#intersectional activism


it really enrages me to see people claming they are pro-intersectionality while in reality they are just using an additive approach of identities/social positions when they aren’t using the unitary model.

Nooo. intersectionality is not adding disvataged/privileged idetities where the social effects of each identities are separated from one another. This is just a spread misconception of what intersectionality is.

What characterize intersectionality is the mutually co-constitutive nature of multiple aspects of identity meaning for example being a trans man, these two identities can’t be separated from each’s others. The experience of being a man is conditioned by being trans and being trans is conditioned by being a man. It’s mutually co-constitutive, it can’t be divided.

From an intersectional point of view the concept transandrophobia is valid.

Experience also means disadvantages and from an intersectional approach there are going to be disadvantages specifically for being a trans man (and not for just being trans or just being a man)in a cishetpatrical (etc etc) context.

White supremacy will use any excuse to be racist while forgetting its own history of abuse and violence.

Women supporting women in public bathrooms is so precious on that note let’s be just as supportive and inclusive of our trans sisters using public bathrooms.

 As the oppressed, as marginalized, as the erased and silenced we MUST stand in solidarity with each

As the oppressed, as marginalized, as the erased and silenced we MUST stand in solidarity with each other. From #Rojavato#Sudan, from the detention centers of Manus and Christmas Island, to all those incarcerated and imprisoned; we must be the voice of hope, love and humanity. - Hawzhin Azeez

Post link


Just to let you know, 157 Palestinians were injured today because Israeli armed forces were firing rubber bullets & tear gas bombs at worshipers in Al- aqsa mosque during the holy month of Ramadan simply for the crime of existing .

If mainstream media frames this vicious attack as ’ clashes between Palestinians & Israelis ’ don’t believe them , this was a one sided attack on unsuspecting worshipers who didn’t even have a single weapon to protect themselves against fully armed soldiers who are sadistic enough to fire shots at everything that speaks Arabic.

What a shame that mainstream media never reports the truth and always water down the situation when it comes to middle easterns & Palestinians specifically .

Please pray for this young Afro- Palestinian news reporter who was shot in the head while trying to cover the attack this morning

Also there’s little to no coverage about this attack because the Israeli forces snatched the cameras and every smart phone that documented the whole event and all the journalists were attacked directly.

Trans Storytelling: Bravery

Our first T-Talks video featuring Elliott Tobias is Live! Go to the YouTube channel and subscribe! I’ll post another from our inaugural event next Wednesday, and then the next, and the next… Share it!

If YOU are trans identified and wanna be a featured speaker, hit me up!

If you wanna participate, but are not in the Columbus area, or are not comfortable speaking in front of a crowd, you can create a 5 minute “vlog” on Bravery now through mid September. DM me for more info and guidelines! you could be featured on our channel!! ❤

Trans Storytelling

Starting in August!!

Trans or “T” talks, is an all inclusive, FREE, monthly storytelling event for and by the transgender community.

Presented by your grrl - Felicia DeRosa, in association with TransOhio and hosted by Wild Goose Creative, “T” Talks invites ALL our trans identified siblings to come share their stories in a safe, intersectional community environment.

Trans Talk’s mission is to lift our voices, raise awareness, and inspire healing through the power of storytelling. ❤

Check back soon, I’ll have a YouTube channel for you to like and subscribe to.

@trans_talks (on IG)


Ways To Help Haitian Refugees

(note: I have done my best to search for various organizations directly helping Haitian Refugees because I was frustrated with how little information there seemed to be about various actions we can take. If you find anything that does not seem accurate, OR you would like to add on to this list - pleasedo.)

Image:Haitian refugee camp set up under the Del Rio International Bridge

Donate To:

1)Haiti Action Committee


2)The Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (COMAR)

3)Haitian Bridge Alliance


4)Black Alliance for Just Immigration



1)Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

(Info:also remember his seat is up for election in 2022)

2)Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick

(More of his info… Seat is up for election in 2022)

3)Contact The Joe Biden Administration


Be self critical and learn more about open borders(2,3),refugee rights(2,3) , defunding the police,abolishing ICE and other vital concepts that deconstruct the system of whyte supremacy upholding the U.S., Canadian, and even Mexican governments.


Today we mourn the murder of another brother, killed by the Chilean state

Wallmapu it’s grieving, Ñuke Mapu it’s crying.

The Werken of Collipulli, Alejandro Treuquil, was killed by the Chilean police, after receiving multiple death threats.

In Latin America, the indigenous population it’s being killed with impunity. Tribes are being erased. They are trying to wipe our culture.

Our fight continues


TheUS Sentencing Commission is a bipartisan, independent agency created to reduce racist disparities in sentencing - and let’s be honest, they could do better! 

You can ask for fairer guidelines without ever picking up the phone. Email them at [email protected].

Here’s your script: “I’m writing because I’m concerned about racist disparities in sentencing. I ask the commission to take the following steps for a more fair federal justice system:

— Reform the career offender guideline to lessen the length of
— Change the guidelines around probation so that it is available to more people.
— Change guidelines to reduce mandatory minimum
sentences for non-violent crimes.
— Conduct a study to review the impact of parental incarceration on minor children. With more data, the Commission could modify the Sentencing Guidelines and allow judges to take this factor into account when sentencing individuals for non-violent crimes.
— Conduct a study to review whether the Bureau of Prisons is following the Commission’s encouragement to file a motion for compassionate release whenever “extraordinary and compelling reasons” exist.
— Consider amending the guidelines to reduce sentences for first offenders.

Thank you!”

Because of racism, far more people of color are in prison than white people - but most of the US prison population are held at the state and local level. 

While federal criminal justice reform is also important, reforms in your state can have a huge impact in people’s lives. And because state legislators hear less often from their constituents, your voice could have more of an impact for a more fair, less racist criminal justice system!

Here’s your script: “Hi, my name is [Your Name] and I’m calling from [Your Zip Code]. I’m calling because I’m extremely concerned about racism in our criminal justice system, and I think our state should act so that no one is treated unfairly because of their race. 

I hope [Senator/Representative So-and-So] will support reforms such as reducing mandatory minimum sentences, reducing sentences for non-violent drug crimes, and passing alternatives to incarceration. Thank you!”
