


“I am a Christian Witch, a walking contradiction.

I cast circles and design spells of burning incense and gemstones bright.

I follow the teachings of Jesus, his message of love and compassion.

My guides are the angels, the saints, the warrior women of the Torah, the myrrh-bearers, and the Holy Trinity.

My cup and cauldron are the Holy Grail.

My herbs of worship are frankincense and myrrh.

The four archangels guard my elemental gates.

My scriptures are the Bible and the Gnostic Gospels.

My mythology is Genesis and the parables.

My guardian angel is my spirit guide.

My God is the breath of life from which all things in the Tree of Life flow.

I celebrate the Christian aspects of the Sabbats.

I celebrate the Pagan aspects of the Christian Holy Days.

I practice what is forbidden by the officials of my church.

I attend Mass.

I am priestess of my rituals.

I believe in the blessed sanctity of the earth and the heavens.

I believe in the beauty of women’s spirituality.

I am not a Bible-waving, proselytizing fanatic.

“An ye harm none, do what you will.”

“Love your neighbor as yourself.”

“All acts of pleasure are my rituals.”

“It is time to rejoice, for that which was lost is found.”

Adelina St. Clair - The Path of a Christian Witch

thetarotroot:If you’re offering free or paid readings, please reblog this post so I can follow you


If you’re offering free or paid readings, please reblog this post so I can follow you!

I’m trying to build up an active community of readers. I’ll be sharing your posts and giving shout-outs to active readers on Tumblr, so please reblog this post if you’re interested in sharing

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hello my fellow witches I have an announcement to make:
I recently started posting daily tarot readings so I would love if you follow me to show support and be posted for daily readings ^.^
You can find me on the link below

Blessed be my fellow witches! 


Morning Witchcraft☀️: how to connect to the elements

These are some of my tips for connecting to the elements in the morning before school, work, busy days, or just a day at home. It’s also handy for witches like me who prefer to work in the morning and daytime


wake up at dawn if you can (dawn is the time that correspondes with air)

pick a perfume that correspondes with your intent for the rest of the day

listen to some music to set intent for the day and energize yourself

get some fresh air and let the crisp morning air invigorate and center you

light incense that correspondences with your intent of the day

enjoy the morning bird chirping

do a daily divination reading to get a feel for what to expect for the rest of the day

incorporate almonds, honey, strong scented herbs like dill, or eggs in your breakfast


have a cup of tea or some water when you wake up

take a shower or bath and let it cleanse you

take a morning swim if you can

moisturize with lotion that correspondes with your intent for the day

make a water bottle of infused water (with the herbs/fruits of your intent) to carry around and keep you hydrated for the day

collect morning dew

pick a seashell that correspondes with your intent for the day to carry around with you

sing! (to connect to mermaids and warm up your voice for the day)

incorporate apples, berries, salt, fish, or avocado in your breakfast


take a walk or jog

do some yoga

pick a crystal that correspondes with your intent for the day to carry with you

ground yourself

take care of your plants (water them, talk to them, etc.)

do a prosperity spell for the day

spend time with your pets

use plant based products or make your own if you can (like shampoo, soap, makeup, etc.)

incorporate nuts, beans, roots (like ginger), and greens (like spinach and kale) in your breakfast


light a candle to set your intent for the day

enjoy the morning sunshine, feel it’s warmth

do some makeup or fashion magic when you’re getting ready

meditate with the Sun

take vitamins and/or medications

stay warm with hot teas, hot showers, blankets, etc. (the morning can be a bit chilly)

use the sunshine as a positivity and happiness spell and let it charge you for the day

carry a tealight with you (you never know when you’ll need one)

incorporate citrus and spices (like cinnamon, peppers, etc) into your breakfast

Hey witches! It’s been a while, I am back with this post for all you beginners out there! Hope you like this



Divination is one of the most-practiced branches of magick. Even non-magickal folks will sometimes flip a coin to make a decision, or crack open a fortune cookie with more than idle curiosity. As a student of the magickal arts, it’s likely that you dabbled in divination as one of your first forays into the Mysteries. Skillful divination puts you in touch with both your inner knowing and external wisdom that will help you along your path.

But many beginners ask the question, Where do I start? How do I navigate the maze of stones and bones and cards and tea leaves and other options confronting me? In this article, I’ll discuss five common methods of divination: Pendulums, scrying, Runes, Tarot, and freestyle reading. I’ll then put on my Professor Trelawney glasses and peer into your soul to recommend the best method for you. Each recommendation is based on your skills and proclivities–and just for fun, your star sign.

Keep in mind that no single method is necessarily better than another. (Also remember, it’s okay to practice more than one method!) I don’t buy into the myth that says that a reader who uses Tarot cards is somehow less talented than a reader who doesn’t. The goal is to find the best expression for your natural psychic gifts. Starting with the right tool(s) will accelerate learning and cut down on frustration.

Pendulum Dowsing

A pendulum is basically a weighted string that is held in one hand. The user (or dowser) observes the subtle movements of the pendulum to gain information about a question, object, or environment. Put another way, dowsing uses your physical body to express phenomena that are detected by the psychic senses. (For an easy introduction to pendulums, see this article.)

One of the advantages of pendulum dowsing is that it requires very little investment of time or money to get started. There’s nothing to memorize. You don’t need a book, chart, or specialized equipment. You can dowse with a necklace, a fishing bob, even a teabag! What you do need is unwavering concentration and a good dose of body-based intuition.

Swing into dowsing if you:

Favor a simple, “yes or no” answer to your questions

Can usually trust your gut feelings

Excel at grounding and centering your personal energy

Want a tool that’s compact and convenient

Identify as a kinetic learner/thinker (more than verbal or visual)

Pendulum powerhouses: Virgo, Cancer, Aquarius, Taurus


The Runes are both an archaic Norse alphabet and a set of powerful magickal symbols. The 24 letters of the Elder Futhark are the most common form of runic divination. They are inscribed on tiles of bone, stone, or wood and shuffled by the Rune reader. They are traditionally a masculine tool associated with the deity Odin. Each Rune has at least three meanings: A phonetic sound, a literal meaning, and a figurative or abstract meaning. From narrowest to broadest interpretation, the Rune called Berkana could stand for the letter “B”, the Birch tree, birth, creativity, or the feminine principle.

Despite this apparent complexity, the Runes are famous for giving it straight. They have their own personality, and are never hesitant to point out folly or disaster. Modern readers often try to moderate the voice of the Runes by employing multi-tile, Tarot-style readings. But the purest way to consult the Runes is by drawing just one Rune stone–a “take it or leave it” proposition that doesn’t leave any room for waffling.

One more thing: The Runes are a special treasure of Odin–legend has it that He hung on the World Tree for nine days and nights to receive the secret alphabet. The Runes reward devoted study and shy away from dilettantes. To truly unlock their secrets, be prepared to make some sacrifice reminiscent of (though not necessarily equal to) the God’s own.

Take up the Runes if you:

Don’t mind receiving answers that are harsh or blunt

Are willing to study or meditate on the symbols to receive their wisdom

Rune-meisters: Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn, Sagittarius


Scrying encompasses such time-honored practices as gazing into crystals, water, or fire. Along with dream interpretation, it is one of the oldest forms of divination. The term comes from the archaic word “descry,” meaning “to make out dimly.”

The scryer goes into a relaxed, meditative state and gazes into a bright or reflective object. (A popular choice is a bowl filled with water or a crystal ball illuminated by candlelight.) The resulting information is usually in the form of imagery, but some scryers may also hear sounds or feel sensations during a session. With any luck, the scryer’s visions will shed some light on the question or situation at hand.

Successful scrying does require a certain amount of natural ability. Some beginners gaze for long hours and experience only frustration. But anyone who is able to have visions will find their skills developing with practice. Focus improves, images intensify, and interpreting the visions becomes easier for the practiced scryer.

Try scrying if you:

Are a visual thinker (artist, designer, daydreamer)

Have experienced psychic dreams or spontaneous visions

Are drawn to sparkly or reflective objects

Enjoy trance and meditative states

Have knowledge of dream lore and symbols

Super scryers: Pisces, Gemini, Scorpio, Cancer


It’s no secret that I judge the Tarot to be (probably) the finest divination method ever created. It bridges the gap between intuition and knowledge. As a consummate narrative tool, Tarot dovetails with our human tendency to tell stories about ourselves. A few random cards can illustrate the past, present, and future of any drama, along with its stars and its supporting cast.

Still, Tarot’s not for everyone. It’s a complex method (or can be) and often throws hippie-dippy, purely-intuitive types a curveball with its 78 cards and nearly infinite permutations.

Here’s a secret: Invest as much or as little study time as you want. Unstudied beginners can still get satisfactory-to-great results by responding to the imagery on the cards. People with a head for facts and correspondences are great at teasing out additional meaning from a spread. But readers who can integrate both their left- and right-brain functions are predisposed to become Tarot adepts.

Tend toward Tarot if you:

Are drawn to art, literature, history and mythology

Have a good memory and make connections easily

Are a natural storyteller

Welcome complex or ambiguous answers

Are both creative and analytical, and able to balance these traits

Tarot superstars: Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra, Virgo

Nothing at All

Some readers don’t use any tools at all. Instead, they rely on some combination of gut instincts, energetic perception. They listen carefully for psychic signals from their body and

inner voice. Empty-handed readings can be done for yourself or others.

The potential pitfalls are obvious: If you come up blank, there’s no real starting place for the reading. (Struggling readers often resort to cold reading tactics or self-help cliches rather than real information.) Then there’s the problem of bias: Without external tools guiding you, you’re more likely to let your personal opinions and preconceptions color the reading. Good communication skills are essential to this type of reading. Many talented readers fall flat because they can’t articulate what they’re seeing or feeling.

Kick it freestyle if you:

Are very sensitive to energy (and good at putting your feelings into words)

Can easily put aside your biases during a session.

Find divination tools distracting

Are a natural healer who holds others’ best interests at heart

Have the confidence to deliver a reading without tools for backup

adapted from Grove and Grotto

Unencumbered wonders: Aquarius, Aries, Pisces, Taurus

Hello my fellow Christian Witches and Merry meet! I write to you this post well actually it’s reposted from another blog for Christian Witches. It raises the following question!

“Anyone have thought to explain Revelation ch 21 in regards to Magic. Does God hate all Magic or just those that practice Black Magic?”

Here is what the respond of the High Witch was:

“Before I tackle the verse, let me first say that God does not hate anyone. So They do not hate those who practice the dark arts. God is nothing but love and life and light. There is no hate in Their hearts. They love even Their children who do bad things, just as we do.

But what DOES Revelation 21 say?

First, let’s read verse 8.

“8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.“ King James Version.

The word in question is sorcerer. Let’s see what Strong’s Concordance has to say.

LSJ Gloss:


a poisoner, sorcerer



a druggist ("pharmacist”) or poisoner, i.e. (by extension) a magician

Derivation: from φάρμακον (a drug, i.e. spell-giving potion).

Does this translation of the original Greek word look like it means all magic and all magic users?


Does it mean all pharmacists?


Why would people today believe that it means all people who practice magic and all magical beings?

Because of the false teachings that we have been taught since childhood.

Even The Remedy Bible, which we recommend here, and which is the most accurate translation I have ever found in all my years of study and collecting Bibles, doesn’t get it EXACTLY right. Let’s look:

“But those who are controlled by fear, and fight to protect self, those who don’t believe in My methods of love, those who pervert the truth, the murderers, the hedonists, those who practice mysticism and magic, those who worship gods that must punish or be appeased, and all liars–they will find themselves consumed in the lake of eternal fire. This is the second, eternal, death.”

“…those who practice mysticism and magic.”

Dr. Timothy Jennings, the man who wrote The Remedy Translation, changed my life with his understanding and teachings about God’s character of love. But even he doesn’t understand that the Bible is not saying ALL magical practices or ALL magical beings. But WE understand that because we have thoroughly studied this subject and have taken each word of the verse and analyzed it using Concordances that explain the original meanings of the word, have taken history and understand HOW things have become mixed up.

Look at the last part of that verse again in the King James Version.

“…shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

We have multiple Bible studies on the topic of hell, the origins of the myth of hell, and how the church has added that myth into their teachings. When you read about the lake of fire, do you immediately think of hell?

MOST LIKELY. Even though you know with your mind that the Bible studies and history lessons about hell that you have read on this group solidly dispel the wrong notions of hell, your heart may still believe it because you have been taught that your whole life.

You were taught that God’s day was Sunday instead of the Sabbath too. But is that so hard to believe? It is easier for the heart to believe that because there is no fear associated with it.

Will there be fire when we come back to earth after the 1000 years we will spend in Heaven? Yes. The Bible DOES say that God will cleanse the earth from all traces of the effects of sin before He makes the earth anew. But the Bible says that it will burn quickly and cleanse the world and then go out and Jesus will remake the New Earth into perfection again. The New Jerusalem will sit down on the earth, and God will live and reign here on Earth with us.

Every time the King James Bible translates the word “eternal” in relation to fire, it means “until the end of it’s life.” The fire burns until it no longer has anything to consume, and then it goes out. And then we walk upon the ashes, according to the Bible.

But even though a thorough study of hell shows us the error of that doctrine, people are still afraid. And even though a thorough study of the word “sorcerer” shows us that it meant someone who made potions that poisoned people, which means it is bad intent, we still tend to believe the error we have been taught for all of our lives.

God tells us through Their Word “FEAR NOT!” 365 times. There are 365 verses in the Bible where either God or an angel tells us humans to not be afraid. That’s one verse for every day of the year. When our intent is good and we love God and follow Them, we have no reason to fear.

Are you a potion maker who makes poisons to hurt or kill people?


Then do not be afraid!

The King James verse says that the fearful and the unbelieving will not be in Heaven as well. And it says that all liars are included in that group. That includes people who are perverting God’s truth, Their Word to us, on purpose. So that would include people like the leaders of the church of the Dark Ages who created these false doctrines that strike fear into the hearts of so many people regarding God even today.

I cannot be a member of a church that teaches people to fear God! I can’t sit by and listen to them preach false things about God! That is why this group is my church, why the members here are my brothers and sisters.

So I call you to stand with me today against these lies about God. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be an unbeliever. Believe what God has said and let’s stand in the light and then share the light with those around us! Let us keep our lamps lit so that we may be ready when the Bridegroom comes! Let us do as God has asked and be lights in the darkness that cannot be hid. We already know that God does not judge us or condemn us. Let us live in God’s love, bask in it’s warmth, knowing that we are magical beings, God’s children, blessed and loved by God.”

I hope this cleared up around the subject of being a witch and Christian, and I hope it gave you the courage to all Christian Witches out there to embrace God and your gifts as witches!

Hello my fellow Christian witches, and my fellow pagan witches out there, I come to you with this post because I figured : “ hey! there are many witches out there and they all identify themselves with different forms like Sea Witch, Storm Witch, Swamp Witch, and the like. So why not introduce the types of magic that are really common and practiced among all of us witches out there!”

So here are the 5 Types of Magic, and I hope that no one feels offended, or feels like what is this asshole talking about? These types are so common, and are categorized according to the source of energy rather than the way!

Blessed be to all!

Types of Magic:
Magic has two components: intention and amplification. The following 5 classifications are based on that second component. I divided all the different types of magic according to the source of energy rather than on the way of doing it. On a side note, I did not include divination because it is NOT a form of magick. Divination is a way to gain insight: you can’t use it to manifest things (unless you use it as a magical tool). So, without further ado, here are the 5 basic types of magic.

This is probably the most common form of magic. Any magic that deals with the forces of nature falls under that category. Natural magic incorporates all four natural elements (Earth, Air, Water and Fire) but also Sea, Weather, Crystals, and much more. Natural magic is also called folk magic or low magic because it does not require a lot of preparation and tools to perform. You can practice it anywhere, intuitively, using what you have on hand. Casting a sacred circle isn’t even necessary! It’s been practiced since the dawn of time by shamans, healers, medicine women, druids, and other traditional witches around the world. Potions, talismans and amulets are typical examples of natural magic (but you are not limited to these of course!).

Planetary magic draws its energy from heavenly bodies such as the Sun, the Moon, and the planets of our solar system. This kind of magic is based from the age-old tradition of astrology. Lunar and solar magic also falls under this category. In their simplest form, Full Moon rituals are a mix of natural and planetary magic. To perform planetary magic, you need a good knowledge of astrology and astronomy. This kind of magic requires more planning than natural magic because you have to carefully select the perfect time and material corresponding to your goal and to the planet that you will work with.

In Chaos magic, you draw your energy from your own psyche. To charge their spells, chaos magic practicionners need to be in a gnosis, or altered state of consciousness. This state can be attained in various ways such as meditation, drumming, dance, intense physical effort and even sexual intercourse. It’s only when you’ve reached this specific mental state that you can charge your spell with your own energy. It’s as if you were programming the Universe AND your own subconscious at the same time. For this reason, chaos magic doesn’t require a lot of preparation or theorical knowledge. If you know how to attain gnosis, you can practice it anywhere, using what you’ve got on hand. You don’t need to cast a sacred circle either. Of course, the most popular form of chaos magic is sigil crafting. However, there are many other ways to practice chaos magic such as the cut-up technique, linking sigils, and servitors. Since there are no rules in chaos magic, be creative and feel free to experiment. Keep in mind that anything that uses symbols can be used as a support for chaos magic, even tarot cards. However, be very careful what you wish for! Chaos magic is very neutral and unfiltered, so you might be surprised by the results of your spells.

Ceremonial magic is also called High Magic by some. It is an ancient form of magic that uses complicated sets of rules, rituals, symbols and tools. Its probably the most “occult” form of magic. The magic from all initiatic orders falls under this category (such as the Institute of Hermetic Studies, the Society of the Inner Light, O.T.O., Rosicrucians, Templars, Golden Dawn, Freemasonry, etc). Besides, you need to be initiated by a member in order to practice it. Here, the energy source is the egregor of each specific tradition. Since a lot of these traditions are highly philosophical, their spells and rituals need a lot of prior knowledge and planning. Since I’m not a member of any initiatic order, I don’t know much about it. All I know is that a lot of ceremonial magic is based on the Kabballah and alchemy.

Summoning magic draws its energy from entities of other planes of consciousness such as gods and goddesses, faeries, spirit animals, angels, and even demons and “ancestors,” for Dark Magic practitioners. Therefore, this category incorporates all rituals and spells requiring the summoning of an entity. Here, the practitioner does not act on their own. Instead, spells and rituals are performed in the name of the entity that has been summoned. This form of magic is practiced in all devotional magical traditions such as Wicca and other neopagan religions. Summoning magic requires knowledge, planning and dedication in the long run. Working with a spiritual guide of any kind is the most powerful form of summoning magic.

For my Christian witches,  I do not recommend the Summoning magic, although it is frequently used, because it is too easy for an evil entity to impersonate an angel of light, your dead ancestor, etc. It is quite dangerous, however popular it is. I do recommend praying to God. As for my pagan witches who prefer dealing with such entities, please be careful and keep protected! If ever visited by any evil entity do perform a banishment spell under any circumstances!


Use herbs in a pouch, or while cooking, and stir the mix or infusions to empower the spell to protect the home, any possessions, your workplace, and property. Use incense in sticks, cones, or as a powder incense and burn it on heated charcoal blocks and use a lighted incense stick like a smoke pen to write empowerments or symbols.

  1. Allspice- for money,passion,swift-moving,or urgent matters.
  2. Basil- for fidelity,prosperity,protection,and fear of flying.
  3. Chamomile(Roman) and Chamomile(German)- for healing,babies,children, animals,and reversing bad luck. It also helps to attract money and is helpful in family matters.
  4. Cedar/Cedar Wood- for healing,cleansing bad influences,negative thoughts,and harmony.
  5. Cinnamon- for passion,regaining money after loss, urgently needing money and psychic awareness.
  6. Dragon’s Blood- for fierce protection,anti-curse,any major enterprise, and male potency.
  7. Fennel- for travel,house sales,and moves. It helps to banish and  keep harm away from people,animals, and places.
  8. Frankincense- For wealth,courage,joy,career,success,and travel. Also used in formal rituals.
  9. Hyssop- For making a love commitment;healing;spirituality;all forms of protection, especially from psychic attack;and as an infusion to cleanse artifacts.
  10. Juniper- purifies homes; protects against accidents,thieves,and illness;and male potency.
  11. Lemongrass/Lemon- repels spite,malice,and gossip. It also helps with psychic awareness and travel.
  12. Lemon Verbena- For breaking a run of bad luck,protection against negativity, the Evil Eye, and ill-wishing.
  13. Mint and Peppermint drives negativity from objects and places,and brings money, health,love, and success.
  14. Myrtle- For a lasting marriage,mature love, domestic happiness,property, and security.
  15. Myrrh- For healing,peace,purification,overcoming grief, and protection against evil.Can be used in formal rituals and in moon magic.
  16. Pine- Drives away harm from the home and family, especially newborn infants, cleansing negativity and malice, guarding property, and premises.
  17. Rosemary- For learning,love,fidelity,prosperity,and banishing malevolence.
  18. Sage- For longevity,good health,examinations,interviews,tests,protection of home and family,slow-growing prosperity, and wisdom.
  19. Sandalwood- For spiritual awareness and healing,leadership,justice, compensation,and sexuality. Can be used in formal rituals.
  20. Tarragon- The dragon herb,courage,and anti-bullying,and the shedding of old burdens,guilt,fears,and destructive relationships.
  21. Thyme- Psychically cleanses the home,possessions,vehicles and land,health, memory of past worlds,and drives away nightmares and phantoms of the night.
  22. Vertivert- For love, breaks a run of bad luck, protects against theft and negativity.

Creating sigils is a really enjoyable aspect of witchcraft if you choose to practice it, but not everyone knows how to best create sigils and some don’t want to take the time to create their own sigil grids for practice.

Below is attached images of practice sigil grids - feel free to download the images to print and practice with.

Circle Letter Sigil Grid:

Saturn Planetary Sigil Grid:

I am not the owner of these sigil grids, these are simply my practice sheets that I have created myself the practice sigil creation. Please follow the link HEREto find my larger sigil post and the original posters (as far as I know) for these sigil grids.

I hope this helps.

The Protection Witches Ball from our Yule Mystery Box was so beautiful. I loved making these, they w

The Protection Witches Ball from our Yule Mystery Box was so beautiful. I loved making these, they were so satisfying to make and look really pretty hanging on a Yule or Christmas tree.#witchesball #witchsball #witchcraft #yule #yuleornaments #yuledecorations #yuletide #witch #witchery #witchy #pagan #paganism #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #thewitchsheart #mysterybox #subscriptionbox #pentacle #protection #protectionball

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If you don’t have coloured candles, you can replace any colour with white and have the same results.

Don’t limit your magick because you don’t have all the props.




Sunlight can cause certain crystals to fade. The following is a list of the some of the more common crystals that should avoid direct sunlight. 

  • Amethyst 
  • Citrine 
  • Ametrine 
  • Aquamarine
  • Celestite
  • Fluorite
  • Sapphire
  • Opal
  • Kunzite
  • Turquoise 
  • Topaz
  • Quartz Varieties


The scientific truth is that water is corrosive to certain types of crystals. Water can change the color of certain minerals, cause rust and can also make cracks appear. Any porous or softer crystal should not be cleaned with water. Any crystal with an iron content should avoid water. Any crystal with a hardness less than 5 should not come in contact with water. The following is a list of some of the more common crystals that should avoid water. 

  • Desert rose
  • Selenite (Gypsum)
  • Tourmaline
  • Pink Himalayan 
  • Calcite Varieties 
  • Unpolished Malachite 
  • Angelite 
  • Celestite 
  • Calcite
  • Mica
  • Opal
  • Lepidolite 
  • Muscovite
  • Unpolished Turquoise
  • Hematite
  • Lodestone
  • Pyrite
  • Dioptase
  • Lapus Lazuli
  • Magnetite


Salt isn’t for every stone. If salt gets humid, it can liquify and cause the same problems that immersing the stone in water would. So because of that, I would suggest not using the salt method for any stone with a water sensitivity (above), or any stone that could get a shard of salt trapped within it (geodes, etc). Any crystal with a hardness less than 7 should not be cleansed with salt.


Some crystals are sensitive to heat, such as Malachite.


When in doubt, avoid these methods of cleansing/charging or use the non-contact method. Do your research before cleansing/charging your crystal. 

If you know of a specific crystal that should avoid any of these methods, please list them in the comments and I will add them to this post!  


By putting certain things underneath your pillow, you will allow those metaphysical properties to interact with your dreams, and your person all throughout the night, when you sleep upon that pillow. Here is a small list of constructs you can put underneath your pillow, that will provide to you certain energies, minds states, and physical stimulus throughout the night based on what they are:

  • Lapis lazuli under your pillow for awareness of your dreams, and vividness of those dreams.
  • Clear quartz under your pillow to wake up with more energy, after you awake from your sleep.
  • Bayleaf under your pillow in order to have more prophetic dreams.
  • Chamomile under your pillow in order to promote relaxation, and good  dreams.
  • Rose petals under your pillow in order to bring love into your waking life.
  • Peppermint under your pillow in order to promote relaxation, and vivid dreams.
  • Lavender under your pillow in order to promote calm, and in order for you to sleep well.
  • Anise under your pillow in order to prevent nightmares.
  • Rosemary under your pillow in order to prevent nightmares, and to bring deep sleep.
  • Garlic under your pillow in order to promote sleep well.
  • You can put a blade of grass, or a leaf underneath your pillow to promote growth, and change in your waking life.
  • Money under your pillow for wealth, and prosperity in your waking life.
  • You can put a picture of someone underneath your pillow in order to connect with them better.
  • You can put the name of someone underneath your pillow in order to connect with them better.
  • You can put all manner of sigil underneath your pillow in order to get the effect of that Sigil into your dreams, and waking life.
mr-moonrose: Roman Chamomile  Often referred to as the “ground apple,” chamomile is the flower of pe


Roman Chamomile 

Often referred to as the “ground apple,” chamomile is the flower of peace; Used medicinally to ease the nerves and calm the mind. 

  • Planet: Sun 
  • Element: Water 
  • Energy: Masculine

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If you’re a herbal tea drinker, you can add a boost to your brew with these correspondences:

Apple - Divination, intuition, love, beauty, friendship, healing, wholeness.

Chamomile - Love, reducing stress, can increase a ritual’s chances of success, healing.

Cocoa - Spiritual ceremonies, used as a form of communion with deities, love, spirituality, meditation.

Hibiscus - Love, lust, divination, dreamwork.

Lemongrass - Psychic cleansing and opening, lust.

Licorice - Love, lust, fidelity.

Peppermint - Healing, purification, gives the ‘push’ needed for change in one’s life.

Pomegranate - Divination, wishes, wealth, fertility.

Rooibos - Rejuvenation, dreamwork, promoting inner peace.

Rosehip - Healing, good luck, calling in good spirits.

Vanilla - Love, lust, passion, restoring lost energy.
