#white magic spells

Healing chakras with crystals 1. Cleanse your crystals, and the area you wish to work in. Do this inHealing chakras with crystals 1. Cleanse your crystals, and the area you wish to work in. Do this in

Healing chakras with crystals

1. Cleanse your crystals, and the area you wish to work in. Do this in whichever way suits you(bells, singing bowls and sage are favourites of mine). Do NOT skip this step.
2. Light a white candle, and burn your favourite incense or oils. Relaxing music can add to the experience, although steer clear of anything with lyrics as this can distract the mind(rainwater, birdsong, Tibetan singing bowls, all work well).
3. Arrange the quartz crystals in a diamond, as seen in the second image.
4. Being aware of the sounds and smells around you, lie down comfortably on your back inside the quartz diamond as shown, placing the hematite on your feet as you do so.
5. Place your seven crystals on the corresponding chakras, mindfully. Think of the healthy attributes of each chakra each time you feel the stone make contact with your body. Begin with the root chakra and, continue up, to the sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and the crown.
6. Then place a quartz crystal just above your crown chakra, and keep the remaining two in your upward facing palms.
7. Visualise each chakra being cleansed and healed, beginning from the root, and finishing at the crown.
8. Now…. Relax and let the crystals work their magic!
9. When you’re ready, remove the quartz crystals from your palms, followed by the one on your forehead. Then remove the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root stones. Lastly, sit up, and take the hematite from your feet.


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