#weight loss transformation

No gym for me today; went to my friend’s wedding shower!What kickstarted my weight loss/fitnNo gym for me today; went to my friend’s wedding shower!What kickstarted my weight loss/fitn

No gym for me today; went to my friend’s wedding shower!

What kickstarted my weight loss/fitness journey a few years back was a really terrible candid photo that I saw of myself. I was so shocked at how I looked to other people and it seriously upset me for weeks until I decided to do something about it. We were all gathering today for a group photo and someone snapped this picture and it truly made me realize how far I have come and how happy I am with my body and myself in general. It has been such a long road to get here but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

A little blonder and a few more tattoos, but I can’t even recognize the girl on the left.

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Want To burn Fat Off Your Belly?

Do you want to burn off fat from [insert body part here]? This is something we get asked a lot, “what exercises are best to burn off fat around my stomach?”. Hopefully this video (and the study mentioned) starts to point you in the right (and boring) direction… The conculsion of the study mentioned – Ramírez-Campillo R (2013) “No…

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Are you seeing a ton of ads and videos in your newsfeed these days about Intermittent Fasting?

I’m seeing them everywhere. And unfortunately a lot of them are from guys who are just “jumping on the bandwagon”…

Since it seems to be a hot topic again, all of a sudden the “gurus” are coming out of the woodwork.

I’ve been using IF as one of my nutritional tools off and on since 2020. And I’ve become fast friends with one of the pioneers of IF and author of the first book on the subject that dates way back to 2006, Brad Pilon. 

Brad’s book Eat Stop Eat is THE book on Intermittent Fasting. Besides the nuts and bolts of what to do and when, Brad covers all the research on IF-related topics… from how fasting affects blood glucose/insulin/leptin/testosterone to how it affects muscle building. Even though it was written in 2006, he updates the book every few years so that it is up to date with the latest science.
