#tea recipes



Divination Drinks: Teas to Aid in Divining

Divination in all of its forms (tarot reading, tasseomancy; palmistry; pendulums, etc,.), can be quite exhausting and require large amounts of energy. These teas and tea blends will aid you in divining by enhancing your psychic power, and/or boosting your energy.

Tea Blends:

Psychic Tea (Scott Cunningham)

  • 3 parts Rose Petals
  • 1 part Cinnamon
  • 2 parts Yarrow

Brew the tea, strain it and drink a cup before performing any form of divination as this tea enhances psychic awareness.

Tea for Divination (Moura)

  • 1 tbsp China black tea
  • 2 tbsp Lemon Balm
  • 1 tbsp Rose Hips
  • 1 tbsp Mugwort*

Brew the tea, strain it and drink either before divination or sip during/throughout.


Jasmine Tea

  • Jasmine is said to induce prophetic dreams, which can aid in the growth of psychic power and psychic awareness making this tea a good choice of drink to be had before divining. 
  • Drink 1 cup of this naturally sweet and fragrant tea before sleeping the night before you wish to divine.

Vanilla Tea

  • You can brew your own or buy ready-made Vanilla tea/tea bags. Vanilla enhances psychic ability and allows the benefits of this enhancement to be better felt and absorbed. 
  • Drink Vanilla tea before and during any divination work to open yourself up and be more receptive.

Peppermint Tea

  • Peppermint tea heightens your psychic sensitivity, as well as working to clear the mind and sharpen focus. It can also be used to cleanse the mind and body of any negative energies beforehand.
  • This tea should be consumed beforeany psychic or divination based activities. 

Some Other Things to Consider:

Some herbal tea blends may not be to your taste but this can be remedied by adding honey to taste. 

Other herbs, such as Cinnamon, are used to add oomph to magick and can be added to tea blends and teas to do just that. If you don’t want to add pre-ground and grainy Cinnamon to your drinks, you can use a Cinnamon stick to stir instead. This will add the oomph you’re after without altering the taste too much.

If you want to make your brew even more potent, stir clockwise. This adds positive energy to your tea.

[*=This herb is harmful to pregnant or nursing women!]



Hello there, my dears! This is my own personal recipe for lemon spearmint green tea imbued with luck, healing, prosperity, and protection. It’s very simple and easy to make, and it’s especially refreshing on a hot summer day.


♡ Spearmint leaves (you can use any type of mint you want, I just happen to be growing spearmint at the moment)

♡ Green tea bags (I buy the large store brand ones)

♡ Lemon juice or an actual lemon

♡ Sugar or honey

Put a pot of water on the stove to boil. I use a big pot because I like to make a gallon at a time. Wash your mint leaves and set them aside. Add your tea bags to your water (it won’t be boiling yet). The box will tell you how many to add for the amount of water you are using (or just eyeball it like I do). Before you add your mint leaves, center yourself and focus your energy. Tear each leaf in half and drop it into the water. The tearing helps to release more flavor and put your own energy into the leaves. As you drop the leaves into the water, chant the words luck, healing, prosperity, and protection however many times you feel is necessary. I tend to say each word as I drop in a leaf, imbuing that leaf with the power of that word. Let your tea come to a boil, while stirring here and there. I also tend to chant while I’m stirring. Once it has come to a boil remove the tea bags, take it off of the heat, and transfer it into whatever container you wish to use. I have a trusty plastic gallon sized pitcher than I use for my magickal teas. Add in your sugar or honey. I use anywhere between a half cup and a full cup of sugar for a gallon, but add however much you wish. Add some more spearmint leaves as well. Add in a few squirts of lemon juice for happiness. Alternatively, just squeeze a lemon into the container and/or add lemon slices. That’s it! Stick it in the refrigerator to cool off and serve over ice. 

Pro tip: If you are harvesting the mint yourself, make sure to thank the plant for allowing you to harvest it, don’t take more than you need, and don’t harvest in a way that injures the plant. (you can always google how to properly harvest certain herbs without harming the plant itself)

Happy tea making, dearies ♡♡♡

Hey guys! Recently I had tried this tea I made on my own. It worked so so well the next day to relieve my cramps. The recipe is made by me so I send lots of love and positive energies along with this recipe. I hope this relives your period


❣️Dried rose petals/buds to help relieve cramps, acne, and constipation created by the inflammation of the uterus

❣️Dried rosemary leaves to reduce inflammation of the uterus and breasts

❣️Dried mint leaves to relive nausea

❣️Cinnamon stick/powdered cinnamon to relive inflammation and increase blood flow which will increase bleeding but shorten your period 

❣️Honey to increase energy and sweeten tea

Side Note: Cinnamon will only increase bleeding and shorten your period when drank on a daily basis during your period. If it was drank only once throughout your period, only the day that it was drank will affect your bleeding.


1.)Put about 2-3 cups of water in a pot and bring it to a boil

2.) After brought to a boil, turn off the burner and place it on a non-used burner

3.) Throw in your ingredients and place a lid on the pot. If you are using powdered cinnamon, stir that in after the steeping and straining takes place. Let the ingredients steep 5-10 minutes or however long you wish

4.) Strain the tea into a cup and you’re ready to drink!


Sleep-inducing milk tea

Boil milk and add:

  • Lavender♡ peacefulness, deep sleep
  • White rose ♡ calm, anti-stress
  • Chamomille♡ relaxation, healing
  • Thyme (just a teaspoon! it ain’t sweet!) ♡ soothing, peace of mind, healing
  • Vanilla extract for sweetening


You Will Need:

❄️ 1 tablespoon Lavender

❄️ ½ tablespoon Mint

❄️ ½ tablespoon Chamomile

❄️ 1 cup fresh snow (this is optional If you live in a place without snow)

To Prepare:

❄️ Add snow to 3-4 cups of water. Add the snow BEFORE YOU BOIL THE WATER and ensure you have gotten snow from a place that is clean and doesn’t have road chemicals/salt/soaked up pesticides.

❄️Bring water to a boil. Add herbs, turn off the water, let steep.

❄️ Strain and enjoy!

Snow water is a great way to cleanse your body, inside and out. Allow the lavender to cleanse and clear away old, stuck thoughts and feelings. Let the Chamomile balm your anxious mind, and allow the mint to re-invigorate you, and fill you with the warmth that comes from a happily burning hearth in your soul.
