#wayward sisters


reassurance, mostly platonic Claire, Alex, Patience, gen, 888 words

Claire got the shower last, but she didn’t mind. There was dirt from the backyard caked under her nails from burying the monster, and her chin was flaky with dried blood, but she was more interested in the calming routine of cleaning her weapons. So she let Alex and Patience squabble for the bathroom, and rolled her eyes when it turned into ‘no, you go first, it’s fine’ and ‘no, you can go’.

Her head is still spinning with how fast and hard and deep Kaia had gotten to her…

Stripping guns, sharpening blades, it helps her focus, gives her something physical to do in the here and now, something to improve.

When she finally goes back into the house to clean herself up for bed, Claire can hear Donna and Jody talking in the kitchen and a small smile manages to catch her by surprise. She’d wonder why Donna doesn’t stick around more permanently, but then again, she doesn’t either. Monsters won’t kill themselves.

Jody’s always happier when Donna’s around, it’s good. Claire usually only ever gets on Jody’s nerves, and they hash out the same old arguments again and again, but still. Still. Jody’s there to hold her when she’s hurting and confused and maybe it’s okay to have a home to come back to when she needs.

The bathroom is foggy with steam by the time Claire finishes a long shower. Slipping on comfortable pajamas, she brushes her hair and teeth and makes her way to her bedroom. But oh, right, Jody had turned it into storage and then gave it to Patience to stay in.

There’s voices behind the door where Claire hovers. She could crash on the couch. See if Alex wouldn’t mind sharing a bed. But Alex is prim and uptight when it comes to getting too close at home, even though Jody has got to know something’s up.

Claire pauses at the door. It isn’t Jody’s voice reassuring Patience, or even Donna. That’s Alex.

She can’t hear what they’re saying, and she’s not going to eavesdrop, but there’s a hot little twist in her gut and she hates that it’s flaring up. She doesn’t want to be mad at Patience, but she can’t help it. Taking her place here, her clothes, even Alex’s attention. Patience, who seems like such a nice, sweet girl, the kind of girl a parent could be proud of.

Claire twists the door open and steps into the room, because hey newsflash, it is her room.

“Oh, right,” she says as Alex and Patience both look up at her from where they sit on the edge of the bed, “My room isn’t my room anymore.”

Alex sighs and glares at her in that icy way, “Claire, don’t.”

Patience, all big brown eyes and politeness, stands up and pulls the bag she’d been packing off the bed, “Sorry, you can have your room back. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

Standing in the doorway, hand still on the knob, Claire lets the awkward silence stretch for a moment before she caves. “Hey, so, are you alright?”

Patience blinks, “I mean, not really.”

“Heard you took down your first monster today,” Claire says, proud at least a little. “Good job.”

Patience looks offended or upset though, and it’s confusing.

“I killed something today.”

Quiet on the bed, Alex reaches out and snags Patience’s hand, squeezing it.

“You killed a monster,” Claire tells her, “That’s a good thing.” Shrugging, she closes the door behind her and moves closer into the room. “Did I say thanks yet, for, you know coming to warn us.’Cause, thanks.”

Patience nods. “You’re welcome.”

“So, if you want to finish your gossiping or whatever girly stuff you’re up to, I’ll take the couch for tonight.”

“Claire,” Alex says, reaching out and snagging her hand too. She’s warm and tender with her touch.

“I don’t know if I can sleep,” Patience says quietly, staring at her feet, “I don’t want to be alone.”

“You can sleep with me,” Alex says easily. She squeezes Claire’s hand firmly before Claire can jerk back. “It might be tight, but we’d all fit.”

“Are you sure?” Patience looks at Claire, a little wrinkle in her brow and Claire sees the vulnerability and need for reassurance in her. She could be tough and stubborn but she was new to this kind of stuff.

Claire remembers how scary it is at first. If she were honest with herself, she’d say it never stops being scary.

“Yeah, come on.” Claire says, dropping Alex’s hand to move around the bed and get under the covers.

Alex shuffles under the sheets when Claire draws them back, they curl up tight against each other, making room for one more. Patience sits on the edge of the bed, pulls her hair over one shoulder and watches them. Claire sweeps Alex’s hair out of her face, kisses the back of Alex’s neck, curls an arm over her stomach. Alex reaches out for Patience, settles a hand on her thigh.

“It’s okay. You’re safe.”

Nodding, Patience settles under the sheets, facing the two of them, timidly keeping a sliver of empty space between her and Alex.

Alex lets her have her space, but she reaches across it to find Patience’s hand and hold on to it.

“It’ll be better tomorrow.”

ease, JodyxDonna, gen, 615 words

The girls are getting ready for bed, squabbling over who gets the bathroom first, and the plastic sheeting taped over the windows rustles quietly with a breeze. It’s a gentle background hum to the running tap water in the sink, the clank of dishes as Jody cleans. Things should have gone differently, the hard disappointment knotted in her stomach that she couldn’t protect Kaia is something heavy and familiar.

It only strengthens her resolve to protect her girls, Claire and Alex, and now Patience. She doesn’t know how long Patience will stay, if she’ll work things out with her father and go back home. Which would be wonderful. But people can be stubborn and prideful, even when it comes to their own children. Jody knows this, she tries not to be, she tries to give Claire room and to teach her, so that when Claire feels the need to run off to another fight, she’ll at least know that she can come back home any time. That she’s always welcome here.

Jody doesn’t mind at all if Patience wants to stay, for however long she needs. She’s brave, and strong, but she’s so young and she hasn’t known the hardships life can bring.

The linoleum floor squeaks and Jody startles out of her thoughts, realizing she’s been absentmindedly cleaning the same plate for a while.

Donna sets another pile of dishes on the counter, moves behind Jody and spreads warm hands on her waist.

“Hey, Jodes, how ya doin’?”

Jody takes a deep breath, rinses off the plate and sets in the strainer. “I’m fine.”

Donna kisses her neck, moves next to her and grabs a towel to dry. “Come on, I know you put on a brave face for the girls, but ya don’t hafta around me.”

Washing another dish, Jody looks to Donna, the soft smile there. She’s always smiling, whether it’s the bright beaming smile when she’s truly happy - not a rare occasion - or the quieter, sad smiles that are still somehow hopeful.

“I know we just met her, that this kind of stuff happens all the time, but I’m upset we couldn’t save Kaia. And I’m worried about Patience, and about my girls.”

Donna hums, dries dishes and stacks them neatly. “Oh, ya.”

“And we don’t know how many of those things came through that portal. We have to find them, and take care of them,” Jody says resolutely.

Donna nods, takes a wet dish from Jody’s hand, pecks her on the cheek. “You betcha. After a good night’s sleep, and a big breakfast, I figure we’ll be ready to tackle the problem head on tomorrow.”

“Are you staying?”

Jody realizes that she had thought Donna would probably have to go after dinner. Sometimes, selfishly, she wants to keep Donna for herself. But Donna still, somehow, balances her day job and hunting too.

“Well, sure. Figure you could use another set of hands for this.”

Finishing the last dish, Jody drains the sink and moves to wipe down the counters. “Thank you. I really appreciate the help.”

“Oh, ya, you know I’m glad to give it.”

The quiet lulls, and Jody realizes the girls aren’t bickering about the bathroom anymore. Hopefully they’ve settled down for the night. Claire is probably writing in her diary, or cleaning weapons. Alex and Patience seem to be forming a friendship, and Jody is glad for that.

Jody leans back against the counter, and Donna steps between her legs smiling while kissing her sweetly. Jody holds Donna’s face as they kiss, a warmth blooming in her chest that chases away darker things. A little of that heaviness of guilt, that weariness of another looming fight, eases.

buffer, ClairexAlex, explicit, 883 words

“I’m at work,” Alex protests weakly.

Claire kicks the door of the supply closet shut behind them, one hand on Alex’s hip and the other sliding behind her neck to pull her closer. Alex is warm and soft, and she can be surprisingly sweet when she’s not being bitterly defensive. Every time that Claire leaves for a hunting stint, whether a few months or a few weeks, Alex always seems just a little sweeter when she comes back.

“I’ll be in so much trouble if anyone finds us,” is mumbled weakly against Claire’s lips.

Claire thinks for a second about spinning Alex around and pinning her to the door. Instead, she drags both hands to Alex’s waist, leaning against the door and pulling her close.

Rolling her hips up flush against Alex, Claire smiles. “No one will find us.”

There’s a dim night light in the corner of the closet that casts a gentle pale glow against one side of Alex’s face, lips parted slightly and cheeks flushed. Claire eases her fingers under the hem of Alex’s work uniform, spreads them across warm skin and slides them back to the small of Alex’s waist.

Groaning, Alex leans forward and kisses her, hesitant for only a second until she sighs into Claire’s mouth and sucks her lower lip between teeth. Alex presses forward, pushing her hands under Claire’s jacket, squeezing her hips and trailing up to cup her breasts. Quietly, Claire hums her encouragement, licks into Alex’s mouth, and gets a hand into her pants.

Breath hitching, Alex spreads her legs wider as Claire smoothes down her hip and dips between her thighs from the front. She’s wet already, radiating heat as Claire pulls her sensible cotton panties to the side and strokes where she’s tender and aching.

Alex moans, fumbles with Claire’s shirt, gets a hand underneath from the bottom and pushes one side of Claire’s bra up to caress her chest, tease around the bud of a nipple. Alex’s other hand stretches the collar of her shirt wide, fingers stuttering over the smattering of scars against Claire’s shoulder.

Kissing distractedly, panting against each other, Claire ruts against the thigh that Alex presses between her legs. Hand squashed between their bodies, she presses inside of Alex and curls her fingers knowingly as she rubs the heel of her palm back and forth over the softness of Alex’s vulva until she finds the right coordinated motion that has Alex curling against her, clutching her tighter, head fallen to her shoulder and mouth hot on her neck.

It’s easy to forget to chase her own pleasure when she’s got Alex worked up, her usually calm to the point of cold demeanor peeled away to reveal someone who feels and wants fiercely, who’s finally allowed herself to have this. It’s taken Claire a while to get here.

Alex tightens around her fingers, wet and shivery, pressed along her front, moaning into the crook of Claire’s shoulders. Lingering, petting lightly before pulling Alex’s panties back in place, Claire smiles in her triumph as Alex lifts her face.

Instead of some smart remark about getting back to work and being a good girl, Alex sighs.

“You know, I worry about you too.”

Claire falters for a moment, tells her, “You don’t need to. I can take care of myself.”

And she knows that she’s capable of so much, she burns with a need to prove herself, but she’s not kidding herself or anyone else that what she’s doing is dangerous. Probably a little stupid. But it’s meaningful, and people like her are needed out there. So she fixes on a cocky smile, tangles one hand in Alex’s long, silky hair, lifts her wet fingers to her mouth and sucks on them.

Alex sighs, “I didn’t say you couldn’t.”

Stepping back, Alex fixes her uniform, combs her fingers through her hair, straightens her ID badge.

“So, are you going to help me search the database?” Claire asks.

It’s a valid reason why she needed to come to the hospital. But Claire had also been thrown her off kilter to find someone else taking up her spot at Jody’s. A spot she told herself she never really wanted, or needed, but it stills stings.

“I already looked, I didn’t find anything.”

Claire adjusts her bra, flips her hair over her shoulder and opens the door a crack to check the hallway before they go back out. “Could be under an alias, or a Jane Doe.”

Alex rolls her eyes, “I checked for that.”

“Let’s check again,” Claire tells her, following her down the hallway.

Sometimes, Claire wants to drag Alex along with her, into the thick of a hunt, of a fight. They could have something, together.

Alex nods a polite hello to a passing nurse, rounds a corner and goes to the computer behind a reception desk. The hospital is quiet this time of night. In her uniform, at ease and comfortable in her surroundings, Alex looks so normal. Like she could be just any young woman. And Claire knows that’s what Alex wants, so she’ll say thank you for the help and go into the fight alone, gladly, because she’s the buffer now between all the bad things out there and all the good things that need protected.

bilosan:SPN 13.10 ↳  Wayward Sisters bilosan:SPN 13.10 ↳  Wayward Sisters bilosan:SPN 13.10 ↳  Wayward Sisters bilosan:SPN 13.10 ↳  Wayward Sisters bilosan:SPN 13.10 ↳  Wayward Sisters bilosan:SPN 13.10 ↳  Wayward Sisters bilosan:SPN 13.10 ↳  Wayward Sisters bilosan:SPN 13.10 ↳  Wayward Sisters bilosan:SPN 13.10 ↳  Wayward Sisters bilosan:SPN 13.10 ↳  Wayward Sisters


SPN 13.10
↳  Wayward Sisters

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stardustsam: You too, Rainbow Brite, c’mon, bring it in!stardustsam: You too, Rainbow Brite, c’mon, bring it in!stardustsam: You too, Rainbow Brite, c’mon, bring it in!


You too, Rainbow Brite, c’mon, bring it in!

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consulting-cannibal: I FINALLY GOT SOME WAYWARD SISTERS FANART DONE!! (you can get it in my redbubbl


I FINALLY GOT SOME WAYWARD SISTERS FANART DONE!! (you can get it in my redbubble!!) i’ve been meaning to make something since the episode aired, but just didn’t have the time to sit down and do anything! AT LAST

…tag urself, i’m kaia

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hunterchesters: You guys take care of the world. We got Sioux Falls covered.hunterchesters: You guys take care of the world. We got Sioux Falls covered.hunterchesters: You guys take care of the world. We got Sioux Falls covered.hunterchesters: You guys take care of the world. We got Sioux Falls covered.hunterchesters: You guys take care of the world. We got Sioux Falls covered.


You guys take care of the world. We got Sioux Falls covered.

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Also…I really don’t care about a John and Mary prequel. Especially since their entire relationship is toxic and only happened because heaven wanted their children to fulfill a divine prophecy….ANYWAY

Actual Good Ideas (imo):

  • A show centering around Claire Novak and her hunting adventures (bring back characters like Jody, Alex, Eileen, Patience, maybe even Sam or Castiel for an episode because technically they’d still be alive)
  • A Wayward Sisters show
  • An anthology series that follows different hunters and their stories (including some we know and love). Kind of like American Horror Story in a way.
  • A Rufus and Bobby prequel. Recast them and follow their adventures from when they first started hunting together. They could explore those beloved characters a lot more.
  • Literally anything but a John and Mary prequel :)

I think it’s really important that people understand how much the Wayward Sisters mean to us SPN fans. The pilot episode just resonated with so many people, and to hear it wasn’t going to be picked up… that was devastating. We know we want Wayward Sisters, but does the CW CEO know? Does Mark Pedowitz really realize the gravity of the situation here?

For days we’ve had thousands of SPN fans go on all types of social media to protest about this, but so far no luck. That’s why I encourage all of you to take action right now.

There’re alot of ways you can do this, but some are:

1) Watching and rewatching the pilot episode.

2) Tweeting with the hashtag #SaveWaywardSisters.

3) Placing @TheCW, @Netflix, or @warnerbrostv in your tweets (or just any social media in general).

Just do something to get your voice heard. Everything you do counts. It’s still not too late for the Wayward Sisters.


That being said, if I don’t see him at all, I WILL FLIP AND SUE THE SHIT OUTTA KRIPKE AND SINGER.


Hell to the effing yeah that was awesome!!! It was well worth the wait; loved it abso - friggin - lu

Hell to the effing yeah that was awesome!!! It was well worth the wait; loved it abso - friggin - lutely

Kinda sad about Kaia … the ending tho … who else went ‘what the hell’ at that?

Loved Dean (as usual), Sam’s facial expressions were gold (as usual), Jody, Claire, Alex, and Donna were awesome (as f-ing usual)


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first Dean Winchester birthday after he and Cas were married. Cas is baking a cake with Jack. Sam and Eileen have the rice krispies ready. The house has been decorated by Donna and Jody and the girls. Charlie is presenting an elaborate ppt on why Dean is amazing and deserves all the love he gets. Life is good, the bunker is bustling. Dean’s little nest, he finally is in his home.

I’m actually really excited for the supernatural spinoff. It might be the first one I ever stick to and watch


They turned down Wayward Sisters for this

“I want to hunt Dean, I want to stay with you and Sam and help!” Dean stepped out of baby and opened

“I want to hunt Dean, I want to stay with you and Sam and help!” 

Dean stepped out of baby and opened the trunk to grab your bag. 

“I know, but you need to have a normal life Y/N, and that’s something Jody can give you.”

Dean handed you your bag just as another car pulled up into the empty gravel parking lot. A woman with a brunette pixie cut stepped out of the driver’s seat.

“Y/N, meet Jody Mills” 

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