#self affirmation


Happy New Year!!!

I hope that everyone’s year will be better than the last! It’s been hard to do much lately but I can’t wait to make more things that I love. I will do it even if the fear of failure threatens to paralyze my every being. I will do it. I will!!!

even if all you did today was put on a brave face, just know that i’m proud of you & many others are too

self-affirmation of the week

“I am worthy of love and joy.”

weekly self-affirmation:

“I mentally identify with success, abundance & wealth.”

02.03.21 / The spring semester started last week, but I took my first lesson of this semester this morning. It’s called Industrial and Organizational Psychology. I have no interest in this area but despite that, I am very excited about it because it’s one of my favorite professors’ lecture. He said he will mostly talk about his life experiences in order to we could inspire by them. It has already very inspirational the first lecture.

My professor talked about the “Pygmalion Effect” today. Many of us know that effect because it has very popular in Psychology and many other areas. I want to shortly and quickly tell you about it.

Probably you heard something about the self-affirming prophecy. This effect basically tells us “the targets of the expectations internalize their positive labels, and those with positive labels succeed accordingly; a similar process works in the opposite direction in the case of low expectations.” This means what your thoughts and expectations shaped your potential. That is, our thoughts affect our actions and our actions determine the outcome.

I believe that knowing that we are enough and we have the potential to accomplish many things has an effect that can quickly grow like a snowball.

I wanted to share this with you because I think we could use this exceptional psychological knowledge in our daily life to boost our motivation to believe in ourselves. There are always much more possibility than we could see now. I hope it works for you!


Tips for Those Who Find Self-Affirmation Super Difficult:
Use other people to see yourself. Think about your best friends, favorite characters, etc who have flaws and think about how much you love them anyway. Think about how a friend or someone reading a book about you would describe you
Take it slow. I love those posts telling everyone to think of themselves as strong beautiful precious land sharks or whatever, but some people aren’t ready to believe that yet and saying the words just feels like something you’re supposed to say and not something you mean. You can work up to big affirmations by starting with little ones; “I’m pretty good at math and I have nice eyes” might be easier than starting off with “I’m beautiful and a genius”
Start off deconstructing negative thoughts. It can be hard sometimes to convince yourself that you’re great when your head won’t stop screaming “but I’m useless and gross!!” or whatever. Try to rephrasing those thoughts so you can continue to self affirm- remind yourself that most people aren’t completely awful and that there are many things that you do well
Make lists. List your positive traits, and then think about one specifically and convince yourself of them one at a time. List your goals and then the ways that your positive traits can help you achieve them. List all the times in your life where you’ve felt proud or good about yourself and use them like little Patronus memories to ward off bad thoughts.
Visualize your affirmations. It can be infinitely more effective to think about all the times you’ve been generous in your life than to merely say “I am generous.”
Spend time around people who talk to you the way you should be talking to yourself. It sounds kind of dumb, but at times even people who insult you in a completely friendly way as a joke (“are you coming to the party bitch?” etc) can contribute to you being able to say those things to yourself, even if it’s harmless. Conversely, being around people who talk to you positively can really, really help it sink in.
Figure out what tone best relays self affirming information to you. For some people, it’s the cute and non-threatening pictures of animals telling you to be kind to yourself. For some, it’s imagining the affirmations to be coming from a person or character you think of as wise. For some, it’s trying to make it sound as logical an argument as possible so that there’s no room for self-doubt. Sometimes you need them all at different times.
If using words at all to self affirm is difficult or problematic for you, try other ways of reinforcing the information. Do things that make you feel good about yourself and highlight positive qualities you have, like volunteering or creating or whatever it might be. Reward yourself when you do something good or reflect on something that makes you good. You can even self affirm through movies and music.
Sometimes broad definitions help. Try to remember that your definition of being a good person has to be flexible; it doesn’t hing solely on being a good parent or friend or boss or writer. For most people, being able to define themselves as a good person is the basis for their positive sense of identity, so try to remember that there are MANY different ways to be a good person that are not contingent upon never screwing up


There’s no such thing as purity…

(Although flirty in nature, this is not an invitation. I have no interest in sexting with you or seeing your genitalia. Also DON’T call me sexy, it makes my skin crawl. This is simply a woman sharing the love of her body with the world. PLEASE READ MY PINNED POST BEFORE FOLLOWING.)


Final touches.

(Although flirty in nature, this is not an invitation. I have no interest in sexting with you or seeing your genitalia. Also DON’T call me sexy, it makes my skin crawl. This is simply a woman sharing the love of her body with the world. PLEASE READ MY PINNED POST BEFORE FOLLOWING.)


Bunny boudoir.

Happy Easter everyone!

(Although flirty in nature, this is not an invitation. I have no interest in sexting with you or seeing your genitalia. Also DON’T call me sexy, it makes my skin crawl. This is simply a woman sharing the love of her body with the world. PLEASE READ MY PINNED POST BEFORE FOLLOWING.)


I was alone in the gym at the end of my session and so I connected my phone to the Bluetooth speaker set up my gym has and jammed out between sets of squats. Leg day has been painful, but real fun!

Invitation - Ashnikko (feat Kodie Shane)

(This was not posted for sexual reasons and I have no interest in sexting with you or seeing your genitalia. Also DON’T call me sexy, it makes my skin crawl. This is simply a woman sharing the love of her body with the world. PLEASE READ MY PINNED POST BEFORE FOLLOWING.)


Baddies take selfies in the train restroom.

(This was not posted for sexual reasons and I have no interest in sexting with you or seeing your genitalia. Also DON’T call me sexy, it makes my skin crawl. This is simply a woman sharing the love of her body with the world. PLEASE READ MY PINNED POST BEFORE FOLLOWING.)


These jelly hearts are the main thing I look forward to every Valentine’s Day. Want a taste?

(Although flirty in nature, this is not an invitation. I have no interest in sexting with you or seeing your genitalia. Also DON’T call me sexy, it makes my skin crawl. This is simply a woman sharing the love of her body with the world. PLEASE READ MY PINNED POST BEFORE FOLLOWING.)


Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!

(Although flirty in nature, this is not an invitation. I have no interest in sexting with you or seeing your genitalia. Also DON’T call me sexy, it makes my skin crawl. This is simply a woman sharing the love of her body with the world. PLEASE READ MY PINNED POST BEFORE FOLLOWING.)


(Although flirty in nature, this is not an invitation. I have no interest in sexting with you or seeing your genitalia. Also DON’T call me sexy, it makes my skin crawl. This is simply a woman sharing the love of her body with the world. PLEASE READ MY PINNED POST BEFORE FOLLOWING.)


Are you gonna water me?

Can′t you see my fallen leaves?

I feel like I’m wilting

Don′t just start something then leave

Cause your love is what I need

I’ve never been good at photosynthesis

(This was not posted for sexual reasons and I have no interest in sexting with you or seeing your genitalia. Also DON’T call me sexy, it makes my skin crawl. This is simply a woman sharing the love of her body with the world. PLEASE READ MY PINNED POST BEFORE FOLLOWING.)


Plant mama

(This was not posted for sexual reasons and I have no interest in sexting with you or seeing your genitalia. Also DON’T call me sexy, it makes my skin crawl. This is simply a woman sharing the love of her body with the world. PLEASE READ MY PINNED POST BEFORE FOLLOWING.)


As the blizzard raged on outside I built a little sanctuary for myself to think of warmer, greener times.

(This was not posted for sexual reasons and I have no interest in sexting with you or seeing your genitalia. Also DON’T call me sexy, it makes my skin crawl. This is simply a woman sharing the love of her body with the world. PLEASE READ MY PINNED POST BEFORE FOLLOWING.)


As the blizzard raged on outside I built a little sanctuary for myself to think of warmer, greener times.

(This was not posted for sexual reasons and I have no interest in sexting with you or seeing your genitalia. Also DON’T call me sexy, it makes my skin crawl. This is simply a woman sharing the love of her body with the world. PLEASE READ MY PINNED POST BEFORE FOLLOWING.)


Drinking tea with my little frog friend

(This was not posted for sexual reasons and I have no interest in sexting with you or seeing your genitalia. Also DON’T call me sexy, it makes my skin crawl. This is simply a woman sharing the love of her body with the world. PLEASE READ MY PINNED POST BEFORE FOLLOWING.)

No drug - especially not crystal- is worth losing who you are and everything you stand for.” -Rachel R


Check out Rachel’s story atMethProject.org


Okay, you know what, if a turkey dinner with a wilted demon’s heart can run for president and become president with absolutely no fucking clue what he’s doing and millions of people screaming at him for a year straight that it’s one of the worst ideas anybody in the world has ever had since the 1930′s, then you are officially never allowed to feel like you aren’t good enough or competent enough to shoot for whatever the fuck you want.

Try anything you think will make you happy and don’t give up. Why the fuck would you deserve to look down on yourself while some ghoulishly evil ham and pube parfait in a wig never does.

