

Aries: protective / reckless
Taurus: unrelenting / egocentric
Gemini: attentive / talkative
Cancer:compassionate / depressive
Leo: loyal / self-absorbed
Virgo:delicate / distrusting
Libra:supportive / indecisive
Scorpio: mature / discontent
Sagittarius: independent / overly dramatic
Capricorn:intuitive / dismissive
Aquarius: adventurous / bitchy
Pisces: dreamy / unstable

This is a healing journey,

there is always a wound, fear is wrapped even in the most shining smile. Your childhood can be an imprint of the main themes in your healing journey - this is a time when we can see deeper, when we’re wise enough to open for any experience and craving for teaching, no matter how harsh, horrible it can be, our soul is fresh with the memory of why we’re here.

So we’re ready to go - passed unnoticed to the adults, words and actions towards us as children can stay with us for years, mirroring in various difficult experiences.

Inner child

That’s all held in our inner child, the first sparkle of our personality free from conditioning by education, family, social groups etc., widely open for life and its experiences as they are, full of play, creative fire and ability to accept and give love. It’s the most clear imprint of our soul.


Trauma shadows the inner child, making him\her retreat into the deeper parts of the psyche, he\she isn’t a warrior at all, so quietly slides inside, leaving vague memories.

When we approach the trauma - see it, starting to descend into it, slowly healing, the inner child is coming further.

Things that can bring the trauma into the light:

*** meditation and relaxation through any kind of technique that help your body and mind to open up and release stored energy of the wound,

*** setting intention that you’re ready to reveal your wounds and start healing can be a great deal, it’s a kind of signal you’re sending to your conscious mind at first and then letting this intention go, forgetting about it, you allow your unconsciousness connected with cosmos to start working on it,

*** focusing on the things that can point to your wounds:

  • natal chart (look at Pluto, Chiron, Lilith)
  • evaluating repeating negative patterns in your life, your blocks
  • going to see your parents or staying with them for a while (the last thing is advised if you want no less but enlightenment)
  • reflecting on the relationships with people closest to you,

*** trying to reconnect with your inner child - dance, sing, embrace your creativity and try to see how your inner child responds to that, eventually you can even write a letter to yourself as a child.


Healing is a slow process of opening up to the trauma, letting wounds to be revealed, accepted and healed. There is no specific time, pace, process to do that. It’s like letting the flower bloom, not trying to open up the petals, eventually ruining the natural process. That flower is your inner, truest teacher, eventually it makes us grow, teach us love, compassion, understanding, let our souls evolve.

Explore. Reframe. Embrace healthy conflict. Celebrate that value is in your effort, only that matters.


Virgo: It’s likely that the holiday season isn’t your thing, and it can be hard for Virgo’s to appreciate and really experience the Sagittarian goodness at this time. Happiness can be being able to complain in peace, and this could certainly be something you do a  lot of this season.

Aries:Sagittarius may try to take you down a notch and put you in your place, and you’re going to thank those lucky stars for the opportunity. You’ve probably been burning the candle at both ends all year long, and Sagittarius is going to come and mellow you out, getting you on the right foot for next year.

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Cancer: They fall in love quickly, and with almost anyone who treats them well. They can’t help it, they just appreciate people being so nice to them, it’s hard not to fall in love. They’ll give their heart to you, so please treat it well in return~

Leo: They enjoy the flirting part of a relationship so much, they take a bit longer than most to fully love someone. However, the honeymoon phase with a Leo is quite a trip. Once love is present, their sweetness and generosity only becomes stronger~

Aries: They take a fairly average amount of time. They’ll love someone once they feel they are ready. They may not admit it as soon as they feel it, however. Their love is passionate and beautiful, as are they~❣

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Moon in Leo:they are wise, passionate and creative. Their sense of justice and courage goes beyond average, but being sensitive and proud souls they need constant support from their clan. They seem childish and naive, but they’re actually the opposite and never trust people too easily. In life they prioritize great achievements and beauty (traveling, winning an award, producing art…)

Moon in Cancer: at ease in their own element, they face life calmly and seriously. This moon is confident, comfy and not overly bothered in general. Helping who they love is vital for them and despite their voracious sexual appetites, they put financial stability, family and work first. They know their own worth and can make selfish decisions just to protect themselves, their closest people and their assets. It is said that they’re moody, but this fact is rarely true.

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Cancer: Take some advice from sensation Marie Kondo as you go along your week Cancer! Find the things that “spark joy” and keep them close. As for the things that don’t? Thank them and move on! You’re taking this week to be grateful. Thank your home for being sheltering you, your job for being stable, your laptop for working even though it’s a thousand years old. Look deep within and find the things that have been holding you back from true happiness - if it’s your job, figure out why. List things that make you grateful for having your job (and not just money!) while you search for another one. If it’s school that’s got you down, focus on a vision board for what you would like life to be like AFTER you get your degree. Give thanks for the present and future Cancer, both are just as important.

Leo: You’re surrounded in the color of yellow and orange - but most of it has to do with a neglected or abused sacral chakra. You’re going through heartbreak, through disappointment: it’s making you really question your beliefs, your practices, and causing you to put distance between yourself and your higher self, as well as the divine force you believe in. Well Leo, the pity party is over! You can’t heal unless you put forth the effort to do so! You want to reap the rewards of any and all kinds of wealth but you aren’t putting yourself through the process it takes to get there. Stop saying that “January was a trial month, my real news years starts in February…no, March.  . . Okay, April!”  The new year has started and it’s time for you to make the most of it. Get in touch with those sacred energies you have within. Get in touch with your GENUINE emotions, with your real truth. Then, and only then, will you reap your rewards.

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Cancer: tbh a cancer can become very attached to people very fast. it is sometimes hard to tell them when you need space or they can become controlling.

Virgo: tbh a virgo can come off very cold sometimes and like they don’t care. it’s hard for them to know how to respond in emotional situations sometimes.

Libra: tbh a libra easily trusts other people. they don’t normally think twice to do anything for someone and they only think the best about everyone even if they are shown differently.

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8th house ruler in Aries/1st: You feel intimately comfortable when your partner accepts your aggressive, bossy and arrogant traits.

8th house ruler in Taurus/2nd:You feel intimately comfortable when your partner accepts your lazy, indulgent and selfish traits.

8th house ruler in Gemini/3rd: You feel intimately comfortable when your partner accepts your distracted, babbling and hyper traits.

8th house ruler in Cancer/4th: You feel intimately comfortable when your partner accepts your clingy, emotional and nostalgic traits.

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Gemini: Everyone adored you, but I saw through the confetti and gleaming smiles. There was a darkness in you, something invisible but ever present, like heat haze in the desert air. You feared nothing because you were dangerously close to fearing everything. But you didn’t scare me.

Aquarius: You were all I had for so long, and then I hated you. I always hated you. We were so disgustingly symbiotic; I was addicted. I needed you to survive. Maybe it’s good that we used each other. You were a cruel mistress, but you knew I could be crueller. And you didn’t care one bit.

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Cancer - it would be heavenly,divine bliss. A perfect couple in their own weird,wacky & wonderful ways. These signs are made for each other. There strengths,weaknesses,similarities & differences balance out and become complimentary. Marriage material for eternity <345678

Leo - it would take compromise as Pisces can become surprisingly icy & evil and a Leo can turn into a blaze of rage during an argument. But truly these signs go so well together. Both are dramatic, SO romantic, very supportive,emotional & quite clingy. Marriage material couple,great s*x too.

Sagittarius- They appreciate the little things about each other. They both see sterling qualities in the other they wish they had. One night stand sort of couple. A Sag could commit if he very dearly and truly loved the Pisces which is a hard thing for the Sag to get into with anyone. Many great memories and laughs can be exchanged between the two. I still ship!

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*check your significant other’s sign to know how you feel; check your sign to know how others feel*

Pisces: when you watch their favorite movie/tv show or read their favorite book

Taurus: when they share things with you: stories, food, thoughts etc

Gemini: probably when they’re joking around with or about you

Cancer: when they hug you really hard

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Leo: takes it out on themselves and secretly waits for a chance to get back together or at least have another shot

Taurus: involves everyone they can in the breakup, telling anyone who will listen how their ex did them wrong and why they’re such a bad person

Virgo: acts out in an attempt to get their ex’s attention without setting their pride aside and admitting they’re miserable

Gemini: immediately falls for a new person, giving almost no thought to their ex besides making sure the ex isn’t talking badly about them

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(check yours and/or partner’s Venus signs)

Taurus: “I stand firm, being. All while I wait for a glance of notice. Her voice like keys and my lust like the moon over her scape. To quench not, I thirst.”

Sagittarius: “Listen. Just you and me. Follow, follow. Right this way. Let’s burn together. Into the wild. Without escape.”

Gemini: “You float through my world leaving trails of color, over my skies.”

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•ARIES: The one that stands up for you, low-key is super protective and would do anything for their friends, EXTREMELY funny and never boring. Better keep them forever!

•TAURUS: The one who sorts out your drama and helps you go through any problems, smart and caring, they won’t let you do silly things alone

•GEMINI: That friend whose life seems perfect because of their funny and friendly personality, they will help you achieve any crazy goal you come up with, always has some great advice

•CANCER: They take you everywhere because you mean a lot more than you think to them, they’re funny and trustworthy, the mom friend pretty much

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*Use rising/ascendant*

Aries: Someone with Libra qualities who is nice, polite, charming, with good manners, relatable, and knows how to socialize

Taurus: Someone with Scorpio qualities who is intense, mysterious, quiet, thoughtful, passionate, and sarcastic

Gemini: Someone with Sagittarius qualities who is outgoing, full of live, funny, joyful, philosophical, optimistic, and rather blunt but honest

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Aries: to make an Aries goddess want you, you have to be patient. She wants you to break down her guard that’s higher than the Great Wall. She wants you to conquer her.

Taurus: Taurus wants you to fight for her. Seduce her, and stay no matter how aggressive she gets with you. She wants loyalty and shoes.

Gemini: Gemini likes the finer things. She likes to be wine and dined. Food is one way. Show her a good time, and a good laugh. She’s easier going than you think.

Cancer: She wants you to be her best friend first. She wants humor and not to take life so serious. Cancer wants you on her timing. She will want you if you are that ride or die best friend.

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ARIES: love the way your head makes decisions before you can think about things, love the passion that drives through your blood, love the way your body looks

TAURUS: love the atmosphere in your soul, love your adorable curves, love your calming voice that helps others get through their day

GEMINI: love your happy smile, love the way your personality shines through no matter what people say, love the way you talk

CANCER: love the way you always help people and care about people, love your empathy, love the way you let a little, beautiful tear come out

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Read for Sun/Moon/Venus

Aries,  the things you do to make your partner happy is your definition of love. Your traits – competitive and lively spirit, alongside your leadership skills, influence the way you see love and you are constantly looking for a new way to show and express your love to your partner. Words do not mean a lot to you and you expect actions from your partner. You simply just are looking for equality, and not just one-sided expression of your love.

Taurus, when you are completely relaxed with a person, that is when you feel love. To you romance is being comfortable so you would not have to ask for compromise while you are alone with your partner. Your insecurity sometimes bothers you, so it is really important for you to find your, secure place with someone.

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moon signs

Moon in Aries

A moon in Aries is spontaneous and enthusiastic. They are the first ones to follow a crazy idea. They are optimistic and impatient, and they have no problem sharing how they feel; with their heart ruling their head.

A moon in Aries may have outbursts of emotions; telling off those who have sighted them. At their best, the Aries moon can be positive, inspiring, and sympathetic; with their eyes and heart tirelessly aiming for a cause. At their worst, overconfident, aggressive, and over-indulgent.

Moon in Gemini

The Gemini moon is sociable, intellectual, and slightly finicky. The Gemini moon is usually more comfortable when analyzing feelings, as opposed to actually feeling them. A Gemini with a problem or decision to make, is a wildfire of questions, “talking it out,” and analysis; trying to get the bottom of their mysterious emotions.

They can be pretty helpful when dealing with others’ problems, as they want to find the quickest, and most clever way through the problem at hand. A Gemini is subject to change at all times, as they are bored easily, and need to jump from endeavour to endeavour.

Moon in Leo

The Leo moon is dramatic and funny. They have a knack for organizing social settings with their take-charge attitude that can sometimes border on bossy. They can be attracted to power and status, with their stubbornness helping them get where they want to go. Leo moons are easily caught up in the moment, and usually interested in some form of art or fashion. Though they may not take advice well, they are happy to give it to others, and are quick to share their good fortune.

Moon in Libra

Libra moon do not like to be alone. Whether they maintain a relationship for this purpose, or just want company on an errand; the Libra believes there is power in numbers. The libra moon is both charming and gentle, argumentative and indecisive. They are prone to arguing a point until they win, and must get the last word. The sign of balance; libra moons are encouraging and affectionate, but can easily be swept away in noticing the flaws, and going back and forth on a decision, looking for the balanced, right choice.

Moon in Sagittarius

Sagittarius moon love a good adventure. They are naturally upbeat, positive, and active. They can be competitive and love the outdoors or big spaces. They may either be athletes, or interested in various athletics. Sagittarius is a non-materialistic sign; choosing the value of experience over possessions. They are impatient, and at times very blunt.

They also enjoy leaving an impression on others, and may therefore be prone to boasting or exaggerating. These moons tend to be creative and have a philosophical edge to them. They love to learn, and can grow very restless with routine or the lack of intellectual stimulation. The Sagittarius moon is always searching.

Moon in Aquarius

Aquarius moon is a very observant sign, as they want to know about human nature. They can seem somewhat aloof and have the sense that they are different from others; often feeling that they do not fit in, and will not conform to fit the mainstream. Aquarians love freedom in every sense, and therefore have a playful and child-like demeanour.

Moon in Taurus

A moon in Taurus likes the familiar. They are set in their ways and will do anything to keep their life safe and secure. They can be quite conservative, and make those around them feel comfortable, calm, and secure. But when their routine is interrupted, they can be as stubborn as a bull; easily becoming slaves to their routine.

They enjoy companionship, don’t enjoy messiness, and like to finish one project before they move onto another. The Taurus moon is also very romantic. In their relationships they are faithful, affectionate, sentimental, and unwavering.

Moon in Cancer

Moon in Cancer is a sensitive creature. In touch with their feelings and those of others, they have both the ability to be self-absorbed and sympathetic; unable to accept an “I’m fine” as an answer. They tend to cling to family, friends, and possessions; even a relationship that has turned sour. They appreciate peace and quiet, and will set up their possessions around them as comfort.

Moon in Virgo

Moon in Virgo likes the little things in life. They enjoy feeling secure, and everyday chores like running errands make them feel good. They are excellent at micromanaging and can be a great source of advice. They may be prone to low self esteem and stress, and feel best and content in their comfort zone.

Moon in Scorpio

Scorpio moons are emotionally charged. They can sense other people’s emotions easily, which can make others’ either wary or intrigued. They do not like their life to stay still for long, and live for the ups and the downs.

They are known to create drama in their own lives, and those around them, for the sake of excitement. They are passionate, fearless, and intuitive. They have a tendency to test relationships, but are deeply loyal when they’ve committed.

Moon in Capricorn

Moon in Capricorn are collected, dignified, and calculating. They want everything planned and mapped out, and don’t easily get swept up in emotions. They want goals and boundaries and don’t like to take many risks. Capricorn moons are their worst critics and are very aware of their weaknesses; making great pains to compensate for them.

Though they may seem cold, they are just not comfortable letting their emotions free, and can often suffer from illness or depression from holding onto too many emotions. They can also hide their sensitivity behind a sarcastic demeanour. They need to learn to show affection to others, but they are usually a good source of friendship and advice in others’ lives.

Moon in Pisces

Moon in Pisces is a sign with strong psychic abilities. They are natural empaths and are compassionate, and full of love. They can be easily lost in other people’s problems because of this. Moons in Pisces need the time to daydream and space out, otherwise they can become overwhelmed by the demands of everyday life.

They can be talented actors, writers, musicians, or artists, as they have an uncanny ability to understand others’ experiences without having to experience them first-hand. Pisces moon are very sensitive and easily walked on; it is very important for them to know when to step back and recharge for a bit.
