#this is hilarious

endisni: bunjywunjy:stele3: The witches have come to lay their claim.a pair of mischievous gobli




The witches have come to lay their claim.

a pair of mischievous goblins examine their new charge

Ebony and Tenebrous were aghast. 

“Did you hear what those fairies gave her? Beauty, grace and willingness to please? Bast’s tits, that’s a terrible thing to do to a kitten.“

Ten got up on her hind legs. “Never trust a flying thing that gives you a mouthful of glitter when you catch it. Come on, Eb, let’s give her our gifts.”

“Like half a shrew? I tried giving her that, her dam shouted at me.“

“Quite right too,“ said Ten wisely, “it’s got be at least four weeks before she can manage the skulls. That’ll be my gift then. May you always be able to manage skulls. Big ones, small ones, beaky ones, mousey ones, any sort of skull.“

Ebony copied her sister’s pose. “And may you always catch the flying things. Then you’ll never be hungry, and that’s much better than fairy wishes.”


Thirty years later, Alba was everyone’s favourite keeper at the zoo. Not only could she cure her colleagues’ headaches just by telling their skulls to give over, but she was the only person they’d ever know who could work alone in the emu enclosure…

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Elegant as fuck [x]



Kuma really saw Perona 5 seconds after stepping foot onto Thriller Bark and said sis you are working for the far inferior warlord with a vampire aesthetic and shot her over to Mihawk with the causality of a work email.



So I found the biggest blatant Nancy Drew games rip off ever. It’s called Miss Clue and follows Jane Austin novels. The game starts off with a Nancy Drew looking opening letter much like the games and has the main character explaining why she is where she is with the addition of photos much like the Nancy Drew games. Even some of the stuff she says sounds like something Nancy would say such as “I’ve already been here for a little while, but I’ve been nothing but uneasy to say the least,”. After the intro, your welcomed to music similar to that of the music heard while outside in Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake and a scene that looks like it could be directly from a Nancy Drew game:


I don’t want to get the developers in trouble, since it’s obvious that they worked hard on it, but they could at least try to be more original. I mean the magnify glass cursor looks like it was directly pulled from the Nancy Drew games. :S






*missing the charging port on my phone* don’t think about it don’t think about it don’t think about it

my two favourite things about this

  • everyone knows what this is
  • the scene was an adaptation of a scene from the original novel where instead of a charging port on a phone, it’s a winding key in a pocketwatch. I like to imagine people having this exact same kind of thought when they missed the watch keyhole 100 years ago

*person from the 1800’s missing the pocket watch keyhole* don’t think about it don’t think about it don’t think about it


ad reinhart piece from how to look at art & architecture, in which the abstract art being mocked by a viewer turns the tables and asks: what do you represent?ALT

that article about interpretation / description has gotten this piece stuck in my head. YOU SIR ARE A SPACE TOO


The best thing about @bougiebutchbitch s Kakashi ass debate is that it’s the first “debate” in the Kakashi fandom that’s actually fun to take part in, because all in all its not that serious.

how dare you imply that I am not 100000% serious in surgically removing any hint of an ass from hatake kakashi


his favourite tea!!!! a tgcf fan comic

i’m dying what poor Mu Qing





no more “which robin is the best robin” and “which robin should become batman.” more “which robin likes pineapple on pizza”

It’s Tim, isn’t it?

I would argue yes, but it’s not on Hawaiian, it’s on some monstrosity of a pizza that no one else will touch

Google “does tim drake like pineapple on pizza”, and go to images. That’s how I found these pictures confirming that he doesn’t NOT like pineapple on pizza, but does like artichoke hearts on pizza.




Tonight’s mood is “Being irrationally annoyed that nobody has made a stuffed toy that looks like the bear on the California state flag” because my California Flag Bear pyjamas from Old Navy have reached the point of no return and I want to find a pattern to make a bear from the scraps. If I have to fuck up a pattern myself SO BE IT. 

(The California state flag is, if not thebest, then one of the best state flags, regardless of what the vexilologists say. I will defend it against any American flag except the flag of the City of Chicago, objectively the finest flag in the world.)


Clearly THE best flag.

I will concede Chicago’s flag is pretty nifty though.

I think the world needs to know that the only people who showed up to argue that the California flag is not the best state flag are Marylanders and I’m almost ready to give it to you just for the lols.

[ID: an image of the flag of Maryland, which is divided into four quarters. Top left and bottom right corners are a series of black and yellow stripes, offset in the middle in a way I’m having trouble explaining, while the top right and bottom left corners are a weird cross design in alternating maroon and white. It looks like the result of a jousting match between a medieval knight and a NASCAR racer.]


The fuck do u mean this isn’t canon

arsanatomica: I just like the story behind this. On one hand, one piece of misinformation can easilyarsanatomica: I just like the story behind this. On one hand, one piece of misinformation can easilyarsanatomica: I just like the story behind this. On one hand, one piece of misinformation can easilyarsanatomica: I just like the story behind this. On one hand, one piece of misinformation can easilyarsanatomica: I just like the story behind this. On one hand, one piece of misinformation can easilyarsanatomica: I just like the story behind this. On one hand, one piece of misinformation can easilyarsanatomica: I just like the story behind this. On one hand, one piece of misinformation can easilyarsanatomica: I just like the story behind this. On one hand, one piece of misinformation can easilyarsanatomica: I just like the story behind this. On one hand, one piece of misinformation can easily


I just like the story behind this.

On one hand, one piece of misinformation can easily be accepted as fact if it looks appealing enough.

Raccoon skulls look more like what you would expect of an animal skull. Instead of the reality where wolf skulls are actually kind of ugly from the front.

But this design is made unintentionally far greater because of this.

These tattoos were all found under the #wolfskulltattoo tag on instagram

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if you tickle a boy and he calls it illegal does that mean you’re committing manslaughter



Elves are highly adaptable to their local terrain, hence the differing characteristics of Wood Elves and Sea Elves. In more recent times this adaptability has given rise to newer Elf types such as Mall Elves, Cubicle Elves, Hardware Store Lighting Section Elves, Skate Park Elves, and Highway Elves.

Further modern Elf types include:

-Porch Elves

-Connecticut Elves

-Chernobyl Exclusion Zone Elves

-Bait Shop Elves

-Retention Pond Elves

-Cemetery Elves

-Laboratory Elves

-Carwash Elves

-Spirit Halloween Elves

-Waiting Room Elves

-Penthouse Elves

-Server Room Elves

-Beach Elves

-Fire Escape Elves

-Café Elves

-Subway Elves

-Parking Lot Elves

-Cruise Ship Elves

-IKEA Elves

-Cornfield Elves

-Salt Flats Elves

-Small Claims Court Elves

-Boiler Room Elves

-Great Lakes Elves

-Ditch Elves


Matt: I don’t think we can manipulate, mansplain, or malewife our way out of this one

Frank: [cracks knuckles]

Frank: Manslaughter it is
















Legolas pretty quickly gets in the habit of venting about his travelling companions in Elvish, so long as Gandalf & Aragorn aren’t in earshot they’ll never know right?

Then about a week into their journey like

Legolas: *in Elvish, for approximately the 20th time* ugh fucking hobbits, so annoying

Frodo: *also in Elvish, deadpan* yeah we’re the worst



Legolas: ugh fucking hobbits

Merry: Frodo what’d he say

Frodo: I’m not sure he speaks a weird dialect but I think he’s insulting us. I should tell him I can understand Elvish

Merry: I mean you could do that but consider

Merry: you can only tell him ONCE

Frodo: Merry. You’re absolutely right. I’ll wait.

#legolas’ hick accent vs #frodo’s ‘i learned it out of a book’ accent #FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT

Legolas: umm well your accent is horrible


Frodo: :)

Frodo: Hello. My name is Frodo. I am a Hobbit. How are you?

Legolas: y’alld’ve’ff’ve

Frodo, crying: please I can’t understand what you’r saying

Ok, but Frodo didn’t just learn out of a book. He learned like… Chaucerian Elvish. So actually:

Frodo: Good morrow to thee, frend. I hope we twain shalle bee moste excellente companions.

Legolas: Wots that mate? ‘Ere, you avin’ a giggle? Fookin’ ‘obbits, I sware.

Aragorn: *laughing too hard to walk*



i mean, honestly it’s amazing the Elves had as many languages and dialects as they did, considering Galadriel (for example) is over seven thousand years old.

english would probably have changed less since Chaucer’s time, if a lot of our cultural leaders from the thirteenth century were still alive and running things.

they’ve had like. seven generations since the sun happened, max. frodo’s books are old to him, but outside any very old poetry copied down exactly, the dialect represented in them isn’t likely to be older than the Second Age, wherein Aragorn’s foster-father Elrond started out as a very young adult and grew into himself, and Legolas’ father was born.

so like, three to six thousand years old, maybe, which is probably a drop in the bucket of Elvish history judging by all the ethnic differentiation that had time to develop before Ungoliant came along, even if we can’t really tell because there weren’t years to count, before the Trees were destroyed.

plus a lot of Bilbo’s materials were probably directly from Elrond, whose library dates largely from the Third Age, probably, because he didn’t establish Imladris until after the Last Alliance. and Elrond isn’t the type to intentionally help Bilbo learn the wrong dialect and sound sillier than can be helped, even if everyone washumoring him more than a little.

so Frodo might sound hilariously formal for conversational use (though considering how most Elves use Westron he’s probably safe there) and kind of old-fashioned, but he’s not in any danger of being incomprehensible, because elves live on such a ridiculous timescale.

to over-analyse this awesome and hilarious post even more, legolas’ grandfather was from linguistically stubborn Doriath and their family is actually from a somewhat different, higher-status ethnic background than their subjects.

so depending on how much of a role Thranduil took in his upbringing (and Oropher in his), Legolas may have some weird stilted old-fashioned speaking tics in his Sindarin that reflect a more purely Doriathrin dialect rather than the Doriathrin-influenced Western Sindarin that became the most widely spoken Sindarin long before he was born, or he might have a School Voice from having been taught how to Speak Proper and then lapse into really obscure colloquial Avari dialect when he’s being casual. or both!

considering legolas’ moderately complicated political position, i expect he can code-switch.

…it’s also fairly likely considering the linguistic politics involved that Legolas is reasonably articulate in Sindarin, though with some level of accent, but knows approximately zeroQuenya outside of loanwords into Sindarin, and even those he mostly didn’t learn as a kid.

which would be extra hilarious when he and gimli fetch up in Valinor in his little homemade skiff, if the first elves he meets have never been to Middle Earth and they’re just standing there on the beach reduced to mimingabout what is the short beard person, and who are you, and why.

this is elvish dialects and tolkien, okay. there’s a lot of canon material! he actually initially developed the history of middle-earth specifically to ground the linguistic development of the various Elvish languages!

Legolas: Alas, verily would I have dispatched thine enemy posthaste, but y’all’d’ve pitched a feckin’ fit.

Aragorn: *eyelid twitching*

Frodo: *frantically scribbling* Hang on which language are you even speaking right now

Pippin, confused: Is he not speaking Elvish?

Frodo, sarcastically: I dunno, are you speaking Hobbit?

Boromir, who has been lowkey pissed-off at the Hobbits’ weird dialect this whole time: That’s what it sounds like to me.

Merry, who actually knows some shit about Hobbit background: We are actually speaking multiple variants of the Shire dialect of Westron, you ignorant fuck.

Sam, a mere working-class country boy: Honestly y'all could be talkin Dwarvish half the time for all I know.

Pippin, entering Gondor and speaking to the castle steward: hey yo my man

Boromir, from beyond the grave: j e s u s

Tolkien would be SO PROUD of this post


If I remember correctly, in the “tree of tongues” material from The Lost Road, Tolkien goes into some detail about how the reason elves have so many dialects is that elves view language as a form of collaborative art, which they delight in, so a newly-coined word or grammatical construct gets spread around just like a new song would.

Elves may be immortal, but they’re also immortal nerd OCs and we must never forget this



Saw a peta ad that was like “sheep farmers have lambs born in the winter and that renders the lambs too weak to defend themselves from predators” and like… do lambs usually defend themselves from predators…

in the winter their legs aren’t strong enough to hold a gun

Ah yes,,, farmers clearly don’t give a shit if their sheep are killed by predators










My friends who just got their first glasses: i need this highly expensive special cloth to wipe them, I also have this eyeglass cleaner from the same company, did you know you shouldn’t use your t shirt unless it’s specifically soft

Me who’s worn glasses since middle school: *slaps soap onto the glasses and washes them in the sink then wipes them with toilet paper* what

Did I stutter


Mah men

Our ranks are getting stronger

okay this one wins, everyone go home

My mom said when she was a kid, she and her best friend would go months without cleaning their glasses cuz they said the dirt helped them see better





do u think omegaverse acknowledges covid-19 and the generation of people who permanently lost their sense of smell like how are they all scenting each other now is the omegaverse economy in shambles

actually pheromone sensing works differently from normal olfaction, since humans in our world don’t have a functioning vomeronasal organ (VNO), we don’t have any data on how covid-19 would affect a functioning VNO in omegaverse AUs

Actually there is evidence that covid probably would affect the VNO and it stands to reason would accordingly impair its function. Briefly:

  • SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes covid, can only infect cells expressing a certain protein called ACE2
  • ACE2 is expressed widely in nasal cavity epithelial cells but not in olfactory sensory neurons. 
  • Seo et al. (2021) studied potential nasal targets for SARS-CoV-2 using golden hamsters as a model organism (commonly used as a proxy for humans in virology studies)
  • They found ACE2 expression in the main olfactory bulb epithelium (MOE, your “normal” nose organ) as well as the vomeronasal organ (VNO)
  • Several cell types in the VNO were able to be infected and they also found significant inflammatory activity (macrophage activation, apoptotic cells, etc) 
  • The specifics of how covid actually causes dysosmia are not known for sure but epithelial damage by local inflammatory immune responses likely plays a role, especially because sensory neurons themselves are not affected (Bilinska, & Butowt, 2020). Therefore I would suggest a potential similar effect of VNO dysfunction as we see in the main olfactory bulb
  • From Seo et al.: “Considering the function of the VNO, infection and subsequent pathologic changes may affect the behavior of Syrian hamsters”
  • If it stands to reason that omegaverse individuals have functioning VNOs similar to members of the animal kingdom, then it is more than reasonable to conclude that covid may cause them to lose not only their main olfactory function, but also their VNO function as well
  •  References: (1) (2)

In conclusion the omegaverse economy IS in shambles.

OP this is very well-written but im still hung up on how you came onstage dressed as a clown only to tear off the costume and reveal yourself as a biologist


Do you think it was my life’s ambition to be a chemistry teacher?

I may be over sensitive Idk, but I never really asked for critique on my undertale fanfiction. So the one commenter giving me the game stat outline and telling me I am wrong for one or two sentences saying sans is the strongest. (When in fact he is the weakest Zeo, you FOOL! how could you write snas this way, pun trash skeleman not strong!)

I was pretty polite in my reply telling them that it is great they love the game, but this is just my interpretation and is fanfiction. I could not give them all the answers because it may run into spoiler territory. You know…

Basic stuff, I…i just….this is fiction, my interpretation what? Of course it is not like the sorce material. Is this a thing?

I have never run into someone who pointed out to the fic authour that their interpretation was wrong, I have only ever heard tell of it, this is very interesting.

Undertale fanfic really do be like the wild west.

Not so much a vent as me staring at this comment over and over and just being baffled by it. :’D
