#study aesthetic

doing orgo review over spring break so i’m ready for the exam when college starts again

doing orgo review over spring break so i’m ready for the exam when college starts again

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2020.07.21 | summer! things that makes me happy; 1) my secondhand copy of wuthering heights 2) coffee at 6 am 3) fish on my grandparents’ backyard.

2020.04.23 | biology notes always end up a little bit philosophical… remote learning stuff! hope everyone’s doing well ✨

2020.03.21 | Long time no see, everyone!

First year of high school has been an amazing 7 months roller coaster and I haven’t been having the time to be here, but it’s term break and I’m finally picking up French to stay productive!

2019.04.06 || I’m SUPER happy with my biology notes I hope you’ve all been doing well!

2019.04.03 || I’m sorry for being away for so long! Exam weeks have been tiring and draining and I’ve just been sitting in my lump studying, and then took a whole week off to sleep. But now I’m back to the productive run! Have some biology notes with p l a n t s ☘️

Hey friends! I’ve decided to make a studygram! I’m not sure I’ll completely stop using this studyblr, but insta feels like a more conducive platform to what I want to do with my content! If so inclined, you can follow it here!



I’ve been pretty inactive on here lately cause my summer term ended and I was giving myself a couple week break before the start of the fall semester!

Well, that time flew by and I’m already staring down Sept in the face.

Also thanks for just shy of 300 followers!

Past 300 now! Thank you! The


Hello, September!

School begins for me today with two philosophy classes- Intro to Ethics and Elementary Logic. I’m really excited for this semester, even though it will all be online


I’ve been pretty inactive on here lately cause my summer term ended and I was giving myself a couple week break before the start of the fall semester!

Well, that time flew by and I’m already staring down Sept in the face.

Also thanks for just shy of 300 followers!

okay so fish and i (august) have been gaining quite a few new followers over here, so i figure it’s about the right time to say something i’ve been thinking about for quite a while: whether productivity, studyblr’s key concept, is helpful or objectively harmful depends on how we define it. what is “productive” looks different for everyone and varies based on any given day. sometimes, to be productive is to get up, take a shower, and go for a walk at some point in the day. sometimes, to be productive is to get up at 6 and focus on blocks of studying all day. but unless we acknowledge and support the first possibility and those like it, we are creating a community that is objectively inaccessible and sells a lifestyle both unachievable and potentially unhealthy for many. when you discuss “productivity”, consider what you mean, and whether you’re falling into the capitalist trap that defines success based only on achievement within predominant systems around you, or whether your understanding of success includes personal levels of effort and self-maintenance; self love before external ideas of ‘triumph’.

hi, friends! happy december (sorry it’s a lil’ late)!

download this calendar for free here: https://linktr.ee/studenting✏️

if you’re using the calendar, i’d love to see it!

tag your photos with #studenting on tumblr or @studenting on instagram.


love, melissa

hi, friends! happy november !

download this calendar for free here: https://linktr.ee/studenting✏️

if you’re using the calendar, i’d love to see it!

tag your photos with #studenting on tumblr or @studenting on instagram.


love, melissa

hi, friends!

download the calendar for free here: https://linktr.ee/studenting✏️

if you’re using the calendar, i’d love to see it! tag your photos with #studenting on tumblr or @studenting on instagram.


love, melissa



  • being brave enough to do math in pen, leather-bound bullet journals, looseleaf papers spilling over your desk, studying with your dog curled up next to you, seven-hour breaks, keeping a candle on your desk, logging memories in your bullet journal, coffee stains on homework, annotating a rented textbook, a warm study nook made of blankets and pillows, studying to overcome


  • romanticizing self-care, refusing to take the easy way and read the sparknotes, keeping hydrated, “i have extra binder paper if you need it”, taping positivities on your wall, study picnics, volunteering, bright binders, a study space illuminated by morning light, keeping three pots of flowers on your desk, studying to contribute


  • finding doodles in secondhand textbooks, researching the origin of a word you don’t recognize, pens in mason jars, walls crowded by sticky-notes, the inspiration of a blank notebook, finding your favorite library seat available, being excited about your essay prompt, scrawling notes in the margins, being so utterly engaged in one subject you forget you have a lab due tomorrow, studying to learn


  • quotes about conquering the world and achieving goals, finding the perfect black pen, the feeling of checking off boxes on to-do lists, friendly grade competition, compiling resource masterposts, being genuinely excited to get your score back on a test, getting the perfect calligraphy line, studying to succeed

Hey guys!!! ✌ here’s my study aesthetic from legit 5 minutes ago

It’s been so long but I’m finally back with my own content! I just got 2 new bullet journals and I’m really excited for my classes this semster!

I’m taking 5 classes and I’m currently in the process of getting my job on campus (and maybe an internship in Boston) and I’m hyped for all of that!!!

Also: I’ve got my first bumble date on Sunday so wish me luck

~ Admin Shannon
