#yule altar


From my altar to yours, wishing you a happy Yule.

my yule altar

my yule altar

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Seasons Greetings, My Friends! I am happy to say that the time of the Winter Solstice is almost upon us. December 21st will be the longest night (or shortest day, depending on your outlook) of the year. Winter is officially here, and though there is still darkness, the wheel will continue to turn and daylight will return.


Yule is one of the most widely celebrated of the wiccan/pagan holidays. It is a time to spend with family, spreading love and appertaining friendships. Peace, joy, positivity, warmth, happiness, love. Celebrate this holiday by creating a feast, burning the Yule log, and preparing to dive into the new year with spells and charms to bring motivation, hope, and positivity. And, of course, we can’t forget to exchange presents to our loved ones and leave a special offering to the Lady and Lord!

Take a look at the following Yule activities and crafts:


Yule Log –

Traditionally an oak or birch was harvested for the purpose of a Yule log. One could drill small holes to fit tapers or votive candles, and burn the Yule log in the fireplace. It sits on the altar, decorated, until Yule Eve at sundown. It is lit, and the fire is kept until sunrise, to represent the sun.

Of course, this may not be possible for all people, but there are many alternatives. Such as burning a candle throughout the night. It is tradition to keep a small piece of the Yule log to ignite next years log, or the stub of your candle to ignite next years candle. (witch tip – for those that use a candle as opposed to a log…you can still find and decorate a log. Just place it on display and you can use it year after year!)


Written Wishes –

Similar to a New Years Resolution, people like to write their goals, wishes, or dreams to burn during Yule. I had once read of a tradition in which people would leave out pens and papers during their Yule celebration. Guests could freely write a wish, fold the paper, and hang it on the Yule Tree. Later on in the night, during the ritual burning of the Yule Log, people would collect their wish from the tree and toss it into the Yule fire, sending their wishes and dreams up to the divine.


Bake –

Who doesn’t love holiday cookies, winter spice, and buttered rum. The kitchen is the best part of any winter celebration! Here are some links from around the web for you to try:

Buttered Rum

“Winter Sabbat Wine”

Chocolate Yule Log(yummy!)

Any of these traditional recipes


Your Altar –

Decorate with reds, greens, whites, and golds.

Cinnamon, pine cones, mistletoe, ivory.

Make a positivity jar, add some special sigils or wishes.

Make a special wreathe, or create Yule ornaments!


Whatever you do this winter solstice, be safe, be happy, and be healthy. Blessed be my friends!

(photo credit: wheel,log,altar,wreath,writing,tea)
