

“I must say the World Standings drama is absolutely hilarious. It never mattered in the last few seasons anyway, and even if the fans are gloating about it now, it is still irritating, remember they’re being arrogant over the skater who’s number one lost by a wide margin to their rival in the GPF this season and can only win titles when their head rivals aren’t competing.”

#figure skating    #skaters    #20192020 season    #season overview    #world standings    #standings    #rankings    #competition    #rivarly    #fandom    #negative    #complaining    #theories    #opinions    #predictions    #off ice    #off season    #grand prix final    #scores    #winning    #placement    #medals    #podium    #titles    

“I always think it’s sad when a low-ranked skater has a really outstanding skate at Nationals and makes the podium, but nobody knows or cares because they don’t come from one of the four big feds.”

#figure skating    #skaters    #skating    #team usa    #team russia    #team japan    #team canada    #senior    #junior    #comparisons    #comparison    #opinions    #complaining    #performance    #rankings    #standings    #federations    #rusfed    #russian federation    #us federation    #japan federation    #canadian federation    #fandom    #podium    #placement    #nationals    

“Nowadays, unless they are A.) Team Tutberidze, B.) a Russian, C.) a Japanese, or D.) an American, no one talks about them! There are so many lovely skaters that I would love to hear more about, but I never hear about them unless they fit in one of those boxed-up categories.”

#figure skating    #skating    #team usa    #team japan    #team russia    #eteri girls    #eteri tutberidze    #team tutberidze    #skaters    #rusfed    #russian federation    #japan federation    #us federation    #opinions    #comparisons    #comparison    #fandom    #politics    #rankings    #standings    #senior    #junior    #federations    #categories    #theories    

“What Chock/Bates have achieved since Pyeongchang is amazing. They came back from a difficult position (FD disaster, serious injuries, stagnating results, etc.), when so many people were rooting against them, and they’ve made it back to the top, defying the rules of ice dance. They proved the whole world wrong, and I hope they keep it going and get some type of medal in 2022, to show the ones that are still doubting them, even after the season they just had.”

#figure skating    #chockbates    #madison chock    #even bates    #team usa    #ice dance    #senior    #pyeongchang 2018    #olympics    #free dance    #programs    #performance    #injuries    #results    #scoring    #scores    #rankings    #standings    #opinions    #beijing 2022    #career    #season overview    #future    #comeback    #20192020 season    #20212022 season    #20172018 season    #medals    

“People can only appreciate these amazing little girls when (and if) they burn out and are replaced. When they are at the top, all anybody can do is (nothing, but) nitpick and ‘hope that they don't’ get derailed by growth spurts and injuries.”

#figure skating    #skaters    #junior    #senior    #novice    #ladies’ skating    #fandom    #opinions    #calling out    #rankings    #standings    #winning    #placement    #medals    #podium    #injuries    #injury    #growth spurt    #puberty    #negative    #negativity    #career    #future    #criticism    

“For some reason, the higher up the ranks, the more boring and warhorsey do the music choices get. Rika is a shining exception to the rule tho.”

#figure skating    #skaters    #rika kihira    #countries    #team japan    #senior    #levels    #ladies’ skating    #singles’ skating    #disciplines    #discipline overview    #career    #career overview    #reactions    #support    #sport overview    #competitions    #programs    #perfomances    #warhorses    #rankings    #standings    #theories    #comparisons    #complaining    #negative    #feelings    #examples    