

Get. that. ass.

Protests are ongoing outside the homes of Brett Kavanaugh and the conservative Supreme Court Justices.

Recognize the game: saying they want to ban all birth control might make completely banning abortion seem a tad bit less extreme, but the truth is both things are extreme, and make no mistake—conservatives DO want both things; they want forced birth and they want those born into poverty to be ignorant, desperate and compliant.

No affordable, nationalized healthcare.

Protests banned.

Militarized, widely unaccountable police forces.

Book bans.

Erasure of LGBTQ people in schools.

Revisionist history of racism and slavery in schools.

Abortion bans.

Contraception bans.

Forced births.

This is the Republican Party.

And never forget: they did not get here without some help along the way.

Look, I’m not here for all of that Red vs. Blue bullshit, okay? Imma people over party kinda brutha. The Republican Party is irredeemably, thoroughly and completely evil. Anyone with an iota of common sense and a hint of morality knows that, and if they don’t, you aren’t going to convince them to be good people with a sternly worded social media post. So that’s not my priority.

But conservative Democrats are not without blame. Idgaf if you naively believe they’ve “changed” or had an epiphany or something. All I know is, things would not be as bad as they are if leadership in the Democratic Party actually didn’t fucking help Republicans along the way.

Anyway, if voting is your bag, then vote in the primaries and vote for the most progressive, leftist candidate out there. And don’t fall for the neoliberal okie doke of “Vote Blue No Matter Who.” That’s how we end up with conservative Democrats doing everything in their power to get Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court (looking directly at you, Joe Biden).

It’s nothing less than BIG government, forced birthing. This is evil and draconian. People argue that America is already a late stage capitalist oligarchy, but if SCOTUS repeals Roe, it will be remembered as the turning point when America actually turned the corner and really became a fully Christofascist state—because conservatives won’t stop at overturning Roe v. Wade. The leak included references to to the landmark LovingandObergefellcases.

“According to Alito’s reasoning, Roe was “remarkably loose in its treatment of the constitutional text.” Alito notes that Roe rests not on any single constitutional provision, but on five: the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and 14th Amendments.”

Please recognize this for what it is. A complete grab for control by an illegitimate rightwing court.

SN: Please, do not add any #VBNMW fuckery to this post—that kind of blind sycophancy is exactly how we ended up with misogynistic anti-abortionists like Clarence Thomas,Joe Manchin,Henry Cuellar,Dan Lipinski, and too many others.

The U.S. Supreme Court is a rightwing, Christofascist extension of the Republican Party and the Federalist Society. The Roberts Court is illegitimate and notapolitical.Clarence Thomas needs to be impeached and Ginni Thomas needs to be prosecuted.

Guess they were right… it does take a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun /j

The Arizona Senate has spent more than $500,000 in taxpayer money to fight the release of public records related to the partisan election review it conducted in 2021.

Senate Republicans hired Phoenix-based law firm Statecraft to represent it on matters related to the so-called “audit” of the 2020 election in Maricopa County, including lawsuits centered on public records. The Senate has refused to release thousands of documents to watchdog organizations and journalists, including the Arizona Mirror, that have sought access to the materials under Arizona’s public records law. 

A Kentucky state legislator went on a bizarre tirade about various Jewish connections to RU-486 (popularly known as “the abortion bill”). It really is impossible to summarize – it features alleged connections to Zyklon B, musings about Jewish women’s sexual practices, complaints about the Nobel Prize awards process … really, just click through the link.

Anyway, the conclusion of the story informs the reader that “A spokeswoman for the state’s Senate Republicans told the [Louisville] Courier-Journal that the leadership will add training on antisemitism to the annual training senators receive.”

Put aside whether any amount of training could anticipate … this. And put aside whether we trust the Kentucky Republican Party to be even halfway competent in picking antisemitism training. My question is, even if Kentucky Republicans were being earnest here, what major counter-antisemitism training initiatives right now are primarilyfocused on the sort of antisemitism Kentucky Republicans are most likely to indulge in (see also: “Jew them down”)? 

Regardless of your views on the nexus between antisemitism and anti-Zionism, I don’t think Kentucky Republican politicos are especially likely to start endorsing BDS in an antisemitic fashion. And while I don’t want to suggest, falsely, that the programs attacking contemporary antisemitism do not care about or cover more right-wing varieties, I do feel as if much of the new energy and material on the subject tends to focus on alleged left-wing iterations. The relevant curriculum and research on right-wing practices, in other words, perhaps hasn’t been updated – particularly with an eye towards moving past overt KKK style right-wing antisemitism and into the more “insidious” (to borrow a term) forms that are penetrating mainstream conservative politics.

via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/DVhbf3G

I’m sorry I’m not very active on here anymore, but Ted Cruz helped draft a shitty healthcare bill and now he’s saying he wont vote for it because it’s not shitty enough for him and I am exhausted.


Here is a pretty lame quote from mental midget Paul Ryan:

“Just last week, the President told a crowd in North Carolina that Republicans are in favor of, quote, ‘dirtier air, dirtier water, and less people with health insurance.’ Can you think of a pettier way to describe sincere disagreements between the two parties on regulation and health care?”

Here is a great response from Paul Krugman:

Just for the record: why is this petty? Why is it anything but a literal description of GOP proposals to weaken environmental regulation and repeal the Affordable Care Act? So Ryanis outraged, outraged, that Obamais offering a wholly accurate description of his [Ryan’s] party’s platform…. You really have to be somewhat awed when people who routinely accuse Obama of being a socialist get all weepy over him saying that eliminating protections against pollution would lead to more pollution.”
