#protection spells

sitforaspell: Kitchen Herbs for Protectionfrom WITCH IT GOODAnise - Protection against the evil eye


Kitchen Herbs for Protection


  • Anise-Protection against the evil eye & bad dreams
  • Basil-Protection against spirits and evil
  • Bay Leaf-Protection; Carry, burn, decorate
  • Black Pepper-Protection against negativity, evil, & jealousy
  • Cayenne -Protection against negativity
  • Cloves -Protection FOR babies & against negativity & gossip
  • Coriander - Use fresh for protection against ill health
  • Cumin -Protection against evil & theft
  • Dill -Protection against dark forces
  • Fennel -Protection against evil, curses, & problems
  • Garlic -Protection against magic, negativity, spirits, & envy
  • Leeks -Protection against negativity
  • Lime -Protection against the evil eye, hexes, & ill health
  • Marjoram -Protection against negative energy
  • Rosemary -Protection against negativity
  • Salt -Protection against… pretty much everything
  • Coconut -Protection against negativity & evil spirits
  • Blueberry -Protection against psychic attack

Post link


Intent: To protect a house and property from unwanted intruders.

Timing: Full moon


  • Dragon’s Blood powder or oil
  • Ground sea salt
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Peppermint leaves
  • Bowl of water (at least 2qt size, like a mixing bowl)
  • Optional: red food coloring or hibiscus tea bag

Note: If Dragon’s Blood is not available, you can substitute chili peppers, hot chili powder, or tabasco sauce.


Make an infusion with the cinnamon stick and the peppermint leaves, about a cup’s worth. Combine this with the Dragon’s Blood and ground sea salt in the bowl of water. If desired, add a few drops of red food coloring or swirl the hibiscus tea bag in the water to add red color.

Stir slowly, pouring your will to protect your home and property into the bowl as you do.

Take the bowl outside to your property line. Walk all the way around your property, sprinkling the water along the line. Invoke whatever deities, ancestors, or personal or household spirits you feel are appropriate and ask them to help protect your home, or simply reinforce the casting with your own will. Say whatever words you choose. If it helps, imagine the droplets of water springing up as tongues of fire when they hit the ground.

Reserve some water and use it to wash the thresholds and windowsills. If there is anything left, keep a little bit in a bottle in your kitchen, on your altar, or wherever you feel is appropriate. If you have asked anyone for help, leave them a little thank-you offering. (I find bread or cake and a bit of wine do the trick nicely.)

The idea of this spell is that you place a magical wall of fire around your property and your house. Any intruders coming onto the property may find themselves getting a a hot bite on the foot and should not wish to remain.


  • 2 parts ginger
  • 2 parts garlic
  • 2 parts cinnamon
  • 2 parts cloves
  • 2 parts flaxseed
  • 2 parts anise seed
  • 1 part dill
  • 1 part black pepper

Burn this around your home when you feel uneasy. You can also sprinkle this around the outside of your home or fill a pouch, sachet or vial with some. Be sure to open windows to air out your home before/after burning. Lavender would also be a nice addition.

Found in: Mrs. B’s Guide to Household Witchery by Kris Bradley.


Housewarming Magic

For when you’ve moved into a new living situation or are ready for a new start <3


Warding + Protection:


Witchin’ it up:

Odds and ends:

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Links updated December, 2019 (please inform me of broken links via askbox)

Banishing Spell

  • cayenne pepper
  • coffee
  • salt
  • garlic salt
  • soy sauce (bc I don’t have vinegar)
  • tiny jar from Michael’s

write their name and DOB on a piece of paper. for good measure I added “you’re not worthy of my life, thoughts, or time”

since I was using a corked bottle I sealed with black and dark red wax but that felt like more of an aesthetic step. make sure the paper is completely covered in the mix so it absorbs all that intention and power

shove it in the back corner of your freezer and let it do its work

Self Protection JarThis is a throwback to an old spell that uses a lot of sharp items to create a pr

Self Protection Jar

This is a throwback to an old spell that uses a lot of sharp items to create a protection jar. Using sharp objects like thumbtacks, pins or broken pieces of glass is a way to create a ‘psychic fence’ so to speak. That way anything negativity coming towards you will be pushed back or deflected by all the sharp objects surrounding your energy field. 

What you’ll need

  • 1 clean and cleansed jar (see note on this post on how to cleanse your jar)
  • Sharp items (Thumbtacks, pins, opened safety pins, needles. If you’re going to use broke glass PLEASE BE CAREFUL)
  • Add in any protection herbs or crystals if you choose to but I usually skip this step. 
  • Something that binds you to the jar such as fingernail filings or a lock of hair. The original spell asked for drops of blood but that’s a whole different thing if you want to do that. I recommend just using hair because of the risk of infection by cutting yourself.

Cleansing your jar

It’s important to cleanse your jar first and foremost. You can use any jar (Hello salsa and sauce jars!) Clean them out super well. If you are stuck with a smelly jar that has retained a strong odor even after washing out thoroughly you can rinse the jar with vinegar or let it sit overnight. That will usually get rid of any smell. 

Once you have cleaned your jar, I simply cleanse it by using incense. Light your incense and let the smoke thoroughly fill up your jar before releasing it into the air.

What to do

Set up your spell with any provisions you would normally use. Light candles, incense, and have any crystals out that you feel connect you to your magic. Protect your space by imagining a white light in a circle around you encasing the jar and sharp objects inside. 

Place each object inside until your jar is at least ¼ to ½ of the way full. Last, add a lock of hair or item that you chose to bind this jar to you. 

Once everything is inside, close the jar. If you want to seal the jar with wax you can take a candle and drip wax on top of the jar or on the sides letting the wax drop down into the seal. 

Close your spell and release your circle. 

Take your jar and hide it in a dark place where no one will find it. 

SPECIAL SHOT OUT to Obsidian Odyssey for collabing with me and creating the art for this post. Check out her witchy blog! Also she’s an AMAZING artist and has a free coven you can join! 

Post link

I’ve been on a reading binge so I’m thinking of doing a witchy book recommendations. I’m hoping to put some on there besides the basics. Let me know if this is what y’all want! Also comment book you want me to read !

Cause I missed y'all so much and I hope y'all want some new content cause I brought some.

Tell me something about you that I missed while I was gone. Cause I know everything has been crazy.

I also have some new spells. I’m sure y'all want some updated money spells as well. While, stimulus money has been circulating, there’s plenty of people who never received it along with tax returns and/or unemployment benefits. So in case you never thought, use a money spell for that. I have some that are on my page already that you can refer back to. I’ll be discussing ancestral money for my people and some other methods. So let’s go! Message me, reblog me or something.

Blanca Bitchcraft

Source: Protection Spells

Had a negative person in your home? This is a spell to get rid of any lingering negativity that was left or if there’s just something that feels off in your home. 


What You Need: 

  • White Tealight Candles
  • Matches  
  • Salt


Arrange four candles in the four corner of your living space. Start at the back of the house in the area farthest away from your front door, and pick one corner candle. 

Strike the match and say, “I strike this match, I light the flame. Banish the bad vibes, bad energy, and bad entities within this place.” Light the candle and leave the used match next to the tealight. 

Then sprinkle a pinch of salt around the base of the tealight and say “Sulfur and salt absorb what’s bad, dry up what’s painful, negative, and sad.” 

Repeat the steps for the remaining corners. Return to the center of the room and sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Close your eyes and visualize the space becoming super bright and eradicating all the heavy negative energy.  

When you feel its cleansed, collect the tealights and matches and toss them in a garbage away from your property.  You can continue to cleanse your house with any method!


Sneak Preview of The Sisters Grimmoire Vol. II - Make Sure You Lock Up

‘Well, let us start at once,’ said he. 'Lock your door, and put the key in your pocket.’

- A Lost Paradise (The Lilac Fairy Book)


Intent: To set your household wards when you lock your front door.


  • Your front door key

Ideal Timing: Whenever you cast or refresh your household wards

A witchling once approached me with the following question: “How do household wards know when and when not to let people in?” My answer was simple: “You tell them the difference.” This spell is one example of how to do just that. It works best when you are the homeowner, but as long as you call the place home, it should work.

Upon completion of your ritual for setting household protections, whatever that may be, take your house key and go to the front door. Place your dominant hand flat against the inside of the door, with the key between your palm and the door’s surface.

Say in a strong clear voice:

This is my home
And I hold the key;
No one may enter
Unless bidden by me.

If you feel the need, you can repeat this on other exterior doors for added security. Upon leaving your home, make sure you lock your doors and windows. The act of locking the front door from the outside with your key sets the wards until you return.

After you lock your front door, place your hand upon it and say, “No one but me.” If someone else is to allowed in, include them as well, i.e. “No one but me or my spouse/roommate/parent/child/etc.” Again, this will work best for people who actually live in the home, or whom you’ve given permission to be there in your absence.

Please note that this is not a foolproof method for deterring intruders. Take any and all mundane measures of security needed to ensure the safety of your home and its’ occupants.

-from the forthcoming book, The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. II; © 2021 Bree NicGarran


☀️Sun water☀️

Used for:

Protection, healing (especially physical), happiness, truth, clairvoyance, courage, strength, prosperity, luck, self-love, cleansing, confidence, leadership, justice, gardening, growth, warmth, comfort, fertility, and creativity

How to make it:

Leave the water on a sunny windowsill or outside, preferably in direct sunlight. Sunrise, 9 am, 12 pm, and 3 pm are perfect times for this, or you can leave it from sunrise to sunset. You can also add herbs and flowers to it as well (lemon peels, orange peels, marigolds, chamomile, cinnamon, sunflower, etc.) Or charge it with some stones (like sunstone, orange calcite, citrine, tigers eye, goldstone or carnelian), but please don’t put these stones in the water. You can also make a sun tea with sun water for a very potent solar spell.



a simple spell bottle to protect yourself mentally, physically and spiritually


  • salt - protection, purification
  • cinnamon - protection, speeds up spells, courage
  • rosemary - protection, purification
  • chilli flakes - ward of unwanted energies
  • bay - protection against hexes and curses
  • basil- peace, protection, drive away evil
  • ginger - make spells more powerful, protection
  • black pepper - protection
  • oak leaves- protection, wisdom
  • egg shells - protection
  • lavender - peace, healing, protection
  • sage (please don’t use white sage) - protection, purification
  • paper
  • pen
  • spell bottle jar
  • candles : i used a white one and the also the wax from my deity candles on my alter


  1. as always, ground yourself and cast a circle in the way you prefer
  2. light all your candles, you can also light some insence if you’d like
  3. in no particular order, add all your herbs into the jar (using a funnel - even if you make one from paper, can be really helpful), focussing on intent
  4. create a sigil with the intent of protection using your own words and method. draw it on a small slip of paper, fold and add to the jar.
  5. speak affirmations into the jar focusing on the protection of yourself ( or whoever will be wearing this). You can also repeat the statement used for the sigil
  6. put the lid on and place the jar on something you can pour the candle wax onto.
  7. pour all the candle wax onto your spell jar, allowing it to run down the sides and even create a pool at the bottom
  8. allow the candle wax to mainly dry and remove the bottle. it is now done. i like to put the left lever wax that’s not attached on a wax melt thingy and melt it for further protection

I hope this will help some of you! As always, change herbs or add herbs to your preferences or what you have available. Blessed be (leave any questions below as well x)

There are countless ways to protect yourself. Amulets, sachets, sigils… oh my. Lets start with one of my favorites:

A good ole sachet!

I love sachets, or gris-gris’s if you will. These are little baggies you fill up with a mixture of crystals and herbs and anything you’d like. 

I make new ones all the time, and am constantly giving them out to my friends. Heres a step by step on how to make yours!

1. Find the bag

When doing spellwork, everything is important right? You need your intentions in each element. The first step is really knowing your intention, then you can build. Lets make an imaginary example as I explain. Lets say I have the intention of psychic protection because my dreams have been bad and I feel like energies are attacking me in my dreams and draining me. I’m going to find a purple bag, for divinity and psychic power. This can also tie into dreams, so purple is perfect for this. (Black or white is always generally acceptable for any spell as you can use the intentions of them very broadly.)

2. Fill the bag.

I’m going to throw some black tourmaline and purple amethyst in this bag, to help clear bad energy and to purify my dreams and protect me from any bad energies or spirits that may be trying to get to me when I’m in the vulnerable state of sleep. (tip: If you always wake up tired, you may be using your energy in your dreams) I will also grab some lavender to soften everything up and bring positivity in, and maybe a dash of pink salt. 

Everything I’m using has an intention and purpose. As you fill your bag, give that object its purpose and program it by speaking your intention and directing your energy towards it.

Now, I’ll keep this bag under my pillow. Did I explain this well? Please let me know if you have a question.

You probably see the evil eye emoji all the time (check my bio). I have a bracelet and anklet with an evil eye on it (we call it Ojo where I’m from.) 

The idea is that people, whether they intend to or not, can cast bad energy on you with jealously. When you share a job promotion, and your friend is celebrating you but secretly wishing it was her promotion, thats Ojo! 

This energy can effect our wins, and bring us down. I recently updated my instagram so that all of my close friends are on the close friends story, instead of showing the public everything I can select a more private audience for day to day shares, to PROTECT my energy

Energy Vampires are very real. Many things alter our auras daily, and we have to practice major self awareness to notice what is doing that. 

I used to post my spells and rituals on here. 

Photos of my sacred spaces, My holiday celebrations. I want to be able to share my knowledge and practice as much as possible. Remember, my whole goal with this blog was to make information more readily available to people starting out. 

I encourage you to ask questions, to dig deeper into your roots and practices and the old ways of our earth. I will be posting certain things, But i believe its best for me to practice personal protection now as I have been draining out for quite some time.

Be careful who you share your energy and sacred spaces with, you never know what energy someone will bring into your circle and when you’re doing spellwork or anything of the sort you always want pure intent…

Don’t worry, There will be protection themed posts coming up in T-Minus … 1…. 2 …. 3…

A simple spell of protection and confidence

You’ll need a sunny day and very basic visualization skills. (I myself am terribleat visualization, but this spell uses external sensations to support you. It’s visualization easy mode.) Optionally, a pin or a pendant, especially one that hangs at about collarbone level, can be used as a “cloak clasp”.

  • Stand in direct sunlight, facing away from the Sun.
  • Close your eyes and feel the warmth on your back. Focus on its power. This is the source of all life on Earth. With it you can do anything.
  • Visualize this power as a covering garment. Mine tends to be glittering gold; yours might be red fire, or white light, or a shimmer in all the colors of a sunset. Make it your own.
  • Draw the cloak over your shoulders to meet in front, and over your head like a hood. Be enveloped in its power. Burn away anything that might do you harm.
  • If you’re using a “clasp”, put it on now. Imagine pinning the cloak to it, to keep it in place. This provides a tangible reminder of the cloak’s presence, and I find it helps to maintain it and to remake it next time.

It’s amazing how much better I feel after a day with my cloak on!
