#study blog


Reflection on this Last Academic Year

Due to the virus resulting in the closure of schools across the world for the unseeable future, I think it is the perfect time to regain your thoughts and reflect on your time spent studying this year.

1. Make a list of habits/things you want to change for the next academic year.

I think this task can be very beneficial. You have been stopped suddenly in your studies and the world has changed drastically around us as we stay indoors. By redirecting on what you were doing well this year and what you weren’t will be extremely helpful in preparation to return to school.

2. Declutter your school life.

In the middle of the school year, the habits you wanted to implement may have been stopped as you became lazier. Now that you have time off, you can reflect on those and reset those goals and habits you desired to have. We’re they too ambitious or did you not put enough effort in?

3. Write your perfect schedule.

In this quarantine, you can take the time to write your desired morning, night and after school routines in detail. This will help you prepare for when you return and you can start as you want to. Make sure to include all the steps in detail and add in timings too if you wish. 

4. Cleanse your digital devices.

For those of you who use your laptop or phone to plan, write notes or study, this time at home can include spending a few hours going through your folders, apps, organisation systems and mail. Clearing unnecessary downloads and documents will clear up space but also make it easier to navigate your digital space. I will be writing a post on what I am doing for this task in more detail soon.

Thank you for reading and I hope you are all staying safe and home (if on lockdown). I give my thoughts to those in hospital and their families who have lost so much due to this global pandemic. Please support your friends and family during this time and stay in touch with anyone who may be alone. As my mum likes to say, be a helper not a taker. Do what you can for those around you even if it’s a phone call to check in :)

This account has grown so quickly on here and even while i’ve been gone for a month. Thank you all so much

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late post but i couldn’t help but share one of the gifts i received for christmas i love the colour so much and i rarely see people with it ☺️

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the sun is out in december and i love it

my desk is nicer to study at when it’s bright ✨

this week was the ½ weeks of mock gcse exams

- so far, i’ve had 7 exams this week and have 7 next week too

- there’s definitely been some stress going into some but as you as i had prepared, i felt fine

good luck to anyone else doing there mocks now or in january

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used my personal planner to write down my long revision task list ☺️ this planner is very functional and designed to be very nice

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i’m trying to be healthier this week as i got into bad habits for my meals - the snack here is some fruit bread with butter and apricot jam uwu

procrastinated another assignment and ended up spending two days at campus rushing lectures, readings, and drafting


did a physical and emotional spring cleaning session a week ago, and cleared out (made peace with) all my GCSE o-level notes, from 3-4 years ago. took a trip down memory lane (hence the filter) and reminisced about all the times i’d spent studying, and thought it was an apt post walking into the new year!

from when i did some reading and research into ontology and philosophy whilst choosing a course for university!


As part of my new years goal I vowed to read more. So in the spirit of keeping things interesting I want to create menus based on the foods featured in the books that I read.

This is the menu created from one of the books I read in March.

Title: I Believe in a thing called love

Author: Maurene Goo

Thoughts on this book: This book was a really easy and gentle read. Plus it heavily features K-Drama’s, so what’s not to love about it? ❤


I created a menu from the foods found in the book ‘The Cruel Prince’ by Holly Black.

To make my new years goal more interesting, I decided I wanted to create menus out of the foods found in the books that I have read.

BTW The Cruel Prince is such a good book! I highly highly recommend it!

04-11-18 (Sunday) //

Found some old notes from last year when I was studying for General Biology 1. Also, I just finished my final exams for degree Y1S1 yesterday! It was quite tough + intense cuz I had to sit for 2 heavy subjects’ papers, which were Human Physiology + Chemistry 1 in one day. Currently, I’m on my sem break now (yaaaaaaaaay). I’ll be back in campus in January + will be posting more before then! :D

02.03.21 / The spring semester started last week, but I took my first lesson of this semester this morning. It’s called Industrial and Organizational Psychology. I have no interest in this area but despite that, I am very excited about it because it’s one of my favorite professors’ lecture. He said he will mostly talk about his life experiences in order to we could inspire by them. It has already very inspirational the first lecture.

My professor talked about the “Pygmalion Effect” today. Many of us know that effect because it has very popular in Psychology and many other areas. I want to shortly and quickly tell you about it.

Probably you heard something about the self-affirming prophecy. This effect basically tells us “the targets of the expectations internalize their positive labels, and those with positive labels succeed accordingly; a similar process works in the opposite direction in the case of low expectations.” This means what your thoughts and expectations shaped your potential. That is, our thoughts affect our actions and our actions determine the outcome.

I believe that knowing that we are enough and we have the potential to accomplish many things has an effect that can quickly grow like a snowball.

I wanted to share this with you because I think we could use this exceptional psychological knowledge in our daily life to boost our motivation to believe in ourselves. There are always much more possibility than we could see now. I hope it works for you!

01.03.21 / I was really lazy last couple weeks. I have not wanted to read or study anything. It was a time with lack of motivation and productivity for me. But finally today I feel like I can get back to study and put things back on track! I made a plan to make March a productive month, with this motivation. I am planning to fill especially this week with lots of reading and study. Besides, If any of you are waiting for a sign to start something, that sign is that sign, join me!
