#banishing spell



AKA the spell I just did. I scribbled GREED, VANITY, and PRIDE on a paper, specified the target (Capitol Hill), and then chanted this over the paper before burning it.

Out with your greed,
Out with your vanity,
Out with your gluttonous pride.

Down with your hands,
And shut with your mouths,
Until your ears open wide.


So there is this man at work (he is like 53 and I am 21) and he has been bothering me and using pet names and talking to me about how much he hates his wife made comments about how my hair was unlady like when i buzzed the sides, been super unprofessional to me while he was on the clock. ANYWHO I had had enough so I tried this spell and so far so good.

So what you will need

  • Two squares of paper
  • a sharpie
  • cayenne pepper
  • basil 
  • anise (seeds or powder, i used powder)
  • a candle

What to do

  1. Write the name of the person you want to go away on one paper and your name on the other
  2. put a circle of cayenne pepper around your paper and put some directly on the other paper
  3. then put the basil and anise on your paper
  4. Say some words about how you would like them to stop bugging you and such while drawing an X in the cayenne pepper on their paper until it is visible on the paper
  5. Light your candle and take the paper with the X and their name on it and light it on fire
  6. spread the ashes someone other than your personal space
  7. enjoy your need found freedom from this annoying person!

You Will Need:

  • An old shoe and sock you are prepared to throw away
  • Thyme
  • Bay leaves and sage (if you have them, Just thyme is ok too)
  • Bin NOT in your house
  • Carrier bag
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Tape
  1. Write down all the bad shit on a piece of paper. Tape the piece of paper to the bottom of your old shoe. put some thyme, bay leaves and sage inside the shoe.
  2. Go outside, take the carrier bag, old sock and the shoe with you. Also, bring a different pair of shoes and socks you can wear out with you. Put the old sock and shoe on.
  4. take the shoe and the sock off, put them in the carrier bag. Put your usual shoes and socks on.
  5. Walk to a bin. Do NOT use the bin in your house. We don’t want that bad shit creeping back in do we? If you’re supremely extra and can do so in a safe way, burn the shoe instead.
  6. Throw the shoe in the bin and flip it off for good measure.

Well done, the bad shit is now stomped.


This spell is to be conducted to break free from past issues, problems and pain. :)

you need;

- A charcoal disc in a Fire proof bowl

- A black candle, this can be inscribed with empowerment sigils if you chose

- something to light your candle and incense with

-  A black cord, your height

- 1 teaspoon each of Myrrh resin and Saffron (Not mixed)

To start, prepare everything that you will need in the area that you will be performing this spell. You want everything you need IN you circle once you have cast it.

Once you have called upon you circles and such, light up your charcoal this. I have found this is easiest done by holding it with tongs or tweezers first to get it lit. As you light it say;

“ By this token  am freed and advance toward to light”

Sprinkle your Myrrh Resin on the charcoal disc and then gather your black cord. Tie a single knot at one end. This will symbolise the memories you wish to leave behind. Then you can go ahead and tie another knot in the other end of the cord which will represent your future of happiness and success. Holding the ‘past’ knot in your left hand, and the’future’ knot in your right, place the center of cord over the flame to essentially ‘sever’ yourself from your past. Next, burn your ‘ past’ knot entirely, by placing it on top of your charcoal disc.

Place the Saffron over the top of your ‘past’ knot which is now burning with your incense, and k=hold on to your ‘future’ knot, knowing that you are now free and are able to move on to better things.

Keep your’future’ knot in a safe place of you might like to bury it in your garden.

Blessed Be witches xx



(what really is the difference?)


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Banishing is farmore specific and directthan warding.

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Banishing is used to get rid of a particulur energy,spirit, or person. Think carefully before banishing, asit’s a strong form of defensive magic.

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  • burn a slip of paper with your target’s name on it
  • throw a leaf with your target’s name on it into a running river/stream
  • burn corresponding herbs and pass the smoke through your space


  • anoint your candle with corresponding herbs and oils, then burn it
  • when the candle has burnt out. the banishing is complete


  • make your own banishing sigil find one that resonates with you
  • place it in the space or on the item you are banishing energy from


  • use herbal smoke to force energy out of a space or object
  • make a spray or herbal tineture to sprinkle around your home


  • use the method that calls to you
  • never use a method that feels wrong or that you haven’t researched thoroughly

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Warding isa gentler form of defensivemagicthat isused in a more general sense.



Warding is used to protectand guardfromnegative energiesof any kind -it redirects energy away from you or your space.




  • use your intention and energy to visualize a powerful barrier of protecting light around yourself or your space for more info on ENERGETIC PROTECTIONclickHERE


  • create a guardian to guard your home or space from negative energies
  • use a small object, enchant it with your intention,and keep it in a safe, permanent place


  • corresponding crystals can be worn as jewelry to protect against negative energy
  • placing erystals in a room or around you house will create a protective barrier


  • black salt can be ured in banishing rituals or used alone
  • sprinkle salt around your door and windows or make protection jars


  • burn protective herbs and pass the smoke through your space or tools
  • sprinkle herbal oils and tinctures on yourself and your space for protective barriers


  • use the method that calls to you
  • never use a method that feels wrong or that you haven’t researched thoroughly


I really hope this post was informative and helps some of you! If you have any questions please feel free to message me! merry meet- B

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Witch Grass For Banishing & Breakup Spells

Witch Grass (Couch grass) is a hardy plant that can be used for banishing, good luck, dominating a lover, causing separation and binding the actions of another. This is a very versatile plant that can be very helpful or harmful depending on your intention. If you wish to banish an evil spirit from a house burn some Witch Grass and carry the smoking plant material throughout the entire home. To attract or dominate a lover make a strong tea with Witch Grass and pour it all over your body after you take a shower. Don’t towel dry, allow yourself to air dry or use a blow dryer if you’re in a hurry. To help dispel sadness carry a small pouch of Witch Grass on your person and annoint it with Sweet Orange essential oil once a week.

If you wish for a couple to break up you will need some Witch Grass, some Catnip, 2 white candles and some vegetable oil. Carve the name of one of the people into one of the candles and the other name into the wax of the other candle. Anoint both candles with vegetable oil. Sprinkle Witch Grass on one of the candles and Catnip on the other candle. Place the candles about an inch apart and light them with a match, say the following prayer over the candles 7 times-

“Apart, Apart, You 2 Need to Be Apart, Time To Move On, Time To Go Oh, Apart, Apart, Apart!”

Let the candles burn for 1 hour and then snuff them out. Every night move the candles one inch further apart from each other and light them with a match and say the above prayer over them 7 times and snuff them out after an hour. When the candles have burned all the way down wrap the wax remains up with some cloth and bury them in the woods or the desert.

Witch Grass is native to North America. The plant grows best with full sunlight in sandy soil. Medicinally Witch Grass can be used as a diuretic. Witch Grass is associated with the astrological sign of Sagittarius, the element of earth and the planet Jupiter.- Zwahk Muchoney (Image from Unsplash.com)

Unwanted Spirit Banishing Spell

Source: Traveling Witch

When worst comes to worst and cleansing and warding wasn’t enough, you can use a banishing spell. Make sure your materials are in the circle you’ve cast as breaking your circle is not recommended!

What you need:

  • Black candle
  • Black or white pepper
  • Salt
  • Carving tool
  • Anointing oil of any kind


1) Sprinkle salt in a counterclockwise direction creating a circle around you and your work area. Visualize a barrier protecting you.

2) Think of your target and carve your intention or sigil into the candle. Ex: Carve “spirit be gone”

3) Then anoint the candle with oil and sprinkle pepper over it.

4) Light your candle and say, “Begone from this place! You are no longer welcome. The guardians of this place rebuke thee. Out! Begone! Away!”

5) Hold your ground, say it loud, and repeat a few times if you like.

6) Allow the candle to burn itself out! Or carve a line halfway down the candle and reserve the rest for another banishing spell.
