

I just want to apologize you for not posting anything new. I have been having a tough time lately. Also I am late with that post…

Here is the list.

  • shirts - 2 donated
  • underwear - 3 donated
  • cloth for cleaning glasses  - donated
  • pendants - 3 donated
  • pencil cases - 2 donated
  • box of drawing pins - donated
  • toy - donated
  • pen - donated
  • charcoals - 2 donated
  • earphones - donated
  • brushes - 1 donated, 8 thrown away
  • pot plant - gave away
  • tape - gave away
  • thermometer - gave away
  • badge - gave away
  • hula-hoop - sold
  • skirt - sold
  • DVDs - 2 sold
  • onesie - sold
  • broken pot - thrown away
  • trousers - 2 thrown away
  • magazines - 2 thrown away
  • calendar - thrown away
  • bookmark - thrown away
  • notebooks - 2 thrown away
  • coursebook - thrown away
  • CDs - 3 thrown away
  • CD storage boxes - thrown away
  • documents sleeves - thrown away
  • small bag - thrown away
  • a lot of copies - thrown away
  • slippers - thrown away
  • shopping bag - thrown away
  • lighter - thrown away
  • blanket - thrown away
  • hair sprays - 5 thrown away
  • body creams - 3 thrown away
  • decorative jars - 2 thrown away
  • decorative box - thrown away
  • lipsticks - 2 thrown away
  • tablespoon - thrown away
  • lunch box - thrown away
  • shampoos - 2 thrown away
  • ruler - thrown away
  • film reel - thrown away
  • glue pads - thrown away
  • ink - thrown away
  • incomplete decks of cards - 2 thrown away

And it is 761 of 1000 things!

Hang in there!

Hello! I am back after about two months of being barely active on here. I had to go to work for some time and then I was taking my final exams at school. I will try to post more from now ;)

I had very little time to declutter at May, so I decided not to make a separate post about it and I decided to put the months together.

Here is the list:

  • skirt - gave away
  • stuffed animal - gave away
  • velvet sweatpants - gave away
  • toys - 10 gave away
  • pot plants - 6 gave away
  • pinafores - 2 gave away
  • small bags - 10 gave away
  • photo frame - gave away
  • a small torch - gave away
  • a soap bubble liquid - gave away
  • baking plates - 6 gave away
  • a thermal mug - gave away
  • a soap - gave away
  • scribers - gave away
  • ink pen - gave away
  • drawing charcoal - gave away
  • drawings - 3 gave away
  • paintings - 2 gave away
  • badges - 5 sold, 2 gave away
  • a card game - sold a pair of snickers - sold
  • Tarot cards - sold
  • a T-shirt - sold
  • a shampoo bar - sold
  • paper folders - 3 thrown away, 1 gave away
  • stickers sets - 2 thrown away, 1 give away
  • unfinished sewing projects - thrown away
  • candles - 2 thrown away
  • old receipts - thrown away
  • small pieces of old fabric - thrown away
  • pair of socks - thrown away
  • gift cards - 2 thrown away
  • old oil pastels - thrown away
  • old (dried) ink - thrown away
  • lip balms - 2 thrown away
  • a glass box - thrown away
  • a lot of sketches and drawings - thrown away (count as 1)old projects (mainly printed graphics) - thrown away
  • notebooks - 15 thrown away
  • notebooks covers - 5 thrown away
  • old documents - thrown away
  • trousers - thrown away
  • calendars - 2 thrown away
  • magazines - 6 thrown away
  • a newspaper - thrown away
  • a book - thrown away
  • a cup - thrown away
  • puzzles - thrown away
  • small pendant - thrown away
  • organiser box - thrown away
  • a piece of underwear - 1 thrown away a bottle of expired shampoo - thrown away (I wanted to use it up, but I got rash…)

And for now it is 679 of 1000 things.

I will publish another post about decluttering soon where I will sum up my experiences after decluttering for half a year ;) 

Thank you for staying with me!

I almost forgot about it… again :D

  • 2 hairbands - donated
  • winter hat - donated
  • 3 sweaters - donated
  • shirt - 1 donated, 1 sold
  • dungarees - donated
  • trousers - donated
  • half face mask - donated
  • 2 pairs of shorts - donated
  • dress - donated
  • hoodie - donated
  • 3 lanyards - donated
  • 2 badges - donated
  • backpack - donated
  • safety reflector - donated
  • 3 dices - donated
  • toy - donated
  • spectacle case - donated
  • rope - donated
  • cap - gave away
  • adapter - gave away
  • 2 pendants - gave away
  • T-shirt - 1 sold, 1 donated, 3 thrown away (and upcycled)
  • yukata - sold
  • 3 stationery sets - sold
  • Tarot cards - sold
  • leaflets - thrown away
  • old gums (used in sewing) - thrown away
  • 5 letters - thrown away
  • 4 gift drawings - thrown away
  • invitation card - thrown away
  • old documents - thrown away
  • sketches - thrown away
  • operating manual - thrown away
  • trading card - thrown away
  • disposable cutlery - thrown away
  • a lot of small boxes - thrown away
  • 3 (huge) boxes - thrown away
  • 20 zippers - thrown away
  • 24 various buttons - thrown away
  • a lot of small textiles - thrown away
  • 4 buttons sets - thrown away
  • beads set - thrown away
  • needle - thrown away
  • barrette - 1 thrown away, 2 donated
  • broken spool - thrown away
  • broken pendant - thrown away
  • 3 shopping bags - thrown away, 1 donated
  • pair of socks - 1 thrown away, 3 donated
  • bottle of perfume - thrown away

The list seems to be long, but I got rid of not many items ;)

By the way, I want to mention that I make two kinds of donations. Things that are in very good condition I donate to various foundations and the things that are in worse condition (but still good quality) I put into containers for used clothing. I believe it is enough and even if the thing won’t reach new owner, they will be recycled properly. Textiles recycling is really crucial!


This month I have tidied up my bathroom and the pantry! But I am not really glad. I live with my parents, who are not into decluttering so I was not able to get rid of things… So we kept almost everything (including things I perceive as trash). 

  • books - 2 gave away, 1 sold
  • septum rings - 2 sold
  • coaster - sold
  • badge - sold
  • Tarot cards - sold
  • barrettes - 2 sold
  • broken barrette - thrown away
  • calendars - 3 thrown away
  • some drawings - thrown away
  • sketchbook -  thrown away
  • notebook - thrown away
  • some documents - thrown away
  • old cosmetics - 10 thrown away
  • fabric conditioners - 2 thrown away
  • old bra - thrown away
  • bowls - 2 thrown away
  • boxes - 6 thrown away
  • a lot of small boxes (counted as 1)
  • disposable razors - 4 thrown away
  • old toothbrushes - 2 thrown away
  • old sponges - 2  thrown away
  • broken hanger - thrown away
  • scoop -  thrown away
  • dishwashing liquids - 2 thrown away
  • decorative tins - 4 thrown away
  • decorative jar - thrown away
  • hairbands - 3 thrown away
  • foils - thrown away
  • some old safety pins - thrown away
  • charcoal for drawing - thrown away
  • knife covers - 2 thrown away
  • expired spices - 7 thrown away
  • expired eye drops - thrown away
  • small jars - 3 thrown away
  • plastic cutlery (random pieces collected over long period of time) - thrown away
  • toys - 2 thrown away
  • broken baking mold - thrown away

… and a lot of actual trash. I did not count most of “small things”, but instead I counted it as (for example) “foils”.

I have decluttered 432 things of 1000. 

I have also bought a lot of new things this month (about 17 items), so I am planning to declutter more in April, but it is getting more difficult ;)


I didn’t want to believe that it could happen. I’ll tell you how did it affect my life right now. I live in Poland, at this moment (03/15 morning) there are 111 infected people and 3 of them died, the first confirmed case was about 11 days ago.

Since that time for a week(!) no one reacted. Until last Wednesday everything was normal, leaving out people excessively panicking and trying to buy all the food in the supermarkets… Coming back to the story, starting on Wednesday almost all kindergartens, schools and universities were closing. And since that time I’m stuck at home. 

On Thursday driving schools were suspended so I didn’t have to worry about my driving lessons.

On Friday the government decided about closing some shopping malls, restaurants, pubs, casinos etc. The groceries are still open so there is no need to panic, the food will be available also the restaurants offer ordering takeouts. Post-office, banks, laundry rooms etc. are still working. 

From today the borders of our country will be closed for foreigners for 10 days. Maybe it is not the kindest thing but it somehow forces staying at place, it is really-really important not to travel now. 

Some of the things I mentioned should be introduced earlier. But I hope the statistics won’t get very worse shortly. 

There is really no need to panic. We should stick to the recommendations, home isolation is a really good idea if you don’t have to go anywhere - please stay at home. Here is a list of things you can do staying at home:

  • rewatch your favorite shows or films
  • read your favorite book once again
  • take care of your plants
  • play with your pets
  • watch old photos
  • re-organise your profiles
  • make a film or a photo shoot
  • try to sew something
  • visit online museum tour (for example this one)
  • learn something new
  • talk with your family
  • do some yoga
  • create a gift for somebody
  • make a collage from old papers
  • declutter a bit 
  • take a long bath
  • indoor picnic 
  • play a game
  • do something you enjoy but didn’t do for a long time

February decluttering sum up

  • Clothes - 19 donated; 5 thrown away
  • Underwear - 4 thrown away; 1 donated
  • Expired food - 5 thrown away
  • Boots - 2 sold; 1 gave away
  • Board game - 1 sold
  • Toys - 14 donated
  • Small towel - 1 donated
  • Innersoles - 1 thrown away
  • Pillowcase - 1 donated
  • Handkerchiefs - 4 donated
  • Cosmetics - 4 gave away; 2 thrown away
  • Some photos - thrown away
  • Necklace - 1 gave away
  • Broken brush - 1 thrown away
  • Pills organiser - 1 thrown away
  • I have also lost my scarf… let me count it as one thing :D

Hello February! January decluttering sum up.

I let go to 294 of 1000 things. Those were probably the easiest things to declutter ;)

  • tops: 33 donated, 2 gave away, 1 sold
  • trousers: 5 donated, 4 thrown away
  • underwear: 8 thrown away, 6 donated, 2 gave away
  • other pieces of clothing: 5 donated
  • accessories: 19 thrown away, 1 donated
  • 30 CD-boxes - gave away
  • old camera - gave away
  • phone holder - gave away
  • 13 magazines - thrown away
  • old tokens - thrown away
  • 2 small balls - thrown away
  • 2 shop member cards - thrown away
  • 3 pens - thrown away
  • pencil sharpener - thrown away
  • 2 toys - thrown away
  • 4 stickers - thrown away
  • basketball ball - give away 
  • 2 notebooks - thrown away
  • 35 tourist guides and leaflets - thrown away
  • old notes - thrown away
  • bookmark - thrown away
  • 3 CD’s - thrown away
  • 23 drawings - thrown away
  • 1 stress ball - thrown away
  • old charcoals - thrown away
  • 6 small pencils - thrown away
  • 3 tortillons - trown away
  • 7 broken brushes - thrown away
  • 2 markers - thrown away
  • 2 batteries - thrown away
  • fidget spinner - gave away
  • pumice - thrown away
  • broken glasses - thrown away
  • 13 body creams - thrown away
  • 2 nail polishes - thrown away
  • body sponge - thrown away
  • old toothbrush - thrown away
  • baby porridge after date - thrown away
  • 30 pyssla images - thrown away
  • 13 old letters - thrown away
  • broken vibrator - thrown away
  • a lot of photos - thrown away
  • 2 needle pillows - thrown away
  • crochet hooks - thrown away
  • needles - thrown away
  • 2 needle boxes - thrown away
  • some ugly or broken buttons - thrown away
  • some pins - thrown away
  • ribbon leftovers - thrown away
  • some confirmations from post office - thrown away
  • 2 mugs - thrown away
  • photo album - thrown away
  • medal - thrown away
  • old condoms - thrown away
  • toothbrush holder - gave away
  • old glue - thrown away
  • pencil case - gave away

… and lots of actual garbage. I can’t believe that I collected so much things in my life. Sometimes it is difficult to get rid of something, but I really feel better after starting decluttering. 

Progress of decluttering - keeped things and new needle pillow I made quickly ;)

I’ve counted my clothes!

After a small decluttering, my current wardrobe contains:


  • 2 pairs of basic black trousers
  • 2 pairs of shalwars
  • 2 pairs of yoga pants
  • 2 pais of shorts
  • warm leggins
  • boiler pants
  • velvet sweatpants
  • jeans pedal pushers


  • 13 T-shirts
  • 1 crop top
  • 3 blouses
  • 6 shirts
  • 2 overalls
  • 2 sweaters
  • 3 hoodies


  • 27 pairs of socks (yes, I know)
  • 4 bras
  • 1 sports bra
  • 17 pants
  • tights
  • 5 undervests
  • 3 parts of pyjama
  • 2 onesie

Outdoor clothing

  • fur coat
  • 2 winter coats
  • jacket
  • raincoat
  • boiler suit


  • 1 pair of gloves
  • 2 cups
  • beanie
  • winter hat
  • scarf
  • rucksack
  • laptop bag
  • bag
  • suitcase
  • 4 tote bags
  • 2 sackpacks


  • 2 pairs of winter boots
  • 2 pais of wedges
  • sneackers
  • 3 pairs of slippers
  • flip-flops
  • sandals

I’m still working on reducing my number of clothes. I’ve decluttered some worn out and torn pieces of clothing (turned it to rugs or threw away).

The list doesn’t include things I have decided to sell, so they are stored by me in different place. If I can’t sell them in 2 months - I’ll donate them. There are still clothes on the list that I almost don’t wear. I will decide what to do with them in the future. Now, I’m proud of myself that I let go to so many clothes.

I’m looking forward to making similar list in the future and comparing it ;)

If you want to share with me some tips feel free to do it! Brainstorms are the best!

My rules of getting rid of 1000 things ;)

As i mentioned last time I’m getting rid of 1000 things in 2020 in order to more minimalist lifestyle. I decided to make my own rules (but remember I don’t want it to be very difficult!) ;)

  • I count things that I throw away, donate, sell and give away.
  • I don’t throw out if I can donate, sell or give away.
  • Also if I can renovate or upcycle something I do it and decide what to do next.
  • If I persuade somebody living with me under the same roof to get rid of something that we don’t use - I count it.
  • I count things as pair of boots as one item, but for example jewellery which can be worn separately as two items.
  • I count packagings of cosmetics that I can use up (for example body lotions, I still have a few in packagings).
  • I also count new things that I obtain and will compare it in the end of the year. 
  • I’ll do a sum up and share with you my progress every month ;)

To be honest I’m not even sure if I’ll find 1000 things to get rid of :D Let’s see what will happen ;)


Hi! I really liked the decluttering idea. And I have a challenge for you! It’s about cleaning up your devices. Don’t force yourself to do it all at once it may take much time ;)

Text messages:

  • Look through your e-mails, delete the needless ones. 
  • Unsubscribe newsletters.
  • Also check your SMS and text messaging apps. 


  • Unfollow the accounts that makes you feel bad somehow and people who you don’t like although keep following.


  • Look through your gallery and delete wrong taken photos, screenshots etc. 
  • Organize the pictures.


  • Clean up your browser history.
  • Clean up your bookmarks. 
  • Delete the accounts you no longer use (for example old browser games you no longer play accounts).
  • Check your Google Drive and tidy it up.


  • Change your wallpaper. 
  • Delete the music you stopped listening to years ago. (Spotify counts!)
  • Organize your desktop.
  • Organize your secondary storage. 

I’m starting now, what about you?

Okay, I was finally able to complete it  It took a lot of time to be honest. The hardest challenge now is to keep it tidy

But it is worth it! I absolutely love my new wallpapers, furthermore deleting old messages really made me feel better. I was especially shocked with my e-mail box… I haven’t delete any e-mails since September 2018! 

I truly encourage you to clean up your devices!

Hi! I really liked the decluttering idea. And I have a challenge for you! It’s about cleaning up your devices. Don’t force yourself to do it all at once it may take much time ;)

Text messages:

  • Look through your e-mails, delete the needless ones. 
  • Unsubscribe newsletters.
  • Also check your SMS and text messaging apps. 


  • Unfollow the accounts that makes you feel bad somehow and people who you don’t like although keep following.


  • Look through your gallery and delete wrong taken photos, screenshots etc. 
  • Organize the pictures.


  • Clean up your browser history.
  • Clean up your bookmarks. 
  • Delete the accounts you no longer use (for example old browser games you no longer play accounts).
  • Check your Google Drive and tidy it up.


  • Change your wallpaper. 
  • Delete the music you stopped listening to years ago. (Spotify counts!)
  • Organize your desktop.
  • Organize your secondary storage. 

I’m starting now, what about you?

This year I decided to get rid of 1000 things due to minimalism lifestyle. I am not really sure if I can do it but I will make my best to complete the challenge till 2021.

I feel strongly inspired by this youtube video, Marie Kondo’s programme and also I am really done with my parents cluttering our house all the time (okay, I have my share in it). Since I can remember our flat and now our cottage was full of needless things and to put it bluntly - garbage. 

I want to reduce the amount of my items but I’ll try convincing my mother to do the same (my father will not listen to me at all), but my chances are really… low.

I have already made list for things to get rid of (donate, sell or throw away if needed). 

I also encourage you to take part in it! Let’s declutter our homes together! Good luck!

interior-design-home: KonMari I’m really happy with the way my home has become lighter. Things that



 I’m really happy with the way my home has become lighter. Things that caused me anxiety or were somehow connected with guilt or stress are mostly gone. I spend MUCH less time on cleaning, and somehow gravitate towards hyggelig activities which I have neglected for years.

I actually (re)discovered HyggethroughKonmari

Konmari is about comfort, not minimalism. It’s about a wholesome home that inspires you to live well. It’s about having the right amount of things that make you happy. It’s about removing the rest of the stuff so that your favourite things can shine. Also I found the books soothing, and even though the approach is Japanese and not nordic, it’s still very hygge.

For the uninitiated, Konmari is a method of going through your possessions in a specific order, and keeping only those that spark joy (give you a good feeling in the gut, which means that they are aligned with who you are right now and with how you want your home and life to be).

What does not spark joy is stuff that you own because of attachment to the past or fear of the future. The method is explained in the books The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up, and it’s follow up Spark Joy.

I’m getting really into minimalism lately. I have always loved a good house purge but these days I feel like I want to go deeper with it. I feel a need in my stomach to get rid of things and only keep the things that give me joy.

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Reflection on this Last Academic Year

Due to the virus resulting in the closure of schools across the world for the unseeable future, I think it is the perfect time to regain your thoughts and reflect on your time spent studying this year.

1. Make a list of habits/things you want to change for the next academic year.

I think this task can be very beneficial. You have been stopped suddenly in your studies and the world has changed drastically around us as we stay indoors. By redirecting on what you were doing well this year and what you weren’t will be extremely helpful in preparation to return to school.

2. Declutter your school life.

In the middle of the school year, the habits you wanted to implement may have been stopped as you became lazier. Now that you have time off, you can reflect on those and reset those goals and habits you desired to have. We’re they too ambitious or did you not put enough effort in?

3. Write your perfect schedule.

In this quarantine, you can take the time to write your desired morning, night and after school routines in detail. This will help you prepare for when you return and you can start as you want to. Make sure to include all the steps in detail and add in timings too if you wish. 

4. Cleanse your digital devices.

For those of you who use your laptop or phone to plan, write notes or study, this time at home can include spending a few hours going through your folders, apps, organisation systems and mail. Clearing unnecessary downloads and documents will clear up space but also make it easier to navigate your digital space. I will be writing a post on what I am doing for this task in more detail soon.

Thank you for reading and I hope you are all staying safe and home (if on lockdown). I give my thoughts to those in hospital and their families who have lost so much due to this global pandemic. Please support your friends and family during this time and stay in touch with anyone who may be alone. As my mum likes to say, be a helper not a taker. Do what you can for those around you even if it’s a phone call to check in :)

What’s So Great About That: Episode 26
Kondo-Culture: The Fall of the House of Stuff

The recent decline of objects goes beyond decluttering, so why are we suddenly so keen on getting rid of things? And what role do objects play in our increasingly digital world? This essay follows the rise and fall of ‘stuff’, through art, philosophy and Marie Kondo.

#video essay    #marie kondo    #konmari    #consumerism    #declutter    #episodes    
Decluttering my bag. . . #beautytalk #beautyrituals #beautygram #creativeminimalism #ig_minimalist #

Decluttering my bag.
#beautytalk #beautyrituals #beautygram #creativeminimalism #ig_minimalist #loves_minimalism #mindtheminimal #minimal_perfection #minimalart #minimalism #minimalexperience #minimalmood #minimalove #mnm_gram #showminimal #paradiseofminimal #rsa_minimal #unlimitedminimal #whitethemeproject #declutter #chanel #antique #gold

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Really fucking proud of myself this weekend so far.

I cleaned out the storage room. This has been hanging over me in at the top of a massive to do list for years. Finally it has been rid of most of the junk (I literally cannot lift the old filing cabinet in there) and can actually be used for storing OUR stuff. Costumes are now in there with the friggin Christmas tree and all the decorations and stuff.

This cleared off almost an entire shelf in the hallway. This shelf will now have the job of supporting the seedlings that we will be planting for our indoor/outdoor garden.

I have also cleared out the corner of piled up stuff next to my sewing desk. All the scraps of foam that I will never use (because it has literally sat there for years and I haven’t used it yet, so I probably never will) went in the garbage. The drawers for organizing that just sat full of junk forever have been emptied of junk and are now properly storing my crafting tools, scriggly supplies (string, tubes, and hook and loop tape), and thank you cards for my customers. Unfinished projects are now where I can see them, and have access to them so perhaps they will be finished this year. With everything out of the way and cleared out, I could now use the bottom two shelves on the bookshelf and actually put all my comics, graphic novels, and manga away. I even had space to put my file folder full of patterns away and sorted newer patterns into envelopes so I could store them.

It’s a lot of work, but every time I get a little more done it feels better. I’m trying to stay on top of my habits too. Put my mug away when I’m done my coffee, put my sewing things back in the tin when I’m done, don’t leave scraps lying around, that kind of thing. It hasn’t been easy. I have slipped a couple times and had several mugs to put away, or realized this morning that I’d left a ton of scraps on the coffee table again. But I think the important part is I’m trying. Change doesn’t happen overnight. But it will happen.

 Todays Self Care idea: Donate or sell something that you have long wanted to get rid of or that you

Todays Self Care idea: Donate or sell something that you have long wanted to get rid of or that you no longer need.

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