#winter magic

Winter in the bottle. ❄️Thank you Jacquline for choosing this flash of mine.Winter in the bottle. ❄️Thank you Jacquline for choosing this flash of mine.

Winter in the bottle. ❄️Thank you Jacquline for choosing this flash of mine.

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✨❄️ winter protection magic ❄️✨

a little list of protection spellwork and witchcraft to practice over the winter months

❄️ say a prayer to your deities for friends and family that have to drive or travel through dangerous weather

❄️ make protection charms and gift them to your loved ones around the holidays (this can be something as simple as a white decorative candle charmed to ward off negativity, or something more personal like a craft you made yourself)

❄️ steep rosemary and cedar chips in snow water and spray it around your house for a quick cleanse and to protect you from lower energies

❄️ make a pine besom, which is basically a broom, out of pine clippings by tying them tightly around one end of a large branch, and sweep the negative energy out of your home

❄️ ring bells or shake a set of jingle bells to clear your space of negative spirits and unwanted energy

❄️ bless your clothes and bath products for protection from harm and negativity

❄️ add a drop of cinnamon oil to your laundry so your clothes keep you warm in the cold weather

❄️ you can also draw sigils on the entrances to your home in cinnamon oil to keep the cold out, or just light a red cinnamon scented candle with a sigil carved into it

❄️ hang mistletoe over your doorways so that negativity won’t follow you into your home

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