in a way you didn’t think possible. She provided you with a fresh perspective on college; on how different life was when you escaped the Figure Eight, and the impossible expectations that came with it. You were so engrossed in the conversation that you were still chatting when the football game came to an end, traversing the stands side by the side to join the crowd congregating on the field.

It was only when Noah’s sweaty figure approached you that you were finally forced to halt, sending him a grateful smile as Emma pulled him into a hug.

“You played like shit,” she teased, ruffling his hair a little, “waste of my fucking time, if you ask me.”

“Fuck off, Em,” Noah scowled, enough height on him to tower over her figure, “you peaked in high-school. I know you secretly love finding excuses to come back here.”

He turned toward you then, raising his eyebrows at your jersey-clad figure. “No longer shivering then, Y/n?”

You grimaced sheepishly, hugging your arms around your waist on instinct. “Hey — its not like I asked him to call a time-out.”

“Worth it,” came a soft voice in your ear, broad chest against your back, warmth and musk and alluring charming prompting you to lean back inadvertently, “besides, it looks way better on you than it does me, sweetheart.”

You turned your head then, frown faltering as you registered how close his face was to yours. The phantom of his lips on your earlobe, and his hand came to rest on your hip then, steadying your figure just as you felt your knees buckle at his proximity.

“Here,” you swallowed, tugging at the frayed hem on instinct, “you can have it back —”

“No way,” he breathed, lips parting slightly, “you need to keep it on for a few more hours, at the very least.”

You could feel your lashes fluttering at the words, and you almost didn’t notice Emma and Noah discreetly rejoin the crowd. They had disappeared from sight before you had a chance to protest — it was just you and Rafe now, and your peripheral vision blurred at the thought.

“Why?” you said weakly, his fingers like fire on your skin.

“Because,” Rafe inched impossibly closer, eyes flitting down to your lips, “that way, when you give it back to me, it’ll smell like you.”

You pressed your palms against his torso half-heartedly, feeling something syrupy erupt in the middle of your chest. “Rafael.”

Y/n,” he teased, a small smile on his lips, “did speaking to Em make you feel better?”

You nodded a response, creating some distance between your figure and his. “Mm-hm.”


“Good?” You echoed bemusedly, raising an eyebrow at the sentiment, “why do you care?”

“Because,” Rafe shrugged simply, brushing his thumb against the contour of your cheek a moment, “you seemed a little down in math the other day. And I just wanted to see you happy again, you know?”

