#spilled words


Why do you pray her?

When next day you prey her?

-my diary


If you saw this post it means you need to laugh hardly.


Because you look better when you simle.

And for sure someone wants to see laugh out loud, and laugh themselves too.

Live, laugh, cry because you don’t live twice.

She will treat you the way you treat her,

She won’t hesitate to eat you, if you touch her loved ones.

-my diary

Nothing lasts forever,

Neither the innocence of a child,

Nor the love you fed.

Diamonds degrade and fade,

Love burns, lust remains.

-my diary

The butterfly never counts weeks of her life,

A flower never count how much nectar she gave away,

A gardener never count how many flowers she watered,

Why do you count how many hours you have lived?

-my diary

Hakuna Matata

Wonderfully said

Hakuna Matata

Is a glorious phrase

Hakuna Matata

It means there is no trouble

Hakuna Matata

Is a symbol of wonder.

- my diary

Colours clinging in the sky

Water smuggling the lies.

Hey guys,

My poems got published and I am beyond happy


Check it out on @iinkpublications

And me also on @vin_vinner_

Red everywhere on the map,

Seems like a vision,

Trying deceive the features,

Noone seems to envision.

-my diary

Life is an empty canvas,

It is all upto you,

Fill it,

Or leave it.


Have courage in yourself,

Be kind to everyone else,

And experience the wonders,

The life wants to tell,

Wonder after wonder,

New day ,

New adventure.



Aries: It’s gonna burn. It’s gonna hurt. It’s going to feel like you’re dying. I promise you that you are not dying. I know, I know. But I promise, you survive this

Taurus; Stop healing other people’s wounds while you’re still bleeding out. Put yourself first. Learn healthy boundaries, and when to put yourself first, before it kills you.

Gemini: How long will you stand in place,? The world holds still for no one, not even you. So, how long will you stand in the same place where parts of you die and still act like it’s okay? When will you finally have enough?

Leo: Sometimes other people’s wounds get to shine. It doesn’t mean they didn’t hurt you. It doesn’t mean you aren’t as valid. But sometimes , sometimes someone else’s pain gets to take center stage. Be prepared. I’m sorry.

Pisces: You have nothing to fear. You panic over this coming storm. Did you not realize you are a mother fucking hurricane? You are love and hate and passion incarnate, act like it. There are stars in your veins, so you need to glow.

Cancer: Sometimes we have to sit with the pain. sit with it and unpack all the reasons why it hurts. Unpack all the reasons it is still hard to talk about after all these years. Sometimes we need to sit with the pain to work past it.

Capricorn: You are so smart. You deserve better then all this. When will you see that you deserve better than all this? I can’t make you see it, I wish I could, but you have to want it. Do you want it yet?

Virgo: You have to learn to live with the ghosts in the closet. They may not always be friendly, but you’re gonna have to co-exist. Those scars won’t go away. Those tattoos can only be covered up so much. So learn.

Saggitarius: No one said growing was easy. No one said it wasn’t going to be messy. This is going to be some of the most difficult shit. But you got this. You got this. I swear.

Aquarius: Don’t stop fighting. I know you’re tired. I know it’s heartbreaking. But don’t you dare fucking stop fighting. You have come so far, you are so close to winning. Just please, please don’t stop fighting .

Libra: Smile. There’s always tomorrow. So smile. Smile and find peace in yourself, because there is always tomorrow. Tomorrow needs you to smile. Tomorrow needs you to brave. So please, smile?

Scorpio: if you know they are posioning you, then you need to walk away. You can’t stay there and let them keep filling the tea with arsenic, not without admitting it’s suicide.

This week’s horoscope 7/7/2020


Aries: the world is not ending. I promise you the world is not ending. When it does not end, we will need you. The world will need you to help fix what we almost ruined. We need you.

Taurus; Eventually you have to let go. Own up to what you did wrong, sit with it, and let it go. You can’t think you were right forever and you can’t hold on to your wrongs forever. You have to let go.

Leo: Your city is a war zone, for a just cause, I know. Remember we love you. Remember we want you home safe. Remember when history looks back they will thank you. Thank you through the tear gas and blood. Thank you.

Gemini: Some time you have to grow. You can’t grow where it’s comfortable and safe. You have to grow, because we see great things in you. Because we can tell you can be so much more. You just have to step outside.

Pisces: The blood on your hands isn’t even your burden. It isn’t your fault for what choices they made. This isn’t your problem. Responsiblility is a bitch, but you did not deserve this. You do not own this mess.

Cancer: stop digging up your veins just to prove you are still breathing. The voices that come up at night are not your friend. The ghosts of the past can’t and don’t love you like the people in the present. You have to know that

Capricorn: Sometimes you have to give in. Sometimes you have to compromise. I know it’s hard. I know the way forward is clear. But be careful, you don’t HAVE to burn all those bridges, and some of them might save you later.

Virgo: Learn to sit with yourself. The drugs and pills and booze and distraction can only get you so far. Sit with yourself. Let go of your past. Let go of me. Please.

Aquarius: Be careful because wolf in sheep clothing can feel safe. Can feel calm. Do not trust them, the claws are just under the surface. We love you. Stay safe.

Saggitarius: You don’t need them. I know. I know. It feels like it. It feels like they are your air. You don’t need them. You deserve more. Please see that you deserve more.

Scorpio: you are only hurting yourself. You are only adding more scars. Stop. Stop trying to dig the veins out of your skin. Stop trying to kill yourself for others.

Libra: some scars do not heal. Some scars you just live with. Some scars you just survive. Some things are just how they are, and the people who did it will never apologise to you for it.

I found an old photograph of myself from high school

a thinner frame with black and white hair,

thought she would be trapped in that old town

with the library on the corner, near the cow fields. 

She wasn’t trapped 

not then

but now…

I’ve been gone

haven’t I?

last time we spoke 

I was enveloped 

in the bitter New Hampshire winter.

I’m here to tell you not much has changed…

I wish it had

but my weakness always prevails and prevents

spring from coming.

my mother

she was young when music was important.

I flip through her records

as if I washer,

in the 70s

hair wild as an untrimmed forest.

my fingers recognize one,

Young Americans

the death of her idol

David Bowie

brings with him

the loss of her youth

but also

and afterlife

that will live

longer than us all. 

he’s probably landed in Iowa
right about now,
the trip from
New York is about three hours.

I asked you to come up
to New Hampshire
which is less than half that
but you’re still sitting in Queens.
