
Discover Quran Verses about #Tribes @ https://quranindex.info/search/tribes [9:24] #Quran #Islam

Discover Quran Verses about #Tribes @ https://quranindex.info/search/tribes [9:24] #Quran #Islam

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Octubre no es octubre

Octubre no es octubre

En 1492 nada alteró la vida cotidiana del #Wallmapu. Saludamos a Antü como cada día, continuamos con las tareas en nuestras tierras, los wampo nos condujeron por ríos y lagos, bebimos nuestros pulku y besamos a nuestros pichikeche.

Octubre no es octubre en el WALLMAPU porque 40 años demoraron los invasores en asomarse a la Pikunmapu. Y no se atrevieron a entrar. Recién en 1541 el wezache Valdivia levantó Penco, en la margen norte del Bío Bío y ya le salieron al cruce nuestros futrakecheyem. Aquí, nada de dioses ni de profecías esperadas…

Octubre no es octubre porque la guerra fue despiadada y de exterminio para los nuestros, pero aquí los españoles no pudieron. Después de tres décadas de increíble mortandad, de sufrimientos indecibles, de lágrimas y sangre, los mayores equilibraron la cuenta y en 1598, arrojaron a los winka al norte del río sagrado.

Aquí no pudieron el rey, sus gobernadores, caballeros y soldados. Y en 1641 pita winka, España tuvo que admitir la independencia y la soberanía mapuches del Bío Bío hacia el sur. En Ngulumapu y en Puelmapu. De mar a mar.

Y saludamos a Antü como cada día, volvimos a nuestras tierras para que nos alimente, retornaron los wampo y a caballo, se extendió la libertad mapuche. Y bebimos nuestros pulku y besamos a nuestros pichikeche. Y crecimos y vivimos.

Una década, dos décadas, tres… Muchas. Que se hicieron siglos. Más de 300 años de libertad, de cultura, de viento en el rostro, de kütral en nuestros hogares, de wangelen resplandecientes en las noches, de bienestar… De az mongen, küme mongen.

El 12 de octubre de 1492 nada sucedió en el WALLMAPU. Octubre no es octubre para los mapuche de Puelmapu. Aquella pesadilla colonial no la soñamos nosotros, hasta el 25 de mayo de 1879, cuando el wezache Roca formó a sus tropas en Choele Choel e hizo sonar sus clarines, sus cañones.

Octubre no es octubre para los mapuche.

Octubre es Mayo.

-Kallfu Nawel

Today we mourn the murder of another brother, killed by the Chilean state

Wallmapu it’s grieving, Ñuke Mapu it’s crying.

The Werken of Collipulli, Alejandro Treuquil, was killed by the Chilean police, after receiving multiple death threats.

In Latin America, the indigenous population it’s being killed with impunity. Tribes are being erased. They are trying to wipe our culture.

Our fight continues


Nüwkulenge itro fill monguen ñi tüway

The essence of life returns

Regresa la escencia de la vida

A Tribal man from the Konyak tribe who are known for headhunting - Nagaland - India © Katren Sudek

A Tribal man from the Konyak tribe who are known for headhunting - Nagaland - India

© Katren Sudek

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Arusha Cultural Center - Arusha, TanzaniaThis modern gem was envisioned and designed by the DirectorArusha Cultural Center - Arusha, TanzaniaThis modern gem was envisioned and designed by the DirectorArusha Cultural Center - Arusha, TanzaniaThis modern gem was envisioned and designed by the Director

Arusha Cultural Center - Arusha, Tanzania

This modern gem was envisioned and designed by the Director of Cultural Affairs of the Center, Saifuddin Khanbhai. The distinct architecture of the main building is designed to resemble the Uhuru Peak of Kilimanjaro. The center highlights Tanzania’s 120+ tribes both past and present, various wildlife, and rare gems unique to the area.

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Chara Design Challenge 42 : African TribesInspired by the ceremonial outfit of this Bwa people :)Chara Design Challenge 42 : African TribesInspired by the ceremonial outfit of this Bwa people :)

Chara Design Challenge 42 : African Tribes

Inspired by the ceremonial outfit of this Bwa people :)

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The Musical Tribes Of Britain is our new series of prints celebrating - light-heartedly - different

The Musical Tribes Of Britain is our new series of prints celebrating - light-heartedly - different music scenes over the past few decades. We thought it would be nice if there was a series of postage stamps commemorating everyone who bought the records, wore the fashions and drove all night in a friend’s dodgy VW to take part in the wonder that is popular music. So we created these, and they’re available now as prints in three wonderful sizes for you to pop on your wall and go ‘Ah yes, I was there… I think.’
#popmusic #music #tribes #newromantic #acidhouse #folk #newromantics #folkrevival #raveculture #raveon #madchester #stamps #postagestamps #philately #stampcollection #duranduran #spandauballet #japan #visage #ewanmaccoll #ralphmctell #mumfordandsons #theunthanks #poster #art #musicposter #typography #graphicdesign #design #posterdesign (at London, United Kingdom)

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Photograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “Before They Photograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “Before They Photograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “Before They Photograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “Before They Photograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “Before They Photograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “Before They Photograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “Before They Photograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “Before They Photograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “Before They Photograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “Before They

Photograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “Before They Pass Away”

Check out his amazing journey!

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Photograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “BeforePhotograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “BeforePhotograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “BeforePhotograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “BeforePhotograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “BeforePhotograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “BeforePhotograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “BeforePhotograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “BeforePhotograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “BeforePhotograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “Before

Photograph Jimmy Nelson traveled the world to visit vanishing tribes and document them “Before They Pass Away”

Check out his amazing journey!

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Yaqui people of Sonora, Mexico about 40,000 of them live in Mexico.Yaqui people of Sonora, Mexico about 40,000 of them live in Mexico.

Yaqui people of Sonora, Mexico about 40,000 of them live in Mexico.

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In 1925, the Muwekma Ohlone tribe was declared “extinct for all practical purposes.” Almost a century later, in 2022, having analyzed the DNA of 12 skeletons from an ancestral burial ground, geneticists claim the tribe is still very much alive.

So, I was watching Lady Gaga’s “Stupid Love” music video (again), and I was wondering if y’all are gonna start choosing what Cromatica tribe you’re in? I think it would be great to start this trend! So far, I’m feeling the Red tribe! What tribe do think you fall in?

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Complete set of 1980 Peoples Republic of China 4th Series Star/Replacement PMG 64-68

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tedx: Four years ago, photographer Jimmy Nelson set off on a quest to visit and photograph 31 of thetedx: Four years ago, photographer Jimmy Nelson set off on a quest to visit and photograph 31 of thetedx: Four years ago, photographer Jimmy Nelson set off on a quest to visit and photograph 31 of thetedx: Four years ago, photographer Jimmy Nelson set off on a quest to visit and photograph 31 of thetedx: Four years ago, photographer Jimmy Nelson set off on a quest to visit and photograph 31 of the


Four years ago, photographer Jimmy Nelson set off on a quest to visit and photograph 31 of the world’s unique tribes. He became enamored with learning about cultures so unlike his own — cultures he fears will soon die out — with traditions, rituals, and customs he believes all the world should know.

“I wanted to witness their time-honoured traditions, join in their rituals and discover how the rest of the world is threatening to change their way of life forever,” he says in a mission statement for his project, Before They Pass Away.Most importantly, I wanted to create an ambitious aesthetic photographic document that would stand the test of time. A body of work that would be an irreplaceable ethnographic record of a fast disappearing world.”

In a high-energy, captivating talk at TEDxAmsterdam, Jimmy tells stories from this years-long project that has had him travel to the “edges of the world,” and taught him how to better understand the world, and the people, around him. Above,some of his work showcased in his talk, including his photos of the Samburu people, the Kazakhs, the Mursi, and the Rabari.

Awesome photos, brilliant story. Must have been quite the experience.

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