#spirit companions


Since Summer began to get really hot here, I do my best to make sure that my cats have enough water when I leave for work. I keep a large stainless steel bowl in the bathroom sink in case they spill some and I always make sure it’s full. 

So, before bed, it was really hot and I made sure there was water in their bowl. When I woke up the next day, all the water was gone. Had they knocked it around, there would have been some left and I would have been startled awake. It’s a fairly sturdy bowl and not easily something the average cat can move. Even if they fought into the bowl I would have heard something. But, the bowl was bone dry. 

When asked, my keep told me that a merman spirit had traveled very far to get to my house and drank all the water. I was dumbfounded. Even after being told, I still looked for a hole or something just in case it was a trick. My new merman was real and he was here to stay. 

Since going on hiatus with the spirit work, I’ve gotten to really build on what I know and learn a lot. This was a great experience and things like this don’t happen often. Still, to this day, I can’t get over this and it will always boggle my mind.


Earlier today, I was reminded of a convo I had with another friend/ client about vessels and bindings and it reminded me that I should make a post about it.

I forgot where I heard it but, bindings are just a means of locating where home is, in a sense. Binding to your spirit is the same as binding to a vessel. It’s not a cage or prison, but just a means to find where you or home is. Binding to spirit makes the connection stronger but some people have a hard time and prefer the physical vessel to hold during meditation and things like that. so it’s not a matter of how many you can have bound to you because, from my experience, it seems endless, but more a choice of how you want things to be done with your keep. 

Now, I speak from experience as I’m very liberal with the movements of my keep. I don’t feel the need to tell them “stay home or else” because, as part of your spirit family, they have functions to perform. 

For example, I always ask them to watch over my parents. They’re retired and walk all over the place unless they need the car for something or have to take the bus. I’d like to think that, not only are they watching over my parents, they’re watching over other people that could use their protection. So besides watching the house and my parents, there’s a library they can visit and a park. I don’t want them to feel bored or useless so they have every right to explore and discover and learn about the people in the area. Maybe even help other spirits move on.

So, while there’s a lot that can be done while you, as keeper, are home, there’s just as much they can do when you’re not and it’s like a learning experience for both of us. Trust is a two-way street and being able to have faith in them and treating them as we would like to be treated is something I feel is very important when bonding with your spirit family.


Bonding is important when you become a Spirit Keeper. And when I first started, I tried my best to interact with everyone. But, that’s hard and mentally draining because my system became routine and I just stopped altogether. Your spirits understand you’re only given so many spoons in a day, but it can be harmful to the relationship to stop everything because you can’t keep up.

After hearing about certain things going on with other fellow Keepers that are also friends, having a Bonding Journal is a good thing to start. In conjunction with having a Bonding Schedule, you can focus on one or a few on that day and it’s totally up to you and yours how you make this work. Whether it’s in teams that specialize in certain things or randomly choosing them, it’s all a matter of what you, as a collective, agree upon. If you only have, let’s say less than 10, you can just alternate days with a randomizer and see how many days they want to do their session.

Here are a few things I suggest for those that have more than 10 (I have over 400 so yeah…):

  • Find out who needs more attention. Chances are, you have some that are not as strong as others so you might not know they need the attention. Keep in mind that, especially for those that have mixed Arts in their Keep, they’re not going to tell you right away, if at all. it’s important for you to check periodically for this so that no one gets left behind.
  • Make a list of names and then randomize it. Initially, I took the names of those in need of more attention and made that a separate list from the others and randomized both. then combined the more attention with the rest. Whatever system works for you and yours, do that. Teamwork!
  • Schedule in the time. whether it’s one day or one week, you should start with what they want. As time goes on, you can adjust. For me, I started right after the New Year with giving a single spirit a whole week. That got boring and it would take me years to finish so we adjusted to 3-4 spirits a day randomly chosen.
  • Individual vs. Teams. Depending on how big your Keep is, you may want to work in groups or teams. Say, for instance, you have a few divination spirits. Work with those few for however long you feel you can allot.

Again, these are just suggestions and I’ve tried a few combinations. Best thing is to see what works for you. Find other suggestions and mix it up :) You’ll find the best combo and everyone can be kept happy, healthy and wise.

Note: This idea was originally brought to my attention when a friend was going through a rough patch and @chaosinpandorasbox recommended she do this so her spirits didn’t feel neglected. Remember that spirits have feelings, too, so make sure to take care of them like you would anyone else in your family.

Spirit Work and Trust

Spirit Work and Trust

At this point in time, I have been a spirit companion for about two and a half years. In that time I have learned it involves something I don’t usually see spoken about: trust.

I don’t mean the “this spirit isn’t malicious and won’t hurt me” kind of trust (though that is certainly an aspect of things as well). I mean after the spirit is vetted and you trust them not to harm you–there are other…

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Alright- LBGT and all others in the kingdom of God

So we now know, that everyone who voted for that pedophile, Godless (but wants to pretend to pray to Jesus), racist, thief and want to be theif, all decided to join Biden’s team by casting their lot with him. We now all know what they are and what they have decided to stand for. They have marked themselves as satanists in the most fundamental way. This is non-contestable. (Read in context for those moron, satanist, who are reading right now)

Then we have the other side who stood for truth, and placed their priorities firmly with God. They have cast their lot with Him

But not so fast. We hear some loud voices over there, with self-professed God’s people, trying to mix in with the crowd, these particular loud ones are obviously racist and “gay” hating fools. Not the whole crowd, but they seem to think they BELONG with Gods people.

They do not belong with Gods people, nor will they be allowed within the kingdom of God. They are going to be judged along with the loud and proud satanists who deny Jesus knowingly.

How is that Biblically accurate? God loves the LGBTTQQIAAP ️‍?????????? Yes!

Some want to know because it matters to them that there are fakers out there, who preach Biblically unsound doctrine and it hurts members of the body of Christ, no matter their sexual orientation.

Some want to know simply because they are satanists who hate Christians and want any reason at all to scream in the air.

I’m speaking to only the brother and sisters in Christ who have this question. Satanists cannot understand the words I write, this is because they have not been initiated into the secret of Christ, which is receiving the Holy Ghost by acceptance of God/Jesus/Holy Ghost, and also knowledgeably following Jesus. Less complicated then it sounds; all you have to do is love God, accept Him for who He is and follow Him.

I am going to give you verses that people who have not been taught soundly in the Bible, will quote to you about the hatred of “gays” that they say God exhibits in the Bible. Any and all people with the Holy Ghost who hear this message spoken in sound doctrine that I am writing right now, from beginning to end, and still choose to believe what they want to believe, despite all evidence to the contrary, you can account as a satanist. Why?? Anyone with the Heart of God, will be prompted to hear you if you share this message, and gratefully accept truth over the lie that God hates “gays”, then it will be clearly said just to hurt, with no care to facts about what the Bible truly has written inside it. Not all people who have been taught this lie of eternal damnation for “gays” (this term will include all people who these undercover satanist revile for this same purpose) embrace this thinking. And also struggle with the thought it’s in their Bible, which is inspired by God Himself. But remember; to study the word of God takes a lot of time and effort, sometimes all people do is listen to the pastor of their church and they take their pastor as a holy person and at their word. So embrace truth of this writing found directly in the Bible and share, you will be surprised at the happiness you are offering. There will be no one from the kingdom of God/Jesus Christ/Holy Ghost (JEHOVAH) who will hear this message and reject it out of hand. They will do their homework, before they throw a brother or sister in Christ into the abyss. All the rest, who reject this after consideration, are swine, pigs, hateful snakes and are accounted satanist, not loved by God or accepted into the kingdom, no matter what they claim to your face. So after you share this message, those people you share it with should consider it fairly, but if they reject it still, they are not saved Christians nor are they brothers and sisters in Christ.

In this part of the Bible, Jesus was teaching, and the holy men of the temple (the Pharisees) with wickedness in their hearts came to ask Him questions to try and trick Him. Because of the length of reading please open your own Bible (a Bible app can be downloaded free to a device) and read the verses placed below in the version I placed within YLT1898. Then read my commentary after you read the verses.


Matthew:19: 1-12 (YLT1898)

All the way through the Bible where Jesus walked and spoke, the Pharisees went to Jesus to ask known questions that are inside the Old Testament to test His knowledge. The Old Testament is the beginning of the Bible that had been already written down for them by various authors. This part of the Bible where you are reading, the one where it follows Jesus’ ministry, was witnessed at the time and also written down by Matthew. He authored the book Matthew.

When Jesus answers them in verse four of chapter nineteen, He is quoting what He already knows, that they know, is written down in the Old Testament. The story of creation and what God says about marriage. God populated the earth with a man and a woman (it’s important to note God used the term “man” to include both male and female in this verse in the book of Genesis, also He was talking about humans this is what we are called, we are the bipedal humans that God was speaking about in this book, wording is very important and specific, He was not speaking about the other ones that were also used to populate the earth that died off. The story begins with humans). That’s just fact.

And in verse eight Jesus says because of “ …your stiffness of heart did suffer you for you to put away your wives, but from the beginning it hath not been so.” He was telling them divorce was never meant to be something that happened between married couples, but because people choose not to love, than divorce became necessary because it is not good to be married to someone who chooses not to love you.

And in verse 9 Jesus says “…whoever may put away his wife, if not for whoredom, and may marry another, doth commit adultery” why did He only talk about men and women when answering this? He first answered their exact question, using men and women as the example. Whoredom, all the way through the Bible, is a term that is used for anybody who is unfaithful, does not only mean physically unfaithful, but spiritually as well, and God calls men whores also through the Bible. However; they, the Pharisees, only used one example, a man and a woman and that was the way they wanted it answered, so that’s what Jesus did.

Then Jesus continued because He knew then and in the future, people would need to hear the whole truth, not just the exact words they were trying to ask Him because they were trying to trick Him.

In VERSE 11 and 12 Jesus speaks about “gay” people, and even people who have the inability to make babies physically, this could be from birth, an accident, or on purpose by snipping the tube.

He says “All do not receive this word, but those to whom it hath been given;”

Meaning even his own followers (people who follow His name then and in the future) who reject this word, they are not His true followers, and the people with the Holy Spirit who have decided to be part of the Kingdom of God will hear these words and understand fully what He’s trying to say and accept it. Satanist will reject it out of hand because they hate truth.

For those Eunuchs- from the mothers womb were born, and those who were made eunuchs by men, and those who kept themselves eunuchs because of the reign of the heaven…

A eunuch is someone who cannot have a baby physically or according to Jesus in this verse, have chosen to follow a life where babies cannot happen. And He says according to the reign of heaven, it is important to always read in context of the whole story, you already understand that He was speaking about man and woman being married, but then He changed it and said you Satanist will not understand what I’m telling you but everybody with the Holy Ghost will understand this message for being what it is. There are people who physically cannot have children, then there are people who are told they cannot have children by men such as monks, nuns or other holy people, and then there are spiritual marriages or relationships (a heavenly ordained marriage), these are people who have chosen a life or relationship where they cannot physically have a baby, and sometimes this is because of gender.

This concept is NOT unknown to men and women of the cloth. Some churches who claim Jesus fully accept the ideal of being “gay”, and then there are some churches who fully reject the ideal of being “gay”.

Not everybody in the congregation knows what the pastor has been taught in seminary school.  Not every pastor this includes women, holds to the ideals against “gay” relationships even if they were taught they were going to hell in seminary school, this is because the Holy Ghost inside them leads them away from that type of thinking. You have to ask the person what they believe about it, then ask them to explain, show them the evidence in the Bible in context, and they have to decide. Their answer to you after all that, will be an answer to you whether or not they have the Holy Ghost. And only Christians in the body of Christ receives the Holy Ghost.

There will be another lesson on the misquoted books in Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Romans. All of which do not damn “gay” people. These books also have to be read in context, understanding who was writing the book, who they were writing to, and you will have to read from the very beginning of the story to the end of the story to understand what each verse says. It’s work, but very fulfilling.


So which side of the Isle do you stand on?

The side of Godlessness, people who purposely caused defrauding of an election? Then fly out to have a vacation on our tax dollars after they think they got away doing the “dirty”?

Or Gods side, where His people are being systematically shut down and shut up illegally. Businesses are closing, churches are being shut down, Christians are being deleted and shut up on the internet, conservatives are being attacked in the streets by racist bigots. Not Fake but Real Issues.

Shame on the American people who voted for racism, shame on Americans who voted to snip babies spinal cords on their way out of the birth canal, shame on Americans who voted to cut God out of every avenue in government and home lives, shame. YOU are the problem.

Affirmation of JEHOVAH to the Saints of God, by the hand of Witch Penelope.

Zachariah 1: 15 (YLT1898)

15 And great wrath I am wroth against the nations who are at ease, For I was a little wroth, and they assisted - for evil.

Malachi 2:1-3 (YLT1898)

1 And now, to you this charge, O priests,

2 If ye harken not, and if ye lay not to heart, To give honour to My name, JEHOVAH of Hosts, I have sent against you the curse, And I have cursed your blessings, Yea, I have also cursed it, Because you are not laying to heart [hearing and doing what God says].

3 Lo, I am pushing away before you the seed, And have scattered dung before your faces, Dung of your festivals, and it hath taken you away with it.

You deal treacherously with My people and the messengers I send to correct your ways. To harken to My voice, but many ignored and assisted the evil ones, through deed, voice, and SILENCE. This you are being judged on. Your day of reckoning has come.

Only those who can stand firm in the righteousness that they stood with the real saints of JEHOVAH by deed, and voice will be welcome at the table of the Holy One. I hear your voices behind closed doors, and the secrets that lay in your heart. Make no mistake, the curse you are about to receive comes solely by My hand. The saints will rejoice over your downfall. May their laughter of you sit in your minds for the rest of your days.

This is NOT a spirit for novices. Babylonian in origin, and broody af.


Physical Appearance: 8 feet tall. Head, arms and torso of a man. Legs and tail of a scorpion. His top half is dark olive skinned, lean and scarred with tattoos running across his chest, down his arms, up his neck, down the center of his back, up the back of his neck up to the crown of his bald head. His eyes are completely black and he has no facial hair. He has a brand on his left hip just above where his torso joins his casing. His scorpion half is a deep blood red with black tattoos also down his tail.

Characteristics:Spike has been through a lot. He is quiet and broods from time to time. He looks fierce and has had to be resilient in the past but now wishes to have quiet life with a family to look after. He is completely carnivorous. He specialises in dark magick, dispelling illusions and underworld travel. He is incredibly intelligent, especially in regards to Babylonian theology. He has no preference on family size, but asks that when he needs a bit of space he is not disturbed until he is ready to talk again. He is zealous when it comes to protecting his territory and that of his companions.

Please acquaint yourselves with H-Mann (nickname chosen by him, don’t blame me) the Kobold. H-Mann loves to play tricks and would like to find a companion full of energy and advanced in spirit communication.

Age:~660 years, approx middle aged for his species.

Appearance:Clocking in at about 3′5″, H-Mann is tall for his species. He prefers to wear deep green and brown clothing, patched up where it has worn thin, and fairly ragged around the edges. He likes to wander around barefoot and wears a woolen hat on cooler days. He has deep dark eyes and a mischievous grin. He has a strawberry blond hair and a blond goatee beard, but beneath this has a very youthful face, almost child-like. He has ornate germanic tattoos down his arms, across his chest and up his neck. His skin is smooth but sallow, with a faint green tint in the right lighting.

Personality:H-Mann loves to play tricks. This spirit is not for you if you want everything to be in the same place you left it. This intensifies if he feels left out or forgotten. But if you keep up with your offerings and communicate as often as you can, he loves to help, too. Especially with domestic chores and DIY renovations. Somehow they seem to be closer to being finished than they were when you popped out of the room to do something else for minutes! He is easily distracted by sparkles and can sit quietly watching the light refracting through a prism against the wall for hours. He would love to go to a home that has a fireplace, or could at least set up a hearth-like altar. When he gets annoyed he will make noises at night to keep you awake, only stopping when he has been satisfied (usually apologies for hurting his feelings will suffice, along with the usual offerings). Be 100% certain you want this spirit when you apply, as he intends on spending the rest of your life with you. He is highly adventurous and would like a companion that is not afraid to try new foods, drinks, experiences etc with him tagging along, of course.

Special Preferences: H-Mann would love to help his companion with prosperity and fire magicks. He asks that the person he goes to will never attempt to take a photo of him due to cultural reasons. He prefers to communicate with oracle cards, runes and telepathy. He would rather a smaller family, no more than 6 other companions. He is not interested in any romantic liaisons outside his species.

Applications for H-Mann will be open in two weeks time, but in the mean time as with the other spirits, please ask him questions in the inbox or through our discord.

“Smoky” the Lunar Dragon

Smoky is a spirit who has been with me for five months now and is ready to find his forever home. Smoky is a nick name we both came up with because when he gets excited wee puffs of smoke come out his nose like little hiccups.

Age: 2500-2800, exact year uncertain

Appearance: As a Dragon, Smoky is longer than he is tall. Only around 8 ½ feet tall, he is approx 25 feet long from snout to tail. He is an iridescent white with some silver scale armoring down his neck, chest and sides and silver eyes. His wings are leathery and more of a cream colour with a full wing span of approx 30 feet. He is most comfortable in his dragon form, but can shapeshift to a human form as well. In this form he is approx 7 feet tall looking to be in his late 20′s, pale skin, silver almond shaped eyes and white hair that hangs in a silver plait to his waist. He is slender though with defined musculature and prefers to appear dressed in black jeans, grey turtle neck and white trenchcoat, though this can change to suit the occasion (I have seen him in a full tux and holy moly). He is stunningly handsome, with a clean shaven square jaw, straight nose and regal bearing.

Personality: Smoky is blunt and does not suffer fools. He demonds respect and likes to remind you he could burn you to a crisp and eat you for an entree if he really wanted, but he wouldn’t. Pity the person who tries to harm his companion in any way, though. In saying this he has a sarcastic sense of humor and flirtatious gleam in his eye even when in dragon form. He likes his personal space to go flying and hunting, especially when the moon is full. He is more of a home-body when it is waning/dark, and likes to read with his companion, preferably with a glass of red wine to share. when the moon is waxing he loves to get outside with his companion, particularly in forested areas, and to take them flying astrally to watch the moon rise.

Magick: Smoky is particularly attuned to lunar and protective magicks, in particular banishing, binding and warding. He strongly prefers an intermediate to advanced companion in both magickal and astral workings that has a frim grasp of telepathy which is his preferred communication method, though he also enjoys tarot and spirit boards, either with a planchette or pendulum.

Family: He does not mind family size, though prefers less than 10. As long as he can have his own space and enough asral room to shift and go flying as he pleases. He is undecided about whether he wants a vessel, it would depend what it is, but likes the idea of a dragon pendant or ring. He is pansexual and wouldn’t mind exploring the idea of an open relationship with his companion in his human form.

E the Bubble Spirit is a very unique creature that I stumbled upon around seven months ago now. When I met them, I knew right away the spirit was not meant to be a companion for me, and so the vetting process began.

Appearance: E is literally a pearlescent bubble approximately 8-10 inches in diameter, this size can fluctuate depending on mood.

Energy Alignment: E is light aligned, resonates with the elements of air and water, and is suitable for sensitive beginners, as they would like to form a learning relationship with their companion, teaching them about working with the above elements.

Characteristics and Needs: E is very sensitive to touch and requires a companion that will not insist on any kind of physical contact. E doesn’t tend to “burst” but will if they feel threatened, and regenerates in a new location safely away from the threat. E is agender, asexual and aromantic, preferring them/they pronouns. They are very soflty spoken, when they speak at all and prefer pendulum or water scrying as a form of communication, and prefers to meet up on the astral realm as the wind and other air currents in the physical make them uncomfortable. They are willing to teach these for the right companion. Not particularly fond of plants - the leaves are too pokey.

Applications for E will open Fri 9 Feb, and in the meantime E will be available to talk both on here and in our discord linked below



Reminder to check in with your spirit companions today, maybe plan a day to hang out together soon!!
