#spn fic


Pairing:Dean Winchester x Female!Reader

Word Count: ~1.2k

Warnings:minor fluff,angst, canon violence

Author’s Note: this is the series finale. i am so sad this is all over, but i want to thank each and every one of you guys for liking, reblogging, and commenting on my series. i honestly couldn’t do this without any of you, so for that, thank you. for those who are wondering, i did start season 8, but the earliest it’s going to come out is in August/September. i know it’s a long way away, but i work very hard to bring you the very best content.

thank you for always supporting me <3

I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.


You grab Joanna and walk to the bedroom so you can get ready as well as get her ready. You set her on the bed and watch as she stands and bounces on the bed gently. You chuckle and grab one of your shirts from the drawers. You look at the shirt and just sigh, taking a seat on the end of the bed. You’ve been waiting for this moment for months, to kill Dick for killing your father. You have all the ingredients, you have the weapon, now you just need a plan of attack.

You’re so much in your own head that you don’t hear the bedroom door open and your husband walk in.

“You okay?”

“This has to work Dean,” you sigh and look up at him. “If it doesn’t, he’s going to kill us and Joanna. That’s a guarantee.”

“That’s the exact reason why this is going to work. You’re a damn light witch, and the best one at that.”

“I want him dead for what he did,” you say emotionally, sniffling to keep the tears in.

“You’re going to get the chance to avenge your dad’s death. We’ll make sure Joanna is out of harm’s way. We’ll keep her with Sam and have him hang back if that will make you feel better.”

“I love you.”

You stand up and kiss him with everything you got, keeping in mind your daughter who has no idea what is going on. You pull away and turn to the bed to get dressed when your daughter does something you knew was coming for a while now but didn’t know it would be now. Dean starts to leave the room, but she doesn’t want him to go just yet. The bed isn’t as hard as the floor, so she wobbles and falls a few times as she tries to run to him.

“Dada,” she says, reaching out to him.

Both yours and Dean’s jaws drop but for different reasons.

“Traitor,” you gasp playfully.

“What the hell did she just say?” Dean gasps.

“Dada!” Joanna says again, reaching out for him.

“Yes, I’m your daddy!” Dean laughs happily.

He picks Joanna up and spins her around, kissing her cheeks.

“Do you know who I am?” you ask her, taking her tiny hands between two fingers.

“Dada!” she squeals.

You look at Dean and see hints of tears in his eyes. You know how much this means to him, and you’re glad he got to have this moment.

“Are you okay?” you chuckle.

“I’m just happy,” he whispers truthfully.

You haven’t seen that smile in a long time, and you’re glad he has it now.

“Well, you definitely got a Daddy’s girl. Come on, let’s get ready.”

You quickly change into more comfortable clothing before leaving the bedroom. You smile widely when you hear Dean talking to his baby girl as if she can talk in full sentences. You have no clue what is going to happen later, but you’re glad you got to her hear first word and see her first steps.

You don’t know what’s going to happen, but you have a feeling it won’t be good.


You’re finally outside of Sucrocorp, but you have to have a plan instead of going in half-assed. You have to scout the area, see where Dick is, and then follow up with a plan. There are three of you, so you have more wiggle room here. Dean parked a ways away from the building, using binoculars to see while Sam is using his laptop to get into the cameras using whatever Charlie left on his laptop.

“You got it yet?”

“Here we go.”

You scoot further up so you’re right behind the brothers to see the laptop. Sam’s laptop shows footage of the board room where a meeting is still in progress. Dick is sitting there talking to his fellow Leviathans, and your eyes narrow.

“Thank you, Charlie, wherever you are,” Sam mutters.

“Got you, Dick.”

“Yeah, that’s the second floor.” The screen changes to show more cameras, one of which is the camera right outside Dick’s office where you can clearly see him sitting at his office, alone. “What the hell? Is that Dick?”

The screen now shows footage of Dick walking alone in a hallway.

“Son of a bitch. This motherfucker told everyone to look like him so we wouldn’t know who the real Dick is,” you curse.

“Cycle through again,” Dean orders.

While Sam is doing that, you grab the binoculars and notice someone walking to the front door. When you clear your vision, you notice it’s the maid you saw at the motel when you left Emily all alone. It’s the same motel room your dad went missing from.

“Son of a bitch,” you curse.


“That’s the maid from the motel. The room where my dad disappeared to. We found him.” The maid walks to the building in determination. “Oh no, dad, what are you doing?”

“Wait. Are you saying that Bobby–”

“Look, just, uh, wait here.”

“I’ll go with you,” Sam says.

“Are you two out of your mind?”

“Don’t worry, Dean. I have the weapon, you have eyes on Dick, plural. We’ll take care of my dad. We’ll be right back.”

“Sam! Y/N!”

You and Sam leave the car without waiting for Dean’s response. You two rush over to the maid before she could even enter the building and alert all the Leviathans there. Sam decides to take the direct approach while you hang back just in case something bad happens. Sam rushes in front of the maid, holding his hands to stop her.

“Bobby? I know you’re in there. Listen to me. There are cameras everywhere. There’s one right there.” Sam points to one nearby. “Stop, okay? You’re gonna get her killed.” Your dad pushes Sam to the ground as hard as he can, but that doesn’t stop Sam from getting back up and trying again. “Bobby! Damn it! How are you gonna kill Dick, huh? You can’t!”

Your dad takes out a large knife from one of the maid’s pockets.

“Good enough for me,” she says in a distorted voice.

Your dad slashes at Sam to get him to move out of his way, and you gasp at his behavior. Sam looks up at the security camera and practically tackles your dad to the ground behind a parked vehicle to stay out of sight of the cameras.

“No! I’m not letting you go.”

“Get out of here, Sam. You too, Y/N.”

“No!” you yell.

Your dad slams Sam into the car and grabs his throat, squeezing it tightly.

“Daddy! Please stop!” you squeak, tears leaking from your eyes.

Your dad turns and looks at how scared you are. You would use your magic, but you don’t want to end up hurting the poor woman that he is inhabiting. Your dad knows how reckless he’s being, so he forces himself off Sam and leaves the woman’s body so that he’s a ghost again. The woman falls to the ground, but before she could crack her head open, you rush to catch her.

“We can’t be here.”

Sam coughs as he gathers himself. Your dad’s flask is inside the maid’s pockets, so you take it and place it in your own. Once Sam can breathe properly, he scoops the woman into his arms. You can’t get Dick tonight because of what your dad pulled, so you’ll have to score for tomorrow. If Dick was here all day today, then you know he is going to be here all day tomorrow. You and Sam bring the woman to the car where Dean is as confused as ever.

“What the hell happened?” Dean wonders.

“Just drive. We’ll explain later.”

Dean has no choice but to listen.


Wanna get tagged? Add yourself to this document! If your tag doesn’t work, find out why! Follow my library blog @queenofdeansbooty-writes​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can follow that if you can’t be tagged!

@essie1876​ @redsalv20​ @superrandomnatural​ @scarletmeii​ @babypink224221​ @gaveherhearttotheliontattoo​ @akshi8278​ @a–1–1–3​ @miraclesoflove​  @earthtokace​ @teamfreewillsstuff​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @kiwihoee​ @jennazeise​ @phantomalchemist​ @posiemax​ @tricksterdean​ @countrygal17a​ @whit85-blog​ @sammypotato67​ @knowledgefulbutterfly​ @fandomoverdose666​ @sharp-cheekbones-locked​ @itsjensenanddean​ @brokenheartscrybrokentears​ @mysteryartisticwriter​ @foxyjwls007​ @thatmotleygirl​ @deans-baby-momma​ @fanfictionjunkie1112​ @vicmc624​ @wonderful-writer​ @lizette50​ @tatted-trina6 @stixnstripesworld​ @supernatural3002​ @lyarr24​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @hc-geralt-23​ @confuscita​ @lowlyapprentice​ @deandreamernp​ @siospins2​ @candy-coated-misery0731

Pairing:Dean Winchester x Female!Reader

Word Count: ~2.4k

Warnings:minor fluff, angst, canon violence

Author’s Note: this is the series finale. i am so sad this is all over, but i want to thank each and every one of you guys for liking, reblogging, and commenting on my series. i honestly couldn’t do this without any of you, so for that, thank you. for those who are wondering, i did start season 8, but the earliest it’s going to come out is in August/September. i know it’s a long way away, but i work very hard to bring you the very best content.

thank you for always supporting me <3

I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.


You figured with all of your resources and people you know, you would have found your dad a lot sooner. He’s been missing for a whole ass month, doing whatever he’s been doing to try and get Dick Roman off his high throne. You have no way to track him down, so you have to wait until he comes to you instead of the other way around. The only thing you can focus on is your family and the fact that your little girl is now eleven months old. She is almost a year old, and you have no clue what you’re going to do for her birthday.

She is walking and is so close to talking, you can feel it. She is babbling a lot more and trying to imitate you or Dean whenever you sound out words to her. Your little girl is growing up so quickly, you can’t keep up with her. Before you know it, she is going to be going to preschool, and then she’s going to go to her prom.

Moments like these are special, and you have to hold them close to your heart because this only happens once in a lifetime. You can have more children, but there will always be one Joanna, so it’s going to be different with every child you may have. These moments are far in between because you’re this close to finally killing Dick. All you have left to do is grab Crowley’s blood and get a righteous bone, which is where you three are heading out to do.

You’re keeping Joanna entertained in the back seat with your magic. You’re making it rain down in sparkles and wisps, capturing her attention. She has bright green eyes, but the blue magic makes her eyes sparkle more. She coos and reaches out for the magic, but it’s always just out of reach for her.

“Are we almost there?” you ask.

“Exit is in three miles,” Sam says.

“I still say this is a bad idea,” Dean sighs.

“Dean, it was your idea, and it was the best one either of us had,” you chirp.

“I said it as a joke.”

“It was a bad joke–good idea.”

“Yeah, only because we got no magic spell, no book, and nothing on how to find a fucking righteous bone.”

“We can call Castiel again.”

“No, you know what happened last time. Y/N and I finally had some alone time, so we took the car out for a night, and just when things might have gotten good for us, Cas showed up naked on the car covered in bees.”

“For an angel, he was packing,” you grin.

“Really? That’s what you were focusing on?”

“Don’t worry, Dean. You’re bigger,” you whisper to him.

“Okay, I don’t want to hear that,” Sam cringes.

“What? From what I hear, you’ve seen how big he is.”

“You told her?” Sam asks and looks at his brother.

“Can we focus on what we’re doing here? Dick is held up at Sucrocorp right now. If we’re going to get him, that’s where we’re going to do it.”

Dean pulls off at the exit and heads to the cemetery where you’ll find your righteous bone. This cemetery was popular for housing a bunch of nuns back in the day, so if you’re going to find a righteous bone, this is where you’re going to do it. Dean only suggested this a joke, but it’s the only option you have right now. You head into the dark cemetery with Joanna in your arms. She managed to fall asleep in her car seat, but as soon as you moved to take it out, she woke up and started crying. As soon as she was in your arms, she fell back asleep.

This girl is going to be the death of you. She is her father’s daughter.

“Well, I guess if we can’t find a righteous bone in a fucking nun crypt, then we won’t find it anywhere else,” Dean shudders.

“Alright. Here,” Sam says and stops outside of an above-ground tomb where a bunch of nuns is laid to rest. “Listen to this. Sister Mary Benedict taught the learning-impaired and died at age twenty-three.”

Sam did some research about the women who were placed here after death to see who might be the most righteous. You hate stealing one of their bones, but it’s what you have to do to get rid of Earth’s worst monsters.

“Eh, it’s a little young. Find someone who’s had time to cook.”

“Okay, well, there was Sister Mary Eunice. Uh, fed the poor and became Mother Superior at age sixty.”

“Sounds political. Power corrupts,” you state.

“Right. Okay, listen to this–Sister Mary Constant, eighty years of quiet, humble nun-like goodness. What do you think?”

“Wow. I want to be more righteous just hearing this. Well, I lay odds on her. Here we go. Let’s bone this nun.” You and Sam give Dean a weird look, and a blush creeps up his cheeks. “Sorry.”

He removes a mallet from his duffel bag and goes to town on the coffin. Joanna slept through the whole thing because you know she feels safe in your arms. As soon as you grab the femur bone, you take off back to your dad’s cabin. You have three of the four ingredients–Castiel’s blood, the alpha’s blood, and the righteous bone. All you need is Crowley’s blood.

You waited until you were back in your dad’s cabin to do the spell to summon Crowley. He made a whole point of making sure he was the last one because his blood was “special” and “can be used against him”. Paranoid bastard. Joanna is playing in her playpen, picking up her toys, and organizing where they go. It’s crazy how much she loves walking and running. She loves playing tag with Dean, squealing whenever he catches her. You know she’s doing it because she loves getting caught.

She’s going to make a great witch one day.

With everything in the bowl to summon Crowley, he lights a match and tosses it in there. Crowley loves making an entrance, but he is taking way too long to show up. Something is wrong. He either wants to screw you guys over or he’s in trouble. Either way, it doesn’t look like he’s coming.

“Is he trying to make a grand entrance or…?”

“I don’t know.”

“Son of a bitch. He’s standing us up.”

“He’s either screwing us over or he’s in trouble. I have a feeling Dick has something to do with it,” you sigh.

“Maybe.” There is a knock at the door, and Sam takes out his gun as a precaution. He walks over to the door and looks through the peephole to see who it is. “Maybe it’s good news.”

Sam opens the door revealing Meg. You roll your eyes when she walks in as if she lives here.

“Great,” you scoff.

“You deal with him. I can’t anymore.”

“You might want to be more specific.”

“I was laying low halfway across the world when emo boy pops up out of nowhere and zaps me right back here.”

“Castiel? Why?” you wonder.

“Go ask him. He was your boyfriend first,” she says to you and Dean.

You know Joanna is going to be safe with Sam in here, so you leave her in her playpen as you and Dean walk outside where Castiel is sitting in a red car in front of the cabin. You look both ways before crossing the street, stopping on the driver’s side where Castiel is.

“Hey, there,” Dean says, leaning on the car and bending down. Castiel raises his hand and waves but doesn’t say a word. “So, Cas, what’s the word?”

“Well, Dean, I’ve been thinking. Monkeys are so clever, and they’re sensible in that they leave the skins on the bananas that they eat. Is it really necessary to test cosmetics on them? I mean, how important is lipstick to you, Dean?”

“What?” you ask, very confused.

“You want to come inside and, uh, tell us what’s going on?”

“Of course.”

Castiel gets out of the car, and you escort him to the house where Sam and Meg are waiting. Sam is holding Joanna in his arms as she plays with his hair and tangles it in her tiny fingers, but he doesn’t seem to care. You’re glad he did this because you don’t trust Meg one ounce.

“Now, you understand I don’t participate in aggressive activity.” Castiel picks up the bone you stole and sniffs it. “Mm. Sister Mary Constant. Good choice.”

“Why’d you go to Meg, Cas?” Sam wonders.

“When I left, I wanted to observe the flowers and fruit. Flowers come first, obviously, but I heard nothing from them.”

“You heard nothing from who, Castiel?”

“The Garrison.”

“What happened to the Garrison?”

“Well, finally, the silence was deafening, so I went to look at the home of the Prophet. You know, Leviathans can kill angels. There’s a reason why Father locked them in Purgatory. They’re the Piranha that would eat the whole aquarium. They’re gone. The entire Garrison–dead. If there’s anyone left at all, they’re in hiding.”

“Wait, you’re saying all the angels are dead? Where’s Kevin?” you ask worriedly.

“I could steal them from their cages, the monkeys. But where would I put them all?”

“Hey!” Dean claps his hands in front of Castiel’s face. “Focus. Is Kevin alive?”

“I don’t want to fight.”

“No, I’m not–” Dean sighs and returns to his calm self. “We’re very worried.”

“They took him. He’s alive. I felt such responsibility, but it’s in your hands now.”

“Wait, hold on a fucking minute.”

“I feel much better.”

“Guys, what’s all that?” Meg asks, seeing the table you were using to summon Crowley.

“We called Crowley.”

“You what?”

“Don’t worry. He never showed.”

“What do you mean never–”

“Do you see him anywhere? He stood us up!” Dean cuts her off.

“Well, I’m sorry about that, but I’m out. He could still sh–-”

“Show up at any time,” Crowley finishes her sentence, appearing out of nowhere. “Hello boys and Y/N. Sorry, I’m late. This is an embarrassment of riches.” He turns to Meg who looks scared. “Stay, won’t you. There’s really nowhere to run.”

Meg runs for the door, but Crowley disappears from where he is to right in front of her, blocking her exit.

“Don’t even think of smoking out, pussycat. I’ve got eyes all over the place.”

“Leave her be,” Castiel says, coming to her protection.

“Castiel. When last we spoke, you, well, enslaved me. I’m confused. Why aren’t you dead?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well, do you want to be? ‘Cause I can help with that.”

“Alright, that’s enough,” you butt in.

“It’s enough when I say. I came here to help you. I find out you’ve been lying to me, harboring an angel, and not just any angel–the one angel I most want to crush between my teeth.”

“Oh, so you can crush angels now, huh?” Meg sasses.

“You bore me. Do you know that? You have no sense of poetry.” He turns to Castiel. “Now, what do you have to say for yourself?”

“Well, I’m still, uh, honing my communication strategy. I haven’t even been back to Heaven. I-I keep thinking there are no insects up there, but here we have trillions. You know, they’re making honey and silk and… miracles, really.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Um, preferring insects to angels, I guess. Here. I can offer a token if you like.” Castiel pulls out a bag of a yellow substance from his trench coat. “It’s honey. I-I collected it myself.”

“You’re off your rocker. He’s off his rocker, is that it? Karma’s a bitch, isn’t it?” Crowley asks you three.

“Look, did you come here to donkey-punch your old grudges or to help us end Dick? Pick a battle.”

“Well, I’m vexed. I’d like to do both, but where’s the fun in clobbering a ball of wet fur? Text me when Sparkles here retrieves his marbles, I suppose. Meanwhile, a prezzie.”

Crowley takes out a vial of his blood and tosses it to you. You catch it easily and stare at it, looking at him suspiciously.

“Just like that?”

“I’m a model of efficiency.”

“Is that right? Then why were you late?”

“Dick had me in a devil trap. He’s not an idiot. He knows what you three are after.”

“What did he offer you?” you ask, pocketing the blood so he can’t take it from you.

“A fair deal in exchange for giving you the wrong blood. It’s demon, but is it mine?” He pauses for dramatic effect, but you’re not in the mood for it. “It’s my blood. Real deal.”

“Why should we trust you?”

“Good God, don’t. Never trust anyone. A lesson I learned from my last business partner,” Crowley sighs, looking at Castiel. “Oh, bonus. Meg, I’m gonna scoop you up, take you home, and roast you till you’re jerky.” Castiel feels protective over her and advances to Crowley, but he holds his hands up. “But not… yet. Cas can have you for now. Hilariously, it seems he’d be upset at losing you. The boys and Y/N need Cas to get Dick. Don’t they, Cas?”

“Oh, I–I don’t fight anymore,” the angel stutters.

“Come on. Given the particulars of your enemy, sadly, you’re vital.”

Crowley winks at you before disappearing, and oddly, Meg is gone too. You take the blood out and look at it, tossing it to Dean who catches it.

“Well, one thing’s for sure–we only get one shot.”

“You know this thing doesn’t reload, right? Dick won’t let us kill him twice.”

“Yeah, I know. You think Crowley’s double-crossing us?” Sam asks.

“You’ve got to figure who he wants dead more–us or Dick.”

“Depends what Dick offered. Here we go.”

Sam takes the righteous bone and places it in a different bowl, turning to another one where the blood is going to go. He pours Castiel’s blood in, then the Alpha’s, and finally Crowley’s. He takes the bowl of blood and holds it over the righteous bone.

“Uh, there’s no magic words. We just… just go.”

“Alright then.”

Sam pours the blood over the bone, but nothing happens when he does so. You’d figure lightning or thunder would happen, but nothing is.

“Where are all the thunder and lightning?” Dean asks, thinking of the same thing.

“Maybe it worked?”


You hear the sound of angel wings before you feel the touch of someone’s hand on your shoulder. You turn and see Castiel standing there holding a plate of sandwiches.

“So, none of this should cause you any ill effects. I went to a little farm in Normandy for the wheat and the lettuce and tomato, and I thoroughly examined and comforted the pig before I slaughtered it for the ham. Here. You three need your strength.”

“Thanks, Castiel,” you smile and take the plate.

“Cas, why was Crowley so certain that you need to come with us?” Sam asks, not taking his plate.

“Crowley’s wrong. I’ll be waiting right here. Please, accept this sandwich as a gesture of solidarity.”

“I’m going to get ready. We have a big day ahead of us,” you state. You take a bite of the sandwich and moan at how fresh and good it tastes. “Thanks for the sandwich.”


Wanna get tagged? Add yourself to this document! If your tag doesn’t work, find out why! Follow my library blog @queenofdeansbooty-writes​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can follow that if you can’t be tagged!

@essie1876​ @redsalv20​ @superrandomnatural​ @scarletmeii​ @babypink224221​ @gaveherhearttotheliontattoo​ @akshi8278​ @a–1–1–3​ @miraclesoflove​ @earthtokace​ @teamfreewillsstuff​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @kiwihoee​ @jennazeise​ @phantomalchemist​ @posiemax​ @tricksterdean​ @countrygal17a​ @whit85-blog​ @sammypotato67​ @knowledgefulbutterfly​ @fandomoverdose666​ @sharp-cheekbones-locked​ @itsjensenanddean​ @brokenheartscrybrokentears​ @mysteryartisticwriter​ @foxyjwls007​ @thatmotleygirl​ @deans-baby-momma​ @fanfictionjunkie1112​ @vicmc624​ @wonderful-writer​ @lizette50​ @tatted-trina6 @stixnstripesworld​ @supernatural3002​ @lyarr24​ @thoughts-and-funnies​ @hc-geralt-23​ @confuscita​ @lowlyapprentice​ @deandreamernp​ @siospins2​ @candy-coated-misery0731

Pairing:Demon!Dean x Female!Reader

Word Count: ~1.1k

Warnings:angst, moc!dean angst

Request by @theothermrswinchester: You were in love with dean, he was in love with you. You admitted, but he wouldn’t for fear he’d lose you. You leave him,, and haven’t seen him for a few months. Dean turns into a demon now. Hunts you down, to admit he loves you. Since he knows nothing can get you now, and he’s not afraid.

Summary: Girl loves boy. Boy secretly loves girl. Girl leaves home. Boy doesn’t follow Girl. Months later, Boy finally finds Girl… but it’s not in good faith.

Square Filled: stalking (2021) for @spndarkbingo

Author’s Note: feedback is important!


The library is filled with silence as you and Dean continue to stare at one another. No one has said a thing in the past fifteen minutes after what was just confessed. It wasn’t real before, more of a hope or a feeling, but now that it’s out in the open, it’s as real as you and Dean. Sam walked into the room five minutes ago, and he’s been watching you and his brother since.

“Are you two going to say something to each other?” Sam asks, breaking the silence.

“I already said something. It’s Dean’s turn,” you say and continue to look at the older brother.

Dean wants to say it back. He wants to tell you everything you want to hear. He wants to tell you that he’s so in love with you that it hurts… but he can’t. If he says it, then it becomes real, and then you could get seriously hurt because of it. Too many people have died because of him, and he is not going to let that happen to you.

If he pushes you away, then at least you’ll be alive to hate him.

“There’s nothing I need to say.”

If the sound of a heart breaking could be heard, then both brothers would hear it. You know he’s lying. You know how he feels, so why is he denying it? Does he not want to feel this way toward you? Maybe you don’t know him as much as you claim to know. The Mark of Cain has really changed him, and it’s not for the better.

“Well then. I guess there is no point in me staying here any longer,” you say and stand up.

“What? You’re leaving?” Sam gasps.

“Unless I’m given a reason to stay,” you ask, looking at Dean.

“If you want to go, then you should go,” he says and grabs his beer to drink it.

Without another word, you leave the table and march to your room, closing the door with a soft slam.

“Are you insane? You’re just going to let her leave?” Sam barks at his brother.

“What? She’s an independent woman. I’m not going to be the thing to hold her here if she doesn’t want to be here.”

“You know damn well that’s not what she meant.”

Sam scoffs and leaves the library to try and convince you to stay here. Dean may be impossible at some times, but he’d never want you to leave. Sam didn’t spend countless sleepless nights with Dean to hear how supple your breasts look in certain clothes.

That was three months ago, and you’ve been on your own ever since.

You didn’t want to know what Dean was up to because you left to get away from him. You went through a new guy every week just to try to get over him. It never worked, but you’re going to keep trying until Dean is no longer on your mind.

While you were trying to get Dean out of your mind, Dean has been doing everything he could to get you back into his life. He has a new look on life, and he’s no longer afraid of small things like death or losing a loved one. He’d never let you out of his sight, so he doesn’t have to worry about you leaving him. He has new powers–demonic powers–so things like fear and emotions aren’t in his vocabulary anymore.

The second he turned to the dark side, he knew where you were. He kept you in sight for months, stalking you to figure out when the best time to grab you is. You’re not hunting anymore, but you do go to hunter’s bars to meet men there. It’s pathetic, really, but given your circumstances, he understands.

For the past few months, you knew there was something over your shoulder watching you, but you could never figure out who it was. You’d know it if it were Sam or Dean since they aren’t very good at being subtle. However, whenever you do look over your shoulder… there is no one there.

Some people have a sixth sense of knowing when they’re being watched, and your sixth sense has been going off ever since you left the Bunker. It’s not a good kind of watching either–not like an angel watching over you sort of shit. No, this is more sinister as if you’re in danger.

It’s hard knowing there is something out there watching you, waiting for the right moment to strike. Not knowing when that moment will come.

The bunker is the only home you’ve ever known, and you don’t have any money to grab yourself a real place. So, much like what Sam and Dean did before finding the Bunker, you live in and out of motels around the United States. You take on odd jobs to help pay for it. It’s not ideal, but it works right now.

Or it did.

You put the key into your door, walking in when you get it unlocked. You’d just come back from a night of hustling men for money at pool. It’s something Dean taught you how to master. You take one foot in the room and immediately freeze. The lights are off and it’s in the same condition that you left it in, but there is something off about the room. You’re not even sure you want to go inside right now, but you do anyway just to prove to yourself that nothing is in here.

However, when you turn on the light, that’s when whoever is in the room attacks.

You’re slammed into the door behind you, and you look into familiar green eyes that you left a long time ago.

“Dean? What the hell! You fucking scared me!” you gasp.

“It’s nice to see you too. Long time no see, Y/N. You broke my heart when you left.”

“When I left? You let me leave! You didn’t want to man up about how you felt!”

“Yeah, and now I couldn’t care less,” he smirks.

He blinks and his eyes turn pitch black. Your own eyes widen in shock. The anti-possession tattoo is peeking out from underneath his shirt, so he can’t be possessed. Then how the hell is he a demon?

“You see,” he continues, “I’ve spent months watching you… listening to you breathe at night… watching you fuck those men… and I’ve come to realize that you were never theirs. No, you’re mine and only mine. I let you go once, and I don’t plan on letting you go again.”

“How the hell is this possible?”

“Anything is possible, sweetheart.”

For the first time in your life… you don’t feel safe in Dean’s arms… and the thought scares you.


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Unknown Secrets [4]

Summary: The reader is confronted by the Winchesters, angels, and British Men of Letters. They are still suspicious of y/n but they let them go home to rest. Y/n instead seeks answers at an old friend’s home and tries to work out what to do next.

Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, reader, Gabriel, Castiel, Mick, Ketch, Rowena, and Crowley

Pairing: everyone platonic

Genre: Angst, bit of fluff

Word Count: 3,742

Warnings: n/a, reader has a small anxiety attack but nothing crazy :)

A/N: Hello y'all! Thank you so much for this support and patience. I’ve been at college for a while and my dad also passed away so this chapter is out wayyyy later than I anticipated, but here it is! Hope you enjoy <3

The click of the Impala’s doors jars me from my racing thoughts, Cas glances my way and quickly opens his door, getting out of the car. I’m still feeling the effects of passing out, so hopefully Cas doesn’t just leave me here in case I faint again. Luckily, he walks around the car to my side, carefully opens my door, and helps me out.

“Do you need any help walking, y/n?” Cas asks while watching me hold onto Baby for support.

“I think I just need a second to get my balance back.” Part of me wants to just accept his help and walk back in to get whatever is going to happen over with, but I need a moment to prepare myself since Gabriel clearly didn’t want me to hear what he had to say.

“Let’s get this over with I guess.” I start walking towards the hotel room, still a bit shaky but Cas is right by my side in case I faint again, or if I tried to run I guess.

“Why do you say that?” Cas asks, focusing his eyes forward.

I scoff, “It’s pretty obvious, Cas,” I say looking at him, “your brother clearly has some kind of issue with me and didn’t want me around to hear what he has to say about me.” Cas slowly nods his head and keeps facing forward.

We reach the front door which Cas opens, stepping to the side and letting me walk in first. It’s very obvious that whatever Gabriel had said made everyone uncomfortable, even Mick and Ketch were looking at me like I was a killer or something. Since Gabe has since occupied my spot on the bed, I instead opted for the chair next to the door.

The atmosphere is so tense, I feel like I can hardly breathe. “So, what the hell, Gabriel?” I say, with zero response. Cas shuts the door and locks it, standing right behind my chair, as though I could actually go anywhere right now.

“We need to ask you some questions, y/n.” Ketch offers, making brief eye contact with me then looking back at the floor.

“Alright, well what kind of questions other than are you secretly hiding Asmodeus’ kid - which I am not by the way,” I say, looking up at Cas, still pissed at both him and his dramatic brother.

“We need to know everything that you remember, every last detail no matter how dumb or insignificant,“ Dean says.

"But I already-”

“And don’t say "I already told you everything, please believe me!” Because that’s clearly not true, alright?“ Gabriel interjects, standing swiftly from the bed, every word dripping with anger. I look into his eyes, hurt vivid in the whiskey color, stabbing at my heart till my eyes begin to water.

I look down at the floor, knowing everyone’s eyes will hold the same hurt and distrust. "I swear, on my life, that I have told you everything,” I say, voice shaking and on the verge of crying or passing out again. I wish I hadn’t bothered on this hunt in the first place. “And if you still don’t want to believe me, then fine don’t,” I say looking back up to Gabriel. Nothing changes in his eyes, Sam sighs and awkwardly rubs the back of his neck.

“Y/n?” Ketch asks. I glance at him but I can’t read him at all, I look back to the floor and lean into the side of my chair. “You’re sure that is everything you remember?” I nod and keep looking at the floor.

I can’t stand the anxiety creeping up, the image of Gabriel’s hate-filled eyes filling my vision. I can’t exactly blame him though, if I was sure that someone in front of me was the child of a monster that tortured me for months, I’d want them dead too. “Oh god, does everyone here want me dead then? I mean, I understand Sam and Dean not immediately believing me, but Ketch and Mick surely don’t”. I vaguely hear some footsteps walking towards me.

I realize it’s Mick as he crouches down and gently takes my hands in his. “It’s alright, ” he says, “look at me when I say this, okay?” I take a shaky breath and look at Mick, seeing years of trust and friendship in his face.

“The reason why we keep asking you is because when you were unconscious, whatever you were seeing or dreaming about, it had to do with Asmodeus…” I feel my chest tighten, I had thought it was just some twisted nightmare or my brain reacting oddly with the information I heard before I passed out. I don’t even know how to respond.

“Anything you wanna say that would clear this up?” Dean asks. Though it sounds more like a command than a question really, not that it matters anymore, at this point I’m at these people’s mercy.

“I’m one hundred percent sure, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I don’t even bother meeting anyone’s eyes out of both guilt and exhaustion, I should just go home at this point. “There isn’t a way for me to prove it, but I seriously am lost on what you guys are talking about at this point. So unless you want to tell me what happened, I’m feeling pretty shitty so it’d be great if I could just go home and rest, that okay with you?” It’s silent for a moment, and I look up to see Sam and Dean locked in a stare.

Sam slowly nods and so do Dean and Castiel. I shakily stand, and Ketch offers to help me to my car. I roll my eyes, “Gotta still keep an eye on me huh?”

“You did faint, twice so yeah I’ll stick with watching out for you.” I nod and give a weak goodbye to everyone and grab my jacket, keys safely inside and walk out the door, Ketch following close behind.

“You know I believe you right, y/n?” Ketch says, offering his arm for me to hold onto. I truly don’t deserve him or Mick, especially risking their reputations for helping me out. I hope that whatever I saw has a logical explanation for once. I hold onto his arm, his other hand coming up to gently hold mine, a reassuring gesture that calms my nerves.

“I’m glad you do, it means the world to me,” He hums in thought, “Just wish everyone else would I guess.” The rest of the walk to my truck is quiet, an odd occurrence with Ketch but welcome nonetheless.

“Thank you, Ketch, for believing me and everything,” I say as I climb into the driver’s seat. He only smiles and tells me to be safe but my mind is already somewhere else, as I watch him walk back towards the motel room, I think of options on how to handle this situation. I just lied to four strong hunters, an angel, and an archangel.

And if I came clean now I think it would only make things worse, maybe an old friend can help this whole thing get better and not worse.


The light ring of her doorbell draws me out of my thoughts, I certainly hope she’s home, the only other person I could go hideout with is - “No, I’m not hiding,” I need information before jumping to dangerous conclusions “I’m searching for other possibilities.” The only other people I could ask about this are Mick and Ketch, and I doubt that would go over well.

The front door clicks open, and Rowena immediately envelopes me in a hug. “I haven’t seen you in far too long, y/n! How have you been?” I smile and hug her tightly, thank god she’s home.

“I’ve been good! You’re right it has been too long. Um, could I come in for a second?” Her smile falters for barely a moment, confusion clear on her features.

“Of course, dear. Are you alright?” I swiftly walk inside her apartment and turn to face her.

“Can you promise me that whatever happens, you won’t tell Sam or Dean anything?”

“I wouldn’t dream of it, did they do something I should know about?” Rowena asks, raising her chin with an air of confidence and protectiveness.

I merely hold my head in my hands, my elbows resting on my stomach, and pause a moment, wondering how to break the news. “Do you remember doing a spell for the Winchesters a while ago? One that had to do with Asmodeus?”

“Yes I do, took me a few tries to get it just right but it got them a location for the demon. I heard you were helping them in this case, is that why you’re here?”

“Well yes and no. I was helping them on this case, but they didn’t ask me to come visit you,” I turn around and walk further into her home, taking a seat on one of her armchairs. “I had a weird vision and I don’t know what it means but long story short, the Winchesters, Castiel, Gabriel, and possibly Mick all think I’m the nephidemon they’re after.”

I look up at Rowena, hoping for her to keep this secret. We’ve helped each other out of rough spots before, I’m sure she can do it again.

“Okay, tell me about this vision of yours.” She states without judgment, taking the seat across from me.

I told her everything I can remember, and everything that happened after in the hotel. At some point in my retelling, she gets up and makes a quick drink for us both. Smells strongly of cinnamon but tastes more like a kind of tea.

Rowena takes her seat across from me again and cautiously says, “I don’t mean to add anything negative to an already distressing situation, but that vision sounds a lot more like an old memory resurfacing.” I nod, I already had a feeling that was the answer but hearing from her makes it so much more real. “I’m assuming you didn’t tell any of the boys about this memory,” I nod again, “And you’re needing a place to lay low for a bit?” A knowing smile gracing her face.

“That would be the best thing right now, Rowena. Thank you.” She smiles and waves her hand in a shooing motion.

“It’s no problem at all, I do love your company.” I laugh and fully relax for the first time since I left the motel today.

“Is it possible for you to do the spell again, but with the map only showing this city to see if I’m the thing Sam and Dean are hunting? Otherwise, it’s probably back in my town and I’d rather be sure.”

Rowena sighs and glances away for a moment, “That spell used a lot of rare ingredients so it would take a little finessing, of course, you’re welcome to stay here while you figure everything out.”

“Thank you so much, Ro, I owe you one.”

“Make it two,” she says, a playful smile evident.

“Deal. I just hope they don’t try to find out where I am right now. I told them I would be staying home until I felt alright to help them with the hunt.”

“I know Samuel knows where I live, but don’t tell them where you are for now, who knows what they’ll do if they think you’re Asmodeus’ child.”

“Yeah, especially Gabriel.”

She hums in agreement, deep in thought again. She looks back over to me and asks, “I’ll probably need some help, finding the ingredients needed for the spell and all that, would you be alright if I gave my son a ring and let him know what’s going on?”

“I’ve only ever heard of him but yes. If you could tell him to not tell anyone else then I’m totally fine with him being in the know for this situation.” Although I don’t personally know her son, Rowena is loyal to a fault and I can only assume he was raised with that quality.

She stands up and claps her hands together, “Excellent, I’ll go call him up right now and we can get this plan in motion.” I watch as Rowena leaves the room and faintly hear her talking on the phone with I assume to be her son. I allow myself to get lost in my thoughts, I haven’t truly had a moment to myself where I could focus on processing everything the boys back at the motel said. Time seems to pass by extremely slow, hours have probably passed but there’s no real way to tell. I’m practically sleeping while sitting up with all the exhaustion catching up to me.

There was a slight noise behind me. I spin around to see someone standing by the door, a man with a beard and long black overcoat.

“Rowena!” I call out, grabbing my knife from my belt as I jump to my feet. The witch came back into the room, hanging up her phone, the strange man doing the same.

“Y/n, there is no need for that knife,” I look from her to the man across from me, slightly lowering the knife but keeping it out in the open, “allow me to introduce you to my son, y/n this is Fergus, Fergus this is y/n.”

The man pockets his cellphone, I hadn’t even realized he was holding one at the time. He then walks over and sticks out his hand, “Crowley, actually,” I shake his hand and place my knife back in its spot on my belt, “I have heard many things about you, and I have what you and my mother need to test your theory.” He gestures to Rowena, then a table in the next room covered in ingredients, sitting next to a small map of the immediate area. I have no clue how he could have possibly gotten all those ingredients this soon, but I’m certainly grateful he and Rowena are willing to help me.

“Wait, how on earth did you get all of these things so fast?” I ask.

Crowley laughs and replies cheekily, “I have my connections and a number of them owe me a favor or three, figured now is a good time to call them in.” I nod, looking between him and the table containing my fate. “Plus, it has also has been hours since you came here so I did have some time.”

“It’s been hours?? No, that’s not possible. I know I completely lost track of time but I’ve been sitting here for hours? I hope Ketch hasn’t tried to call me or anything, not like I have any answers for him yet.”

“Alright, let’s do this then,” I say, walking to the table and sitting down in front of it. Rowena and Crowley follow suit standing on either side of me. They begin saying the spell, adding different items as every word is spoken. Rowena beginning, and Crowley continuing where she leaves off. The tension builds as every second passes, I almost start shaking with anxiety but I take a few breathes to try and calm myself down.

A flame erupted and covered the map, making me jump in surprise. At first, it seemed as though the fire would destroy the whole map, but then as suddenly as it began, it went out. Leaving behind Rowena’s apartment building and the surrounding area. My only reaction is to sit deeper in my chair and pray to wake up from this nightmare.

A grounding hand falls gently onto my right shoulder, I know it’s Rowena but I have no idea what expression is on her face. Crowley cleans up the mess of the charred map and carefully disposes of the used up ingredients.

“Crowley,” I say, still looking at the table where my fate was revealed. I hear him come back to my left side and hum in recognition, “is there any way you can convince the Winchesters that I have a reason for not returning to this case? I feel like they are already suspicious of me and this sudden disappearance certainly doesn’t help my case.”

The demon remained silent for a moment. I look up and realize he is focusing on Rowena intently. I hope he isn’t asking her to stick her neck out for me more than she has already. I know both of their reputations with the Brits and angels are shaky at best. And it won’t take very much for the Winchesters to go back to hunting them like another monster.

“Well, the best thing I could do is have you call them and say you have a sickness of some kind, and you have to figure out what’s going on before you can continue the hunt in person.” He glances between me and his mother, and I feel her move. I turn to see her nodding her head, unsure if it’s for permission or as encouragement.

“How would they know you were in contact with me without looking like you were hiding something?” I question. I really do appreciate Crowley risking his life for me, but I can’t just expect it right off the bat.

He smiles mischievously, “I have my ways darling,” I nod with a small smile, “however,” Crowley continues, “then you have a tough choice to make.”

“And what could that possibly be, other than needing to seriously consider making me disappear to avoid whatever the other hunters of the world would want to do to me as some kind of disastrous hybrid?” I can tell that my little outburst concerned Crowley and Rowena, both stiffening and standing taller. I just hope it doesn’t deter them from keeping this a secret.

Crowley clears his throat and waves his hand in front of my face saying, “First of all, in case you haven’t heard, Lucifer had a child. Jack is his name, and even though his father is and always will be a monster that should be destroyed, Jack is one of the kindest so-called monsters to exist.” He grabs a free chair and drags it over to sit eye to eye with me. His eyes are earnest and his face caring, “You can hate yourself later, but right now there is no time for that. You’ve already given the Winchesters far too much time alone with too little information on why you’re not there. So, the tough decision is to choose between saying you’re doing so bad that you can’t afford to even take a phone call from them,” I look at him in disbelief. I mean, does he really think these people will believe that amount of bullshit?

“There’s no way they would ever buy that. They may be trusting but they aren’t stupid.”

“You’re completely right, dear,” Rowena chimes in, “the other option which they will be more likely to believe, is that you can still help with research, tracking possible demon signs, and call them if you have any ideas. But it’s best to go to someone you trust to see what made you faint and feel ill.”

“I wonder who those people would be,” Crowley chuckles at my comment. I know it’s going to be hard to lie, and even harder to tell a convincing lie, but there is no other way to protect people. I can’t stand the thought that all my life, I was protecting my town from horrific creatures when I should have just left and gone underground from the very beginning.

“Y/n, I know how you became a Hunter, and I know it breaks you inside thinking that you weren’t fully human these years. But don’t lose sight of all the good you’ve done, the lives you’ve saved and changed.”

“You a mind-reader or something, Ro?” I question the witch. She merely laughs and winks as she walks over to my go bag sitting on her beautiful couch.

“Now all that’s left to do is give those boys a ring.” She hands me my phone and I scroll through my contact list, landing on Ketch’s number. This has to happen at some point, if I keep them all in the dark it will only make this situation worse.

My screen then lights up with his contact picture, I guess he decided to give me a call instead. I answer it worried about what he might say. Rowena and Crowley quietly left and whisper in the room next to me as I pick up the phone.

“Hello, y/n. How are you feeling?” I sigh with relief, he still sounds like a friend, not a suspicious ally.

“Hi, Ketch. I’m glad you called,” my voice shakes a bit with nerves, I’ve never lied to him or Mick and now the Winchesters and two angels are on their side. “I’m gonna be honest, I’m not doing as good as I was hoping today.”

He lets out a long sigh, “I was worried you might say that. Is it just leftover effects from the fainting episode?”

“To be honest, I think the faint was more of a warning. I don’t think I’ll be there for a while.” I’ve never been good with silence over the phone, but with this big a lie to the person I trust the most, the situation is already weighing on me.

“Well,” he finally answers, “you do know we happen to have two very capable angels here that would be more than happy to figure out what’s going on with you.”

“Yeah, that’s kinda the main problem.” I think sadly, “Yeah, I know, I happen to have two very capable experts that I’m going to go see about this weird sickness.”

“If you trust them, then that’s all that matters. Just keep me updated okay?”

It hurts hearing the care and patience coming from Ketch, I’ll have to make sure that no one ever realizes anything is off with me. “Will do Arthur, and hey, I’m sure I’ll be fine to do some research or demon sign tracking. Don’t count me out just yet.”

He laughs, sounding more confident, “Good with us, give me a call whenever you meet with these specialists, so I know you’re in good hands.” I promise to call him and quickly hang up. I don’t know what I did to earn such an amazing friend, but now I almost wish I never met him.

Pairing: AU!Dean Winchester x F!Reader

Word Count: 3652

Summary:Y/N was different from the rest; living in a quaint lakehouse, on the edge of one of the most rich and prosperous towns in America. She was surrounded with the elite, the wealthy and people who never took responsibility for their actions. Money gave them everything, while in turn, it had taken something from her. In result, she kept her distance, never wanting to get involved with high society, until one fateful night changed her life…forever.


Warnings: Slow burn, mentions of sex, sex language, conflicting thoughts, swears, drunken Jo. That’s about it. Please don’t hate me. :’)

A/N:Kids are pea tree dishes for germs. I S2G. Another cold and another weekend feeling rotten. Ugh. I’m fine though…lots of sleep! Slow burn still be burning…but could there be something coming up…maybe…possibly? *nervous grin* I hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for your love, and for reading <3

I also want to say a massive thank you to my wonderful @deanwanddamons​​​​​​​​​​​​ for being my wonderful beta, and for kicking my ass where needed. Love you <3

Get five weeks ahead on Patreon!

Lights Out Masterlist||Main Masterlist||Let me know your thoughts!

Dean was agitated.

Dinner had been and gone, over an hour of monotonous speeches from the society’s most upstanding members had nearly driven him into madness. He had to sit at the head table next to his parents, a forced smile on his lips paired with a mask of engaged expression. Still, there he sat, his fingers wrapped tightly around his whiskey tumbler as his thumb tapped at the glass, zoning out from all conversations around him. In truth, his mind was elsewhere. Every chance he got, he looked around the room, each flash of red pulling his attention like a bull to a matador.

While standing on the staircase in search of the woman who had captured his curiosity, his father had demanded he announce that it was time for their guests to eat. Granted, after his little sex escapade, this part of the night had been delayed by around two hours and it hadn’t looked good. But from what he could gather, no-one had reallyminded thanks to the waiters that were carrying around appetizers such as smoked salmon crostini, sushi cups and heirloom tomato bruschetta. Of course, he hadn’t chosen those; if it were up to him there would be mini beef sliders and bacon cheese bites but Rowena had insisted that this event should carry class in every way possible.

Taking a sip of his beverage, he looked up from the spot of tablecloth he had been burning a hole with his stare and glanced at the sea of people that still occupied the space. The woman of his desire was still nowhere to be found and he had started to question whether she had maybe left the masquerade entirely. He hoped not; the thought of not seeing her again, not knowing who she was…it bothered him beyond belief.

Readjusting his mask, the one he had been ordered to put back on by his father after Dean’s hastily chase of the red dressed enchantress, he stood from his seat. Guests were now heading back into the main hall, some dancing to the music the band were providing, others topping up their beverages at the bar. He thought it was the best time to blend back into the crowd and to try and find out any information he could. He had to be careful to not break the rules, knowing that it was frowned upon to find out someone’s identity if they hadn’t personally requested it. But still, he had to try…right?

Downing the rest of the alcohol in his hand, he left his glass on the table where he’d been sitting before he weaved himself around the groups of people that had congregated in gossiping circles. He hadn’t fixed his tie, the top button of his shirt undone as he now opted for a more casual look. Of course, his dad had scowled at him for that too but his mom had come to his defense and reminded the elder Winchester that her son still looked formally presentable.

As he straightened the sleeves on his suit, the host was totally unaware that someone was following him in his footsteps, delicately stalking him like a lioness hunted their prey. Just as he was about to walk through the main hall doors, he felt fingers wrap around his forearm, halting his movements and turning him swiftly to the side to face them. It took him a few seconds to register who it was that had such a tight hold on him, but when it clicked, his face grew stoic. It was Bela.

“Dean–” the brunette started, her expression a mixture of anger and fake pleading.

“–not now,” he grumbled, removing himself from her grasp before wiping at the fabric she had been gripping.

“Why the hell–” she started again, clearly not listening to a word he was saying. He let out a growl; he was already irritated, thanks to losing the one woman he had ever felt some sort of connection with, so Bela’s constant yipping at his heels was certainly not helping. He wanted to be left alone, he had told her that they were done and in his mind, there was nothing more to say.

“–need I remind you that you’re at a Lights Out event?” Dean interrupted, his voice low and authoritative as he stalked closer towards her, his shoulders broadening with dominance. “You’ve already crossed one line by announcing Zachiarah’s presence without his permission earlier this evening. Do you really want to cause a scene and add to that list?”

His threat caused her mouth to fall agape, her lips closing and opening like a fish desperate for air as she tried to process what just happened. But Dean remained unmovable, his stare powerful as he conveyed the message that he was someone not to be messed with.

Eventually though, she found her words, and spat at him through gritted teeth, “this isn’t over.”

“Well for me, princess, it is,” he stated before he gestured to the main hall and forced a sarcastic smile. “Enjoy the rest of the party.”

With anger fueling his veins, Dean pushed himself back into the thick of the event, mingling with his guests and listening to any and all stories they had to tell him. He ensured he kept his distance from Bela, and his father, wanting to try and focus on the people that surrounded him. Not everyone in this room was bad; he knew Cas was here somewhere, as was Joanna and Benny. The only three he knew not to be gold digging, status obsessed, brainwashed elitists.

He remembered reading somewhere that power was addictive, that once anyone has had a taste of it, the craving is always there for more. It was a drug, one that had ruined many lives and many relationships in the pursuit of it. Growing up, the green-eyed Winchester thought he wanted that life. He was grateful for what his father had provided him with; clothes, food on the table, a roof over his head and a successful career. But it was only as he grew older, started to see the world in a different light, did he realise that there was more to existence than just being the most prestigious and richest family in the valley.

Bringing him out of his thoughts, was the heavy hand that landed upon his shoulder. A quick glance to his right revealed his company and he was relieved when he heard the sound of a familiar southern twang, “Any luck brother?”

“No,” Dean sighed, shaking his head before he slid one hand into one of his pockets, “Unless she’s gone back to hiding in the rooms downstairs.”

“I just came from there,” Benny informed him, before a little chuckle passed his lips, “pun not intended.” He finished, causing Dean to let out a little huff of laughter. “Evan’s not seen her since she left the scene of your dirty crime.”

“Alright, alright,” the host smiled, giving into the jest that his friend was offering. It was then that a sight at the bar caught his eye. “I’ve got a few more people I can ask, someones got to know her…right?”

To that, his friend nodded in agreement, “Sure thing. I’ll keep lookin’, just…try not to be too disappointed if we can’t locate her.”

Dean slapped the top of Benny’s arm once in a silent acknowledgement of his words, before he began to travel the distance to his next target. He didn’t want to admit that the words of the cajun had stung a little, but nonetheless they had. Not finding her wasn’t something he wanted to entertain, even if he had no idea what he would say if he did work out who it was. He just had to know who it was he had slept with, who made him feel so differently.

Approaching the bar, he smiled when he saw one of his good friends, Jo, knocking back another shot of tequila, her lips bulging with the lime she had just sucked on. He couldn’t help but laugh at the sight when she turned to see him standing by her side.

“Hey,” he chuckled, his palm warm between her shoulder blades as he continued to watch her. Her eyes went wide, and she quickly spat out the fruit in her mouth onto the wooden surface below so she could talk.

“Dean, Dean, Dean,” she greeted, coming to slap his chest playfully as that was as far as she could reach from her seated position. “How’s my favorite masquerade event holder person?”

“Are you drunk?” he questioned, his smile unmoving as he tried to catch her gaze. The way she was currently swaying, and how her words were leaving her lips, wrapped in an intoxicated tone, told him all he needed to know.

Jo just brought up her forefinger and thumb, squinting as she pinched them together to show just the tiniest gap, “Little bit.”

With that, Dean lifted his free hand and flagged down the server, pointing down towards the blonde who he had subconsciously moved closer to in case she fell off the stool towards him. “Can I get a water? Thanks.”

“Boo!” Joanna exclaimed, a frown deep on her brow as she looked up at him, “H20, is a no.

“Trust me, you’ll thank me in the morning,” he commented before removing his touch, and pulling up a seat next to her. “You enjoying yourself?”

“I am,” the blonde replied happily, leaning back to drum her fingers against the surface in front of her, “and I have lots of contacts who could come in handy.” When Dean didn’t respond, Jo pouted slightly before she rested her fingers upon his clasped hands, “You look sad.”

“I’m just looking for someone,” he informed her, his lips only pulling up partially at his revelation. “Actually, that’s why I came over here. I’m wondering if you could help me?”

“Oh is this going to be like one of those old fashioned Poirot films?” the blonde gasped, her hand coming up in front of her to gesture as if she was picturing the movie sign. “Mystery at the Winchester Manor.”

“Uhh,” he started, trying his hardest to not laugh at his friend. “Not so much. I’m searching for a woman. She’s wearing a–”

“–DEAN WINCHESTER!” The stern shout of his name caused him to stop mid sentence and turn around to see his father storming towards him from a couple of paces away.

“Dad?” He questioned, confused as to why the hell he was so angry with him when all he had done was exactly as he had been told. He was also bewildered at how loud his name had been announced, considering the rules of the event that his kin had now broken, the rules that had been so heavily enforced by his parent himself.

“Excuse us,” John spoke softly to Joanna, before grabbing Dean by the shoulder and escorting him to the corner of the room. Once there, he let go of his son before he placed his hands firmly onto his hips. “Have you lost your damn mind?!”

“What have I done wrong now?” Dean exclaimed through a hushed tone, not wanting to draw any more attention to himself.

“Bela Talbot?” his dad informed, unable to stand still as his feet paced him a few inches back and forth. “Yeah, she’s just told me you broke up with her!”

Of course she did.

“So what if I did?!” The green-eyed son shot back, fed up of being pulled and moulded to his fathers expectations.

“I told you to keep her close because of a deal I’m planning with her father,” John muttered, his teeth gritted as his nostrils flared. “This will not work in our favor now you’ve upset his only daughter! You need to make amends, get back with her - now.”

To that, the host could only shake his head, ignoring the pang of hurt that fuelled the angry fire that warmed his body. “And what about how I feel?”

“Howyoufeel?” his dad repeated back to him, his tone sarcastic as his eyebrows hit his greying hairline. “Dean, you were balls deep in another woman while she was waiting for you, lonely and broken hearted. She adores the ground you walk on, why can’t you be appreciative of that?!”

“That was a genuine mist–”

“–I’ve heard enough.” John raised his voice, the deep tones causing Dean to close his mouth. “For the rest of this night you will smile, make small talk with the rest of the guests and apologise to Miss Talbot while I do some damage control. Then the day after tomorrow, you will redeem yourself at the summer fayre by being the guest of honor and opening the event. You willmake up for the errors you’ve made this evening. Is that clear?”

“Crystal,” he spoke quietly, his jaw clenched as he tried to hold in the stormy rage that had begun to circle inside of him like a hurricane.


With a slap on the arm, John was quick to blend back into the crowd, leaving Dean standing there feeling manipulated and angry. He knew Bela wouldn’t just take no for an answer, but to go to his own father to get what she wanted was a sly and low move to make. He felt like he was a puppet on a set of strings, the wooden cross firmly in the hands of his peers who controlled his every movement. He wasn’t free to make his own choices, wasn’t allowed to do what he wanted as he always had to think of what damage it could do to the family name. Now here he was, trapped in a corner with nowhere to turn.

However, he wouldn’t back down straight away. If Dean was anything, he was stubborn and he would take his sweet ass time to apologise to the scheming princess who was undoubtedly waiting for him. So, storming back towards the bar, he grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the top shelf before he headed to the staircase in the centre of the hall, nodding at the guards to let him pass. He needed to breathe and have some time away from the fakery.

Walking towards his room, he unscrewed the cap off the alcohol and tucked it into his pocket before taking a generous swig. He winced when he felt the burn in his throat, but he was desperate to escape this nightmare he was currently living. His plan was to spend at least thirty minutes alone up here, to enjoy the peace and quiet before he had to polish his armor and head back down to the pit of ravenous wolves.

Opening his door, he immediately strolled over to the floor to ceiling windows that led onto his balcony and opened them, stepping out into the night air. The evening was still, only a light breeze tickled his skin as the moon shone down bright above him. It caused him to look up, to take in the small little gems that stood out so perfectly against the dark canvased sky. He had always found it peaceful, staring at the constellations and he would do it often in the hours he was alone.

That was when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket, and he remembered that he had the device on him. Pulling it out, he took another long drink from his bottle before a smile graced his lips upon seeing the name on the display.

Sam:How’s it going? Sorry I missed your call earlier,  I was out on my run.

Dean hesitated in replying, his thumb instead hovering over the call button. It was at times like this where he really missed his little brother. It was that thought that made him call, bringing his cell to his ear as he heard the international dial.

Hey man,” Sam greeted after two rings. “Aren’t you meant to be schmoozing right now?

“Aren’t you meant to be in bed right now?” Dean shot back, unable to stop the grin that stretched his mouth as he heard the voice of his sibling.

I was curious as to how you were getting along,” the youngest Winchester chuckled down the line.  “Besides, you rang me first.”

“Yeah well I forgot that it was practically the crack of dawn for you. C’mon dude, why are you even awake at this time when you’re in paradise?” Dean stated, his tone one that told his brother that it was too damn early for him to be talking business.

It’s around 8AM, so it’s not that bad,” Sam informed softly, the sound of the soft sea waves in the background. “Now stop deflecting and answer the damn question. What’s going on?

“Well dad is being his overly controlling self, Christian is basically his shadow trying to take a piece of the prestiged pie, oh and Bela seemed to think we were in a relationship which father encouraged me to fake,” Dean reeled off all in one go, choosing to bring the whiskey back to his lips for another generous helping.

Bela!?”Sam replied surprised, “Is she still sniffing around you?

“Like a bitch on heat,” Dean scoffed, rolling his eyes. “But the whole thing with her was supposed to be dead in the water now, and trust me when I say that has not gone down well. Dad is fully demanding I get back with her.”

You went against his wishes!?

“C’mon man, it’s Bela. She’s alright for a night in bed but a relationship? No thanks,” the green-eyed host muttered as he made his way over to the sofa that was suitable for outside.

Yeah, but I also know you, Dean. You’ve always done exactly what dad tells you too, so what changed?” Sam questioned, and it caused the older Winchester to pause.

“Uh,” he stammered, scratching at his brow with his bottle filled hand, “I kinda had sex with someone else…and I can’t get her out of my head.”

You used a Lights Out room?!” His little brother exclaimed, “Dude…

“That’s what you’re taking out of this?” Dean asked, resting his head back on a cushion as he squeezed his eyes shut. “Look, Bela had arranged it and told me to go to room six. So I did, because getting out of dad’s way was incredibly appealing and you know, I wasn’t opposed to getting laid either.”

So what? Did your dick just accidentally slide into someone else?” Sam chuckled, clearly proud of his remark.

“Funny,” Dean responded sarcastically, his stare focused on the night sky. “No, somehow the numbers got mixed up and Bela was actually waiting behind door number nine. But when I got in there, to the room I thought she was waiting in, the smell of this sweet perfume hit me and the way this unknown woman spoke, innocent but dangerous…I don’t know, I was entranced okay? It was either sleep with Talbot who only wants me for status and money, or…god I sound like a dick don’t I?”

The older sibling groaned when he heard his words aloud. He couldn’t help but wonder whether he was at fault in all of this. If he had just left the room when he knew it wasn’t Bela, none of this trouble would have happened. At the time, he hadn’t cared what the fallout would be, but now he was plagued with the guilt that he had let down those that were closest to him.

Sounds to me more like you actually felt a connection with someone. I’m gonna take a stab in the dark here; I’m guessing that you can’t stop thinking about the mystery person you slept with now?”

“It was incredible, Sammy,” Dean sighed, feeling some relief that his sibling didn’t think he was a bad guy after all. “Not just the sex but there was something else, something I need to figure out. Maybe it wasa connection like you said, I don’t know. But I can’t find her. She ran, and I have no idea who it was or where she’s gone. All I do know is that she was wearing a red dress.”

So you’ve got yourself a sexy Cinderella?” Sam questioned, a smile in his tone at his brother’s obvious predicament.

“Without the glass slipper,” the host muttered back down the line. It was then that he took another deep breath. “So Bela found out, and I called it off. I couldn’t lie to her, and I’d had enough. Then Dad found out, so now he wants me to apologise and get back with her. Told me I’ve got to open the valley’s summer fayre and keep up appearances to redeem myself.”

That’s not all bad. We used to have fun there and hey, maybe you’ll find your lost scarlett there, even if there’s over one thousand people in the town. It’s a long shot of course, but you know what she sounds like right? Don’t give up hope,” his younger brother encouraged, his voice filled with support and understanding.

“And what about Bela?” Dean questioned, already feeling a pit of dread open in his stomach, “I don’t want to string her along, she might be a bitch but that’s not who I am.”

“Then be true to yourself, fuck Dad. Just…talk it out with her,” Sam advised, and it could be possible that he had a point, that Dean would be able to reason with the brunette and get her to see it from his point of view.

“Yeah, maybe,” the green-eyed Winchester responded, not feeling too highly optimistic about that conversation.

While Sam continues to talk though, telling him all about his adventures in Thailand with Jess, Dean can’t help but let his mind wander back to what his younger sibling said about the summer fayre. Moments ago, he wasn’t looking forward to going, didn’t want to play his fathers stupid game of keeping up appearences. But now the possibility that his red dressed enchantress could be there, the woman who had already stolen a part of him without even realising, he felt that little flame of hope in his chest burn that little bit brighter.

Chapter Sixteen - Coming 13th May
A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Thanks so much for reading!

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If you want to be step into the darkness with me, then let me know HERE:)

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Pairing: AU!Dean Winchester x F!Reader

Word Count: 3858

Summary:Y/N was different from the rest; living in a quaint lakehouse, on the edge of one of the most rich and prosperous towns in America. She was surrounded with the elite, the wealthy and people who never took responsibility for their actions. Money gave them everything, while in turn, it had taken something from her. In result, she kept her distance, never wanting to get involved with high society, until one fateful night changed her life…forever.


Warnings: Slow burn, anxious thoughts, mentions of sex, sex language, conflicting thoughts, swears. That’s about it. Please don’t hate me. :’)

A/N: Slow burn be burning…but for how much longer…what could possibly happen next…right? *nervous laugh here* Thank you so much for your love, and for reading <3

I also want to say a massive thank you to my wonderful @deanwanddamons​​​​​​​​​​​ for being my wonderful beta, and for kicking my ass where needed. Love you <3

Get five weeks ahead on Patreon!

Lights Out Masterlist||Main Masterlist||Let me know your thoughts!


The air was still. Only a light breeze caressed her moon kissed skin every once in a while as Y/N placed one heeled foot in front of the other. She was surprised she was able to walk, that her legs weren’t wobbling as she strolled down the sidewalk away from Winchester Manor. Her core was still throbbing, the inside of her thighs closest to her centre still wet from how hard her unknown partner had made her come. One hand came to tuck some hair behind her ear as she sucked in a shaky breath, her fingers finding the ribbon of her mask before she pulled on the knot, resulting in it coming undone. Catching it as it fell from her face, she used her thumbs to trace the material as she thought about what the hellhad just happened.

Her movement slowed as she recollected his soft but firm touches; the way his lips felt upon hers as he caught them in a kiss when they both found their delirium. She couldn’t help but touch her mouth at the memory, yearning for the weight of him on top of her again, missing him like he was a drug she had been addicted to for years. She was conflicted, how could she not be. Y/N had been without the love of another for so long, craving the connection like the one she had experienced in that room but knowing that it had been with someone who she hated, who she despised; it shadowed her in shame.

Shaking her head and straightening her shoulders, she shoved the mask inside her clutch before she continued to walk the path towards her home, not caring about the looks she was getting from the few passersby. Maybe she should have brought a coat with her, or at least something to cover her breasts. She knew that the cool night air was most definitely affecting her nipples, the buds clearly prominent in the silk material. It caused her to cross her arms over her chest as she quickened her pace, eager to get behind the safety of her own door. She knew what men in this town were capable of, and maybe it was wrong of her to decide to saunter home while dressed in such a sultry dress, but she just needed to escape.

When she had rushed out of the Lights Out room, her heart was hammering against her ribs, her stomach churning with exhilaration, anxiety and excitement. She was a ball of twisted emotions, all of them entangling in the other like some messed up ball of yarn while she tried her hardest to figure out her next move. She knew she couldn’t stay, especially when she heard him shout out for her as she hastily left his company.

“Hey, wait!”

Y/N remembered the sound of his husk filled voice. It was still so prominent in her mind and for a split second, she had been tempted to do as he said. There was something in his tone that called to her; desperation, want, longing - but she was unsure whether that was her own darkest yearning calling out to her instead. Twisting the situation to sate her inner demons, to fill the lonely void she had in her heart.

So she ran, took the steps as quickly as she could whilst ensuring her dress wasn’t inside out when she eventually stepped out into more adequate lighting. She had fumbled in the dark, waited for the moment his breathing had started to even out before she took the opportunity to slide off the mattress and blindly attempt to retrace her steps. She was thankful that her outfit was made out of silk, causing it to be easily identifiable. However, she had been unable to find her underwear but that was no love lost considering it was a thong she had been wearing, and with the little fabric it was made of, she may as well had not been wearing it at all.

Y/N had tried not to make it too obvious that she was in a hurry, not wanting to draw attention to herself as she strode down the corridor that led back to the main hall. She actually felt relief when the guests were more interested in finding pleasure in each other rather than her heels fastly clicking against the floor. With her fingers wrapped around the door handle, she had pushed herself back into the crowd, her eyes scanning for her best friend. It didn’t take long to locate Joanna; the blonde was sitting at the bar with a beer in front of her as she chatted quite happily to the server behind it.

She had whispered in her ear, told her that she was going home and she would fill her in later. Of course, she was met with curious brown eyes and a furrowed brow but Y/N didn’t have the time to answer any of the questions that were desperate to leave Jo’s lips. Time was of the essence for her, and as she stood there, hair slightly messed up, cheeks flushed with a chest that was heaving, more eyes fell upon her. They were hungered gazes that made her feel like she was fresh meat, a tempting fruit that was ripe for picking. Before, they made her feel incredibly desirable but now, they were causing her to cower into herself, wanting nothing more than to escape and retreat back to her own safe haven. With that, and with a nod from her friend, she wasted no time in collecting her items from the lobby, before she had wandered into the night without so much as a single backwards glance at Winchester Manor.

Taking a deep breath, she gazed up towards the stars that twinkled like small diamonds against the night sky. They gave her comfort; her mind always looking to string together constellations like her very own personal dot to dot as she wondered if heaven was truly a thing. Were her parents looking down on her? Were they proud of who she had become? Would they have been happy with how she had behaved tonight?

Y/N found it hard to answer those questions, because she felt as though her own perception of her family had become skewed over time. They had been moulded into what she had thoughtthey would be based off of what little memories she had of them. That was when she felt the flames of her rage begin to grow low inside her stomach, the embers of a fire that had never truly been put out still burning even after all this time. If they hadn’t been taken away from her by an irresponsible drunk driver, then she would never have to use her imagination in these circumstances.

Running a hand through her hair, Y/N finally made it to the gravel path her lake house was situated on, and she was thankful. Her feet were killing her thanks to the heels, and she was desperate to take them off. She also couldn’t wait to swap the dress for her favorite lounge set and sit in front of Netflix until she fell asleep. That dream was getting ever closer, and as her iron gate came into view, so did a brown and white colored fluffball who was sitting quite proudly on the wall next to it. It made her smile, and without hesitation, her hand extended in front of her to stroke Oldwin’s head.

“Hey boy,” she greeted warmly, her fingers tickling his chin as she took note of two pearly white fangs either side of his jaw, “you not going home tonight?”

She was met with a loud purr, the cat’s body slowly rising as he pushed himself further into her touch. He then jumped down from the wall, his little paws elegantly trotting up the path towards her front door before he turned to meow in her direction. It caused her to chuckle softly as she opened her clutch to search for her keys.

“I’ll take that as a no then,” she spoke softly, quickly catching up with her feline friend before she unlocked and pushed open her door.

Without hesitation, Oldwin rushed inside and darted to the left, intent on heading to his favorite place next to the fire while Y/N placed her clutch on the side, and finally took off her shoes, letting out a low hum in relief. There was nothing quite like the feeling of placing feet flat on the floor after being in heels for a long amount of time; the pleasurable, aching burn that radiates through the heel and into the ankle.

Next on her agenda was a shower; she needed to wash away her shame, and clean herself up after everything that had happened earlier that evening. She tried to stop the way her stomach swooped at the thought of her mystery man, as she remembered the way he growled into her ear as she took him to the hilt, but it was of no use. Those memories were unchained; she was unable to shut them in a drawer and forget because there was a part of her that was clinging onto the way it made her feel.

“It was just sex,” she mumbled to herself in irriation as she stomped her way up her stairs, already beginning to strip herself of the red dress. When she made it to her bathroom, the material had pooled on the floor and she had stepped out of it.

Y/N then turned the faucet in the shower, allowing the hot water to stream down onto her tiled floor as she stood in front of the mirror, grabbing a washcloth to begin to wipe away her makeup. She rubbed at her skin, cleansing away the black smears of her mascara and the red stains of her lipstick before she moved to stand under the warm waterfall that would rinse away everything of this evening.

That was when she smelt him.

She immediately stopped, backing partly out of the shower in order to regain her composure. His cologne must have rubbed off on her when they were being intimate, and now there were no winds to blow the scent behind her, she could smell him on her skin. Warm, spicy, earthy; it made her crave him. Encouraged her core to clench around nothing as her mind happily took her back to earlier when he had his hand around her throat, making her come so hard she literally saw little stars in the corner of her vision. It had surprised her how easy it was to lower all of her defences when she was unable to see, when one sense had been taken away. She was able to give herself freely to a man she had never met, to indulge in fantasies she had never been brave enough to try. But to submit so easily to a stranger, to allow him to dominate her the way he had; that was something she was having a hard time wrapping her head around.

She had to wash it off, she couldn’t keep feeling like this. It was meant to be a one time thing, a quick fix, a metaphorical scratch of her itch so she would be satisfied for another year or so. But it had only done the opposite. It made her realise just what she was missing, and now it was like it was highlighted in bold, a neon sign flashing brightly in her mind telling her that a connection that strong could possible with someone else in this town.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, she thought, reaching swiftly for her body soap before she lathered a generous amount in her hand. She quickly applied it to her skin, covering as much as she possibly could in an effort to cleanse herself of her own sin. She scrubbed until she felt like her flesh was starting to hurt, but she had to be sure that his scent was gone, desperate to forget the mystery man.

Following this, she swiftly exited the shower and began to dry herself. She was eager to go downstairs and light a fire, to grab a glass of wine before turning on the television and losing her mind into a fictional world. She needed distractions, and she needed them now. So, with a towel wrapped just above her breasts, she went back into her bedroom and searched for some fresh clothes, opting on her favorite pair of grey sweats and a loose black Led Zeppelin tank top. It was an outfit that always made her calm, that always provided her with a sense of comfort whenever she had the urge to ground herself.

Once dressed, she then padded back downstairs and proceeded to light the fire, much to Oldwin’s approval as he meowed loudly to her in thanks. Y/N had to laugh at that, giving him a small stroke along from his head to his tail before she stood to go and grab a drink from the kitchen. She did wonder why he was here, and if his owner ever panicked that their cat was missing. Before now, she hadn’t allowed the feline to come into her home, not wanting to encourage this behaviour when she had seen that he wore a collar, meaning he belonged to someone else. But when the weather started to get bad, and the animal was huddled on her front step, she couldn’t refuse him any longer.

Emptying the last of her wine from the bottle in her fridge into her glass, she let out a small sigh before grabbing a fairly large unopened bar of chocolate from the cupboard. Yet, as she began to stroll back into her living room, a series of buzzing noises caught her attention. Shit, her phone. She had left it inside of her clutch in desperation to shower, and now she was concerned that her Pops was in need of her help. So without hesitation, she quickly fumbled open her bag from the side table and retrieved her cell. Highlighting the screen, her eyes widened when she saw four missed calls from Jo. But before she could even think of returning them, the vibrations began again and the smiling face of her friend filled the display.

THANK GOD!” A voice huffed loudly as soon as she had answered, and Y/N furrowed her brow when she heard the tone.

“Jo?” she asked cautiously, moving slowly back into the living room, carefully carrying her glass of wine.

Do you know how worried I’ve been?” the blonde scolded, and it caused her expression to morph into one of confusion. Why would she be feeling that way?

“Why, what’s happened?” Y/N asked, her frown deepening as she sunk into her sofa and placed her drink on the coffee table in front of her, sliding the chocolate alongside it.

You! You happened! Are you home?” Joanna frantically asked, her voice a little squeaky thanks to her panic.

“Yeah, I’m safe,” she clarified, before leaning back against her cushions, her eyes staring upwards towards her ceiling.  “…I did tell you that I was leaving.”

I know, but I thought you would have rung Ash and let him drive you home!” her friend exclaimed, before talking again and not giving Y/N the chance to speak. “I know, stupid of me to think that with your fear and everything. But you weren’t answering your phone and it just made me anxious. Anything could have happened.”

“Yeah I just walked home, you know I prefer that,” she breathed, flexing her feet subconsciously before sighing. “Besides, I needed to clear my head. Then I had a shower as soon as I got home. I’m sorry to make you worry.”

Did something happen in the–” Jo started, her voice now full of concern and she knew immediately where her friend’s mind was heading. That was a thought that she had to make the blonde curb immediately.

“–No nothing. I’m fine, trust me,” Y/N urged, her lips curving slightly again when the memory began to replay in her head. But it was then that she realised that Joanna was talking to her, and she was still at the event. Wasn’t that against the rules? “Wait…you shouldn’t have your phone.”

I’m in the lobby. There’s a guard breathing down my neck to ensure I don’t leak any information,” she clarified, before making ‘shooing away’ sounds. Y/N could only imagine that she was giving the security a death glare. “So…did you enjoy…you know…it?

That was the question she knew that was coming, considering Jo was the one that encouraged her to go for it. But still, she sighed out her answer, “Yeah?”

You sound really unsure,” Joanna replied, curiosity lacing her tone.

“No the sex was…Jo it was incredible,” Y/N beamed, unable to stop herself from smiling whenever she recalled the memory in her mind. “I haven’t felt that good in so long. He just knewmy body, how is that even possible? I can’t stop thinking about it.”

You lucky son of a bitch,” the blonde laughed, causing her to join in, the sound infectious. “So,then what’s the problem?

There it was, the lead ball of shame that squashed the slightest bit of happiness that dared to grow inside of her. “I…”

She couldn’t even let the words leave her mouth, her brain unable to form the explanation needed to try and make Joanna understand. Instead, she just focused on the fabric tassels of the blanket that hung over the back of her sofa, her concentration on that task leaving a long silence amongst friends.

Y/N…”the blonde breathed down the line, “please don’t say it’s because of who it was with. You need to let it go. This was meant to be an unattached thing.

“I know, Jo. I do, okay? I agreed to go, to let bygones be for the evening to enjoy myself,” she groaned, squeezing her eyes shut as she slid further down her sofa so she was now lying on her back. “But I feel so guilty, like I’ve defied my own beliefs. Like I’ve thrown away everything that I stand for. All for a long, toe curling fumble with a stranger.”

Girl, you need to cut yourself some slack,” Joanna advised, her voice filled with warmth as she continued to talk. “You are one of the most hardworking people that I know, who is nothing like 95% of the people here. So what if you’ve enjoyed yourself for once? That’s okay!

“Maybe,” Y/N sighed, bringing up her arm to rest over her forehead.

If it helps, just think of the person as just a cock. He was just a singular, floating, rock hard cock,” the blonde stated, her words serious and clear as can be.

Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle, before letting out a low groan. “With hands that choked me, and a tongue that made me come so hard I nearly passed out?”

“Holy shit,” Jo breathed, and she nodded slowly, even though she knew her friend would be unable to see her. “Okay, I’m going to need all of those details.”

“When you get back, I’ll happily share with the class,” Y/N laughed. She could picture the blonde’s face, her mouth agape in shock while desperately wanting to hear the rest of the tale. “Go and enjoy the rest of the party.”

Are you sure?” Jo pushed, and it caused Y/N to smile. It was sweet that she didn’t want to leave her alone, that she was even going to sacrifice her own enjoyment just for her. But there was no way in hell that she would allow that to happen. Joanna needed her fun too.

“Positive,” she clarified, her arm now off her head as her hand searched for the remote for the television, powering on the appliance.

Alright. I’ll text you when I’m on the way back.

After saying their goodbyes, Y/N hung up her phone and placed it on the table before opening up Netflix. She flicked through a couple of the series options available, wanting to find something binge worthy and easy to watch. Once settled, and with a new romantic drama started, she opened up the wrapper on her chocolate and began to relax, willing her mind to forget the events of tonight.

Except she couldn’t, no matter how hard she tried. Every time there was a longing glance between the main protagonists of the show, a near kiss, a forbidden touch; she was transported back to the darkened room with the man that has now apparently ruined her for all other males. Why could she not stop thinking about him? Why could she not get the time they spent together out of her head? Yes, it was good sex. Yes, she felt a connection but she is also a grown woman who doesn’t need the love of an elite. She was quite capable of being on her own, of supporting herself; the only thing she didn’t have was the sensational cock that filled her perfectly. But…that was what toys were for…right?

Fuck, she chastitsed herself, letting out a huff as she bit into another small square of chocolate. Is this how it’s going to be from this point forward? Everything reminding her of the three mind blowing orgasms he gave her?

“Don’t look at me like that,” Y/N murmured, squinting her eyes a little at Oldwin who lay with his paws dangling over his bed, the end of his tail flicking slightly as he stared her way. “You don’t have these problems.”

To that, he just let out a low meow, as if he was responding to her sentence. She just shook her head as a frustrated growl passed her lips. “I need to just forget all about it. It’s never going to happen again and it was with an elitist Oldwin, a man who thinks his actions don’t have consequences.”

She continued to rant at the feline who lay in front of the fire, unmoved by her ravings as he slowly stood and stretched his little body, shaking his back paws before he quickly trotted over towards her. Within moments, he had jumped up onto her lap, nudging his head against her chin in comfort and she couldn’t help but stroke him.

“Look at me now, this is the result of his action. I’m here, pining over a man who may as well be a shadow, mourning the loss of someone who apparently knew my body better than I do and what will he be doing?” she asked aloud, looking into the bright blue eyes of her ragdoll companion, “Drinking probably and moving onto the next hole.”

Taking a very deep breath, she let the air out through her nose in a long sigh. Her chest ached, an unknown feeling of sadness washing over her as she came to her final conclusion. “I’m better off pretending like it never happened.”

Chapter Fifteen 
A/N: Its fine right? It’s allllllll fine. *nervous laugh* I hope you enjoyed! Thanks so much for reading!

Tag list is open!

If you want to be step into the darkness with me, then let me know HERE:)

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Pairing: AU!Dean Winchester x F!Reader

Word Count: 3900

Summary:Y/N was different from the rest; living in a quaint lakehouse, on the edge of one of the most rich and prosperous towns in America. She was surrounded with the elite, the wealthy and people who never took responsibility for their actions. Money gave them everything, while in turn, it had taken something from her. In result, she kept her distance, never wanting to get involved with high society, until one fateful night changed her life…forever.


Warnings: NSFW, slow burn, swearing, kissing, Dom/Sub themes, finger fucking, praise kink, [SPOILERS] angst, arguments, worry *Tabby is in a cave now*

A/N: Guys, I am so so so sorry this is a day late. I got struck down with the biggest amount of writers block this week and no matter what I wrote, it wasn’t good enough for you guys, or myself, or this story. I have rewritten and deleted, and wrote again a few times now before I feel like it was okay. Chapter 18 has finally gone live on patreon which means I can post 13 here!  and I can only hope that you will enjoy this chapter. Thank you so much for your love, and for reading <3

I also want to say a massive thank you to my wonderful @deanwanddamons​​​​​​​​​​ for being my wonderful beta, and for kicking my ass where needed. Love you <3

Get five weeks ahead on Patreon!

Lights Out Masterlist||Main Masterlist||Let me know your thoughts!


Dean’s mind was spinning; his chest heaving as he came down from his post orgasmic high. He had just experienced the best sex that he had ever had, felt a connection he had never encountered before, and it was all with a stranger at his own party. However, his heart was still very much in his throat as he was propped up on his elbow, resting on his side while his fingers stroked up and down her soft skin. Her shaky breathing and soft gasps were the only sounds filling the silence. Was she who he suspected her to be?

When he began to undress her, he couldn’t help but hesitate slightly when he felt the material of her dress. The fabric was silk; the exact same the woman in red was wearing, the woman that had enchanted him from the moment his eyes had laid upon her. He knew it was a long shot, knowing that there may also be another woman, or two, wearing this exact same type of cloth but in the deepest, darkest parts of him, he hoped it was her.

“So what happens now?” Her soft question broke him out of his thoughts, her voice sounding like smooth honey as it filtered into his ears. It warmed him, his cock already twitching once more upon the sound of it.

“What do you mean?” Dean questioned, flattening his hand against her stomach as he waited for her to reply.

“Well I’ve never done anything like this before,” she admitted, and even though there was no way she could see his expression, his eyebrows still shot up to meet his hairline.

“Could have fooled me,” he chuckled low. Without the confession, he would never have believed that was her first time in a Lights Out chamber. She seemed so experienced, so confident; it made him all the more attracted to the enigma beside him. “What would you like to happen?”

“I don’t know,” she whispered, her voice a little unsure as her body slightly moved beneath his palm. She was squirming against him, and that only caused him to smirk.

She wanted more.

Hesitantly, and cautiously, he began to trail his touch to just below her navel, his pinky close to her mound. Dean was testing her boundaries, seeing if it was okay to continue. He had known her for less than twenty four hours, and already he was addicted to the way he had made him feel; to the taste of her, the feel of her, the smell of her. She was like a sweet narcotic that he was unable to give up, that had him hooked after the first pill, and when she let out a small whimper in response to him, he took that as his cue to move lower.

His fingers dipped back into her core, and he couldn’t help but let out a small growl at how wet she still was; all for him. She had made the sweetest noises when he brought her to the edge before, and he couldn’t wait to hear them again. So he found her swollen nub and began to slowly tease it, rubbing in small circles as he lowered his head hesitantly, his lips finding the curve of her neck. It was then that he kissed her, working her body towards another wave of pleasure as he slipped two of his thick digits inside of her. The woman beside him mewled, gasped and whined as he nipped at her skin, as he pushed her further and further towards her next orgasm. He wanted to record these sounds, wanted to remember this woman and relive this experience over and over again.

Dean had always been a giver when it came to sex, had always enjoyed bringing his women to their own form of delirium over and over again. He found satisfaction in it, his chest swelling with pride when they screamed his name, clawed at his back and cried out for a power mightier than him. But with her, it was different. He found he wanted to do it not because of the gratification he felt, but because of how he craved to hear her voice. Her moans were like liquid ecstasy; drops of rain teasing a drought plagued land.

But he didn’t want her to come just yet. No, he wanted to savor the moment, wanted to tease and build upon the sweet foundations he had already laid down. So he continued to kiss her, his tongue teasing paths up to her jawline as his body half hovered over hers. He felt how one of her breasts brushed against him as she panted, fuck if it didn’t make him want to roll on top of her and lose himself inside of her again. That’s when his mind wandered to the thought of entering her bareback, and like a horny teenager, he nearly came from the mere idea. His kisses then found the corner of her mouth, before he covered her lips with his completely, swallowing down every whimper as he ramped up his rhythm. It didn’t take too long of him doing that to push her over the edge, her hand now gripping his as he lazily fucked her with her fingers, helping her to ride through her orgasm.

“Good girl,” Dean praised from above her, and the long satisfied whine that left her was enough to make his chest ache with contentment.

He withdrew his digits before rolling onto his back, feeling as though a weight was lifted from his shoulders. In this room, he wasn’t Dean Winchester. He wasn’t the son of the most elite family in the valley, wasn’t the playboy everyone made him out to be; he wasn’t pretending to be someone he was not. He was himself, a soul who he hadn’t seen in so long, and it felt damn near freeing.

Even the fact that this woman beside him wasn’t asking questions was refreshing. She had no desire to find out who he was, and even though that was the point of the event and these rooms, it was still something that tended to nearly always happen. They always wanted to know who had been so kinky as to try one of these chambers out, or who it was that perhaps enjoyed a particular sexual act. Some used it as leverage, others to seek out partners for affairs once the party was over but whoever she was, had no intention of doing anything. Not unlike who he’s being made to masquerade around with. Bela Talbot.

Fuck. Bela.

Dean had completely and utterly forgotten about her. The idea of having to face that shitstorm was making him want to stay inside of this chamber for the rest of the event, but he knew that couldn’t happen. He was going to have to defuse that bomb and somehow still try and keep the peace between everyone. How? He had no idea but he would work something out, he always did. Besides, she did tell him to go to room six and that is exactly what he had done. It wasn’t his fault that someone was already inside this room.

That’s a weak excuse to stand on and you know it, he thought. Truthfully, it was. He didn’t have to sleep with this addictive stranger, and the fact that he had done that while knowing he should have been with the brunette spoke volumes.

Pulling off his mask, he rubbed at his eyes as he tried to stop his mind from whirring. He so desperately wanted to give into his body, to relax into the mattress beneath him while idly talking to the woman who he felt so strangely comfortable with. Yet the idea of his father storming about on the floor above him, with his distant cousin lapping at his heel as they searched for the host, paired with the no doubt fuming face of Bela, prevented him from doing that.

Wanting to make the most of the time he did have however, Dean rolled onto his side again to reach out for the woman who he was sharing the darkness with, only to be met with the warm sheets of the bed. He panicked, his hand patting further and further away from him as he searched for the body that had pleasured him just moments ago. It was then that he heard the rustling of clothes, and his stomach churned. He needed to know who she was; not for any business purposes, or for even further sexual favors, but for her company.

Fuck, he was just like the others, wasn’t he?

That thought alone stopped him from opening his mouth, from preventing her from leaving him naked on the bed. It was her prerogative to slip out without revealing who she was, and he knew that. But this was the first time in his life where he had felt truly connected to somebody. Maybe it was the room, maybe it was because they were sharing this blackened space…maybe he was overthinking it.

It wasn’t until he heard the sound of the door opening did he move to sit up straighter, feeling a heavy weight pull at his chest. He couldn’t believe he was feeling sad about an unknown person leaving him after an hour of amazing sex. They had no ties to each other, no obligations, so why the hell was he sitting there with a dejected ball of emotion settling deep within his stomach? Before he could even question it however, the answer revealed itself. Through the now open doorway, Dean saw a small beam illuminate part of the hallway from Evan’s flashlight which in turn, helped to reveal part of the woman who he had devoured moments before. The red dress. It was her.

“Hey, wait!” Dean shouted, rushing from the bed before placing his hands out in front of him, not wanting to bump into anything and stumble. But she didn’t wait, even though she hesitated for a split second, she was soon out of his sight. “Shit!”

He needed to find his clothes, and fast. Stumbling around the space, he found the swing and blindly bent down to the floor, using his fingers to feel around for the material he was searching for. It felt like he was trying to complete a damn rubix cube; how the hell was this so complicated? How the hell did shemanage to find her dress and get ready so easily?! Every second that passed was one too long. He had to find her, had to work out who she was in order to calm the unruly curious storm that was surging inside of him.

Finally, after what felt like forever, Dean was dressed back in his suit; although whether it was inside out or not was another issue, and something he would sort when in more adequate lighting. He rushed out of the room as fast as his legs would take him, his fingers still doing up the buttons on his white shirt as he came face to face with the security guard who shone his light in the host’s direction.

“Evan, where did she go?!” Dean demanded, sliding his arms back into his suit jacket as he frantically looked up and down the dimly lit hallways.

“Who?” The question was paired with the flashlight being aimed into the host’s face, the security guard wearing a bemused expression as he saw how flustered the man before him was.

“The woman in the red dress,” Dean urged, his tone quite snappy as he ran his fingers through his dishevelled hair. “She came out of room six moments ago.”

“Towards the stairs on the right,” Evan quickly answered, pointing that way before his smirk grew wide. “Wanting a stiff drink after what you did to her no doubt.”

“Yeah, thanks,” Dean muttered, slapping the security guard on the shoulder quickly before he half jogged down the corridor.

Hehad to find her, and he could only pray that she hadn’t gone too far. Of course, he had no idea what he was going to say to her, but if he could just get a name, a place of employment; something which meant she wouldn’t be out of his life for good, then at least he would be able to sleep tonight. Without a piece of information however, he knew trying to locate her, or at least finding out who she was, would be like looking for a needle in a very large and complicated haystack.

His feet found the staircase that led back up to the main hall, his grip tight on the rail to help him take the steps two at a time, when a hand wrapped around his wrist. It yanked at him with force which caused him to stumble back slightly as an angry voice sounded from behind him. “Where the hellwere you?!”

Turning around, his gaze fell upon the brunette who he was supposed to be sharing one of the chambers with. Fuck. “Bela, I don’t have time for this.”

“Then make some!” She shouted, stomping one of her feet as her balled up fists thrusted downwards at her sides. “I have been waiting for you in that room for ages and yo–” She cut off her own words as her gaze took in his less than tidy appearance, her focus on his neck, “-wait, why is your bow tie undone?”

“I–” Dean started, not really wanting to choose this exact moment to explain that he had no interest in her whatsoever and that he, instead, was more infatuated with a woman whom he only knew wore a red dress, and gave him the most mind blowing head ever.

“-Oh my god,” Bela gasped, her fingers coming to cover her mouth partially. “You had sex with someone else didn’t you?!” Her voice was raised, and it caused the people around them to stare in their general direction.

At first he wasn’t too bothered, knowing that he had half of his face hidden by his masquerade mask meaning that his identity was secret. That was, until he remembered he took it off on the bed in room six, and in his haste to chase after the enchantress, he had completely forgotten to put it back on. Great. Fucking great.

“Look I don’t want to get into this now,” Dean stated, trying to stay as calm as possible as to not escalate this situation any further. “I need to-”

“-I can’t believe you!” Bela shrieked, slapping her hand hard against his chest as she continued to fume. “I told you I would be in room six and you deliberately chose to go somewhere else.”

The green-eyed host thought he had a lot of patience; he had been tested many times in his life by numerous different circumstances and he had always managed to stay calm. But right then, while he felt the burning eyes of many on his back, and the judgmental stare from the woman in front of him, his restraint was wearing very thin.

“I DID go to room six!” Dean snapped, taking a step down the stairs towards her as he gestured down the hallway towards the chambers. “I followed your instructions to the letter and you weren’t there. That’s NOT on me.”

“But that doesn’t make any sense!” she argued, shaking her head as she continued to scowl. He didn’t need to see her without her mask to know she was making that expression; the way her nose was crinkling and mouth hung slightly agape told him that.

“Then take it up with Evan. I was where I was supposed to be,” he argued, his tone dominant and sharp as he held his ground. All the while in the back of his head, he knew he was running out of time to find the woman in the red dress. What if she changes? What if she leaves?

What if? What if? What if?

“But the fact still stands that you stuck your cock into someone else!” the brunette cried, and that was the moment that Dean decided that he’d had enough. He couldn’t stand living in this veil of deception any longer and hell, the opportunity had presented itself.

“So fucking what, Bela!” he spat, not caring that he had dropped her name, nor that his gruff voice had reverberated off the walls around them. He had a point that he needed to make. “We aren’t exclusive, we never havebeen exclusive!”

“That’s a lie!” she fired back, a nervous laugh leaving her as she looked around, almost as if she was waiting for backup that was never going to arrive. But her words only infuriated him further, causing a fiery rage he hadn’t felt in a long time erupt within the very core with him, and burst out of his mouth.

“I DON’T LIE!” Dean roared, his expression darkening as she flinched back away from him. It caused him to lower his tone slightly, giving him the pause needed to take a deep breath. “Tell me when that happened?! Because if I remember correctly, you just assumed that of us, and took advantage of the fact that I just fuck you whenever I feel like it.” Even though he wasn’t shouting, his words were still sharp, his delivery of them cutting through her facade like paper. “Newsflash Bela, you’re just my go to for whenever I need a good lay, nothingelse.”

“De-” Her eyes were glazed over, her hand now resting on her chest as she shrunk into herself. That was when he knew he had gone a little too far, allowing all of his frustrations to form the bullet he just shot straight at the brunette.

“-Look, I’m sorry, alright? But you knew whatever was between us was justsex. I never wanted anything more from you, and I never will. I’m not doing this anymore,” he informed her, stern and precise before he began to turn away. “Now if you’ll excuse me.”

“You’ll regret this!” Bela shouted after him, as he began to take the steps at a hurried pace, not caring about the spectacle he had just created on the floor of the Lights Out chambers.

“I really don’t care,” Dean admitted, stopping momentarily to look back at her. “You want some honest advice? You could do a lot more with your life if you really tried to. You don’t need to rely on your fathers money for everything.”

“Fuck you,” she hissed, staring him down with fury alight in her eyes. To that, he just smiled before letting out a slow and long breath.

“Enjoy the rest of the party, Bela.”

Dean left her standing at the bottom of the staircase as he rushed to get to the main floor, not caring about the problem he knew he had created. There would be repercussions for his actions, that much he knew for certain, but he didn’t care. He didn’t want to be with Bela in the first place, and it wasn’t right for him to string her along in an attempt to keep everyone happy when his heart truly wasn’t in it in the first place. But all of that worry and stress would have to wait for later. Right now, his priority was finding his enigma, his enchantress; the woman who made him feel more like himself than he ever thought possible.

He rushed along the corridor, glancing in every tight space, looking behind every door and in each hidden corner he could find. So far, there was no sight of her and it only made his stomach tighten. His last hope would be that she was in the main hall, back at the bar with a glass of alcohol like Evan had originally suggested. So he ran, carefully rushing past guests who were travelling in the opposite direction, being mindful to not bump into them or spill their drinks. Unfortunately, however, there was one person who stepped out at the wrong time and his shoulder sent their whiskey spilling to the floor.

“Woah brother,” the southern accent sounded, and as Dean quickly looked at the face of his victim, he realised he had quite literally ran into Benny. His friend’s once happy expression was now morphing into one of worry as he hesitantly came to rest a hand upon the host’s shoulder. “Everything okay? Where’s your mask?”

“Have you seen the woman in the red dress?” Dean quickly blurted out, his eyes scanning behind and around him as his heart thudded inside his chest.

“You didn’t end up talking to her?” Benny questioned, frowning a little when he took a note of how the man in front of him was acting.

Dean could only huff a quick breath, his eyebrows raising slightly as he ran a hand through his hair, “I’ve done a lot more than that.”

“What?” Benny guffawed, before steeling himself by pursing his lips together. Still, he couldn’t help but whisper his next question, stepping a little closer as to not make it widely known knowledge. “De, you sleptwith her?”

“Look I’ll tell you everything later but right now, I need to find her,” Dean stated urgently, his attention still very much on the crowd as he rolled to his tiptoes, hoping the extra inch would help locate this woman. “I still have no idea who she is, or where she’s from and there was this…” he sighed, fighting the temptation to tell his friend he felt a connection unlike any other, “…doesn’t matter, I just want to find her okay?”

The urgency in Dean’s tone was enough to convince his friend, and when a waiter walked by with an empty tray, Benny was quick to place his empty glass upon it. “Alright, boss. I’ll start lookin’. I’ll take her for a drink if I locate her.”

With a pat on Dean’s shoulder, his cajun friend blended into the crowd in the opposite direction to him. A sigh of little relief left his lips; he was just glad to have someone who he could trust, who didn’t question his actions or motives, on his side. Without wasting another minute, the host quickly moved through the sea of people that surrounded him, his eyes scanning every available body and corner that they could. He glanced over towards the bar, his heart plummeting to his stomach when he realised she wasn’t there. He needed a better vantage point, needed to get higher so he could look out over the whole of the room.

Without hesitation, he moved towards the staircase that led to the upper floors of his home, the steps that were sectioned off with a rope and security to ensure no-one could pass them. As he climbed, one of the guards nodded towards him in acknowledgement before he removed the barrier to let him pass. That was when Dean turned around, his hands by his sides as he surveyed the party from an angle only he could use. Yet all he saw was an ocean of black and white, pawns on a chessboard that didn’t even realise they were being played by something that was much bigger than they were. A colorless scene filled with fake personas and unspoken debts.

There was not a single red dress amongst them.

Chapter Fourteen 
A/N: *tabby hides now* Please do not shout…remember the slow burns lol. 

Tag list is open!

If you want to be step into the darkness with me, then let me know HERE:)

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winchesters-favorite-girl: Jensen’s youngest sister is going through a tough time with depression an


Jensen’s youngest sister is going through a tough time with depression and Jensen is determined to help her. This fic features many things that may cause triggers. There will be trigger warnings at the beginning of every part; the two biggest are depression & suicidal thoughts/actions. Graphic made by the amazing @starswirlblitz

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Part Six

Part Seven

Part Eight

Part Nine



I loved this entire series so so soooo much. I related to this character a lot, and I think it was beautifully written. This has got to be one of my favorite fics I’ve read in such a long time; I absolutely loved it.

Before anyone decides to read it, please please pay attention to the warnings and the tags because anyone can potentially be triggered by the topics and issues in the story.

Post link


The summer Dean is ten and Sam is six, they stay at Bobby’s for a month. 

John doesn’t ask Bobby if they can stay–he pretty much just dumps Dean and Sam on the porch and drives off. Dean hears the squeal of Bobby’s front door opening as he watches the Impala’s tail lights fade into the distance. 

Bobby didn’t plan to take care of them, so they end up going to the grocery store at nine pm. Sam gets excited about everything–riding in the cart, getting to choose what kind of bread they have, carefully holding the egg carton, telling Bobby how this is the most they’ve had to eat in weeks.

(Dean carefully avoids Bobby’s gaze when Sam says that.)

The next day is a Sunday, and at breakfast Bobby tells them that he’s signing them up for some free summer program at the Boys and Girls Club downtown. 

“There’ll be other kids your age,” Bobby says. “It’ll be good for you.” 

The first day, Monday, Dean lasts until pool time after lunch. 

“You can’t drown the other kids,” Bobby says sternly in the truck, a dripping-wet Dean in the passengers seat. 

“They were pullin’ Sammy’s hair,” Dean complains.

“Ignore ‘em.”

Tuesday’s not much better–some other kid at lunch says they’re “weird” because they don’t have a mom, so Dean dumps his milk carton out onto that kid’s head. 

“You just said I couldn’t drown anyone,” Dean says to Bobby’s stern face when he picks him up. 

“I also said to ignore ‘em.”

Wednesday: Dean shoves someone on the playground for teasing Sam about the soles of his sneakers falling off. 

Thursday: another boy makes fun of Dean for “eating too fast.” Dean leaves with a split lip. 

Friday: the secretary at the club tells Bobby regretfully, “We can’t keep Dean anymore.”

“What about Sam?” Bobby asks.

“He’s been an angel.” The secretary beams at Sam. “You can go inside the gym with the other kids.”

Sam’s lip wobbles. “I’m not goin’ without Dean.” He grabs Dean’s hand.

Dean bends down to his brother’s height. “I’m sorry, Sammy. You gotta go by yourself.”

“Don’t wanna.”

“Sucks.” Dean ruffles Sam’s hair. “Go on, go play with your friends.”

The secretary really does look sorry. 

The whole ride back to Bobby’s, Dean’s sure he’s gonna get it. If his dad was around, well…

Dean’s glad his dad’s not around. 

“Get out of the truck,” Bobby says after skidding into the drive, and then he gestures for Dean to follow him into the house. 

Bobby pours himself some coffee. 

Dean waits. 

Bobby drinks his coffee.

Dean waits.

“I got a Pontiac in the yard that needs work,” Bobby finally says. “You wanna help?”

“What–help?” Dean stares at him. “You’re not mad at me?”

“Oh, I’m mad, but shoutin’ at you ain’t gonna fix anything.” Bobby stoops down to Dean’s level, mirroring Dean and Sam’s conversation from half an hour before. “When a kid says shit about you or your brother, that ain’t a reflection on you. It’s a reflection on them. But you can’t just lash out at ‘em every time, okay? You wanna be frustrated? That’s fine. Then you gotta find another way to get that frustration out.” 

Dean keeps staring. The room is getting blurry.

“You can cry, too,” Bobby says. 

“Dad said–”

“Screw your dad. Boys can cry, and if you don’t you might explode.”

Dean cries. 

Then they go fix up that Pontiac. 

(Years later, Dean smashes the windows of the Impala in that same scrapyard. He cries then, too.)


Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader

Word count: 1411

Warning/s: Jealous Dean?

Summary: 3 times Dean wanted to kiss you and the 1 time he did


The first time Dean felt the urge to lay his lips with your own happened unbeknown to you. it was just a normal day, too normal for the adventurous and crazy life of the Winchesters. and Dean knew, something normal would only mean danger, but it was not a demon making unfair deals nor an Angel trying to take over the earth but a mere smile. 

that damn smile

an innocent and bright smile not even address to him. he was peacefully walking back to his room when he happened to glance your way, talking to Castiel and somehow he froze on the spot, totally mesmerized at the sight before him.

He thought his heart was gonna explode when you notice him and offered him an even wider smile.

Sam sat on the corner, laptop on the table watching the whole ordeal with an amused expression.

“Are you okay Dean?” he teased, catching yours and Castiel’s attention, a knowing smirk playing on his lips as the older Winchester cleared his throat, eyes darting anywhere but you.

“Nothing” Dean manage to let out before briskly walking back to his room. You look at Sam curiously only to be met with a shrug.


The second time he felt the pull once again happened a few days after, was when he took a break from research, putting the book down on the table to rest his eyes only to land on your sleeping form. 

the side of your head resting on top of the open book you were reading, your cheeks squeeze on a cute way, eyes closed, lips slightly parted as you breath softly.

suddenly, he was awestruck, he felt like the air left his body and as if he can see every small detail decorating your face, the way your eyelashes cast a shadow over your cheeks, or the light glistening against your skin.

He felt his eyes trailing down your lips, wanting nothing more than to lean down and collide his lips with yours, countless thoughts running on his mind, how would it felt against his lips, would it be soft or sweet? Maybe both.

He had to snap back to reality as he realizes what he was thinking. He had to pull himself together and focus on research than fantasizing about something he can never have.

But seeing the peaceful look on your face sets his heart at ease, knowing that on their crazy life they had you, reminding themselves there still good around them.

He finds it adorable as you mutter words incoherently in your sleep, he can’t help but smile as he gently and carefully picks you up to put you on the bed.


The third time happened almost a month after, death and loss were part of their journey but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt when it happened.

Once again, they loss a close friend over a demon , he acted fine when they had a hunter’s burial but now he can feel the pain eating him alive, the only thing keeping him numb was alcohol on his system.

It was already late at night, Sam already asleep and Cas somewhere looking for ways to solve their problem. The silence of the bunker only adding to the pain on his chest as he took another swing of the alcohol.

It was then that you walk in, quietly seating beside him, your mere presence already making him feel better.

“can’t sleep too?” You asked, grabbing yourself your alcohol, Dean watches you on the corner of his eyes as you took a swing of the beer.

It was then that he saw your eyes swollen red from crying, and he suddenly realizes it’s not just him feeling like crap for not being able to save a life.

“it’s not your fault” he muttered, his ruff voice catching your attention but you didn’t turn back to him, but sadly stare at your hands.

You let out a deep sigh, “how can it not be, I was with him, but I-”

“Hey, hey!” Dean Interrupted, reaching out his hands and placing them on your cheeks to make you look at him. “Don’t ever blame yourself for this, or anything, you didn’t do anything wrong”

The moment Dean saw tears slowly rolled down your cheeks, he wanted nothing to do more than kiss the pain away from your sad and broken eyes. He wished nothing more his whole life than make you happy in this instance.

But instead of a kiss, he refrained himself and wipe the tears away before pulling you in for a hug.


Dean Winchester was never known for his patience, but when it comes to you he tries as much as possible.

But there’s not much a guy can hold in.

His eyes are hard as he glares at Ketch, his jaw clench in anger, the British man unaware of the daggers directed at him as he was busy flirting to you.

Dean knew he was on way too deep, he kept denying to himself his not in love with you, but one long and meaningful talk with his brother had him admitting he was in love.

He always refrained himself from acting and blurring his feeling in front of you, but there’s no way he’s gonna seat still while a British man steals you away.

Jealousy bubbled up as he continues to watch your lips move, talking and laughing to something Ketch said. He tries to hold it in, he really did. But the moment he saw Ketch reach out towards you, his stomach twisted in rage.

Before he knew it, he was striding towards you two, hands clenched in anger. “Alright, that’s it, keep your hands to yourself”

Dean gritted, ripping Ketch’s hands off you before placing himself between you and Ketch.

“I don’t see the problem in here, as much as I know you and this lovely young lady is not in a relationship” Ketch politely mock,

Dean opened his mouth only to close it back again as he can’t seem to find the right words to say without breaking it you that he loves you.

Ketch raise a mocking eyebrow at him,

“Guys, what’s going on?” He heard you ask as you step on the side, passively looking at the two men.

Dean and Ketch’s exchange looks, Dean glances back and forth between you and Ketch, and he only arrived at one conclusion, there no way he’s gonna let that smug son of a b***ch win.

So without thinking much of it, he reaches out and grabs your cheeks with both hands before leaning down and placing his lips on yours, everything happened so quickly that you stood frozen for a few seconds before you process what’s going in.

Dean Winchester was kissing you. You’re happy to die any moment now.

The kiss was surprisingly short, but the fireworks it elicited was beyond you. It was passionate and filled with every emotion he felt for you. Perfect was not even a word to describe how wonderful it felt.

When he pulled away, Ketch was long gone with a knowing smirk on his lips.

Dean studied you warily, giving you a surprised and apologetic look. He tried restraining himself but seeing you and Ketch together made something snap within himself.

He took your silence as a sign of rejection and he rushed to fill the silence with a conversation, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what went through my head, I’ve liked you ever since and I-”

Before he can finish his rumbles, you snake your hand behind his neck to pull him down, close your eyes, stood on your toes, and place a kiss on his lips.

You broke apart after a moment, stared down at you, pure happiness etched into his face before he broke out in a wide ridiculously happy grin that you can’t help but return.

“that this means…that you..” he mumbled, hesitantly pointing between you and him, that you replied with a chuckle and a nod.

“I like you too Dean, for a very long time now too” you coaxed, voice gentle and soft. You got surprised the moment his arms went around your waist and spun you around, a genuine and wide smile etched in his lips like a kid, and there’s no way you will trade the look on his face right now to anything in the world, and so was he.


Worship You - Part 1


For anyone interested in a friends to lovers reader insert with Crowley from Supernatural, I got you!

This is my first ever fanfic! Crowley deserved better and I don’t think I’ll ever be over it. You will see italicized words and sentences. These are the internal thoughts of the reader.


Author Notes:

You’ve been working closely with Crowley for over a year. Despite your best efforts, you find yourself falling him.

One night while celebrating with all 4 members of Team Free Will, you decide to find a little bedroom fun from the bar. That is, until Crowley ruins it for you. Can he get back in your good graces?


The hunt had been quick and mostly painless. For the first time in ages, you couldn’t complain too much. The Winchesters felt like this was a good time as any to celebrate. Had they been anyone else, you wouldn’t have trusted them enough to go to the bar. But as life would have it, you’ve worked with them on cases in the deep south for the past 6 years.

Sitting at the bar, you think back to the early days of working together. Along with working with the Winchester men, you often found yourself teamed up with their friend Castiel. The most surprising of all was when they introduced you to Crowley. The moment they uttered “King of Hell,” your mouth dropped in disbelief. Before you started asking questions, Dean already started his spiel.

“Hey, look, I’m cool with it. Really,” you soothed their collective anxiety. Dean, Sam, Cas, and Crowley all stared in confusion at you. You shrugged. “What? You have a reason for working with him, right? And from what I gather, y'all have been doing it for years. Y'all have taken on Lilith and won. You’ve been in the damn middle of a gods’ conference and survived. Not to shortchange Crowley here,” you nodded an acknowledgment towards the demon, “but dollars to donuts you could have ended him many times over and you haven’t. On top of that, I believe y'all wouldn’t let us meet each other if you thought he’d try to harm me anytime soon. So when I say I’m cool with it, I am. Because I trust both of y'all.”

Crowley briefly appraised you before a quick raise of his eyebrows and a small smirk. “Oh, I think I like her. She’s actually intelligent. Although, she is wrong in thinking either of you could’ve taken my life. Nevertheless, I’m surprised you three don’t work with her more.”

You required extra help over the past eighteen months from the Winchester boys after an uptick of cases in the Southeast. Occasionally, they wouldn’t be able to make it down from the Midwest with their own sets of problems. They gave you Crowley’s number after they couldn’t get in touch with Cas. Sure beats trying to get all the necessary ingredients to summon him the old fashioned way.

The phone rang and rang. You were about to hang up and prepare your bags for another solo hunt. “What?!” an agitated voice bellowed as you heard a man whimpering in the background.

Keep reading

A southern girl after my own heart. I loved this. Can’t wait for the next part!

Two months after the death of Castiel, Sam, Dean and Y/N were still heartbroken. They tried to find a way to bring him back, but failed. They didn’t want to make a deal with a demon because that’s the last thing Cas would have ever wanted. In the end a stupid deal is what got him killed.

Y/N sat in her room in the bunker. Sam and Dean worked on a small case a town over.

She was reading a lore book, trying to get her mind off, but it didn’t work.

She couldn’t even concentrate on the book. Still mourning the loss of her best friend, no, brother,

Y/N grabbed the phone to check on the Winchesters. It was ringing three times and Sam picked up.

„Hey Y/N, what’s up?“ he asked.

„Oh…nothing much. Just wanted to check in. You already found out what it is?“

„Yeah, uh, looks like a shapeshifter. Dean is checking on the witnesses right now.“ Sam said.

„Need any help? I could come o-“

„No it’s fine. We got it. Don’t worry, easy case.“

„Oh okay…sure. Call if you need anything. And be careful. Love you both.“ She said.

„I am. Always. Love you too. Bye…“

„Bye…“ Y/N put her phone back on her nightstand.

Y/N got up and went to the kitchen. She didn’t have anything for today yet and it was getting late.

She found some leftover pizza in the fridge and put it on a plate. She didn’t even bother to warm it up. Since two month she didn’t care about much. Cas left with all the happiness she had.

Her mind was empty. She and the Winchesters couldn’t think of a way to bring him back.

Y/N took off the ring she got from Cas as a birthday gift four years ago. It wasn’t an engagement ring or anything, just a simple ring, but it was the only thing she had left of him. She held it in her hands to take a closer look at it. A sad smile formed on her face and for a moment she remembered happy moments with him and the Winchesters. Then it hit her like a punch in the face.

There was a way to bring Cas back. There was a way for her to be happy again…with him.

Y/N got up and grabbed the keys to one of the cars that are left in the garage of the bunker.

She drove for two hours straight. She took only dark and lonely side roads to make sure that nobody followed her. There were risks to bring him back. Dangerous risks, but she didn’t care. She couldn’t care. Y/N parked the car outside a dark, old and abanddoned looking house. She got out of the car. The man who could take all her pain away. The man who could bring Cas back. The man who could get them back together. This man was right there in the old house.

The door was open and she got in.

She left the building an half hour later.

Y/N got back into her car and drove off. Back to the bunker.

Her heart was beating fast and hope filled her chest.

Y/N was driving fast. Really fast.

She parked the car outside the bunker and got out. She pushed the heavy metal door and went in.

The light in the bunker was dimmed. She went down the stairs. And there he was. He stood in a dark corner of the libary. Y/N went up to him, she couldn’t belive what she saw. He was back. She brought him back. Cas was back.

Cas took a step out of the dark. A step closer to Y/N.

Tears were falling down Y/N’s face. She was happy. She was finally happy again. She got her best friend, her brother, back.

„Cas…is that really you?“ She asked with a smile on her face.

He took another step, getting even closer to Y/N.

„Well…not exacly.“ He answered with an evil smile on his lips and his eyes turned pitch black.

The smile on Y/N’s face was gone.



Sam Winchester x Reader

Summary: When Y/N is wounded on a hunt, Sam is the one who volunteers to patch her up. Though she never expected it to happen, a hunt gone wrong may be the only thing to shine a light on her feelings for the Winchester…

Requested by:@baby-bloos


“Sam! You said four vamps, not eight!”

“Well, I guess I was wrong!”

“Yeah, no kidding!”

Y/N groaned as the Winchesters bickered behind her. The three hunters were spaced out in a circle, backs to each other as they held an offensive to the line of vampires coming from every corner of the warehouse. “Save the fight for the undead, you guys!” Y/N called behind her shoulder, machete poised. “This isn’t the time for your sibling rivalry!” 

Keep reading

Istg your fics are always the best <33


[banner design: @lovelybydecay]

Callingall fanartists!

Sign-ups are still open for the SPN Bang Bang, a Supernatural mini-bang featuring explicit stories (with or without plot!) featuring any pairing or grouping from SPN (with some content restrictions: no incest, no underage pairings, no nonconsensual graphic torture).

  • Artists will create at least 1 piece of art per fic they claim. 
  • All materials and art styles are welcomed.
  • While the stories will be explicit, the art doesn’t have to be, as long as it reflects the story.

Sign-ups can be found here.

For all the dirty details, check out the rulesandschedulehere.

[banner design: @lovelybydecay]

Shoot your shot!

May 1st is the last day to sign-up as a writer.

June 12 is the last day to sign-up as an artist. Note, the art doesn’t have to be explicit!

Sign up here!

More details here!


Follow@spnbangbang for more information … . if you dare.

Introducing a mini-bang featuring explicit stories (with or without plot!) featuring any pairing or grouping from SPN (with some content restrictions: no incest, no underage pairings, no nonconsensual graphic torture). Au/crossover fics welcome!

  • Minimum word count: 5k.
  • Maximum word count: none
  • Author sign-ups: April 1 - May 1.
  • Artists sign-ups: April 1 - June 12.
  • Posting beginning August 15.

The full rulesandschedule can be found here.

Sign-up here

Follow@spnbangbang for more details


[banner design: @lovelybydecay]


The 2022 challenge rules for the SPN Bang Bang 


  • The SPN Bang Bang is open to participants of all levels of experience. There are no prerequisites in order to sign up. 
  • Judging by the nature of the challenge, you must be at least 18 years old to enter the SPNBB. No exceptions will be granted. 
  • Authors must register between April 1 and May 1 to be able to submit a fic to the challenge. 
  • Artists must register between April 1 and June 12 to be eligible to claim a fic during the first round of Art Claims. 

General Requirements

  • All participants must be familiar with the challenge’s rules and requirements, as well as with the schedule. Failure to adhere to these may result in disqualifications from current and future rounds of the challenge. If you have any questions, or need any clarification, please reach out to the mods whenever you need. 
  • All author, artist and team check ins are obligatory. These check-ins are substantial in making sure that everything runs smoothly through the challenge so that it’s enjoyable for every party. 
  • Failure to meet deadlines or check-ins will result in disqualification from the challenge. If you need an extension, please reach out to the mods. 
  • Failure to submit promotional materials or to comply with all standards outlined for promotional materials may result in exclusion from the Bang promotional posts. 
  • All banners submitted with art and all art included in master posts must comply with the posting restrictions set forth by tumblr. We will be posting promotions and the fic links through tumblr and we reserve the right to exclude any artwork that does not meet these requirements. Links to NSFW art on other platforms is permitted.
  • Extensions will be considered depending on the circumstances, and will be granted at the discretion of the mods. 
  • Check-in forms will be sent to the email address you provide during registration, so make sure that it’s the correct one. 
  • Author and artist teams will be formed through an anonymous claim process which will take place June 18-19. You cannot form teams outside of this process, or switch teammates after you’ve been paired up. 
  • No participants may offer services in exchange for payment or solicit donations/tips from other participants. If you do, you will be disqualified and unable to enter the challenge again. 
  • Partners that are paired during Art Claims are required to contact each other within 48 hours after being assigned. Failure to do so, or to keep in contact with each other during the challenge as well as failing to check-in may result in being disqualified from the challenge and its future rounds. 
  • We ask that you communicate regularly and respectfully with your teammates in the spirit of collaboration. Should any issue arise between you and a teammate and you find that you can’t resolve it yourself, please contact the mods as soon as possible so that we can try to mediate and find a solution together. 
  • The stories submitted for this bang will be explicit. The content of the story will be at the author’s full discretion provided it otherwise meets the requirements of the challenge. The content of the art will be at the artist’s full discretion provided it reflects the story.
  • It is your responsibility to manage your schedule to meet the deadlines. If you anticipate being unable to access internet in time to submit a draft or to check-in, it’s your responsibility to reach out to the mods for assistance before the deadline. 
  • All due dates operate on Eastern Standard Time. 
  • Any participant who engages in racist, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, sexist, ableist, or any other discriminatory speech or behavior, including any kind of harassment, will not be tolerated.

Author Requirements

  • Fics must meet a minimum word count of 5,000 in order to qualify for the challenge. There is no maximum word count.
  • When submitting your rough draft for Art Claims, your fic must be at least 80% complete with the remainder outlined to qualify. 
  • You can write only one fic for the challenge. If you’re co-writing, you cannot sign up as a solo writer or as part of another co-writing team on the side. 
  • If you’re co-writing, both you and your writing partner need to sign up individually. This will allow us to make sure you both receive our emails. When you submit your rough draft for Art Claims, you’ll be able to select both of your names in the Author(s) field, which will let us know that you’re co-writing. 
  • The work you submit for the challenge has to be brand new or previously unpublished, and no part of it may have been published prior to Art Claims (this includes sneak peeks on social media!). 
  • Fics must be complete & stand alone; no cliffhanger endings will be accepted. They may be part of a series or act as a timestamp if they stand alone so that a reader who has not read the remainder of that series would be able to read your fic without background or explanation.
  • Fics must be written in English. 
  • Drafts you submit must be typed, and must be submitted in the following format: .doc, .pdf, or a Google doc share link. 
  • You’re welcome to participate as both an artist and an author, but you won’t be able to claim your own fic. Authors who are also participating in the challenge as artist won’t have access to the fic discussion channel before claims to ensure that the process stays anonymous. 
  • To make sure that we preserve the anonymity of the claims, please don’t reveal any details about what you’re working on publicly prior to Art Claims. This includes discussions about your fic in private groups that may include people who are not participating. We have an author channel in the SPNBB Server where you can discuss your fic. You can discuss your fic with an alpha or beta reader. 
  • While the challenge is taking place, participants may only promote their fic and art with the official promotional posts. 
  • Finished fics need to be posted to Archive of Our Own and remain publicly available for at least one year. We will be creating an official AO3 collection for this round and all fics are expected to be added. If you don’t have an AO3 account, reach out to the mods and we will help you set one up. Should you decide to remove your affiliation with the fic at a later point, please consider orphaning instead of deleting the work. Your fic must be posted entirely on your posting date. Serial posting is prohibited

Fic Content and Restrictions


  • All fiction genres are welcome. 
  • AU (alternate universe) fics are welcome. 
  • Fusion fics (SPN universe fused with another fictional universe), and crossovers (SPN universe intersecting or crossing over into another fictional universe) are allowed. 
  • Dark fic summaries might have to go under a read more when promoted on Tumblr if they meet AO3’s warning criteria 
  • There are no pairing or grouping restrictions for this challenge provided that your fic otherwise meets the content requirements and restrictions. Any character from Supernatural is acceptable provided your fic complies with the other requirements.
  • There are no kink restrictions for this challenge, unless otherwise expressly prohibited. Get as wild as you want. We’re here for it. 
  • Considering the nature of the challenge- PWP/Smut - all fics must be rated Explicit and feature explicit sexual content during the story you’re writing. No Mature, Teen and Up Audiences or General fics will be accepted.
  • We are not here to police the definition of smut/PWP. Your fic may contain plot (gotta get them into that only one bed or afflicted with that sex pollen spell after all) and there is no requirement for penetrative sex, but the overall feel of the fic should be “smutty” and the rating should meet the level of Explicit.


  • The moderators are fully supportive of kink and do not condone purity culture or censorship. However, we have enacted certain content restrictions for this bang. The following content will not be accepted for this bang: Explicit Underage Content, Incest, NSFL (necrophilia, snuff, extremely graphic nonconsensual torture). If you have any questions regarding the content restrictions, please contact a moderator. 
  • You must tag/warn for any of AO3’s major archive warnings, including major character death (MCD), non-con, underage, and graphic violence. 
  • For this challenge, MCD means a major character is permanently dead OR that a reader could reasonably believe that they are dead when the fic ends. Tagging for “temporary MCD” or “perceived MCD” is okay where a character is dead but resurrected, or another character believes that character has died. Given the nature of the challenge, we don’t expect a lot of questions on this, but reach out to a mod if you are at all concerned about this rule. 
  • You may not choose to withhold a major archive warning from a fic posted as part of this Bang.  We STRONGLY recommend using the built-in warning system when posting. If you do not wish to do so, you must select the option “Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings” and use a regular tag OR disclose the information in your author’s note. If you feel the info would spoil the fic, a solution is to say, “This fic contains content that will upset or disturb readers. I feel it is a spoiler, but for those of you who need to know the contents, you can check the author’s note at the end of the work” with a link to the end notes. You may not use the “No Archive Warnings Apply” option if you are choosing to warn in this manner. 
  • You may not withhold a major archive warning from your Art Claims information.


  • All fics must be beta read and represent your best effort at storytelling and grammar. You can use any beta reader of your choosing; they do not need to be registered for the bang. We’ll also have a list of beta readers available to you later in the challenge. 
  • You will not be assigned a beta reader as a part of this challenge. It’s ultimately up to you to find someone to work with. We will have a Beta reader list that you can request. 
  • If you work with a beta reader prior to Art Claims who is registered as an artist for this round of the SPNBB, please let the moderators know before we begin the claims process. We’ll make arrangements so that artist won’t be able to claim your fic.


  • All characters engaged in sexual activity or sexualized situations must be at least 18 years old. 
  • If your story includes a past history of sexual abuse involving an underage character, you should tag appropriately and NO graphic mentions of the actual act are allowed.


  • Fics featuring incest will not be permitted. This includes romantic and/or sexual content between between family members regardless of consanguinity (blood relation), including adoption. If you have any questions regarding this rule, please reach out to a moderator.


  • Fics featuring necropholia, snuff, or extremely graphic nonconsensual torture will not be permitted. If you have any questions regarding this rule, please reach out to a moderator.

Artist Requirements 


  • Artists will create at least 1 piece of art per fic they claim. 
  • You are welcome to do more pieces. You may also make a banner and/or separators/icons for your author to use when they post, but they won’t be counted as the obligatory art piece. 
  • Any explicit art posted will need to comply with the restrictions of the host site. For the master post, any explicit art posted to tumblr will need to be appropriately cropped or censored to comply with posting guidelines (provided however that a link to the explicit art is acceptable)
  • All materials and art style are welcomed. 
  • Art should be a minimum of 540px wide for Tumblr posting, but the final size and orientation are up to you. 
  • Artists are encouraged to work with an art beta
  • Art may not be shared publicly prior to your assigned posting date (this includes progress shots and sketches). 
  • Art can be embedded in the fic (if the author allows it), posted to the artists’ website of choice, or both. 
  • Posted art should remain publicly available at least for one year. If you decide to remove your affiliation with the work at a later point, please consider providing your author with the files so they can continue to be displayed. 
  • You’re welcome to participate as both an artist and an author, but you won’t be able to claim your own fic. Artists who are also participating in the challenge as author won’t have access to the fic discussion channel before claims to ensure that the process stays anonymous.


  • There are two checks-in required where artists will be expected to supply drafts.
  • On July 15, artists will be asked to submit a work-in-progress screen capture of their required piece. This can be a sketch or rough outline, but must invariably show that you’ve been working on your pieces by that time. 
  • On August 1, artists will be asked to submit a screen capture showing the rough draft of their required piece. You may continue to work on your pieces past that deadline, but you should be well beyond the outline stage by this date. 
  • Failure to submit your draft past the due date will be taken as an unannounced drop out, and a pinch-hitter artist will be assigned to your author
  • If you decide to do more than one piece, it will not need to be submitted during check-ins.

Claims Process

  • To be eligible for the claims process, an author must meet the submission deadline. 
  • Claims will be done anonymously. Artists will submit their top three fic selections and we will match them on a first come, first served basis depending on time of submission.
  • If an artist’s selection is unavailable, the artist will be notified and permitted to select from remaining open claims
  • Once every artist has been matched with at least one author, we will open up the remaining claims to registered artists.
  • If any claims remain outstanding, we will open them to unregistered artists. 

Dropping Out and Disqualifications


  • If a participant drops out before art claims, you’ll be allowed to sign-up for future rounds. 
  • If a participant drops out after art claims, you’ll need to reach out to the mods via e-mail and contact your teammate and let them know. 
  • Except for special circumstances or emergencies, dropping out after art claims will result in disqualification from future rounds. 
  • All drop-outs are final. Once you’ve dropped out, you may not re-join the current round. 


  • Certain behaviors or failure to hit the different check-ins can results in disqualifications: 
  • Failing to adhere to the rules of the challenge 
  • Failing to adhere to the schedule and ignoring the mods’ reminders 
  • Ghosting your teammate 
  • Demonstrably mistreating your teammate and/or other participants of the challenge Depending on the circumstances, you may first receive a warning. If that warning doesn’t change the way you act, the next strike will be disqualification. 
  • In the event that an artist is disqualified/stops responding, a pinch hitter artist will be picked to step in and create art for the author who had been paired with the disqualified artist. If an author is disqualified/stops responding and the artist already completed their pieces for them, you’ll be allowed to post the art as standalone pieces on the assigned posting date, or arrange reverse-pinch-hitter to write a short ficlet based on the art. All disqualifications are final and at the discretion of the mods

SPN Bang Bang Discord Server

  • An SPN Bang Bang Discord server for the 2022 round will open to new participants on Discord on April 1.  
  • This chat server is invite-only, and has separate channels for artists and authors, along with a general off-topic channel. 
  • Rules for using the Discord server will be sent out with the invitation to join, and these must be read and adhered to. 
  • If you sign up to create art as well as write fic, you will only be able to access the off topic and artist channels until after art claims have been finalized. You are of course able to chat with your fellow authors in direct messages to get advice, but as an artist you should not be privy to the details of other author’s fic. This is to ensure that the anonymous claims process is not compromised at any stage.
  • Participants who fail to adhere to the rules of the server may be removed from the chat, and depending on the circumstances, disqualified from the challenge.

[banner design: @lovelybydecay]

April 1 - sign ups open

May 1 - Author sign ups close

June 11 - Author check-in, 80% due

June 13-17 - Fic Gallery Open

June 18 - First round of Art Claims open at 10am EST. If any fics remain, a second round for registered artists will open at 9PM EST. 

June 19 - Public Art Claim open at 10AM EST

June 26 - Authors must share their most up-to-date draft with their artist by 11:59PM today. 

July 1 - Mandatory team check-in: paired artist and author must have communicated and discussed posting availability, and alerted the mods to any issue. 

July 8 - Posting schedule released and shared with participants via email 

July 15 - Artists check-in: progress update, art plans or sketches due. / Authors check-in: final titles, banner, summaries & promo teaser excerpt due. 

July 25 - Promo Posts begin on Tumblr and Twitter

August 1 - Artists check-in: progress update, finale drafts due. / Authors check-in: finale fic drafts due 

August 15 - Posting begins (exact ending date to be confirmed with posting schedule)

[banner design: @lovelybydecay]

Summer is about to heat up with a new fic bang (emphasis on the bang).

Introducing a bang featuring explicit stories (with or without plot!) featuring any pariing or grouping from SPN (with some content restrictions: no incest, no underage pairings, no nonconsensual graphic torture). Au/crossover fics welcome!

  • Minimum word count: 5k.
  • Maximum word count: none
  • Author sign-ups: April 1 - May 1.
  • Artists sign-ups: April 1 - June 12.
  • Posting beginning August 15.

The full rules and schedule will be released before sign-ups open. Follow @spnbangbang for more details


Show Me Masterlist

Summary: Jack goes to Sam and Dean for advice about girls and sex, and Sam turns out to be an excellent teacher.

Pairing: Sam x Jack x Reader
Tags: Bi!Jack, Bi!Sam, Age Difference, Pseudo-Incest, First Kiss, Mutual Masturbation, Sexting, Phone Sex, Sex Toys, Fleshlight, Sloppy Seconds, Pining!Sam, Eventual Dom/Sub Relationship, Dom!Sam, Switch!Jack, Sub!Reader, Threesome, Instruction Kink, more tags added as I go…
Word Count:~20k
Created for:@winklinebingo - Bisexuality | @spnkinkbingo - JackSam | @samwinchesterbingo - SAMasturbation | @j3bingo - Threesome

A/N:@jackandthesoulmates commissioned this piece and I’ve had so much fun coming up with all these sexy scenarios

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

We’re All Mads Here: @vulgar-library@negans-lucille-tblr@fandomfic-galore@petitgateau911@schaefchenherde@kickingitwithkirk@little-diable@laxe-chester67@kassyscarlett@austin-winchester67@flamencodiva@katbratsupernaturalwhore@drakelover78

All SPN:@cemini-winchester@akshi8278@stoneyggirl@deandreamernp@lyarr24@lovealways-j@slamminmine@all-alone-he-turns-to-stone@alaufeyson@raidens-realm@tatted-trina6@defenderrosetyler@delightfullykrispypeach@05supernatural20


For@spncoldesthits January 2022

Title: ωιтнσυт α ѕтιт¢н

Author: raidensrealm 

Rating: Teen

Pairing: None

Characters: Sam, Dean, Eldritch Bunker

Word count: 2,159

Warnings: None Apply

@witchsambingo square filled: Naked Swimming

@deanandsambingo square filled: Voyeurism

@howbadcanitbebingo square filled: Where Did That Come From?

Summary: While Dean’s on a hunt, Sam stays behind with a cold. The Bunker seems bent on ridding him of far more than a virus and only when he gets the situation under control does he begin to glean it’s true intent.


Title: ᴄᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴍᴇ

Author: raidensrealm 

Rating: Explicit 

Pairing: Dean/Benny

@spnkinkbingo square filled: Dom Drop

Word count: 1,324

Warnings: None Apply

Summary: Switching roles with Benny, Dean tries his hand at being Dom for a scene. When a pesky side effect manifests, Benny sees it as an opportunity to strengthen their trust and lavish the affection on Dean he so loves giving. 
