#scorpius malfoy


Hi, I’ve created a Patreon!

Check it out here if you want to support me and see extra art content like process videos, tutorials and NSFW drawings!

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Hermione, we match perfectly with Christmas. Red and green

Oh Draco, stop that. We graduated years ago. Plus Scorpius could add a new color for us

That’s ridiculous and you know it. He’ll just add more green

kumatan0720: Wizarding Kindergarten - Fieldtrip to Gringotts Note: Although the children are taught kumatan0720: Wizarding Kindergarten - Fieldtrip to Gringotts Note: Although the children are taught kumatan0720: Wizarding Kindergarten - Fieldtrip to Gringotts Note: Although the children are taught kumatan0720: Wizarding Kindergarten - Fieldtrip to Gringotts Note: Although the children are taught kumatan0720: Wizarding Kindergarten - Fieldtrip to Gringotts Note: Although the children are taught


Wizarding Kindergarten - Fieldtrip to Gringotts

Note: Although the children are taught to open their own vaults. In reality, the goblins transfer their money to their parents’ account 

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Granger-Malfoy Family breaking tradicional paradigmas of switch culture. I LOVE IT!

If you want to recommend fanfiction where Hermione has a Family alongside Draco, os stories in which Hermione is like a monther to Scorpius, feel free.

Meanwhile, I recommend Measure of a man by inadaze22, it’s a Dramione fanfiction I’ve been following for some time, and it’s undoubtedly one of my favorite stories in this catogory (Hermione play a maternal role um Scor’s life).

Most of these actors are too old, some of the edits are still messy but I’m tired of staring aMost of these actors are too old, some of the edits are still messy but I’m tired of staring aMost of these actors are too old, some of the edits are still messy but I’m tired of staring aMost of these actors are too old, some of the edits are still messy but I’m tired of staring aMost of these actors are too old, some of the edits are still messy but I’m tired of staring a

Most of these actors are too old, some of the edits are still messy but I’m tired of staring at them on photoshop, and we’re never going to agree on houses for everyone BUT I think I should get a solid B for effort. (list of actors can be found here)

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Scorpius Malfoy learned to keep his head down from an early age.

Draco panicked when he learned that Astoria was pregnant.  How irresponsible was he, to bring a child into this world, a child who had done nothing wrong, and yet would be treated as a criminal?  Astoria managed to sooth his fears, but he still worried.

Scorpius never went anywhere without one or the other of his parents until he went to Hogwarts.  “It’s too dangerous,” his mother would say simply, never elaborating more until Scorpius’s eleventh birthday.

His parents sat him down in the study and explained.  How there was a war, and how Draco and Astoria’s families had been on the wrong side.  How there were still people who would punish them for the mistakes they made as children – for that is what they had been.  People who would use Scorpius to torture his parents.

“Hogwarts is safe,” they told him.  “The safest place there is.”

Perhaps from outside threats, it was, but within the walls, there was plenty of discord.

He was sorted into Slytherin, just like his parents and their parents before them.

There were a few who weren’t hostile to him within his own house – Cade Zabini was one, Lillian Nott another – but kindness outside of his house was scarce.

Most would simply go out of their way to ignore him, but some would be outright hostile, pushing him into walls and tearing his books.  He couldn’t go everywhere with his friends, and it didn’t often deter bullies even if they were with him – Cade and Lillian would simply become targets as well.

In fourth year, it was three Hufflepuffs who stopped the madness.  Albus Potter had been sorted into Hufflepuff, much to the surprise of the wizarding world.  A girl, Kira, and her cousin, a third year named Nick were the other two.

“You alright?” Albus asked, after the three of them had chased the bullies away.  He held out a hand to help Scorpius up.  Kira immediately knelt to pick up the books that had fallen out of his bag, while Nick repaired the bag quickly.

“Sure,” Scorpius said, because he wasn’t quite sure how you were supposed to reply to a question like that.

“I’m Albus, and this is Kira - you sat with Kira and Rose and I on the train first year, I think – and this is Nick – you probably don’t know him, he’s Kira’s cousin,” Albus introduced everyone quickly.

“I remember,” Scorpius replied.  “Scorpius Malfoy.”

“We were just going to meet my brother at the lake to study a bit,” Nick said.  “He’s in your year.  Want to come with?”

“Okay,” Scorpius said hesitantly.  “If it’s not a bother?”

“’Course not,” Albus said.  “Come on.”


What a lovely first submission from 221badger! Followers may have noticed my weakness for stories of the next generation, and I love the idea that Scorpius could find friends in Hufflepuff house.

Rose: If you took a shot everytime you did something stupid, how drunk would you be?

Victoire: Possibly a bit…

Teddy: *spits out drink* Come on Vic, you’d be sober.

Victoire: Ahh, ba-


Hugo: A little tipsy.

Molly: I certainly wouldn’t be able to drive.

Lucy: Past my ‘emotional drunk’ stage and nearing ‘runaway pickpocket’.

Molly: Wait, you’ve had alcohol before?


Lily: Pretty sure I’d be dancing on tables.

Fred: Remember that time I sprained my wrist in a makeshift Quidditch match at 3am?

Roxanne: *high fives Fred* That was sick.

Fred, Roxanne, Louis: About that level.

Fred, Roxanne, Louis:JINX!

Fred, Roxanne, Louis: Double ji-

Dominique: Merlin’s Beard, blackout drunk at least.

James: Totally wasted.













Scorpius: Haha, same. *fist bumps Albus*

Scorpius: Dad, I have to tell you something.

Draco: What is it, Scorp?

Scorpius: I’m dating someone.

Draco: That’s wonderful news! Who are they, have I met them before?

Scorpius: *blushes* Well, it’s my best friend - Albus.

Draco: Albus… POTTER?

Scorpius: -Uh, yeah.

Draco: *crying* Merlin, I’m just so proud of you-


Draco: Getting a Potter like that; I’m - I’m amazed.

*later that day*

Albus: So, how did it go?

Scorpius: I thought my grandfather was exaggerating when he told me how much my dad would talk about ‘famous Harry Potter’ - but he’s been complimenting his Quidditch skills alone for two hours.

Albus: Huh, weird.

Scorpius and Albus: I bet they were really good friends!

Rose: I read earlier that 1 in 10 people identify as LGBT+.

Hugo: Well, since there are 12 of us Weasley grandchildren, that would mean at least one of us is gay?

Lucy: I guess so.

James: Huh, I wonder who it will be?

Fred: Maybe’s it’s just Dominique - some past stats only say 1 in 20.

Dominique: That’s more down to stigma around it - those stats also don’t count young people, and since young people are increasingly more open, it looks like the number of LGBT+ people is increasing.

Louis: And she wonders why she’s the president of the GSA.

Dominique: I’ve told you about fifty times now, we renamed it ‘SAGA’ so it’s more inclusive.

Louis: Like the fact that we’re wizards and witches has nothing to do with it?

Lucy: Well, I like the new name, Dominique.

Molly: *pensively* Lily hangs out with that Ravenclaw girl an awful lot.


Rose: -Daisy? That’s her cous-

Molly: I know! I meant Estelle, the Ravenclaw Seeker.

Louis: Bloody good one for her age too! We were in drills the other day and she caught the Snitch by grasping it with her feet! I could never catch that well, being a Beater is so much easie-

Fred: *changing the subject* I mean, we can’t assume anything - they’re only second years, and they could just be really good friends for all we know.

Rose: Yeah, they probably bond over Quidditch and Gobstones - nothing hot and heavy happening there.

Roxanne: Even so, Lily’s always been a bit of a tomboy, she’s never expressed any interest in dating boys before; just saying that I wouldn’t be shocked if she were the gay one.

Scorpius: Personally, I hope it’s Albus.









Scorpius: He’s cute.

Hugo: Well, I guess we already know who ‘the gay Malfoy’ is then.

****New One Shots****

Technically these are just cross-posts, but I’m not sure I ever properly advertised for them because of the holidays.

Title:Worth It
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Summary: Hermione is sent up to Hogwarts to investigate instances of Dark Magic. But digging to the bottom of this mystery isn’t the only thing she finds up there.
Written for: @dramionefanfictionwriters​ Dramione Tropes Fest!

Title: The Letter to Santa
Rating: G
Pairing:Hermione Granger/Lucius Malfoy
Summary: Lucius would do anything for his granddaughter, including tracking down her lost letter to Santa.
Written for: @hermiones-haven​ Hermione’s Holiday Hideaway Fest!

Title: The Elf on the Shelf
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Summary: Seamus is hosting his annual fancy dress Yule party.
Written for: @hermiones-haven​ Hermione’s Holiday Hideaway Fest!

Title: The Start of Something
Pairing: Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Potter
Summary: Scorpius and Albus’s snowball fight gets interrupted by something far more deadly.
Written for: @slytherincabal​ Twistmas Fest!
