#spirit companionship


Spirit Work and Trust

Spirit Work and Trust

At this point in time, I have been a spirit companion for about two and a half years. In that time I have learned it involves something I don’t usually see spoken about: trust.

I don’t mean the “this spirit isn’t malicious and won’t hurt me” kind of trust (though that is certainly an aspect of things as well). I mean after the spirit is vetted and you trust them not to harm you–there are other…

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This is NOT a spirit for novices. Babylonian in origin, and broody af.


Physical Appearance: 8 feet tall. Head, arms and torso of a man. Legs and tail of a scorpion. His top half is dark olive skinned, lean and scarred with tattoos running across his chest, down his arms, up his neck, down the center of his back, up the back of his neck up to the crown of his bald head. His eyes are completely black and he has no facial hair. He has a brand on his left hip just above where his torso joins his casing. His scorpion half is a deep blood red with black tattoos also down his tail.

Characteristics:Spike has been through a lot. He is quiet and broods from time to time. He looks fierce and has had to be resilient in the past but now wishes to have quiet life with a family to look after. He is completely carnivorous. He specialises in dark magick, dispelling illusions and underworld travel. He is incredibly intelligent, especially in regards to Babylonian theology. He has no preference on family size, but asks that when he needs a bit of space he is not disturbed until he is ready to talk again. He is zealous when it comes to protecting his territory and that of his companions.

Please acquaint yourselves with H-Mann (nickname chosen by him, don’t blame me) the Kobold. H-Mann loves to play tricks and would like to find a companion full of energy and advanced in spirit communication.

Age:~660 years, approx middle aged for his species.

Appearance:Clocking in at about 3′5″, H-Mann is tall for his species. He prefers to wear deep green and brown clothing, patched up where it has worn thin, and fairly ragged around the edges. He likes to wander around barefoot and wears a woolen hat on cooler days. He has deep dark eyes and a mischievous grin. He has a strawberry blond hair and a blond goatee beard, but beneath this has a very youthful face, almost child-like. He has ornate germanic tattoos down his arms, across his chest and up his neck. His skin is smooth but sallow, with a faint green tint in the right lighting.

Personality:H-Mann loves to play tricks. This spirit is not for you if you want everything to be in the same place you left it. This intensifies if he feels left out or forgotten. But if you keep up with your offerings and communicate as often as you can, he loves to help, too. Especially with domestic chores and DIY renovations. Somehow they seem to be closer to being finished than they were when you popped out of the room to do something else for minutes! He is easily distracted by sparkles and can sit quietly watching the light refracting through a prism against the wall for hours. He would love to go to a home that has a fireplace, or could at least set up a hearth-like altar. When he gets annoyed he will make noises at night to keep you awake, only stopping when he has been satisfied (usually apologies for hurting his feelings will suffice, along with the usual offerings). Be 100% certain you want this spirit when you apply, as he intends on spending the rest of your life with you. He is highly adventurous and would like a companion that is not afraid to try new foods, drinks, experiences etc with him tagging along, of course.

Special Preferences: H-Mann would love to help his companion with prosperity and fire magicks. He asks that the person he goes to will never attempt to take a photo of him due to cultural reasons. He prefers to communicate with oracle cards, runes and telepathy. He would rather a smaller family, no more than 6 other companions. He is not interested in any romantic liaisons outside his species.

Applications for H-Mann will be open in two weeks time, but in the mean time as with the other spirits, please ask him questions in the inbox or through our discord.

“Smoky” the Lunar Dragon

Smoky is a spirit who has been with me for five months now and is ready to find his forever home. Smoky is a nick name we both came up with because when he gets excited wee puffs of smoke come out his nose like little hiccups.

Age: 2500-2800, exact year uncertain

Appearance: As a Dragon, Smoky is longer than he is tall. Only around 8 ½ feet tall, he is approx 25 feet long from snout to tail. He is an iridescent white with some silver scale armoring down his neck, chest and sides and silver eyes. His wings are leathery and more of a cream colour with a full wing span of approx 30 feet. He is most comfortable in his dragon form, but can shapeshift to a human form as well. In this form he is approx 7 feet tall looking to be in his late 20′s, pale skin, silver almond shaped eyes and white hair that hangs in a silver plait to his waist. He is slender though with defined musculature and prefers to appear dressed in black jeans, grey turtle neck and white trenchcoat, though this can change to suit the occasion (I have seen him in a full tux and holy moly). He is stunningly handsome, with a clean shaven square jaw, straight nose and regal bearing.

Personality: Smoky is blunt and does not suffer fools. He demonds respect and likes to remind you he could burn you to a crisp and eat you for an entree if he really wanted, but he wouldn’t. Pity the person who tries to harm his companion in any way, though. In saying this he has a sarcastic sense of humor and flirtatious gleam in his eye even when in dragon form. He likes his personal space to go flying and hunting, especially when the moon is full. He is more of a home-body when it is waning/dark, and likes to read with his companion, preferably with a glass of red wine to share. when the moon is waxing he loves to get outside with his companion, particularly in forested areas, and to take them flying astrally to watch the moon rise.

Magick: Smoky is particularly attuned to lunar and protective magicks, in particular banishing, binding and warding. He strongly prefers an intermediate to advanced companion in both magickal and astral workings that has a frim grasp of telepathy which is his preferred communication method, though he also enjoys tarot and spirit boards, either with a planchette or pendulum.

Family: He does not mind family size, though prefers less than 10. As long as he can have his own space and enough asral room to shift and go flying as he pleases. He is undecided about whether he wants a vessel, it would depend what it is, but likes the idea of a dragon pendant or ring. He is pansexual and wouldn’t mind exploring the idea of an open relationship with his companion in his human form.

E the Bubble Spirit is a very unique creature that I stumbled upon around seven months ago now. When I met them, I knew right away the spirit was not meant to be a companion for me, and so the vetting process began.

Appearance: E is literally a pearlescent bubble approximately 8-10 inches in diameter, this size can fluctuate depending on mood.

Energy Alignment: E is light aligned, resonates with the elements of air and water, and is suitable for sensitive beginners, as they would like to form a learning relationship with their companion, teaching them about working with the above elements.

Characteristics and Needs: E is very sensitive to touch and requires a companion that will not insist on any kind of physical contact. E doesn’t tend to “burst” but will if they feel threatened, and regenerates in a new location safely away from the threat. E is agender, asexual and aromantic, preferring them/they pronouns. They are very soflty spoken, when they speak at all and prefer pendulum or water scrying as a form of communication, and prefers to meet up on the astral realm as the wind and other air currents in the physical make them uncomfortable. They are willing to teach these for the right companion. Not particularly fond of plants - the leaves are too pokey.

Applications for E will open Fri 9 Feb, and in the meantime E will be available to talk both on here and in our discord linked below



I’ve been struggling to revamp my House Rules and finally was inspired to finalize them. When I first made my House Rules, they were open to loop holes and too vague. Over time, I gained more experience and discovered my limits as well as recognizing problematic phrasing. I’ve found that being blunt and clear in my rules left little to be misunderstood.

What are ‘house rules’?

House Rules are what’s referred to as a set of rules you’ve put into place for entities to follow while working with you or on your property. Depending on your relationship with this spirit can dictate when these rules are in effect and for how long. For example, a companion spirit is expected to follow the rules at all times however a spirit you’ve met off the street goes by their own rules. These rules are put into place to keep yourself safe as well as others within your household.

They’re not a necessity however it’s strongly recommended to have some set up while interacting with spirits. They act as a hard limit for spirits you interact with. House Rules act as a form of protection for yourself as well as others. You’re setting clear boundaries with these spirits to avoid potential problems.

Broken Rules

If your rules are broken, it’s up to you to enforce them. What punishments that may come is very subjective. Punishments can range can range from but not limited to offerings withheld, permanent offerings removed or discontinued, communication limited or withheld, barred from entering your space for a certain period of time, long term banishment, and/or permanent banishment. What you decide to do depends on how severe your rules have been broken and what you personally feel is an appropriate punishment.

Personal House Rules

  • Do not exploit loopholes in my rules. I am human and can make mistakes. If there’s any loopholes that is concerning to the safety of myself, my spirit family, or any of my loved ones then alert me.
  • Do not lie, twist my words, or omit the truth for the purposes of misleading me. I value concise and straightforward communication. If I end up not understanding you because you want to get cute with words then that’s your fault. Lying out of some misguided attempt to protect me is removing the choice for me without my consent. Twisting my words is what I consider a manipulation tactic.
  • Do not pretend to be something or someone you are not.
  • No spirits are allowed to feed from me without my express consent. My consent must be explicitly stated and must not have been obtained under duress, through manipulation, or deceit. My consent may be revoked at anytime.
  • Sexual contact is only permitted with myself through my consent and willingness of the act. Sexual contact is not allowed with any other members of my household. My consent must be explicitly stated and must not have been obtained under duress, through manipulation, or deceit. My consent may be revoked at anytime.
  • No spirit is allowed to invite other spirits into my home without my consent. My consent must be explicitly stated and must not have been obtained under duress, through manipulation, or deceit. My consent may be revoked at anytime.
  • No one is allowed to interfere with my personal relationships including communication. These relationships include other spirits. If you feel that any of these relationships are detrimental to myself, anyone within my spirit family, the deity(ies) I worship, and/or any of my loved ones then let me know. Do not manipulate myself or any members of my household to get what you want. Do not interfere in communication between myself and other members of this spirit family or other spirits.
  • Never harm or disrespect myself, my pets, any members of my household, friends, or welcome household guests. The basis for harm is based on my values and point of view. What you may think isn’t harmful I may find to be. If you are unsure, ask.
  • Protect yourself at all times. While I’ll do my best to protect you in any way I can as well as encourage other members of this spirit family to protect each other, I still expect you to protect yourself to the best of your abilities.
  • Disarm malicious magic that’s targeting me by someone else or that is around by circumstance. No spirit are allowed to interfere with my work both magical and mundane unless it’s to protect myself or members of my household. All spirits are to inform me of malicious magic sent my way and if any spirit interfered with my work out of protection.
  • Lack of awareness is no excuse for noncompliance with the House Rules. By joining this spirit family, you’re accepting these House Rules and acknowledge my right to take action, up to and including offerings withheld, permanent offerings removed or discontinued, communication limited or withheld, barred from entering my space for a certain period of time, long term banishment, and/or permanent banishment  in response to misconduct.

 Further Reading 

— Apolaki ❤


So I made my kitsune guide and now I’m finally remaking one of my original posts on my old blog: my selkie guide. Whether you’re a sea witch or a practicing fae worker or even a casual folklorist, you’ve likely heard of selkies.

My hopes with this post is to give those interested in selkies a place to start their research on folklore and someone else’s UPG. So I’ll provide a mixture of the history surrounding selkies and then dive (pun intended) into my own personal experience working with selkies. As always, however, just use this post as a way to get your foot in the door, not the full extent of your research.

This is not an all-knowing expert article on selkies nor is my UPG the end all be all of knowledge on selkies, just my personal experiences.

what is a selkie?

By definition selkies (also called silkies, sylkies, selchies, or seal folk) are “ are mythological beings capable of changing from seal to human form by shedding their skin.” Their mythology itself originates from the Northern Isles of Scotland but there are equivalents in Faroese and Icelandic folklore as well. 

selkies in folklore

Selkies probably have a really well-known folklore to anyone interested in ocean-based folktales and their stories tend to follow a specific plotline. 

One day, a seal comes to comes to land and sheds it’s skin much to the surprise of a fisherman hiding near by. But the surprise to behold is the fact that the seal is a beautiful woman. Enraptured by the beauty of the seal woman, he steals her coat forcing her to stay on land, marry him, and bear his children. Years later usually because of the children or because the husband was caught slipping, the selkie gets her coat back and immediately books it to the sea and returns to her watery home.

There are several stories you can find that detail these forced spousal situations. Make no mistake, these are not consent-based relationships no matter how ‘good’ the human treats the selkie while they are together. In these stories, there are even cases where the selkie already has a selkie husband and children in the sea. She might resurface as a seal from a distance to see her human children from afar, but she never returns to the life she was forced to lead. (As a side note: half selkie children were said to have webbed hands according to the stories.)

As far as selkie men, their legends differ slightly. Their stories don’t usually include coat theft. Selkie men and stories involving them describe them as more seductive, whisking away women on land to have their children. Stories would even say that if a woman cried and seven of her tears landed in the sea, a selkie man would appear to ease her grief for seven years before returning back to the sea himself. But even stories with selkie men can end in tragedy, such as a story where a woman’s human husband killed her selkie lover and selkie child while they were in their seal forms.

However, not all stories involving selkies are cruel. There are some stories, no matter how few they are, that detail positive exchanges between selkies. One Spared to the Sea is a story about a boy who spared the life of a seal pup not knowing it was a selkie. Years later, that same pup’s mother saved his life. You can read a modern wlw retelling of said story [here].

selkies in media

In stark contrast to how many folktales one may find about selkies, I haven’t found nearly as many in pop culture.

  • Song of the Sea
  • Ondine
  • A Stranger Came Ashore by Mollie Hunter
  • Selkie (made for tv Australian movie)


If you’re new to fae work and faerie witchcraft as a whole, I find that selkies can be great for beginners. They tend to be easier to get along with and most I’ve encountered are of the ‘wild fae’ category, meaning they tend to not be involved in Court politics. (Fae Work Tip: please don’t involve yourself in the politics of faeries.)

Like in the folklore, selkies are beings that are able to transform into seals with the help of their coats. As such, the variety of seal forms a selkie can take are varied. Leopard seal selkies, spotted seal selkies, harbor seal selkies, monk seal selkies, elephant seals, and so on and so forth.

I usually find that the type of seal they are influences what region they hail from, the culture and cuisine of a pod. This is a generalization, of course. Not every pod of, say, harbor seal selkies are 100% alike or unified in thought. One pod of harbor seal selkies can have their own traditions that another pod of harbor seal selkies have never even heard of. Personally, I work mostly with harbor seal selkies, they tend to be the most populous. The passing of leadership depends on the pod. 

As to how much time they spend in their seal forms, that’s really up to the individual. Some selkies may prefer their fae form and indulging in the coat-based fashion trends of their pod (a more recently developed trend among selkies to better make their their coats look less like selkie coats). I know a selkie who spends most of their time in their seal form during the warm seasons. And there are instances of selkies who spend years in their seal form before slipping off their coat. Usually in those circumstances, they may struggle with talking and walking for a bit from what I’ve been told. Some selkies might not even live with their pod and are solo travelers or living on land.

Like the mythos, selkies are connected to their coat. Every selkie is born with their coat and from that moment, they’re lives are intertwined with it. As they grow from pup to fully grown selkie, their coats grow and change with them. What happens to the selkie, happens to the coat. You could see a selkie coat with scratches on it from fights they got in their seal form plenty of times. As such, if their coat is stolen by someone they have no choice but to go with whoever took it. They can’t just go ‘oh that sucks, I guess I’ll find a new one’. They can only transform and return to the sea with their own coat.

As to what their coats look like, I find that selkie coats I’ve seen look mostly similar to the coats in these illustrations:



(And no, they aren’t all pure white as they are in Song of the Sea. Unless they’re a harp seal selkie pup but as they get older, the white pup fur will fade and it will look like the typical coat of a harp seal.)

So understandably, selkies can be very suspicious of new people they meet who aren’t selkies. Hearing a story about a selkie coat being sold in the black market is not a rare one and you will have to prove that you’re trustworthy. Best way to do that is slowly overtime of course. I would recommend talking to whoever is in charge of the pod and asking for a chance to prove your loyalty and wishes for friendship. Respect whatever decision and conditions they give.

Brief Run Through on Pod dynamics (remember each one is different):

  • Leader: some pod has one specific leader and how leadership is passed down depends on the pod. Some pods do it by challenging the current leader and the winner is the one who will lead (or continue leading) the pod. Some pods pass it down between family members and other pods will vote on who they believe will be most capable to lead them. May rely on the elders of the pod for advice but if there is no specific leader of a pod, they might just have a bunch of elders running the show.
  • Elders: some pods don’t have a specific leader and instead have a group of the pod’s eldest members who decide their actions. But even in the case where there are elders
  • Scouts: the ones who patrol around their home and the waters surrounding it for prospective enemies and threats.
  • Hunters: kinda self explanatory. Selkies do their best not to heavily impact their ecosystems and avoid taking too much. This is especially true if they are not the only entities calling the place home, for instance if there are merfolk or sea elves and such living close by they have to make sure those around them can still eat as well.
  • As for children, while they are ultimately brought up by their own parents selkies tend to look after the youngest members of their pod as a community. As you might expect, they’re job is to be cute and learn from the older selkies how to swim and fend for themselves as they get older. They’re the next generation so they’re important to every pod.

But hunter and scout is just a broad overview of two common roles you’ll find in pods, there are of course selkies who do other things in their pods. Healers (I knew of a selkie interested in starting her own apothecary a long while back), sea silk weavers, teachers, pearl cultivators or even jewelers. 

Befriending an entire pod can seem daunting, but take everything one day at a time and remember each pod is full of individuals. Each individual is different and so are their friendliness, so there are bound to friendlier selkies in a pod. Once you’ve befriended a selkie, or even an entire pod, then just know you’re with them for life. Selkies tend to be very family-oriented and once you’re in, you’re in.

Disclaimer: thinking of selkies as kind and fun-loving folk who will never do you any harm is a fine way to get yourself clapped. There are selkies who don’t like humans and some of them will let that dislike be known through aggression. Every selkie is different the way every human is different and they shouldn’t all be lumped together. Some selkies and pods are really open and welcoming, others like to keep to themselves. Each decision is valid, especially when selkies themselves have suffered the short end of the stick.

suitable offerings

The disclaimer here is that these are general offerings that most selkies should like. Should you ever find yourself working frequently with a selkie or find yourself the companion of one, there could be other things that they specifically like or dislike. But you usually can’t go wrong with:

  • Seashells or Coral (ethnically sourced of course)
  • Sea Glass
  • Ocean-related candles and incense

how to gain the attention of a selkie

1) old fashioned offerings

2) astral travel

3) spirit attraction spell

I’m not a promoter of conjuring or otherwise, forcefully bringing a spirit to your vicinity. Think about it like this: you’re at a wedding. You’re best friend in the entire world is getting hitched to the love of their life, and you’re among the audience. You’re welling up with emotion and pride for your friend to have made such an important milestone in their life when… Suddenly, you’re not at their wedding anymore.

No, instead you’re looking at some random stranger who summoned you to their home who say it’s because they’re interested in working with those of your kind. You wouldn’t be too happy about this, would you? 

Not only is conjuring or summoning bad for the entity, it can be bad for you if this entity isn’t easily forgiving of being torn away from their personal life to your home and you can end up paying the consequences for it. Instead, I recommend a spell that attracts entities to your home or if you’re sufficiently prepared, astral travel it up.


 Even if you’re already someone with an appreciation for the ocean or some sort of waterphiliac, working with selkies will still change your views on the large mass of water that covers our planet. Selkies are seafaring fae and as one might expect of the folk who turn into seals, it plays a big part of their life. Saying that the sea is the mother of all life isn’t an understatement. The sea is the lifeblood, especially for selkies who live half of their lives in their seal forms.

The sea shapes their culture, philosophies and supplies their food. At least for the selkies living in the traditional way at sea or on islands.

Any ocean-loving individual knows what it’s like after swimming in it. You feel cleansed and like you’ve been born again. After working with a pod of selkies so closely for several years, I can definitely say my yearning for it has increased.

So has my adaptability. I’ve always been pretty good at change, have been since I was younger but that doesn’t mean I don’t get frustrated when unwanted changes constantly occur in my life. But just as selkies easily slip back and forth between their forms, I just roll with it time and time again. Sometimes putting up a fight and struggle only makes things worse and you just have to roll out with the tide and see where you end up afterwards.

Selkies also throw one hell of a party lmao. 


Finally, an excuse to use a gif of Kurama.

Whether it’s because of a huge interest in yokai or anime, most who indulge in either topic know of the Japanese fox spirit known as the kitsune. To be more specific, you’ve probably specifically heard of the nine-tailed foxes. So if you are a practitioner of witchcraft, more specifically, spirit work, there’s a chance you are interested in working with kitsune but aren’t entirely sure where to start.

So my hopes with this post is to give those interested in kitsune a place to start their research. This post includes the folklore of kitsune first and then my own UPG. 

This is my personal experience, not the End All Be All Guide to kitsune. This is merely just a push in the right direction to get started with doing your own research, if you wish to work with them. A tumblr post shouldn’t be your only point of research.

what is a kitsune?

By definition, a kitsune “are intelligent foxes that possess paranormal abilities that increase as they get older and wiser.” In other words, kitsune are magical fox spirits from Japanese folklore.

While all kitsune start with one tail from birth, kitsune grow an additional tail for every century they are alive. Once they’ve achieved their ninth tail, however, regardless of much older they get, they stop gaining tails.

kitsune in folklore: the ranking system + types of kitsune

With the basics of what a kitsune is out of the way, this leads to the various kinds of kitsune in folklore. Beyond the simplicity of being fox spirits, in folklore kitsune society is actually quite elaborate with two main categories of kitsune and the subcategories within those categories.

These two main categories in folklore are the zenko (good foxes) and yako (field/wild foxes).

Zenko ( 善狐 ・ぜんこ), written with the kanji 善 for virtuous/good/goodness and the kanji 狐 for fox, are considered the good foxes in Japanese folklore. Sometimes called inari foxes in regards to the kami Inari-sama.

Zenko society is extremely complex in folkore with various clans, rankings, and awards. Zenko also tend to have different colors associated with them.

  • Kinko:gold-furred kitsune who serve Dakiniten-sama. These kitsune symbolize the sun.
  • Ginko: silver kitsune who serve Dakiniten-sama. These kitsune symbolize the moon.
  • Kokuko: black kitsune. They are rare kitsune who only show themselves during the reign of a peaceful leader. Usually found in cooler climates in areas of Hokkaido. They are associated with the kami Inari.
  • Byakko/Myoubu:white celestial foxes typically found at shrines dedicated to the kami Inari-sama. They are seen as their messengers who devote their lives to this kami.

Zenko are also characterized to always be trying to advance themselves in kitsune society in contrast to the other category of kitsune. 

Yako ( 野狐・やこ) or also known as Nogitsune or Yakan, are considered to be the bad foxes in folklore. Written with the character 野 for plains/field and 狐 for fox, yako are characterized to not have divine souls nor do they follow any particular deity and their pranks on humans range from generally harmless to malicious.

In stories concerning kitsunetsuki, or kitsune possession, they are usually done by yako. (Side note: when a kitsune possesses an entire family, it’s called kitsunemochi, and this brings the family prosperity and could even bring ruin to rival families.) Unlike zenko, yako aren’t concerned with advancing in the ranks of kitsune society and seem comfortable with where they place.

Now regardless of whether a kitsune is zenko or yako, kitsune across the board are still considered tricksters and zenko themselves will play tricks on humans. But, in folklore, pranks from zenko are considered more playful and aren’t done with the intent to hurt or kill a human.

  • Ashireiko:is the lowest kitsune ranking and considered the rank a kitsune is in from infancy to the age of one hundred. This rank also includes non-magical foxes. At age 50, a kitsune begins practicing magic and shapeshifting.
  • Chiko: this is when kitsune begin sprouting extra tails. For zenko wishing to advance in society, this is where they spend centuries of practicing magic. Yako, on the otherhand, can never go beyond the chiko rank, regardless of their age or number of tails they may gain over the centuries this is the highest rank they can achieve. Do not sleep on them because of this though, one of the strongest nine-tailed foxes, Tamamo no Mae, was only a chiko.
  • Kiko: kiko are between five hundred and one thousand years of age, generally speaking. This is when a kitsune in folklore sheds their physical bodies and no longer need food as sustenance. Where the colored kitsune spectrum lie.
  • Tenko: heavenly foxes that possess divine powers and can even be considered gods themselves, ceasing all wicked actions. They possess humans at times, but that’s usually to grant that person the ability to see future events. The pinnacle of kitsune society.
  • Kuuko: despite being last on the list, kuuko are a rank below tenko. BUT, kuuko is basically kitsune retirement that a tenko can go into around three thousand years of age and don a more human appearance.

Beyond kitsune hierarchy, kitsune have been used to explain some natural phenomena. For example, sunshowers. An alternative term that varies from region to region is kitsune no yomeiri. This is due to the belief that kitsune get married in sunshowers they summon in order to keep humans from running into the wedding procession. 

a brief interlude on the húlijīng and kumiho

Not all Asian fox spirits are of Japanese folklore. There are Chinese and Korean equivalents to kitsune, and those equivalents are the húlijīng and kumiho. They all have their own stories but all have overlapping themes in their folklore. But as this is a kitsune guide and not a general fox spirit guide, this won’t be as extensive as everything else.

In Chinese mythology, the húlijīng (fox spirit) written as 狐狸精 with the characters for a species of fox (狐), fox (狸) and the character for character for spirit (精). And among these spirits are nine-tailed foxes, the jiǔwěihú九尾狐 ー written with the characters for nine (九), tail (尾), and species of fox (狐). To aid in their transformations, they’d place human skulls on their heads.

  • At age 50, they transform into beautiful women
  • At age 100, they turn into women or shamans, or men to seduce human women. They also obtain clairvoyance and adept magical abilities
  • At age 1000, they can become celestial foxes and commune with the heavens

During the time of the Han Dynasty, the idea of species being able to transform from non-human to human forms had taken place and stories these sorts of creatures were all over the place. Depending on the story, húlijīng could be depicted as good or evil. Celestial foxes were described as having nine tails, golden fur, and transcending yin and yang with its own fu talisman and jiao ritual. They also were said to serve in the Palace of the Sun and Moon.

But compared to their Chinese and Japanese counterparts where the fox spirits in questions have a range of morality from good to bad to somewhere in between, the Korean kumiho (also spelled as gumiho, 구미호) are almost always depicted as malevolent, man-eating entities. Usually, as a woman who seduces men to eat their hearts or livers.

Ironically enough, in ancient texts there were stories of benevolent kumiho and even good kumiho getting tricked by asshole humans. But it isn’t really clear as to when or why they are presently viewed so differently. Still, in some stories, if a kumiho abstains from eating humans for a thousand days they can become a human themselves.

Another distinction from their counterparts is the inclusion of the fox bead, also known as a yeowoo guseul, 여우구슬 (literally, fox marble/bead) which provides the kumiho intelligence and power. It can also be used to absorb the lifeforce of a human.

kitsune in media

Being one of the more popular yokai, there’s plenty of shows or games where you can find kitsune being portrayed to varying amounts of accuracy to the lore you find in folklore. But because I’d be here all day if I talked about that, I’ll just give a small handful of media.

  • Yu Yu Hakusho: The character Kurama. This was the first anime I ever watched as a kid so I am heavily biased when I say ‘you should watch this’. The guy who made it also created Hunter x Hunter and is married to the creator of Sailor Moon if that sweetens the pot.
  • Naruto: Behold, the other Kurama. A nine-tailed demon fox sealed within the titular character of Naruto Uzumaki.
  • Teen Wolf: There are a small handful of kitsune characters in this show. Now if you are trying to watch a show with accurate depictions of the folklore… I just want you to remember this is Teen Wolf and shouldn’t be considered the holy grail of accurate folklore for anything. But there are tenko and nogitsune shown in the show.
  • Genshin Impact: In the recently released Inazuma region, there are several yokai characters and among them is the popular Yae Miko. However, there is an inaccuracy in her character. Despite having only five tails, Miko is described as being a Sky Kitsune or Tenko. In reality, Miko would only be a Kiko.


That was a lot to but we’ve finally made it to the portion of this post dedicated to my own UPG and experience working with kitsune. When it comes to the craft and spiritwork, I’ll always be honest about my own shortcomings or areas I’m not as knowledgeable in. So I’m giving the disclaimer now that I haven’t really worked with kitsune that worship and act as messengers for Inari-sama or Dakiniten-sama. So I don’t really have any input or UPG surrounding those types of kitsune, how they live, the way they operate things concerning their deities, etc.

So the only input I can offer with my UPG is just zenko and yako in general.

With that disclaimer out of the way, onto my UPG proper.

Like the folklore describes, zenko kitsune society is pretty similar to humans. I’ve come across zenko villages with festivals, health clinics, and even markets with all sorts of types of individuals on the morality spectrum. And while they might not dedicate themselves to a kami like Inari-sama, I have even encountered zenko who worship other deities. In my experience, they’re also quite friendly although mischievous they can be. Between the two, they also seem to prefer being in their human forms more.

Yako, on the other hand, tend to be more solitary and keep their own territories. Of course, these territories can be shared between spouses and couples with children. But yako youth eventually leave to find their own territories to settle down at once they’re old enough. And opposite to the zenko, I’ve noticed yako prefer their fox form more considering the lifestyles they have. Territories can be vast as well, so admittedly I find it harder organically running into kitsune. The yako I’ve met have all previously been the family of a friend.

As for opinions of each other, they can range from indifference to dislike. I’ve met zenko who don’t care either way for their yako counterparts and others who dislike them greatly. The same goes for yako kitsune who tend to stereotype zenko as uptight. But it isn’t as if getting along is impossible between the groups. A good kitsune friend of mine is half-zenko and half-yako. I’ve asked in the past what determines whether a kitsune is zenko or yako, and the kitsune I queried were just as stumped as me. So there might not be a clear answer as to what determines the type of kitsune one is.

So as to which sort of kitsune I would recommend working with over the other, I’m always an advocate in saying it is up to your own personal preferences and alignments. But if I were asked which sort of kitsune would serve as a better ‘foot in the door’ for kitsune interactions, zenko might be the better choice to start.

Not to perpetuate the stereotype of good vs bad kitsune because that it isn’t black and white good vs bad. You can meet zenko who don’t like humans at all and intend to do you harm, and then on the flip side, meet a very friendly yako. I’ve certainly been stiffed by some zenko but in the same breath, I’ve met a cranky yako elder whose bark was louder than her bite (and she was pretty hilarious). But I feel like in comparison to yako, zenko can be easier to encounter. You can find entire villages in the astral full of zenko but you could spend hours in a field and not find a yako, and technically at that point you’re potentially just trespassing.

Just keep in mind, regardless of the kind, kitsune are tricksters and you should be on your toes to avoid being at the mercy of their pranks. 

do you need to to worship inari-sama or dakiniten-sama to work with kokuko, byakko, kinko, or ginko kitsune?

I’m going to say a tentative ‘no’, here, and that it’s moreso up to the kitsune themself. I won’t name them by person as to not put them on the spot, but I do know of another witch on this site who works with myoubu kitsune but they themselves aren’t a worshipper of the kami they serve.

So my inference from that is, as long as the individual kitsune is okay with different religious practices or beliefs or if you’re a follower of Shinto but worship a different kami, it should be a non-issue. And if you do worship the kami these sorts of kitsune follow, that’s an added bonus.

But that’s my own personal inference based on another witch’s relationship with kitsune, like I said before, I’ve never personally worked with these sorts of kitsune.

how do if i know if a fox spirit i come across is a kitsune, húlijīng, or kumiho?

You can always just ask. But húlijīng tend to favor their fox form, kitsune tend to favor their human form, and remember that kumiho have a bead. But of course, for húlijīng and kitsune, that’s a generalization. You can definitely come across kitsune who prefer their fox form, as I covered with yako kitsune, or húlijīng that prefer their human form.

Not to mention, there are stories from plenty of other cultures with fox spirits, so a fox spirit you come across might not even be from either of the three types of fox spirits mentioned in this post. So when in doubt, you can always just ask and preface that you don’t want to be rude and refer to them as something they’re not/don’t consider themselves.

suitable offerings

The disclaimer here is that these are general offerings that most kitsune should like. Should you ever find yourself work frequently with a kitsune or find yourself the companion of one, there could be other things that they specifically like or dislike. But you usually can’t go wrong with:

  • Fried tofu
  • Sake
  • Fox-related items

how to gain the attention of a kitsune

1) old fashioned offerings

2) astral travel

3) spirit attraction spell

I’m not a promoter of conjuring or otherwise, forcefully bringing a spirit to your vicinity. Think about it like this: you’re at a wedding. You’re best friend in the entire world is getting hitched to the love of their life, and you’re among the audience. You’re welling up with emotion and pride for your friend to have made such an important milestone in their life when… Suddenly, you’re not at their wedding anymore.

No, instead you’re looking at some random stranger who summoned you to their home who say it’s because they’re interested in working with those of your kind. You wouldn’t be too happy about this, would you? 

Not only is conjuring or summoning bad for the entity, it can be bad for you if this entity isn’t easily forgiving of being torn away from their personal life to your home and you can end up paying the consequences for it. Instead, I recommend a spell that attracts entities to your home or if you’re sufficiently prepared, astral travel it up.

When you feel an unsual desire to go to the beach and realize your selkie companion has dropped by jgnfdkgjn

I don’t usually make New Years Resolutions since no one ever keeps them. Not to mention I think if you really want to change and do something, you should do it and not just wait for the new year to start any self-improvement. I’ve already got my non-witchcraft related goals set of things I want to get better at controlling in my personal life (like finances and budgeting + time management better).

But as far as witchcraft, I just want to get more connected to it and experiment again Due to personal circumstances and adding college on top of that, I haven’t been able to connect with my craft as much or even spirits I consider my companions/family. It’s been a lot more passive than I’d like so with better time management, I’d like to have be more active with spellwork and other things I did when I had more free time.

Morning walks and meditation, practicing energy work (I think that’s necessary regardless of how advanced a witch you are, never forget the basics), and astral traveling more often. Astral work has always been extremely central to my path as a witch as a(n eclectic) hedge witch and I miss going on those ‘astral adventures’. I briefly got to have a small one today that was pretty interesting!

I never really talked about my experiences with astral travel much on my previous todayinmagicalgirlhistory blog and I’m not too sure if I will here, but I’ve certainly had some interesting experiences. But either way, it was an interesting adventure and I’d like to visit that place again in my free time. (And if anyone ever somehow stumbles upon this post struggling with astral travel or projection, don’t get discouraged and keep practicing! It took me well over a year before I could do it. So keep increasing your metaphysical knowledge, practice, and be safe!)

Incorporating the various styles of magic my companions are able to do into my own path will also be interesting. I’ve been thinking weather witching, color magic, and sea witchcraft.

I’m also hoping to more public divination like Pick-A-Card readings. They were always fun to do on my old blog. But I’d like to do more than say romance and such. But maybe I can do ONE since Valentine’s is coming up.

Anyway, that’s all for today (in magical girl history).


I just wanted to take a second and write up a post about the reality of hearing spirits in the Physical and in the Astral. The way I usually describe hearing spirits is you have to listen with more than just your “ears”  so to say.


Methods Spirits use to speak:

  • Words (aloud and using telepathy)
  • Feelings and Emotions (This includes changes in energies and atmosphere) 
  • Pictures and Images (Sometimes Visions or Memories)
  • Body Language (More Common with Animalistic Spirits)
  • Using the five senses (Taste, Smells, and Physical touches etc.)

   As humans we are used to just listening with our ears and with our eyes so when we start to associate with spirits we believe we cannot hear them when in reality we are just not listening with the correct senses. Some spirits will use feelings and emotions more than they use words while others will use pictures exclusively to get their point across. I have found that the more humanoid spirits prefer words or telepathy while more animalistic spirits prefer body language. When playing telepathy games with my hound companion Ry, to indicate lying, he made my eyes go up and to the left which is usually what happens when a person is lying. 

   A friend of mine believed they were unable to hear spirits and had grown frustrated with themselves because of this. With work we were able to determine that their issue was that they listen to words and pictures and their companion spoke with feeling/emotions and body language with some words thrown in. They were hearing about every fifth word because every fifth word was said in a way that they were actually listening. They are now working on sharpening their skills in their weaker aspects of listening and have had tremendous success so far. Another friend of mine told me a story of how her mother always knew when one of her aunts was around because she would have the taste of cloves in her mouth. It was later found out that she had been using cloves to combat tooth decay pain while she was alive. 

   Spirit communication is about more than just listening with your ears listen with every option open to you and don’t be afraid to experiment with better ways to hear. I know Ry will change up his method of speaking to see what I can hear best. He also does this to throw me off and make things more interesting. My adorable giant ball of love!  

   There are a few games you can play with your companions to help with hearing them better or to practice in areas you are weak. I will make a post detailing some of the methods I have found at a later date. 

Until then! Happy Bonding!




I’m loud about this because I’m passionate. I’ve made mistakes and I’ve seen some really horrible mistakes. This post is meant to teach anyone who wants to have a spirit companion how to vet a spirit that enters your space and asks to be a companion. 

This goes doubly for anyone who conjures or helps adopt out spirits or has a spirit refuge.

So, a spirit companion is essentially a lifelong friend. And as with making any friend, human or otherwise, you want to make sure of a few things: is this friend using me? Does this friend respect my boundaries? Does this friend respect my other friends and my space? Does this friend know people who will get me into trouble or will hurt me? In welcoming this friend, would I wind up running with a “bad crowd”? Are we compatible as far as personalities go? These are all things you’d want to know about a friend, and it goes doubly so for spirit companions. You know your limits and what you’re willing to accept. These kinds of questions are just the beginning when it comes to vetting a spirit for companionship. 

Where to start?

Keep reading

Hey there! Have you checked out our website recently?

The Dragon’s Library is an all-encompassing spirit companionship shop! At the moment, we have a wide variety of summery preconjures looking for their homes, and seasonally appropriate services ripe for the taking.

If you have any questions about preconjures or would like to request a visit, you can always email me at [email protected]! (I don’t respond to Tumblr messages much these days, so this is the best way to contact me!)

We’re always updating the website and adding new listings, so if you haven’t taken a peek in a while, there’s probably a bunch of new things you haven’t seen yet!

Give us a visit here! Thanks for taking a peek!

The etsy seller of the Hekate idol I purchased hasn’t responded in nearly 2 months since I’ve paid. I had to open a claim and request a refund.

I’m so pissed! This is the second time I’ve run into a seller whom neglected their shop. The first time I attempted to purchase a sweet Dragonball grinder for my hubbz off ebay. It was supposed to be a Xmas gift! D:

Anyway. I have a proper cauldron now so at least I was able to continue working on building my altar. I still won’t be satisfied until I’ve hung up the shrines on the walls tho.

Lighter note, a fellow witch of mine recently bought the SAME IDOL. I know we both worked with Hekate but this was a cool coincidence. I say that because it looks like there aren’t a lot of different idols of Her out there. The same one or two repeatedly. That’s okay I don’t mind. I just wanted the one where she had her puppers with her.

Maybe I’ll be able to find one when I return to Greece this September.

Still no real progress on the smog in the bedroom but I do have the tools needed for a “Cut and Cleanse” improv spell. I just need to find the time when hubbz isn’t home because he doesn’t appreciate incense and sage like I do! Lol He would need to be away for the entire day. My spirit fam must be so annoyed with me by now… x_x

Current projects:

*Finishing altar - waiting for Hekate’s statue but after that I’ll still need to hang the shrines on the walls otherwise the altar will be crowded.

*Creating 2 servitors based on Pokemon to watch over my pups and kittens. I’m thinking of using Espeon for the kittens and Herdier for the pups.

*Figuring out where all the lust energy came from that has saturated our bedroom. I mean…I can guess but I haven’t been aware of this issue until now. The sex smog has been distracting the spirit fam to a point where they have a very hard time communicating with me. I’m going to see if I can consume the energy first before I attempt a cleansing. I’ve heard cleansing my own energy from my spaces can make me sick or at least have negative side-effects.

*Establishing better rapport with my spirit fam, which would include finishing their tarot readings and recording the data.

Update: I’ve basically forgot this existed for a while during my depressive episodes. But I’m back and the universe has called. Really it yelled but I prefer to think they yell because I’m spiritually deaf sometimes.

For all the years I’ve been pagan (and Buddhist) I’ve felt drawn to certain entities like most people. But reaching out to them is difficult for me occasionally and the guilt/worry builds up clouding my senses. Even so, I’ve finally opened my eye and acknowledged those whom have been trying to communicate.

Not sure if I feel comfortable with “matron goddess” terminology, but it was the wonderous Hekate that called me. Tbh I should have reached out first and sooner with all that we have in common. Anyway- it felt like a poke in my third eye, but it could also have easily been a flick meant to chastise a bit. Totally understandable since I’m so fucking stubborn and weighed down by Imposter Syndrome… She must have been frustrated with me in the years before. Well maybe not, I’m not as significant as my brain likes to think it is. She chose to communicate and that is what I cherish most. I will appreciate Her and all things brought to me via our relationship.

Fellow coven (using that term loosely for my dear witch friends; not officially in a coven but we still help each other out) member and partner also works with Her and warned me that what She gives may not come with instructions or warnings. So noted- I will be precise in my requests and detailed in my inquiries. Its really good practice for every day as well. You can never be too careful when dealing with gods and other entities not of this plane.

Thinking back, I feel like She was pleased with my choice of altar idol. Normally it’s hard for me to hear anyone spiritually but ever since I made that purchase I’ve heard Her loud and clear. There were two choices I was looking at and chose the one with her pups. I have pups as well and I feel like we really bond through them. Worth the money all the way, but I would have spent more if necessary.

Since my craft tends to hibernate during depressive episodes, I’m often coming back to it with large chunks of HEY YOUR BACK DO THIS AND THIS AND THIS! But still haven’t recharged enough to perform all tasks. This time I’m older and wiser since now I’m 33. I can now recognize when things are Too Big to attempt and should wait until I’m better prepared. Like Shadow Work. That is too much for now, so instead I’ll start with Thought Forms and Servitors.

As for this blog, I do plan on contunuing posting new and reposted content. I’m working on some PC spells so those should appear at some point. In the meantime, if you wanna see a specific Emoji Spell feel free to message me.
