#herbal remedy

Thyme, 5 of it’s health benefits and 3 remedial uses!1. When eaten with or drunk as a tea after a me

Thyme, 5 of it’s health benefits and 3 remedial uses!

1. When eaten with or drunk as a tea after a meal, it can increase efficient digestion of fats, this helps reduce bloating and digestive issues. It is also great for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and has been found to kill parasites within it.

2. This herb has been used since history began as a treatment for lung conditions and infections, it is especially effective for treating excess mucus present in those with Asthma, Bronchitis and more. Adding it to your diet can help keep excess mucus and general chest congestion at bay. 

3. High antispasmodic properties help to relieve muscle cramps, even those experienced during menstruation.

4. High antibacterial and antiseptic properties make this great for overall wellbeing and keeping sicknesses at bay such as colds, coughs and general infections. This combined with it’s odor reducing properties make it a great oral rinse and mouthwash for those suffering from bad breath or throat infections such as tonsillitis.

5. It increases the appetite, helping those who struggle to eat in the mornings due to acid reflux or any general nausea. If you are suffering from an infection but feel to sick to eat this can help a lot! (Unfortunately this can’t be used for morning sickness in Pregnant women as Thyme should not be taken in teas or doses not normal to the dietary levels when pregnant)


I was only going to do one remedial use but it wouldn’t do this versatile herb justice so here goes three,

1. For toothache, oral infections, tonsillitis, sore throats, bad breath, gum disease and general oral complaints, soak a sprig of Thyme in some water overnight and use it as a gargle/mouthwash to freshen the breathe and fight excess bacteria (including those that cause tooth decay)

Alternatively you can buy Thyme tinctures to make up the gargle/mouthwash fast.

2. For bronchial complaints involving heavy lung congestion, excess spasm induced coughing and chest infections make up a tea and steam bowl.

To make the tea:

  • 1 Tsp dried Thyme per cup (so if using a teapot 3 spoons for 3 peeps)
  • Boiled water, from a kettle or pot
  • Lemon or Honey for flavoring! (these also add soothing properties)
  • Simply add the water to the thyme in a mug, let it steep for 5-15 minutes depending on how bad your symptoms are, the longer it steeps the more bitter the taste.

Drinking this tea two to three times a day should be enough to relieve most complaints above.

To make the steam bowl:

  • Simply add a sprig or two of fresh thyme or 1 tbsp of dried Thyme to a heatproof bowl and inhale until the vapor stops. (This is also great for opening pores before using a facial mask/cleanse!)

This will help relieve chest & nasal congestion and reduce spasm induced coughing associated with dry chesty coughs.

3. For gastrointestinal health and wellbeing, adding Thyme to your diet is a great option especially for those who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome or indigestion. You can do this by adding a sprig or two to a meal during cooking whether it is a soup, stew, roast or much more it can be added and then taken out before eating. Just be aware, if you add it early you will lose the delicate flavor but too late and the health benefits will be minimal. To combat this you can use dried Thyme as a seasoning near the very end of the cooking process!

If a flare up in IBS/Indigestion symptoms occur or an infection involving symptoms such as Diarrhea arises, drinking the tea above can help!


Cautions - Thyme should not be used during pregnancy

I hope this helps some of you, if anyone would like to suggest or request a topic/post feel free to message me (:

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Coriander seeds, 7 health benefits and 3 remedies!1. Reduces the amount of bad cholesterol and incre

Coriander seeds, 7 health benefits and 3 remedies!

1. Reduces the amount of bad cholesterol and increases the amount of good cholesterol in your blood.

2. Great anti-diabetic properties, it lowers blood glucose levels helping to keep them regulated.

3. Great for the immune system, packed full of Vitamin C.

4. Strong antibacterial properties, especially good for keeping salmonella type infections at bay.

5. Has many of the most important minerals including Iron, which makes them a very good treatment for Anemia.

6. Helps to regulate the menstrual cycle by stimulating the endocrine glands to release and maintain proper hormone balance, this can even alleviate some of the pain.

7. High calcium content makes them helpful for those suffering from Osteoporosis.


Three quick remedial uses:

1. For treating cold & flu infections amongst other bacterial infections, crush a heaped tablespoon of Coriander seeds in a Mortar & Pestle until the seeds are all broken down into husk flakes and powder.

  • Pour the crushed/ground mixture into a cup of water and stir.
  • Let it sit for two minutes so the powder and minerals can be absorbed
  • Next use a mini sieve/strainer to separate the husks from the water by pouring it into a new cup with the strainer resting on the top of the cup
  • The husks can be thrown in the bin now
  • Now you should be left with a peppery tasting water with high antibacterial properties!
  • Drink one glass in the morning every day at first sign of cold/infection till it subsides.
  • This can also be taken each day regularly to maintain a healthy Immune system due to the Vitamin C content, much like a very cheap and easy to make Vitamin C supplement drink!

2. For women who suffer from irregular or abnormally painful PMS, consider adding them to your diet in curries, rice, noodles etc. Also a quick recipe for a Coriander seed drink:

  • At night take a handful of seeds and put them in a jug of cold water.
  • Let them soak in over night and in the morning remove the seeds and drink the water throughout the day with each meal, this will help regulate your hormones to ensure a regular period.

3. For aiding digestion and reducing IBS/Indigestion symptoms make either the powdered or infused water above but warm it slightly and drink after your large meal, whether lunch or dinner.


Quick bonus, powdered Coriander seed mixed with Honey is great for treating acne and takes no more than 2 minutes to make, just grind the seeds down in a Mortar and stir in some honey and apply as a 10 minute mask on problem areas!

Caution - If adding them to your diet for it’s diabetes regulating properties, consider talking to your doctor first as they can reduce blood sugar quite a lot.   Also anyone with food allergies especially to nuts/seeds should be absolutely sure they can eat Coriander/Coriander seeds before adding them to their diet in any way.


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 How to dry Chili Peppers, 5 health benefits and a remedial use for them!To sun dryPick good quality

 How to dry Chili Peppers, 5 health benefits and a remedial use for them!

To sun dry

  1. Pick good quality peppers and give them a rinse in cool water
  2. Cut them in half lengthwise and remove the seeds (you can dry these separately if you like)
  3. Place them down on a baking tray/tin making sure to put the skin side facing up. Ridged bottom trays are best as they let air get underneath more easily.
  4. Dry them in direct sunlight for at least 8-9 hours and cover them at night with a cloth so no flies or bugs get to them.
  5. When they break apart easily in your hands they are ready to be put into a clean sterilized jar. (You can sterilize a jar by gently boiling it in a pan of water)
  6. You can keep them as they are or rehydrate them before using them with water to help release more flavour. They can also be cut into smaller strips, diced or ground into a powder.

To oven dry

  1. Rinse the peppers in cool water
  2. Cut them in half lengthwise and remove the seeds
  3. Place them down on a baking tray/tin making sure to put the skin side facing up. Ridged bottom trays are best as they let air get underneath more easily.
  4. Simply preheat the oven on a low heat, 45 Celsius on a fan oven, 80 Celsius on a gas oven. 104 Fahrenheit - 176 Fahrenheit
  5. Place the trays in the oven and cook for 6-7 hours, drying time may vary though however once they start to turn brown they are done. Keep a close eye on them every so often to make sure they do not burn!
  6. They can be kept in a brown paper bag or in a clean jar

5 Health benefits of Chili Peppers such as Cayenne 

  • Very high levels of Vitamin C, 100g Gives 240% of your daily recommended allowance. This helps to boost the immune system and keep colds and infections at bay and to fight them once they occur.
  • Capsaicin  the compound that gives a chili it’s strong spicy flavour and pungent smell has been shown to be anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic, anti-carcinogenic and to reduce bad cholesterol. It also has anti-inflammatory effects.
  • The antioxidants present in Chili peppers help to reduce damage caused by free radicals especially those that occur from stress and disease. This not only helps to reduce aging but also general deterioration and reduce the risk of cancerous cells developing. 
  • Certain minerals and compounds found within them can help to regulate and lower blood pressure along with improving poor blood circulation.
  • Chili’s can greatly aid in weight loss by stimulating the metabolism due to it’s Capsaicin content.

A remedial use for Cayenne Chili Peppers - Sinus pain & congestion remedy

  • Boil water for one cup
  • Pour the water into a cup once it has settled a little
  • Add ¼ of dried ginger (or a ginger teabag if you prefer)
  • As much fresh lemon juice as you like, I recommend half a lemon
  • ¼ teaspoon of dried Cayenne pepper
  • You can add honey or infuse it with some lemon rind if you like
  • Sip it slowly as it can leave a burning sensation in the back of the throat for a while. To help this consider eating some fresh mint to help soothe it and get even more cold fighting properties!


Avoid this if you allergic to Cayenne or other spices as it may contain the same allergen. 

If you have any notable conditions it may be worth checking with a Herbalist or Doctor before trying this remedy as it may interfere with certain medication due to the Capsaicin.

Just a few quick words, sorry I haven’t been as active this last couple weeks, I hope you are all well or as well as can be and as always feel free to drop me a message if you have a request for a herb/spice/plant overview or remedy.    Also my ask box is always open!


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Nearly endless in its beautiful varieties, the orchid flower almost seems to float on air as it invites one to contemplate its beauty. There are over 30,000 different varieties of wild orchids growing across this Earth, from the jungles of the equator to the arctic tundra and everywhere in-between! That’s not even counting over 200,000 hybridized varieties that florists have bred into existence. Orchids come in so many different varieties which love so many different growing conditions that, no matter where your garden, you’re sure to find a variety that’s right for you!


Energy ~ Feminine
Planet ~ Venus
Element ~ Water
Deities ~ Aphrodite, Qu Yan

Most varieties of orchids grow in jungle conditions, clinging to tree bark with thick white roots that are adept at drawing out moisture and nutrients. Because these varieties like to grow high in the tree tops, they’re ravenous for intense sunlight and thrive on 12-hour days — close to midsummer conditions in temperate regions. Many varieties of orchids are difficult to grow, to be sure; even professional growers can struggle to bring them to bloom! But even if your thumb isn’t quite green enough to get these fussy flowers to take to your garden, there are dozens of natural varieties and hundreds of hybridized species who are perfectly content to grow on a windowsill or under lights.

If you want to give your orchid the best possible chance of growing, do thorough research into which varieties are the best fit for your region, and purchase the most mature plant you can: younger plants are very difficult to please. If possible, buy it while it’s in bloom — that way you’ll immediately know what you’re striving for! While there are simply too many varieties of orchid to give general growing instructions for all of them, a look at the plant’s physical characteristics should give some clues. Plants with few or leathery leaves will likely prefer high-light environments, while plants with soft, limp leaves are probably light-sensitive and should not be placed in sunny south-facing windows.

In addition to one variety of orchid being our source for vanilla, the tuberous root of the plant is filled with a highly-nutritious and starchy substance, which is famous for a sweetish taste and somewhat unpleasant smell. This substance, known as bassorin, can be used to replace starch as a reserve material, or to make a drink known as salep — named after an Arabic word for orchid — which was sold in stalls from the Middle East to the streets of London until being supplanted by coffee. In addition to this drink’s purported rejuvenating properties (being lauded as a strengthening and demulcent or anti-inflammatory agent), Chinese medicine has recorded uses for orchids dating back over 3,000 years, noting varieties of the Dendrobium genus of orchids as one of nine ‘faery herbs’ said to be a gift from heaven. Different types of orchids are used in remedies for a huge variety of purposes, ranging from improving memory to treating rheumatism to even easing the symptoms of tuberculosis! Many cultures, including Greece and China, use the plant as an aphrodisiac, and orchid fragrance is also used in perfume and aromatherapy.

In terms of magick, old texts tell of witches using orchid tubers in their philters, the fresh tuber being given to promote true love whilst the withered one checks wrongful passions. Culpepper refers to orchids as being under “the dominion of Venus,” and tells us that, among other things, when “being bruised and applied to the place” they cure the King’s Evil. Orchids also correspond to beauty and elegance, expressing uniqueness, ecstasy, spiritual intuition, and Goddess energy. Some varieties of orchids are also used in creating visions, entering trance-states, and inducing psychic powers.


Confucius wrote many poems on the orchid’s beauty, and even based some of his teachings on this delicate flower! He wrote, “The orchids grow in the woods and they let out their fragrance even if there is no one around to appreciate it. Likewise, men of noble character will not let poverty deter their will to be guided by high principles and morals.” Whether you ascribe to the teachings of Confucius or not, the many multitudes of orchid varieties have a great deal to give us on all levels of our life: whether contemplating them philosophically, utilizing their medicinal properties, or simply savoring their beauty, orchids are a treasure to be cherished.

Different colors of orchid have different meanings, but generally speaking, in flower language it means “Love, Beauty, and Refinement.”

May the Tree of Life always shelter you!

I really just wanna get away. Close out the influences in the world. A quiet island, plenteous in Mother Nature’s nutrients. Quiet. No technology to make me dependant, no media to direct my thinking, no news, no stories of crime and violence. Simply, me, the Most High, and the voices of the wind. I want to be one with nature for a day. I want to be dependent on my spiritual strength for a day. I want to know what fruits heal, what vegetables cure, what herbs and grains can repair. I want to feel the earth beneath my feet and have strong soles to travel a million lands like our ancestors. I want to be free of processed foods, man made medicine, man made moisturizers and lather my skin in pure butters of the earth. I want to seek the earth for its wealth. I want to build with my hands and enjoy the kind of life Netflix cannot bring. I want to breathe fresh air. I want to live as a human should…sometimes…or at least for just one day. -Rena
