



Mend a whole in your jeans by hand


Thank you for the tag!

Feel free to check out my compilation post on mending jeans to see more ways to patch up denim.

#wasteless crafts    #reblog    #not mine    #tiktok    #mending    #visible mending    #trousers    #how to    #tutorial    #fashion    #fast fashion    #slow fashion    #sustainable fashion    #sustainability    #embroidery thread    
butilovemymirror:My first try at sachiko/visible mending! My dog chewed my skirt up, so I’m fixing i


My first try at sachiko/visible mending! My dog chewed my skirt up, so I’m fixing it! Thanks to @wastelesscrafts

[ID: a hole in black fabric that’s been patched with a scrap of light blue colours and yellow thread.]

Congratulations on your first visible mend!

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“The Deep Blue Chickpea” — A stop-motion short film, brought to you by Passion for Pasta.

Pasta and chickpeas (a type of pulse) both have low carbon footprints, because they are plant-based foods that require fewer resources to grow, produce and process than meat-based foods. And, as luck would have it, they happen to taste great together, too.

So, what better meal to eat on Earth Day than a delicious, environmentally friendly dish of gemelli pasta with spicy chickpeas, rosemary and fresh cherry tomatoes?

#pulses    #earth day    #sustainability    #chickpeas    #vegetarian    #tomatoes    #rosemary    #spicollective    #stop motion    #legumes    #healthy eating    #mediterranean diet    

So I’ve not been very active on tumblr during the last months, because my job and my master’s keep me more than busy.

However, I’d like to share with you one of the projects I’ve been working on because I think (and hope) some of you might be interested!

So please like and reblog and comment your friends!

We are organising Houstainable, an innovation contest to find new solutions for sustainable and smart living spaces in cities.

How it works? Hand in your ideas via our website between the 16th of December 2020 and the 21st of December 2020 and exchange ideas about the future of living in cities with other innovative minds! Develop your ideas into concepts to be evaluated by our jury!

Houstainable provides an opportunity to meet people from all over the world and to find alternative approaches and solutions. We want to encourage people from all backgrounds and fields to network with others who care about the future.

Check out or social media and website:


If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them! I hope you all have a great day ☺️

Cows are not polluting the world, they’re part of it

Over the past few decades, U.S. dairy farmers have been able to reduce their environmental impact by 60%; and dairy farmers continue to strive to be leaders in sustainability. Even while doubling milk production, the number of dairy cows in the U.S. has decreased from 25.6 million cows in 1950 to only 9.4 million today. Doing more with less is a philosophy that has enabled dairy farmers to reduce their environmental “hoofprint” and drive real change in the industry and environment.

Cows are part of the world’s ecological system and dairy farmers have harnessed this biological advantage. The “waste” that cows create is necessary for good soil health. Healthy soil holds more water and provides a richer life for the microbial life of the soil. The manure goes back onto the soil to regrow the grass and other crops that cows eat. The planet needs cows as much as cows need the planet

It should be noted that the methane cows emit stays in the atmosphere for about six years; this means in every year that new methane molecules are added, they’re offset by the expiration of molecules produced in years prior. As long as the number of cows doesn’t drastically increase, this cycle has a net-neutral effect. By contrast, emissions from cars last in the atmosphere over 100 years. So, every idling car is adding emissions that will last for a century.

 Biodegradable plastic maker plans $700M Georgia factoryA southwest Georgia company announced Monday

Biodegradable plastic maker plans $700M Georgia factory

A southwest Georgia company announced Monday that it will spend $700 million to build a factory to produce biodegradable packaging for the world’s largest candy makers and others.

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 Queensland passes laws banning ‘killer’ single-use plastics Queensland has become the s

Queensland passes laws banning ‘killer’ single-use plastics

Queensland has become the second Australian state to pass laws banning single-use plastics including straws and cutlery that are blighting the state’s waterways and beaches and endangering wildlife.

Environmental groups congratulated the Queensland government after it passed legislation on Wednesday night that will ban single-use plastic items, including polystyrene food containers and cups, from 1 September.

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 Polystyrene to be phased out next year under Australia’s plastic waste planConservation gro

Polystyrene to be phased out next year under Australia’s plastic waste plan

Conservation groups welcome aspects of the largely voluntary packaging and recycling targets but warn regulation will be necessary

Polystyrene foam commonly used to package consumer goods will be phased out in Australia by mid-2022 as part of a national plan to combat mounting plastic waste.

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 ‘Biodegradable’ plastic will soon be banned in Australia. That’s a big win for the environment To s

‘Biodegradable’ plastic will soon be banned in Australia. That’s a big win for the environment

To start dealing with Australia’s mounting plastic crisis, the federal government last week launched its first National Plastics Plan.

The plan will fight plastic on various fronts, such as banning plastic on beaches, ending polystyrene packaging for takeaway containers, and phasing in microplastic filters in washing machines. But we’re particularly pleased to see a main form of biodegradable plastic will also be phased out.

Biodegradable plastic promises a plastic that breaks down into natural components when it’s no longer wanted for its original purpose. The idea of a plastic that literally disappears once in the ocean, littered on land or in landfill is tantalising — but also (at this stage) a pipe dream.

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 Fire Breaks Out At Plastic Factory In Maharashtra’s Thane

Fire Breaks Out At Plastic Factory In Maharashtra’s Thane

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 Plastic recycling results in rare metals being found in children’s toys and food packaging So

Plastic recycling results in rare metals being found in children’s toys and food packaging

Some of the planet’s rarest metals—used in the manufacture of smartphones and other electrical equipment—are increasingly being found in everyday consumer plastics, according to new research.

Scientists from the University of Plymouth and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign tested a range of new and used products including children’s toys, office equipment and cosmetic containers.

Through a number of detailed assessments, they examined levels of rare earth elements (REEs) but also quantities of bromine and antimony, used as flame retardants in electrical equipment and a sign of the presence of recycled electronic plastic.

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 Coca-Cola turns to 100% recycled plastic bottles in U.S. Coca-Cola Co will sell its popular sodas i

Coca-Cola turns to 100% recycled plastic bottles in U.S.

Coca-Cola Co will sell its popular sodas in bottles made from 100% recycled plastic material in the United States

The soda and beverage giant, criticized for being one of the biggest producers of plastic waste, pledged a couple of years ago to collect and recycle a bottle or can for each one it sells globally by 2030.

The company will start rolling out the new 13.2oz bottles of Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero Sugar, Coca-Cola Flavors this month in select states in the Northeast, Florida and California.

The Atlanta, Georgia-based firm said the new recycled bottles would help reduce its use of new plastic by more than 20% across its North American portfolio compared with 2018.

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 Estonia’s EU plastics tax bill comes to €23.6 million for 2021Estonia’s European Unio

Estonia’s EU plastics tax bill comes to €23.6 million for 2021

Estonia’s European Union non-recycled plastics tax bill come to €23.6 million this year, ERR reports, though some experts say that Estonia pays considerably more than it should do in proportion to its size and wealth. The tax proved unpopular with the former Center/EKRE/Isamaa coalition when it was introduced last year.

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