#text post




You like hurt/comfort because you like the idea that someone will comfort you when you are in pain.





The clown, after sucking me off, proceeds to pull the multicolored rags out from my weenie while I clap in joyful glee

Hey cid this is a post

I then proceed to smack the clown’s ass, giving off a loud distinct honk that’s only heard when clapping the ass cheek of a clown in heat

The wrong person got deactivated here


i said i would quit the shipping fandom and just focus on romantic relationships in my ocs instead. but then shirahama gives us the absolute MOST hinted at mentor/mentor pairing my brain go brrr (qifrey & olruggio in witch hat atelier)

OK but first and foremost, most seriously, this series is THE single best piece of media I’ve picked up during the entire pandemic and probably in the last few years I’d say… FMA is my fav series but you wouldn’t know it bc i never draw or talk about it LMAO. You know after I finished FMA I think in 2014, I’m like yeah haha nothing will come close. It has such an interesting and immersive world building and “magic/sci-fi” system (not technically correct but work with me here). themes of war, discrimination, disability, pain, loss - all written with such care and attention. then comes WHA. man I am so blown away. my favourite characters are coco (obvious), qifrey, olruggio, beldaruit.. and i’m most similar to riche I think (stubborn). the chapters about coustas made me cry. unfollow me now this is gonna be the only thing I talk about for the next 48748748787484 months. PLEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT WHA IF YOU READ IT.



“be straight with me”


the entire “Kitchen of Witch Hat” spinoff series is just about two dads spending quality time together cooking at night when the kids are asleep


SORRY I REALIZED THIS ONE HAD A BIG FAT SPOILER SO I HAD TO CENSOR IT. but the meme is still funny regardless


they exchanged tassels for God’s sake THEY EXCHANGED THEIR TASSELS

  • I believe in dreams:
    Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces

  • I believe in people:
    Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn

    (check your Sun/Moon sign)

Wrong Enemy recordings are due December 3rd!!! Here is a link to the sheet music: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B1nn4xEseYa6akE3a0Q1bTVCR00, and you should have received an email with further information < 3

Not a member? Please join us here!

Spider Dance recordings are due November 7th!! Here is a link to the sheet music: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1nn4xEseYa6b3VJYnJiSTREMU0, and you should have received an email with further information < 3

Not a member? Please join us here!

Unfortunately the first drawn didn’t respond so the new winner is…


So I will be contacting them shortly to send them their prize <3 Thank you for participating, be on the lookout for the Waterfall giveaway next!

- mod Alphys


God I wish more than anything that the memory lane scene in dr strange 2 showed Stephen remembering Tony. Can you imagine that? He steps on the plate that will show one of his best most cherished memories and you think “oh of course it’s gonna be him and Christine” but its not, instead it’s a memory of him and Tony, and you get to sit in the theater realizing it wasn’t Christine who was the love of his life, it was Tony?? The one he misses most of all is Tony?? God, that would have been fantastic

Sorry for the random reblogs. Tumblr mobile has decided it likes to randomly change which blog I’m sending things to lately


new year’s eve more like happy anniversary troy and gabriella

whoa!! I just hit 600 followers here!! Thanks for all the support y’all! I’m so blessed to share my art with so many great folks!! :D



ur personality is defined by ur favorite line in hallelujah

tag your favorite line of hallelujah

Seeing something like this that just reminds you of those times you laid on the floor crying all nig

Seeing something like this that just reminds you of those times you laid on the floor crying all night.

Post link


-Bryce Dallas Howard chose to keep Claire in heels throughout the film because she was determined to chart the character’s course and actions

-Katie McGrath refused to have a stunt double perform Zara’s death scene and delighted in the exciting brutality of it

-Daniella Pineda straight-up called out the editors for cutting out Zia’s sexual orientation and put the fact out into the world herself before the movie even premiered stateside

-The actresses behind Jurassic World are doing their darnedest so don’t ever disrespect them





I still think that my favorite urban legend/folklore fact is that there are certain areas in New Orleans where you cannot get a taxi late at night not because it isn’t safe, but because taxi companies have had recurring problems of picking up ghosts in those areas who are not aware that they are dead and disappearing from the cab before reaching the destination and therefore stiffing the driver on the fare causing a loss for the company.

An occupational hazard of cab driving I had not previously considered

I love that the nola problem here is not “ghosts in my taxi cab,” but “ghosts are FUCKING BROKE DEAD BASTARDS & I GOT BILLS

Horror is when ghosts get into cabs and scare drivers

Magical realism is when cab companies have to develop policies to prevent ghastly fare-theft

All PDFs Shipped!

All PDFs for both PDF and Tsukiyomi tiers were recently sent! Please check your inboxes!!


Is the “I thought of you when I was facing/having my hardest moments and your words helped me confront reality and find my strenght” trope in the aoex ships that does it for me.




seeing more RinShi fanart gives me serotonin literally leaves me smiling


One day I’ll forgive myself for all the years I wasted!!! But today I think I’m going to lay down in my bed and torture myself with it
