#take care baby



1. get an old sock and fill it halfway up with uncooked white rice. tie off the ankle and throw it into the microwave for around a minute. use it for cramps, also if your feet are cold at night.

2. if you have no pads, here is how you make a toilet paper pad. first you get one long strip and fold it up a bit, and put it in your undies like a pad. take another long strip and wrap it around the other way to secure the first piece. if you don’t do that second step, the first piece will get caught up in your fiddly bits and it won’t work !!!!!!!

3. take painkillers as soon as you see blood. do NOT wait until the cramps start. take it from me.

4. chamomile tea is a muscle relaxant and will help your cramps.

5. drink water !!!! stay hydrated !!!!!!!!! this is a general life tip but it helps periods too.

6. get to sleep on time. seriously, don’t pull an all-nighter if you can avoid it. it’ll make everything hellish the next day, or at the very least you’ll crash and it’ll be hell.

7. hot baths can also help alleviate cramps. also, if you want to feel all aesthetic-y, you can light a buttload of scented candles and turn out the lights. it’s super cool i promise.

8. take care of yourself friend, i promise you’ll make it through uwu


  • Make time every day for some “me time” or make a dedicated day or two each week for this time.
  • Have a shower every day!
  • Brush and floss your teeth 2-3 times a day.
  • Use a soft bristle toothbrush: hard bristle toothbrushes can damage your gums and teeth.
  • Exfoliate 1-2 times a week if it suits your skin type.
  • Wash face and moisturise 1-2 times a day if it suits your skin type.
  • Do not wash your face in a hot shower: it will dry your skin out and will damage it.
  • Do something you enjoy and relax.
  • Get outdoors and get some fresh air.
  • Regularly exercise!
  • Eat a well-balanced diet.
  • Drink plenty of water!
  • Maintain healthyfriendships.
  • Make some plans to look forward to.
  • Try meditation.
  • Get plenty of sleep.


Period tips for my AFAB kiddos

  • A recipe for a chocolate mug cake that y'all will definitely need. 4 tbsp flour, 2 tbsp cocoa powder, 4 tbsp milk, 2 tbsp oil, ½ tsp baking powder, and 1 tsp vanilla extract. Mix it all together in a mug or ceramic bowl and microwave for 60-90 seconds. You can add chocolate chips, whip cream, ice cream, etc.
  • I personally prefer tampons bc they feel more hygienic, but make sure you set a timer/alarm for 8 hours bc Toxic Shock Syndrome is b a d. Stay safe, kiddos
  • Kisscartoon and Kissanime are websites where you can watch free cartoons or anime. It’s not super secure so don’t click on any adds or anything.

If you have bad cramps:

  • How to make a heating pad: fill the foot of a long sock with rice, put a couple tablespoons of water inside and tie the sock at the ankle. Microwave it for a minute. You can reuse it, get it wet and microwave it everytime.
  • Dark chocolate is soooo much better for you than milk chocolate.
  • If your cramps get p bad, see if you can get midol or other cramp medication.
  • If you can’t get that or you aren’t at home, focus on your breathing and breathe from your stomach, not your chest or shoulders
  • Drink water and tea!!!!

If periods make you dysphoric:

  • Remember! You have more testosterone in your body than when you aren’t menstruating
  • Put on comfy pants and a big sweatshirt
  • Do Not Bind. Wear a sport bra. Nike makes some good ones, if you can get a couple on sale, you’ll thank yourself. But any brand will work.

@sundial911 had some good advice!

@partialtotheperiwinkleblue had some advise too!


I know a lot of people on this website are just getting their period or will be getting it soon so please share these tips that i wish I’d known when i was 14

- If you get blood on your panties, scrub it out with soap immediately before putting it in the wash to loosen the stain.

- wear your pad farther back when you are going to bed

- wear your pad farther forward if you are going to be walking around a lot

- DO NOT wear a tampon for more than 6-8 hours (wear pads to bed)

- don’t wear a tampon if you have no flow

- staying super hydrated helps with cramps

- other foods that help with cramps and soreness is bananas, kale, broccoli, pineapple, whole grains, and dark chocolate

- excess sugar can negatively effect your mood while PMSing

- use your period cramps as an excuse for being incapable of doing a task if that is the case (it is often too touchy of a topic to question further)

- Just remember that this happens to every girl and if you need pads or tampons, you can openly ask any female.


  • get plenty of rest, but not too much. you should be getting 6-8 hours of sleep. don’t mess up your sleeping schedule with staying up late and/or sleeping for too long. wake up at a reasonable time.
  • catch up on tv shows/watch Netflix. you’ve worked hard this semester, reward yourself and fulfill your craving of Netflix and tv shows.
  • assigned readings. if you know of any assigned readings, make sure you do them asap. that way you can be prepared and relax for the rest of the break.
  • read for fun. make sure you are finding joy in reading books that you enjoy or genuinely have an interest in. reading for an assignment or a grade can be exhausting so remember how it feels to read for fun.
  • clean and reorganize. (if you’re anything like me, i actually enjoy cleaning and reorganizing. I literally clean and reorganize every other day.) redo your desk space, your pencil cases, your bag, anything! also go ahead and start planning next semester’s schedule.
  • catch up with old friends and keep in touch with new ones. being on break is fun. you have a bunch of time so why not reconnect with friends you didn’t get to see at college or were too busy to see during your semester. also keep in touch with those new friends. (I know I definitely miss my roommates and my friends a bunch already so I’ve been facetiming and snapchatting them a bunch!)
  • exercise. make sure you’re taking care of yourself during break and maintaining your physical health and eating healthy!
  • self care. take this time to make sure not only your physical health is well, but focus on your mental health. focus on yourself and what you need.
  • create something. art, music, anything! don’t lose your creative side and reconnect with it while you have time.
  • try picking up a new hobby or learning something new. and if you already have a wide array of hobbies, focus on those. learn something new, it doesn’t have to be academic, it could be learning an instrument or how to bake or writing. virtually anything you’re interested in!

I hope everyone enjoys their breaks and happy holidays! I know I’m already enjoying my break, but I can’t wait to get back to school and really start up my studyblr with all of my notes and school work.

- chrissy


2018 Essentials

I know this is late, I’m sorry y'all. Here are some things to focus on/do in 2018.

1. Do a mini workout before you shower. 25 squats, 10 push ups, 30 sec plank, 20 leg raises, 25 lunges, etc etc. Start small, and keep it as long or as concise as you please. But set a few mins aside before your shower to get some exercise in.

2. Stretch every morning when you wake up and every night before bed. Your body and posture will thank you.

3. Do a face mask at least twice a month.

4. Take at least one selfie every day. It can be makeup free, clothes free, whatever you want. But become familiar with how you look and your best angles. Experiment with lighting, setting, wardrobe, poses, angles, etc.

5. Take a social media cleanse. Delete tumblr, twitter, ig, snapchat, etc for a week to break away from all the internet garbage and focus on yourself more.

6. Make a date night for yourself every month. Nobody else, just you. Go to a movie, get a massage, grab some lunch, go window shopping, whatever you wanna do. But have at least one day a month to spend some time with yourself.

7. Keep a water bottle with you at all times. Stay hydrated, y'all.

8. Invest yourself in schoolwork. Keep that GPA high.

9. Have a planner. Write down any big events, work/school schedules, deadlines, appointments, get-togethers, etc. Keep track of where you’re going, and what/who you’re investing time into.

10. Adopt this motto: Life is too short. Life is too short to obsess over your weight, life is too short to be in love with a fuckboy, life is too short to have toxic relationships, and life is too short to not do things you love.

11. If you are religious, invest more into your faith. Set time aside every day to say a prayer, thank God (or whomever you may worship) for everything you have, and for everything that is to come, volunteer at any Church/Temple Outreach programs.

12. Make time for your loved ones. Set up a date with a friend/family member, remind them how much they mean to you from time to time, be a loyal and reliable person for them. Put effort into your relationships in 2018.

13. Educate yourself on a topic you don’t quite understand or want to learn more about. Maybe it’s how cars work, or what’s going on in the Middle East, or how our economy is structured, or how to repair an appliance at home, or how to knit. Research useful skills and information, and learn about it. If you do one topic per month, you’ll end up adopting 12 new skills/pieces of outside knowledge by the end of the year.


aka how to combat your impulse to spend hours and hours on social media…

  • Spending time on social media can be good-ONLY IF you’re only browsing when you want to. Sometimes I get stuck browsing through Instagram even when I don’t want to. Even when I tell myself, “This is enough,” “I have homework to do,” “I want to stop browsing.” Even if I want to stop, I can’t. Then it becomes a problem. 
  • Remember - no one else can tell you how to live your life. For some people, 5 hours a day of social media is fun, stress-relieving, and good. For other people, 1 hour a day is too much. Figure out how much time YOU want to spend online, not your mom, not your teacher, not your friends, certainly not me. If you decide you want to cut down on your screen time, keep reading…
  • Figure out when and why you’re glued to the screen. To procrastinate? To relieve anxiety or stress? Because you’re bored or angry? Some other reason? 
  • Think about some alternative things you could do instead. This will largely depend on your personal interests. To help you with ideas, here’s my list of “alternatives to scrolling through my phone:”
    • Rent a movie to watch and possibly invite a friend (or go solo!)
    • Practice guitar & write music
    • Draw some art, doodle, sketch
    • Go out for a quick run, especially if it’s nice outside
    • Clean and tidy up around the house
    • Do homework
    • Check out a just-for-fun book to read from the library
    • Meditate
  • Make an action plan and follow through. Write down the exact amount of hours you’ll give yourself each day to mindlessly browse through social media, and time yourself. When the timer is up, stop. Make it a habit. If you’re bored, go through your list of “alternative things to do.” If there’s nothing on the list that interests you, make a new list or add to your existing list. 
  • You don’t have to be perfect. It’s okay if you miss a day or two - you’re not a failure. Remember, you’re doing this for yourself, not for a grade or for someone else. Get back on track as quickly as you can.
  • It’s not too early (or too late) to start today. No need to wait until New Years’, the beginning of next month, tomorrow, or any later date. You can start right now, even if it’s 10:15 PM at night or 3:02 AM in the morning.

You got this! I believe in you!! <3


To all my teenage girls who don’t know:

Just cause he wants to fuck you doesn’t mean he loves you

Just cause you have sex with him, doesnt mean he loves you, or respects or emotionally cares for you

Having sex with a guy doesn’t mean he’s gonna stay with you or respect you

Losing your virginity isnt the end all be all of everything, your not “giving a part of yourself ” to him. You were whole before him.

































hey if ur ever feelin shitty use this

Holy shit I’m trying not to cry.

i really needed this one tonight


Do it!!!

I need to cry


I fully expected to be Rick rolled and I was instead very, very pleased



this is so pure


Holy shit, okay, I didn’t know I needed to cry today, thanks ya’ll!


the pureness is real


Everyone who follows me do this it’s amazing

awww!! :D

I was having a sort of rough day and this certainly helped a bit…

Oh my goooooosh!!!

It was not what I was expecting, and I can’t stop smiling now…




^ w ^


do it do it please







@artisan-the-mage@foreverakookie and everyone following me, click the link. It’s worth it

;w; i was not expecting that


Do it!

@rebellion-12th-century-blog@mollypondatyourservice2@eleonora-strange-stark and everyone else!






If you ever have trouble sleeping at night, here’s a few tips to help:

brew a cup of chamomile tea

relax your muscles in a lavender Epson salt bath & light some incense

play a soundscape(click for rain on leaves) & darken the room

apply a calming lotion to your skin while giving yourself a gentle massage

If all else fails, try taking melatonin supplements. They’re easily found in the vitamin aisle of most grocery stores. I highly recommend only starting out with 3mg first!

It always guarantees me a good night’s sleep when I do all these things so I thought I’d share in case anyone could use the tips. Sleep tight, everyone!

Meditate! It helps calm me down and relax so that sleep comes that bit easier


- Play “don’t let the balloon hit the floor” with multiple balloons while at the same time playing “the carpet is lava”

- play hide-and seek in a mall or large public place

- dress up in elaborate costumes to do normal things like go to walmart

- play hide-and-seek or something in walmart without getting kicked out

- get on youtube with friends and try to learn a new talent like juggling or dancing or something

- look at the ingredients in the house and google what you can bake with them

- go to a park you’ve never been to before and walk around like you’re an adventurer discovering everything (“I do say! This here looks like a leaf! What an interesting specimen!”)

- just go to a park in general. I mean, they got slides and swings and crap. Get all over that (but don’t be a jerk. kids are awesome. let them play first).

- dig up toys/games from when you were a kid. Try to play Nintendo 64 games on your hi-def TV. Feel yourself get cut by the sharp, pointy pixels. 

- make a super tacky music video to a song that you thought was super cool when you were in middle school

- draw with chalk, blow bubbles, jump rope, ride your bike around your neighborhood

in general, just stop pretending you’re too cool to do the fun stuff you did when you were 10. 10-year-olds don’t have money to spend on entertainment, and yet I notice that they have more fun than anybody. Have an awesome summer, everybody.


⚡️Life tips in general⚡️

Okay, here we go my ladies. This is a topic that has always been very dear to my heart and I want to share my ways with all of you who might be needing it right now!

First of all, becoming your best version is one of the hardest challenges throughout your life because just like seasons you my friend are ever changing, which means the way you are right now just being yourself will not be the same in a couple of years. But guess what that nothing to sweat about.

1. Find what excites you. It might be painting, eating or running. Whatever it is stick to that and try to get really good at it.

2. You gotta get to the point where your looks are not gonna make or break you, now I know how hard that is and it takes aaaages to get to that point, but you gotta start somewhere. Better start now. Go makeup-less every once in awhile, sleep naked, wear clothes in your own home that make you uncomfortable until you are no more. Read some books that help you overcome these fears.

3. The art of not caring: so I have mentioned this before but here what I’m referring to is to care about people close to you and not about strangers. People will always want to bring you down and that’s a fact, because when they see someone content with their life and happy in what they are, they get jealous and try to bring you waaay down to their vibe. Always listen, but only take advice that you believe will benefit you. Listening never hurts but only take the information the helps you out. People wanna bring you down, don’t let them. Ultimately this is you and you know what you need/want do not care about people judging you, they do not know better.

4. DO NOT STAY IN A FRIENDSHIP IF ITS TOXIC!!!! Yall dont even know, I just had to back away from 4 friends after finding out the level of bullshit they were saying. I kid you not when I say the people you surround yourself with will form you, your thoughts and everything, they reperesent you in a way you never even knew of. So look around and if they aren’t who you thought they were just go.

5. Speak up, but be respectful damn(unless they are assholes). If something wrong and you cancel something or someone says something and u dont like it, tell them why. Don’t start shouting just explain.

6. Never let people who are not worth it get a rise out of you. It is actually one of my fav things to do lol. When people start complaining I just stay cool as a pool, its funny to see people trying so hard to get into an argument with you.

7. Lastly don’t be afraid to take some time to yourself. No shame in needing some time off from everything around you for a lil’ bit. Take a day of just relaxing with a face mask and some hot cocoa, and you already doin’ better.


Find out what healthy foods you dolike.

  • Discovering what fruits, vegetables, or lean proteins you like to eat already can create a strong foundation for future healthy eating. For example, one of my least favorite food groups are vegetables, but I’ve always loved mushrooms and seaweed salad.

Pinpoint what you don’t like about the foods you hate, and find a solution.

  • Here are a few problems and solutions to get you started:
    • Too soft:  use less liquid when cooking, boil off some of the water, cook it for a shorter amount of time, use a paper towel to blot away liquid
    • Too crunchy: cook the food for a longer time, cook it before adding it to the rest of the meal, cut the food into small pieces, puree the food
    • Tastes too strong: cut the food into smaller pieces, cook the food with a strong tasting sauce like hot sauce, lemon juice, or soy sauce, boil the food to remove a bit of the flavor (warning: this also removes some of the nutrients)
    • Bland: this is most likely because you’re not seasoning your food enough. Most foods, but especially bland ones like chicken, potatoes, and cauliflower need herbs and spices. ALWAYS use salt and pepper when cooking, and never use just one flavor.

Keep records of healthy food and recipes that you like.

  • It’s easier to eat healthy if you know what you like. Start a notebook, blog, or list of recipes that are healthy and tasty.

If your school/ workplace has a cafeteria, bring your own food instead.

  • Isn’t it annoying when the only heathy options at your cafeteria taste awful, and you have to decide between eating something foul or ruining your diet? Prepping your lunches over the weekend guarantees that you will be able to find something that you like- and that is healthy.

Slowly build up tolerance to the foods you don’t like.

  • You don’t have to start eating fish by going out for sushi. Incorporate small amounts of the foods you don’t like into your meals, then slowly up the amount as you get used to the taste.

Don’t force yourself to eat foods that you hate.

  • If you make yourself eat things you don’t like, you’ll associate dieting with discomfort and displeasure, making you more likely to give up. Instead, find healthy foods you like, create healthy alternatives to your guilty pleasures, and just don’t eat food that makes you sad.


On daily routine:

- As soon as your alarm goes off, sit up in your bed and turn it off. Don’t press snooze, it will only become harder to get up.
-Always have a glass of water next to your bed, so when you wake up, you can drink as soon as you are up. If you like, you can put cucumber in it, it will be even more refreshing. 
-Put on your socks and a pullover or sweater or nightrobe or whatever you like, and go to the bathroom.
-Wash your face, then use your face creme if you like.
-Have breakfast if you have time and appetite for that.
-Then wash your teeth, and use some lipbalm if you like.
-Dress up in an outfit THAT YOU FEEL GOOD IN. (Also don’t forget about the weather… take care of yourself.)
-Pack your lunch, check if you have everything important (keys, phone, money, ID, etc.)
-On the road, do something that puts you in a good mood, or prepares you for the day. For example, you could catch up on your reading, revise the things you’ll do that day, run through your notes if you have a test that day, listen to music, etc.
-DON’T TAKE LOOOOONG NAPS IN THE AFTERNOON. It may feel as the most refleshing thing, but you will regret it: you lose a lot of time, and the worst is, that you won’t sleep thight that night. MY TIP is to rest for 1- 1 and a half hours when you get home. You could eat something, or rest your head for a good half hour. Then start studying. If you really can’t focus on studying after a long day, that’s totally fine. Go to bed a bit earlier, and wake up earlier as well! You’ll see that in the morning, you will be more efficient, which will keep you moving all day long.
-DON’T DRINK CAFFEINE IN THE AFTERNOON- it’s the same as naps, but (for me) it’s totally worse!!!!

On self-care:

-drink water
-eat when you are hungry
-go to bed in time
-every Sunday, make your night a self-care night (long bath, hairwashing, face hydratating, manicure, pedicure, anything you like…)
-use face scrub twice a week
-wash your face twice a day
-don’t sleep with your make up on
-wash you hair 3 times a week

On studying:

-stay motivated: always set your goals, make your notes nice looking, so you want to study from them, WATCH GILMORE GIRLS (idk if it’s just me, but it inspires me a lot)
-know what type you are (visual, auditive, kinesthetic)
-if you are feeling tired, but want to study something, watch documentaries
-always be prepared
-throw away old pens and pencils
-teach kids or your classmates on materials you don’t want to forget, or is hard for you to study (for ex.: I teach children English, because currently it’s not among my subjects at school; and I became good at maths thanks to my friend, who never understood a word, and I had to teach her the material. Thanks to that, now we both know maths.)





Right now, I’m sifting through 50+ applications for a new entry-level position. Here’s some advice from the person who will actually be looking at your CV/resume and cover letter:

  • ‘You must include a cover letter’ does not mean ‘write a single line about why you want this position’. If you can’t be bothered to write at least one actual paragraphs about why you want this job, I can’t be bothered to read your CV.
  • Don’t bother including a list of your interests if all you can think of is ‘socialising with friends’ and ‘listening to music’. Everyone likes those things. Unless you can explain why the stuff you do enriches you as a person and a candidate (e.g. playing an instrument or a sport shows dedication and discipline) then I honestly don’t care how you spend your time. I won’t be looking at your CV thinking ‘huh, they haven’t included their interests, they must have none’, I’m just looking for what you haveincluded.
  • Even if you apply online, I can see the filename you used for your CV. Filenames that don’t include YOUR name are annoying. Filenames like ‘CV - media’ tell me that you’ve got several CVs you send off depending on the kind of job advertised and that you probably didn’t tailor it for this position. ‘[Full name] CV’ is best.
  • USE. A. PDF. All the meta information, including how long you worked on it, when you created it, times, etc, is right there in a Word doc. PDFs are far more professional looking and clean and mean that I can’t make any (unconscious or not) decisions about you based on information about the file.
  • I don’t care what the duties in your previous unrelated jobs were unless you can tell me why they’re useful to this job. If you worked in a shop, and you’re applying for an office job which involves talking to lots of people, don’t give me a list of stuff you did, write a sentence about how much you enjoyed working in a team to help everyone you interacted with and did your best to make them leave the shop with a smile. I want to know what makes you happy in a job, because I want you to be happy within the job I’m advertising.
  • Does the application pack say who you’ll be reporting to? Can you find their name on the company website? Address your application to them. It’s super easy and shows that you give enough of a shit to google something. 95% of people don’t do this.
  • Tell me who you are. Tell me what makes you want to get up in the morning and go to work and feel fulfilled. Tell me what you’re looking for, not just what you think I’m looking for.
  • I will skim your CV. If you have a bunch of bullet points, make every one of them count. Make the first one the best one. If it’s not interesting to you, it’s probably not interesting to me. I’m overworked and tired. Make my job easy.
  • “I work well in a team or individually” okay cool, you and everyone else. If the job means you’ll be part of a big team, talk about how much you love teamwork and how collaborating with people is the best way to solve problems. If the job requires lots of independence, talk about how you are great at taking direction and running with it, and how you have the confidence to follow your own ideas and seek out the insight of others when necessary. I am profoundly uninterested in cookie-cutter statements. I want to know how you actually work, not how a teacher once told you you should work.
  • For an entry-level role, tell me how you’re looking forward to growing and developing and learning as much as you can. I will hire genuine enthusiasm and drive over cherry-picked skills any day. You can teach someone to use Excel, but you can’t teach someone to give a shit. It makes a real difference.

This is my advice for small, independent orgs like charities, etc. We usually don’t go through agencies, and the person reading through the applications is usually the person who will manage you, so it helps if you can give them a real sense of who you are and how you’ll grab hold of that entry level position and give it all you’ve got. This stuff might not apply to big companies with actual HR departments - it’s up to you to figure out the culture and what they’re looking for and mirror it. Do they use buzzwords? Use the same buzzwords! Do they write in a friendly, informal way? Do the same! And remember, 95% of job hunting (beyond who you know and flat-out nepotism, ugh) is luck. If you keep getting rejected, it’s not because you suck. You might just need a different approach, or it might just take the right pair of eyes landing on your CV.

And if you get rejected, it’s worthwhile asking why. You’ve already been rejected, the worst has already happened, there’s really nothing bad that can come out of you asking them for some constructive feedback (politely, informally, “if it isn’t too much trouble”). Pretty much all of us have been hopeless jobseekers at one point or another. We know it’s shitty and hard and soul-crushing. Friendliness goes a long way. Even if it’s just one line like “your cover letter wasn’t inspiring" at least you know where to start.

And seriously, if you have any friends that do any kind of hiring or have any involvement with that side of things, ask them to look at your CV with a big red pen and brutal honesty. I do this all the time, and the most important thing I do is making it so their CV doesn’t read exactly like that of every other person who took the same ‘how-to-get-a-job’ class in school. If your CV has a paragraph that starts with something like ‘I am a highly motivated and punctual individual who–’ then oh my god I AM ALREADY ASLEEP.

Very good post thanks for this.

Excellent advice for building and submitting job application documents.

This is the first good resume advice post I’ve seen on this site. Much better advice than the “lists of active verbs to use” and “here are resume templates”. Follow this advice.


This article has been copied from here.

I’ve been struggling with anxiety and depression since 2015. I remember feeling numb 24/7 and always assuming how to act and respond around everyone else. It went on for several months.  Then, for a while, it seemed to go away. I thought life was great. I thought I was back to normal, except now that I look back on it, there can never again be normal. At least not the kind I was familiar with. Then last year, during December 201 7 it came back with a burning vengeance. My life entered turmoil and my mental state eventually drove me to the hospital.

Ever since I’ve been actively working to not have a repeat. Yes, I still fall back into my old patterns, but with these few tips, it’s been easier to get out.

Get Creative With Lighting

So, earlier this summer on a trip to Barbados I purchased these beautiful grey curtains that also acts as blackout curtains. They help block out light at night allowing me to sleep… and also enable my habits of cocooning myself to hibernate when I get depressed. Yikes. My room gets all the sunlight during the day which can make my head hurt when both curtains are pulled to each side. Therefore what I’ll do to get sunlight and avoid granting myself the privilege of total darkness during the day, I only open up one panel, or I pull both to the middle leaving the outsides of the window exposed.

Snack Attack

Another thing I’m prone to is undereating. Naturally, if I don’t eat every two-three hours, my naturally low blood pressure drops and I get dangerously lightheaded. When I’m experiencing an episode of depression I eat like one meal a day. One thing I’ve found helps is keeping a container of biscuits/crackers in my room along with juice boxes and other snacks that are easy for me to stomach when I don’t have the will to eat.


No matter how I feel, I always find the energy to take care of others rather than myself. A good and bad thing rolled into one. However, once I realised this, I decided to invest in some plants. Rather than taking care of my fully capable and not so grateful siblings (sorry, not sorry) I decided to invest in plants. Watering my plants and making sure they’re thriving, in turn, motivates me to get at least one thing I’ve been putting of doing, done.

Self Care Box

I’m definitely contemplating making a post solely about this. What a self-care box is, is a box (decorative, cardboard, plastic) that you fill with items to please/soothe your senses. Some items I have in mines are, play doh, a colouring book, coloured pencils, body oil, aromatherapy hand sanitizer, chocolate, a glitter globe…. and that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.


This isn’t something I do every night although I would like to. I tend to journal if I’m really caught up in my head, or I need to talk to someone but I don’t have the courage to say the words out loud at the moment.

Get A Hug

Although I love hugs, I have to say I don’t give or receive them quite often. However, if I’m in one my sad-depressed episodes, copping a hug from my older sister or most commonly my mum makes me feel a little bit better.

Alternative Routine

This can go for anyone. My idea of an alternate routine is instead of going to whole nine yards when it comes to say taking care of my face, I substitute steps. I’ll clean my face with a face wipe and micellar water before following through with toner and lotion. When I don’t have the energy to brush a full two minutes, floss, then use mouthwash, I cut it down to a quick brush and finish off with mouthwash. You still get the basics done, even though it’s not in full.

Basic B…

My closet is fairly simple. I have a few printed and trendy pieces, but for the most part, my clothes are in neutral colours ( white, grey, black, beige). Regardless of how I’m feeling I can pair a casual look or a more sophisticated look using shoes and accessories. It eliminates some of the headaches of what to wear and when I’m not feeling up to life I still look like I tried which helps me feel a little bit better.

Take A Walk

This one only works for me when I’m aware that I’m slipping into a depressive episode.  If I notice I’ve been exposed to a trigger, and I go take a walk it definitely combats the urge to just give in about 60%. 100% if I take a walk with my mum.

If some of this is still too much, I focus on getting some fresh air and sunshine, even if that means sitting next to the open window with the sun in your face. I find sitting in the sun improves my mood to no end and generally makes me feel better!

When I’m not feeling great I tend to overeat but I eat absolute rubbish or whatever I find in my apartment. To combat this I try and keep fruit in as well as small packets/cartons of what I call anxiety snacks e.g. small packets of cheese and pepperoni, chocolate soya milk, crackers, hummus etc.

I’m in the process of making a self care box, but so far it consists of my favourite fluffy hot water bottle, the aforementioned snacks, a special big bottle of water ( STAY HYDRATED), a colouring book, a few sketch pens, my favorite books, my little aromatherapy bottles, and my counting beads!!!


destroy the idea that crying is negative. crying is relief, a way to let all of the sadness, anger, joy and emotion out. end the idea that we need to stop crying, stop letting out emotion, stop being human. end it.





Listen up. There is literally an app that can help you avoid self harm and I don’t know why we aren’t talking about it.

Calm Harm can be tailored to your needs and will provide strategies to help you get past those crucial moments of wanting to harm.

It’s also totally FREE.

once again, it’s called CALM HARM



For anyone that needs this!

