#trans girls


I do not know why l love transgender girl, but I like the experience of dating and kissing a trans girl when I was in high school in Holbrook on Long Island. A beautiful trans girl transferred to my class when I starting realizing that I do not love straight school girls. Now, we both put our dating profile on the first transgender app Transdr. You can hi us if you like a threesome love.

Pemika,a hot transgender woman come from Thai.  And she now has an impressive Facebook following of 100,000 fans.She is the idol of almost all transgender women and also the goddess of men. In fact, there are a lot of sexy trans women on transgender dating apps. Transdr is specifically designed for hot trans woman and their admirers. And these hot trans girls will  post sexy photos of themselves on the app.  If you want to meet hot trans women or date sexy trans women, Transdr is perfect for you.

a girl i used to be friends with years ago is going through her transition to become a man. she’s been on the hormones for 6 months now and she looks great. his muscles are defined, his arms are very muscular, and he even has that pelvic v thing going on. i can’t stop fantasizing over him. i’m extremely turned on over the thought of him looking so much like an attractive man, but still having a vagina. i’ve always wanted to trib with another girl, or at least eat a pussy. i feel like that’s a perfect opportunity…. sometimes i feel like having a boyfriend is really stunting my sexual fantasies…


this blog wholeheartedly supports and loves he/him lesbians



Gc2b is having a 15% off binder sale for pride month starting today !!

If you’re looking into buying a binder for the first time, they have (in my experience) some of the most comfortable and flattening binders you can get and they’re on the cheaper end at around $30-$35!!

just a heads up, this particular sale only runs from today (june 1 2018) through the weekend (june 3 2018), as specified in the promotional email i was sent.


but i can personally recommend gc2b from experience, they’re great and make really comfortable products. and they’re a trans-run company! trans products for trans people by trans people. it’s GOOD. GET YOU A BINDER.




 Okay this is for all my fellow trans women out there who happen to still suffer from the problem of having a five o’clock shadow, who want to hide it with minimal make up.

Okay so you pretty much only need two things. Well, three if you count the brushes.

But make up wise, all you need is, a liquid foundation slightly paler then your own skin, and blush.

And then basically all you have to do, you put the foundation on over your whole face, then instead of only putting the blush on certain areas, cover your whole face with it.

The result will be a natural skin tone that no one will be able to tell is make up without looking at you up close, that will completely hide the stupid five o’clock shadow. :D

Reblogging this awesome advice from a very awesome friend :)

For anyone who has not tried this yet, here is some useful tips <3

for anyone who

has not tried this yet here is

some useful tips

^Haiku^bot^9.I detect haikus with 5-7-5 format. Sometimes I make mistakes.

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I’m going to reblog ir once again bcs??? I love this. Also, i know. I messed up. It’s suI’m going to reblog ir once again bcs??? I love this. Also, i know. I messed up. It’s suI’m going to reblog ir once again bcs??? I love this. Also, i know. I messed up. It’s suI’m going to reblog ir once again bcs??? I love this. Also, i know. I messed up. It’s suI’m going to reblog ir once again bcs??? I love this. Also, i know. I messed up. It’s suI’m going to reblog ir once again bcs??? I love this. Also, i know. I messed up. It’s suI’m going to reblog ir once again bcs??? I love this. Also, i know. I messed up. It’s suI’m going to reblog ir once again bcs??? I love this. Also, i know. I messed up. It’s su

I’m going to reblog ir once again bcs??? I love this.

Also, i know. I messed up. It’s supposed to be “sensitive” not sensible. But c'mon!! Your lil brazilian gay here makes mistakes sometimes. I know my english’s not thaaaat great huh? I’m just here to help

~ mod Chris

Post link








ive been reading a book that basically explains how so-called “brain differences” between the genders is the result of gendered socialization and not the cause of it. i honestly expected the book to be very cis-centric but its actually the opposite, the author stresses that testimony from trans ppl is actually indispensable because we’ve, in a sense, “lived both experiences”

more cis feminists should have this mindset

one of the first examples that she uses to introduce her point about how perception by others can shape a person’s performance actually uses a trans woman. it explains that as a certain trans woman became to be seen as a woman more and more frequently, the ppl arond her eventually started viewing her as being ill equipped for tasks that they did not bother her about pre-transition. eventually she even found herself underperforming in these tasks herself.

whats the name of the book

Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine

Here’s a pdf, babes <3

I knew it was this book before I’d finished reading the first two lines. Honestly this book is indispensible if you want to debunk any gender determinism people claim is science. I can’t recommend it enough.

She’s written a new one! It won the Royal Society prize for science book of the year, and it’s called Testosterone Rex, and it is excellent.

(Bonus: it’s making old white men really really mad.)

(Bonus bonus: I am myself a neuroscientist, and the old white men mentioned above – who are not – could not have missed the point harder if they’d actively tried. Which. Maybe?)


tiramiisu: arialcloud: otto-rocket: hairysapphics: I’m going to post more stuff like this soon, i retiramiisu: arialcloud: otto-rocket: hairysapphics: I’m going to post more stuff like this soon, i retiramiisu: arialcloud: otto-rocket: hairysapphics: I’m going to post more stuff like this soon, i retiramiisu: arialcloud: otto-rocket: hairysapphics: I’m going to post more stuff like this soon, i retiramiisu: arialcloud: otto-rocket: hairysapphics: I’m going to post more stuff like this soon, i retiramiisu: arialcloud: otto-rocket: hairysapphics: I’m going to post more stuff like this soon, i retiramiisu: arialcloud: otto-rocket: hairysapphics: I’m going to post more stuff like this soon, i retiramiisu: arialcloud: otto-rocket: hairysapphics: I’m going to post more stuff like this soon, i re





I’m going to post more stuff like this soon, i really liked it.
~ mod Chris

This is something I don’t see spread enough. Shaving is the bane of my existence if I never had to do it again I would be so happy. It’s a painful irritating task but its debilitating sometimes to be out doing stuff and I haven’t shaved yet. If you’re a trans girl and you shave your face a lot, it’s okay to give yourself a break every once in a while. Your face will thank you greatly.

Any girl who doesn’t shave is cool

That is true, but this post is specifically aimed at trans women who are often overlooked in discussions about women shaving. Please let trans women have this post without having to see the “um actually ALL _____”. This is indirect transphobia.

This post has so many amazing things on the reblogs and comments, but I’m reposting with this specific one because I think this is really important.

~mod Chris

Post link

TRIGGER WARNING: Gender dysphoria. 

Hey, guys. So, as most of you know, my little/wife is a trans woman. She’s wanted Sex Reassignment Surgery since the day she discovered what being trans was. It would make her life so much easier. It would take care of most of her dysphoria, dysmorphia, self-esteem issues… It would make her so, so happy. I want to see her happy in her own skin.

But due to our financial issues, we’re nowhere near being able to afford it ourselves. We’re lucky is we scrape by $100 a month for going out to eat. That’s why, with her blessing, I started a GoFundMe for her to hopefully reach this goal.

Guys, she’s so sweet, and I can’t think of anyone who deserves to be happy as much as she does. She’s such a good person, and it pains me to see her stuck like this. To see her in such distress. 

Here’s the link to the GoFundMe for her surgery. 


On top of it, if we end up with money after the expenses of her surgery, we plan on donating it to TransActive, so that we can spread awareness and affirmation for trans youth, so that they’re comfortable and informed enough to come out as soon as possible. Lex has no bigger regret than the fact that she didn’t transition earlier. We want to give more people that option.

Any little bit helps, guys! Thank!

Just tried out a new filter o:

Out of curiosity, how many other trans girls out there are into vintage styles?

This is kind of my new aesthetic goal but I can’t really find other trans women who go for that look.

Vintage trans girls reblog and show your stuff!

Trans girls are not “boys who identify as girls.”

Trans girls ARE girls.





this kid’s post and his replies to people’s questions are so pure I’m sobbing

What’s better— the thread is filled with people giving some good advice on how to respect a woman’s boundaries and how to ask what she would be okay with, publicly. Lots of trans girls thanking him for being so patient and thoughtful with his words, and lots of people cautioning him that his purpose as a boyfriend would be to keep her safe, even from his own friends and family if need be. A+ shit right here.

This is so FUCKING cute help me

hey, trans girls who are into guys? THIS is what you deserve. don’t you ever believe that you have to bend over backwards for men to like you, that you have to accept being disrespected and mistreated, that you’re something to hide or be ashamed of. you’re beautiful, you’re a fucking princess, and you deserve someone who sees that and loves you deeply and unconditionally, who will choose you over the world and fight the world for you. THIS is the kind of guy.

Reblogging for the cute feels! 

tchy:pardonmewhileipanic:itsdeepforhappypeople:tereshkova2001:buzzfeedlgbt:Bookmarking now






Bookmarking now and forever (x)

This is a *really good* article that both handles anatomy concerns and presumes zero background makeup knowledge. Well done.

It’s amazing that the cover photo is showing both older women and people of color, something that the media consistently ignores regarding the trans community.

for my followers

Link to the article that is easier to click.

Post link
refinery29:Hari Nef is helping to normalize transwomen’s bodies and identities in a really importarefinery29:Hari Nef is helping to normalize transwomen’s bodies and identities in a really importarefinery29:Hari Nef is helping to normalize transwomen’s bodies and identities in a really importarefinery29:Hari Nef is helping to normalize transwomen’s bodies and identities in a really importa


Hari Nef is helping to normalize transwomen’s bodies and identities in a really important way that if you’re cisgender you may not have thought about

Nef goes on to explain the difference between her photoshoot with Velencoso, versus how transgender women are typically photographed in fashion editorials. “images of trans femmes being loved rarely exist outside of pornography,” Nef wore. “We tend to be hyper-sexualized and objectified within the cisgender gaze. Either that or we’re dehumanized as scum or (just as bad) untouchable goddesses.”

Photos: Twitter/Hari Nef


Post link


-trans girls who are on hrt

-Trans girls that are pre-hrt

-Trans girls that don’t want to go on hrt

-Trans girls that have had bottom surgery

-Trans girls who haven’t

-Trans girls that don’t want it

-Trans girls that are lesbians

-Trans girls that are bisexual

-Trans girls that are pansexual 

-Trans girls that are ace/aro

-Trans girls that aren’t white

-Trans girls that are mentally ill

-Trans girls that are disabled

-Trans girls that are fat or chubby

-Trans girls that pass

-Trans girls that don’t pass 

-Trans girls that are questioning



ive seen so many posts like this but never for trans girls
i just wanted to say i love each and every trans girl

fat, skinny, chubby
with skin problems
people of color
mentally ill
young, old
short, tall, or just average height
big noses
wide jaws
feminine or masculine or androgynous

i love trans girls yall are amazing
