#us federation


“I always think it’s sad when a low-ranked skater has a really outstanding skate at Nationals and makes the podium, but nobody knows or cares because they don’t come from one of the four big feds.”

“Nowadays, unless they are A.) Team Tutberidze, B.) a Russian, C.) a Japanese, or D.) an American, no one talks about them! There are so many lovely skaters that I would love to hear more about, but I never hear about them unless they fit in one of those boxed-up categories.”

“When will the FS federations learn the lesson and stop hyping pre-teens/juniors/novices so much and naming them the next olympic champion, when they haven’t even finished growing and developing physically. Yes, I’m looking at you, Rusfed, and don’t get me started on the USFSA. I have no clue how they’re gonna fix the Alysa Liu problem, that was some big PR campaign gone to waste.”
