#tarot spreads


The Tea Conference Spread

A Talk over Tea in Depth spread to do with your deities, spirit guides, etc to make you feel as if you are really sitting down with them over tea and feeling comfortable ~

  1. What Message to you have for me today?
  2. How is our relationship?
  3. How can I improve this relationship?
  4. What is the main important thing to work on today?
  5. What do I need to learn from this reading?
  6. How can I benefit from this reading?
  7. Farewell Tea Sip: The lesson learned from this Reading.
tarot spreads
harvest-moon-mystic:Zodiac Archetypes Tarot Spreads Aries the Ram (Pioneer)1. Hindleg–What is hold


Zodiac Archetypes Tarot Spreads

Aries the Ram (Pioneer)
1. Hindleg–What is holding you back
2. Horn–What to continue doing
3. Horn–What to start doing
4. Nose–Future

Taurus the Bull (Nature Spirit)
1. Head–Obstacle
2&3. Horns–Potential outcomes
4. Shoulder–How to proceed

Gemini the Twins (Oracle)
1&2. Hearts–2 conflicting desires
3. Head–Advice
4. Feet–Future/how to proceed

Cancer the Crab (Mother)
1. Shell–What you hide
2. Eyes–Environmental responses
3. Claw–Past
4. Claw–Future

Leo the Lion (King)
1. Mane–Pride
2. Teeth–Fierceness
3. Body–Your effect on others
4. Tail–Adaptibility

Virgo the Virgin (Healer)
1. Head–Logical path
2. Heart–Emotional obstruction
3&4. Hands–Potential futures

Libra the Scales (Peacemaker)
1. Base–Issues influencing you
2. Fulcrum–Advice for decision
3&4. Scales–2 choices

Scorpio the Scorpion (Witch)
1. Tail–Where your power lies
2. Head–How to confront issues
3. Pincer–Past
4. Pincer–Future

Sagittarius the Archer (Explorer)
1. Arrow–Destination
2. Bow–Discovery
3. Man–Where to find strength
4. Horse–How to stay grounded

Capricorn the Water Goat (Father)
1. Tail–Past influences
2. Body–Current issue
3. Head–Advice from the spirit
4. Horns–How to address the issue

Aquarius the Water Bearer (Rebel)
1. Vessel–What you hold back
2. Woman–How you are viewed
3. Water–What to express
4. Snake–Temptations

Pisces the Fish (Dreamer)
1. Head–First option for path following
2. Tail–Outcome if followed
3. Head–Second option for path following
4. Tail–Outcome if followed

(original tarot spreads by harvest-moon-mystic.  Available soon on etsy)

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seven-0f-spirals: Emotional Blockage SpreadI first created this spread for a private reading, an


Emotional Blockage Spread

I first created this spread for a private reading, and it worked rather well for the querent, so here it is for all to enjoy. The spread itself is pretty straightforward, although if you have any questions about it, feel free to message me!

Card 1: What is your current emotional state? This card will dig deep to let you know how you are truly feeling.

Card 2: What is emotionally blocking you right now? This card will help expose what may be blocking you at the moment.

Card 3: How can you get past this emotional block? This card will give you advice on how you can begin to get past your blockage.

Card 4: How can I put #3′s advice into action? So, the last card gave you advice, but you may be wondering just how you should go about it. This card will help set you on your way.

(background image credit: click)

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Spirit Check-In Spread

This is just built to be a good general spread to check in with your spirit companions and/or guides! The 6th card is a bonus card draw.

  1. How are you?
  2. What’s on your mind?
  3. What do you want to tell me?
  4. What do you want/need from me?
  5. What can I do to strengthen our bond?
  6. (Bonus card draw) Is there anything else I should know?


I’ve got another quick and easy tarot trick for y’all!
The featured card for this one is The Hermit because I always associate it with taking time to care for yourself.
1. Find The Hermit in your deck.
2. The card below is what’s stressing or draining you.
3. The card above is something you can do for yourself.

hope it helps make somebody’s day a bit better!

littlenonbinarywitch:I wasn’t really resonating with any of the full deck spreads I was finding so I


I wasn’t really resonating with any of the full deck spreads I was finding so I’ve ended up making my own. It’s intended to be a big check in for yourself, your life, and the next 12 months. Ideally, you would only do it at most every few months. But without further ado, here are the card positions.

Full Deck Spread

1-5 Positive things in your life right now

6-10 Things you can currently improve

Self Check In

11-13 Spiritual

14-15 Emotional

17-19 Mental

20-22 Physical

Life Check In

23-24 Home

25-26 Family

27-28 Work/School

29-20 Relationships

Monthly Forecast

31-34 January

35-38 February

39-42 March

43-46 April

47-50 May

51-54 June

55-58 July

59-62 August

63-66 September

67-70 October

71-74 November

75-78 December

**If you want to add an oracle card in the middle, go wild. I feel like it could provide a nice little overall message for the reading.**

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readingsbylily:Hey witchy friends and divination enthusiasts! Since I recently made a post on somereadingsbylily:Hey witchy friends and divination enthusiasts! Since I recently made a post on somereadingsbylily:Hey witchy friends and divination enthusiasts! Since I recently made a post on some


Hey witchy friends and divination enthusiasts! Since I recently made a post on some tips for choosing a Tarot deck, I thought I’d include a post about deck interviews too. If you’re unfamiliar with deck interviews or maybe you’ve just never done one yourself, these are some tips that explain a little bit about the process. You can find plenty of deck interview spreads online or on Instagram, but please feel free to make up your own!

For me, my set up is usually as follows:

Card 1: Who are you? or What is your personality?

Card 2: What do I need to know about you?

Card 3: What are your strengths? (You can draw multiple cards for this).

Card 4: What are your weaknesses? (You can also do multiples for this one).

Card 5: Who am I to you? or What is my personality to you?

Card 6: What are you here to teach me/help me with/etc.?

Card 7: How can I best work with you?

You’re welcome to use this if you’d like but it’s only one example! As always, do whatever feels best to you. You can make your deck interview as long or as short as you like or ask whatever questions you feel necessary.

I’m always available to chat if you have questions and you can find me here or on Instagram @readingsbylily. ✨

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unhelpfultarot: The Moon and Four of CupsEverything keeps on being confusing and frightening and awf


The Moon and Four of Cups

Everything keeps on being confusing and frightening and awful, and you’re running out of fucks to give.

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The Hallowed.

a tarot spread for samhain.

1. The Coffin.

This is what needs to be buried. What in my life needs to be left behind?

2. The Grave.

Some things are written in stone and can’t be changed. What in my life do I need to come to terms with? What can’t be changed?

3. The Hallowed.

The veil between those who are living and those who have passed is thinnest tonight. What do the souls of those who have passed need to reveal to me?


Card 1 - “What in the”:
Your current problem. Your focus. What is hindering you currently. Your challenge.

Card 2 - “Actual”:
What about this challenge/problem is grounded in reality? Is it a tangible problem?

Card 3 - “Fresh”:
Am I looking at this problem wrong? Am I going about this the wrong way? Do I need to see this with a ‘fresh’ perspective?

Card 4 - “Fuck”:
What about this is wrong? Why is it wrong? What is making it wrong?

Card 5 - “?”:
Do I need more info? Where do I need more info?

Card 6 - “!”:
What can I do about this? Where can I take action? What changes can I make to solve this?


A tarot spread inspired by hurricanes.


Mabon Fall Harvest Tarot Spread

A tarot spread made for a challenger prompt from the Grimoire Project discord!

The challenge was to create (and use, thought that will have to wait until tomorrow) a tarot spread centered around Mabon.

Since it is a harvest festival, I came up with the idea to make a spread outlining your personal ‘harvest’, in the form of the outcomes and affects on your life of a change or choice you have or will make.

Below is the spread itself, as well as the explanation of what each card signifies!

(Do not repost. If you use the spread and wish to talk about it, please either directly link back to this post or do it in a reblog. Images belong to Canva, but I purchased the right to use them.)

(Totally forgot to, but rebooting this since Mabon was yesterday!)

vaaltyrs: Introducing … 
Ourobouros: An Occult Magazine!!!
For the month of February and a little bi


Introducing …

Ourobouros: An Occult Magazine!!!
For the month of February and a little bit of March, in my server, ourobouros, we were hosting study groups and one of the study groups we formed was a Zine Creation study group. In preparation for Ostara, we decided to release our first issue focusing on the Vernal Equinox.

We’ve compiled a lot of fun things for you in our first issue!

Myself (vaaltyrs)

Kenzie (@paganus-dei-marique)
Alexx (@nowthatswhaticallawkward)
Myself (vaaltyrs)

Sylverra Crystals (@sylverra)

For now, I’ll be hosting the zine issues in a Google drive, which you can access here. If you have any suggestions on what further editions should feature, feel free to send me an ask and if you’d like to contribute, please feel free to join the server!


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Want to do an interest check, so if you see this, please reblog this so more people will see it, and comment if you’d be interested (absolutely no obligation to buy!)

But would people be interested if I started to make and sell prints of my tarot spreads? I’d probably save the ones I use to print from Tumblr, but they would be great for quick reference or adding to a grimoire!

I’d be making them through Canva, so depending on the material, they’d probably be about $10-$15. Of course they’ll be priced reasonably to how much they cost to make.

But please let me know if you’d be interested in something of the sort!

NINE OF PENTACLES: THE PLAYLISTWealth. Refinement. Success.1. 7 Rings - Ariana Grande2. Independent


Wealth. Refinement. Success.

1. 7 Rings - Ariana Grande
2. Independent Woman - Destiny’s Child
3. We All Live In Abundance! - Charles Haines and Evan Rock
4. Rainbow High - Evita Soundtrack
5. Millionaire Mind - Big Idea
6. Independent - Webbie Ft. Lil’ Bossie
7. Successful - Ariana Grande
8. Real Rich - Wiz Khalifa Feat. Gucci Mane
9. Sophisticated Lady - Natalie Cole
10. Rich - K. Michelle
11. Good Life - One Republic
12. Rich Girl - Gwen Stefani
13. Elegance - Hello, Dolly! Soundtrack
14. Aristocrat - Poppy
15. Gucci Gucci - Kreayshawn
16. That’s Rich - Newsies
17. Killer Queen - Queen
18. Money - Cardi B
19. The Model - Kraftwerk
20. Money Is Coming To Me - Karen Drucker

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The Week Ahead Spread

1) What does the mind need to stay centered

2) What does the body need to stay grounded

3) What do your emotions need

Your Action is Required: Cartomancy Spread

Hello everyone! Here today with a cartomancy spread. This is a five-card spread aimed at moving forwards in something you keep meaning to do, but struggle to follow through with.

The questions:

  1. What is holding me back from acting on my intention?
  2. What can I do to remove this block?
  3. How can I continue to work towards this intent?
  4. What else do I need to know about this situation?
  5. Further advice or…

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Life Isn’t Black and White: Color My Cartomancy

This month’s Color My Cartomancy spread is inspired by grey, and the concept of complexity.


  1. How do I see the situation?
  2. How might others see the situation?
  3. What is the truth of the situation?
  4. What is the best way to approach this situation?
  5. What can I learn from this?

You are free to use my spreads as long as you are not making money off the reading or assuming credit. If you like…

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Time for a cartomancy spread! This is a six card spread looking at the week ahead.

I find at least two of my tarot decks able to predict the future, though I believe it is more of “most likely outcome given current circumstances” as opposed to “this will definitely happen”. If that doesn’t fit with how you view cards, you are welcome to not use this spread. To each their own!

The cards are as…

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Wildcard White: Color My Cartomancy

Welcome back to Color My Cartomancy! This month’s spread was inspired by white being a substitute for any other color. It focuses on change.

For questions one, three, and four, feel free to pull extra cards in order to get to a second or third answer on change!

Questions for this spread:

  1. What thing(s) need change in my life?
  2. How should I got about changing these things?
  3. What is the first (second,…

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Witchiversary Spread

Today’s my “witchiversary” (anniversary of being a witch)! I made this spread on the spot this morning to commemorate and celebrate, and was quite pleased with it, so I decided to share!

  1. What lesson does my Craft still hold for me?
  2. What is something about my Craft that I should realize?
  3. What is a good way to further my Craft?
  4. On what area of my Craft might it be beneficial…

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Bound in Black: Color My Cartomancy

Color My Cartomancy brings us today to the color black, and getting a grip on things.

This is one of the largest spreads in the Color My Cartomancy series! Here are the questions:

  1. In what area(s) do I need more self-control/self-discipline?
  2. What is one way I can improve my self-control/self-discipline?
  3. What is a second way?
  4. How should I approach not wanting to keep up the…

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Hello everyone! Here with yet another cartomancy spread. I seem to be obsessed with making them!

This is one of my longer spreads–ten cards, or eleven in a five-week month. It’s aimed at giving you a look at the coming month. If you don’t believe tarot can predict the future at all, then this may not be the spread for you. I have found at least one of my decks to correctly predict things,…

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This week the Color My Cartomancy series features the color brown. Use this spread when you seek stability.

Questions for this spread:

  1. What can I do to find solid ground to stand on in life?
  2. What can I do to keep on this solid ground, not straying from its path?
  3. What should I do if I find myself unstable?

You are free to use my spreads as long as you are not making money off the reading or…

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Hello everyone! The other day I promised that by the 25th I would bring you three spreads inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic. Here they are, five days before my self-appointed deadline!

Please remember these spreads are meant only as a small guide in hard times–they in no way replace information or guidelines from the CDC, WHO, etc. Wash your hands, practice social distancing, and hang in there.


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