#reylo smut



BuffShipper Reylo Master Post

  1. Yeild: A Reylo Story: After defeating Ben in a heated sparring match, Rey engages in an even more heated encounter with Ben in the bedroom.
  2. Reylo: Red: Rey discovers her kinky side when she is captured by Supreme Leader Kylo Ren.
  3. Reylo: Blue: Ben and Rey enjoy a honeymoon on Naboo.
  4. Duality: A Breylo Story: Rey confronts the dual nature of Ben Solo / Kylo Ren.
  5. Reylo: Rey reunites with Supreme Leader Kylo Ren through the Force Bond following a sapphic encounter with Rose Tico.



For all my Reylos and Reybros!

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Chapter 1: The Capture


Kylo leaned closer. “I know you’ve seen the map. It’s in there…and now you’ll give it to me.”

He smiled softly. “Don’t be afraid. I feel it, too.”

“I’m not giving you anything,” Rey defiantly replied, despite her own trepidation at the spector of another mind probe.

“We’ll see,” retorts Kylo as he peers into Rey’s eyes intently to resume the probe.

She met his gaze, and his confidence begin to waver as he slams into a barrier in her mind. She does the unthinkable and enters his mind, and in that moment their minds merge as one, their innermost feelings and intentions laid bare.

A blaze of faint memories, emotions, fears, and deep desires. 

Staring at each other in stunned silence, it was Kylo who spoke first.

“Perhaps…there’s more than one way to find what I seek…”

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(Art from @hotside. Used with permission)

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Synopsis: A series of one shots in which Rey f**ks her way through the Sequel Trilogy

Chapter 1: Desert Heat After a tough day of scavenging, Rey decides to enjoy some relaxing alone time…

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Chapter 2: Awakening Kylo Ren interrogates Rey at Starkiller Base, probing her mind with the Force for clues to BB-8 and the map to Luke Skywalker. What else he finds in her mind however, is something neither of them expected

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Chapter 3: How to Make Love the Wookiee Way With Jedi Master Luke Skywalker unwilling to take up the lightsaber in the fight against the First Order, Rey finds out that Chewbacca has his sights set on her as a new mate as they pass the time together on Ahch-To…

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Chapter 4: The First Order’s Finest To escape Kylo Ren’s clutches, Rey enlists the help of JB-007 and his fellow stormtroopers, but only if she does something for all of them…

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Chapter 5: The Jedi Master When Rey travels to Ahch-To find the lost Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, the reluctant hermit agrees to come, but only if Rey makes it worth his while…

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Chapter 6: A Long Way to Pasaana During a long flight to the planet of Pasaana in search for clues to the location of the planet Exegol, Finn and Poe stave off boredom in their quarters. Rey, equally bored, decides to join them…

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Chapter 7: Rey’s Sapphic Self-Cest Rey faces her dark side aboard the wreckage of the Second Death Star…

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Chapter 8: “You’re Offering Me a Job?” Han Solo offers Rey a job, and she accepts. However, the wily old scoundrel wasn’t specific about what kind of job it would be…

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Chapter 9: “You’ll Be The One To Turn” Through their Force bond, Rey develops a crush on Kylo Ren and goes to him on the Supremacy to turn him to the Light. However, Kylo has other plans and brings Rey before Supreme Leader Snoke…

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Chapter 10: Jakku Gloryhole Bitch Scavenger Rey bargains for extra portions with the miserly junk boss Unkar Plutt…

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Chapter 11: Rey and the Hentaitar When Han Solo and Chewbacca’s ship The Eravana gets boarded by space gangs after their discovery of Rey, Finn, and BB-8 aboard the Millennium Falcon as they flee the First Order, all hell breaks loose and admist the chaos, Han Solo’s cargo of tentacled Hentaitars get loose…

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