


Shadow work has become a hot topic in witchy circles lately. What is “shadow work” and is it something we should be doing?



In Jungian psychology, Carl Jung theorized that the shadow (also known as id, shadow aspect, or shadow archetype) is either an unconscious aspect of the personality that the conscious ego does not identify in itself; or the entirety of the unconscious, i.e., everything of which a person is not fully conscious. In short, the shadow is the unknown side.

From one perspective, the shadow “is roughly equivalent to the whole of the Freudian unconscious;”[1] and Carl Jung himself asserted that “the result of the Freudian method of elucidation is a minute elaboration of man’s shadow-side unexampled in any previous age.”[2] Contrary to a Freudian definition of shadow, however, the Jungian shadow can include everything outside the light of consciousness and may be positive or negative. Because one tends to reject or remain ignorant of the least desirable aspects of one’s personality, the shadow is largely negative. There are, however, believed by some, positive aspects that may also remain hidden in one’s shadow (especially in people with low self-esteem, anxieties, and false beliefs).[3] “Everyone carries a shadow,” Jung wrote, “and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.”[4] Jung theorized that it may be, in part, one’s link to more primitive animal instincts,[5] which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind. According to Jung, the shadow, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to psychological projection, in which a perceived personal inferiority is recognized as a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Jung writes that if these projections remain hidden, “the projection making factor (the Shadow archetype) then has a free hand and can realize its object—if it has one—or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power.”[6] These projections insulate and harm individuals by acting as a constantly thickening veil of illusion between the ego and the real world.



Despite the current popularity with the topic, Freud himself has been largely debunked by modern psychology and serious scholars and psychologists and other medical professionals do not take his work seriously. Jung has a larger following and many good theories which we do still appreciate today. But was he right about the supposed need for us to to delve into our “shadow?”



“God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all” 1 John 1:5.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” James 1:17.

“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’” John 8:12.

“I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness” John 12:46.

“For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light” Ephesians 5:8.

“For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness” 1 Thessalonians 5:5.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” John 1:5.

It is a common misconception among witches, and among people in general, that light and dark are opposites, just like left and right, up and down, empty and full, yin and yang. It’s a concept that was popularized with things like the movie Star Wars where the good guys use the “light” side of the force and the bad guys use the “dark” side. But the truth that Jung and most people today fail to realize is that light and dark are actually NOT scientifically opposites at all, like the other pairs. You see, darkness cannot exist in the light, but light CAN exist without darkness. They are not “opposite” sides of the same coin. And that is scientific fact. So all that stuff that you read about how you can’t be a light witch and be balanced, that you must embrace your dark side, and all that, is poppycock.

There is no darkness in God, and there is no darkness in heaven. Heaven is a perfect place, without sorrow, sickness, pain, or death. A place without selfishness, lying, hatred or fear. This is our ultimate goal.

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid” Matthew 5:14.



I believe in and practice positive psychology (and positive and love-based parenting) in my counseling. Positive psychology’s focus is on what is going right with an individual. A love based approach reacts to negative behaviors or negative occurrences in positive, kind and loving ways. I do not believe that there is benefit in going back into the darkness (revisiting traumatic experiences, shadow work, etc). We can’t change the past and there is great benefit in looking forward to a positive future. The light dispels the darkness and the shadows and we should always search for the light. It is well known that there is power in thoughts and words and actions and we should always follow God’s example and think and speak and act positively.

Just as there can be no healing when a person is still in an abusive or traumatic situation, there can be no healing if a person is looking backwards to or is stuck in that experience mentally and emotionally, even if they have removed themselves from the situation physically. Staying in or returning to the situation - physically, mentally and/or emotionally - results in a cessation of healing and often even a reversal of healing. In fact, this is pretty much the definition of PTSD.

We cannot find healing in the shadows and darkness. We must move into the light.

So the question was, do we need to do shadow work. My answer is NO. Fly towards the light, my witches. Let the past go. Let the darkness go. Let the light of our God of love illuminate you and heal you.



1. Anthony Stevens, “On Jung.” (London 1990) p. 43

2. Jung, C. G. “The Practice of Psychotherapy.” (London, 1993).

3. Young-Eisendrath, P. and T. Dawson. “The Cambridge Companion to Jung.” (Cambridge University Press, 1996) p. 319.

4. Jung, C.G. “Psychology and Religion.” In Psychology and Religion: West and East, (Collected Works of C.G. Jung 11, 1938) p. 131.

5. Jung, C.G. “Answer to Job.” In Psychology and Religion: West and East, (Collected Works of C.G. Jung 11, 1952) p. 12.

6. Jung, C.G. “Phenomenology of the Self.” In The Portable Jung, 1957) p. 147.


By definition, divination is the practice of seeing the future and answering questions by supernatural means. This definition is correct, but it leaves out the fact the word divination has the word divine as its main syllable. Divination also means to receive messages or to communicate with the divine (God, the Universe, Source). Divination is practice at receiving the Divine’s messages and learning lessons along the way. Divine messages are answers to questions about life, love, the past, the future, and more. Because really the Divine knows all, there is no limit to the questions that can be asked through DIVINation. Learn the basics of divination for beginners here.

Divination for Beginners: The Three Pillars

Because of the lack of simple instructions for divination for beginners, I came up with the concept of Three Pillars of Divination. This is a concept that will help the beginner learn how to divine, step by step. Focus on one pillar at a time and take your time learning each. This is an ongoing process. The more you learn about divination, the more you will apply these learned concepts to your practice. And if things get confusing, you can always return to the basics. The Three Pillars of Divination are: Observation, Symbolism, and Intuition. If you are studying divination for beginners seriously, I suggest writing these down in a journal or notebook.

1st Pillar: Observation

The first pillar, and probably the most important, is Observation. You can’t receive a message if you’re not listening, right? You can’t interpret a sign if you’re not paying attention. Observation is about being open-minded and mindful at the same time. You are open-minded to any and all messages or images you receive from the Divine through divination, which means you are willing to receive messages in whatever form they come to you. This also means you don’t allow the “logical” side of your brain to completely block out the intuitive (we will get more into this later). It is my belief and experience the majority of people walk around on a daily basis, totally oblivious to their surroundings, totally oblivious to the fact that God is trying to speak to them in different ways. By being mindful of your surroundings and by being in the present moment, you are allowing God to speak to you in whatever form that might be (through nature, symbolism on TV, random conversations, etc). People wonder why they can’t hear God or speak to God, and yet they truly aren’t listening. Observation, mindful observation, is key to hearing the Divine speak to you.

How to be Observant

When learning divination for beginners, be observant. If outside and awaiting a sign from the Divine through nature, be open to whatever appears. Take in the world around you—the environment, the sounds, sights, smells, and sensations. Be observant of yourself—your emotions, your physical sensations, etc. By being present in the moment, you are being mindful of what messages the Divine sends you. This is the same if you are using tarot cards, crystal balls, runes, scrying mirrors, etc. First observe before moving on to symbolism and interpretation.

2nd Pillar: Symbolism

The 2nd Pillar of Divination is Symbolism. Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent concepts or ideas. Symbolism is used in many ways: in mainstream media, literature, religion, politics, etc. The human brain uses symbolism without even realizing. Symbolism is so ingrained in our way of thinking and living. For this reason, symbolism is a big part of divination. The Divine uses symbolism to speak to us. It is an inherent part of divination and should be in the forefront of your mind when you are Divining.

Symbolism in Divination

Symbolism is seen in all forms of divination: tarot, oracle, the Elder runes, the Ogham, numerology, astrology, and more. For example, if we take a look at the runes, the rune Algiz is a symbol (or letter) that represents the concept of protection. This is symbolism in its simplest terms. In oracle, we are presented with various images that each represent a moral or concept of some kind. For example, in the Goddess oracle, the card with the goddess Baba Yaga represents wild freedom. And on and on these symbols go. The point is, whatever form of divination you choose, dedicate time to studying and learning the symbolism therein. As you become more experienced in divination, you will realize many of these symbols carry over to other forms of divination. At this point, divination will become easier for you to perform.

3rd Pillar: Intuition

The Third Pillar of Divination is Intuition. Often when we are beginning to learn divination we’re told to use our intuition. But what does this mean, exactly? Intuition is defined as something one knows immediately without conscious reasoning. You know that feeling you get before walking into a place that tells you not to go in? Or that feeling when you meet someone and your gut tells you not to trust them? Your logical mind will say this is illogical. But this initial feeling is your intuition, your god-given instinct, that will keep you safe in many situations.

How to Use Your Intuition in Divination

Use this instinct, your intuition, when practicing divination. It’s as easy as drawing an oracle card, and letting your first initial thought or feeling serve as the divine message. Practice this so that it becomes natural, as your conscious brain will try to shrug off your intuition at first. Be aware intuition comes to us in different ways. For example, when I divine and use my oracle cards, I will draw a card and look at the image. Typically I get a “flash” of an image or scenery in my mind, this is how I use my intuition. But you might draw an oracle card and hear a word in your mind. Or you might get a particular emotion. These are all forms of intuition, and depending on the person will be different. With practice, you’ll learn how your intuition speaks to you. Each time you practice using your intuition, write down your experience. Did you let your intuition speak to you and show you the answer? Did your conscious mind try to block? Were there symbols or images in your mind? What words did you hear? Did you feel any emotions?

Putting it All Together

Applying intuition to the other Two Pillars of Divination: you will observe, apply the learned symbolism, and use your intuition. Intuition and symbolism will eventually mix together cohesively, and sometimes you might not know where your intuition and symbolism separate. That is the beauty of divination and receiving messages from the Divine. Keep in mind it will take time to get in tune with your intuition…sometimes it can take years to fully connect. Be patient and keep practicing.

Choosing a Form of Divination for Beginners

With the Three Pillars of Divination in mind, choose a form of divination to study. By focusing on one form, you can apply the three pillars and hone in on your divination skills before moving on to another form of divination. For beginners, I recommend using nature to learn divination. This could mean interpreting the cloud patterns in the sky, going for a walk and allowing certain birds or insects to come to you then interpreting those signs, or scrying with fire or water. These may seem very basic, but you will find it isn’t always easy. However, learning how to read patterns and symbols in nature will teach you mindfulness (observation), as well as symbolism and how to use your intuition flawlessly. Then you can move on to other forms of divination that take even more study and time such as tarot or the runes.

Study One Form for One Year

I recommend studying one form of divination for at least a year. You can’t fully connect with that form of divination unless you’ve given it considerable time and study. Spending a month on the runes or tarot will not do. The same goes for other all divination. These forms of divination have been used by our ancestors for hundreds (sometimes thousands) of years and thus have developed their own personalities. You will give honor to your ancestors and to those forms of divination by putting in the time and effort to really connect. Divination for beginners isn’t as difficult as it may seem – it just takes time and practice.

Thoughts by ~ Otherworldly Oracle

Psalms 119: 30~38 THE Remedy Bible

I have chosen the way of truth;

I am committed to your design for life.

I hold fast to your methods, O Lord,

and I am not ashamed.

I eagerly live in harmony with your design,

for you have healed my heart, enabling me to do so.

Teach me, O Lord, the way you have designed life to operate,

so that I might conform and be transformed.

Enable me to understand, and I will practice your principles

and live out your methods with all my heart.

Lead me to live according to your ways,

because it brings me health and happiness.

Transform my heart to desire your methods of love

and hate selfish gain.

Turn my interest away from all worthless things;

recreate me to live according to your way.

Establish your promise within your servant,

so that you may be worshipped and admired.

I’ve said this quite sometime! If you are pagan or wiccan, take what resonates with this teaching! I post as a Christian Witch, but feel free to take this lesson! Learning is for everyone, and knowledge is power!


How many of you have heard someone say “there is no such thing as a Christian witch?” Maybe I should say, how many times each week do you hear this phrase?

Many pagans just cannot understand people self-identifying as Christian Witches. But they don’t have to understand something to be accepting of it. There are an amazing number of Witchcraft traditions that have Christianity quietly tucked into their DNA somewhere. Nothing emerges in a vacuum and for the last 1700 years Christianity has been the elephant in the room, and Christianity stemmed from Judaism, whose texts originate back well before a lot of paganism’s.

Christianity has influenced Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam over the last 1500 years, and ancient paganism was influenced by the believers in the God of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel. This is how religions and belief systems work, and to think that modern paganism or “the witch community somehow stands outside of that paradigm is sheer hubris” (a quote from the pagan whose article influenced this lesson).

“One document consisted of notes originally taken by a man who was initiated into a group of four elderly women in the Oxfordshire village in which he lived in the years around 1940. They were a part of the teachings of this group, and consisted of the various magical uses to which twenty-six of the Biblical Psalms could be put sometimes consisting of the whole psalm and sometimes of a single verse. They are obviously classic Christian folk magic, of a sort recorded copiously from the early Middle Ages to the twentieth century, although the special importance of the psalms to Protestants would suggest that this use of them post-dates the Reformation” (Ronald Hutton writing on a witch book owned by Andrew Chumbley in “Triumph of the Moon,” in 1999 (p. 306-307).

You may not have heard of Andrew Chumbley, but his impact on Modern Witchcraft over the last 20 years has been extraordinary. Much of the current rise in “Traditional Witchcraft” can be traced in no small part to the work of Chumbley, who spent years documenting magical techniques and practices, most notably his own Sabbatic Tradition. Chumbley wasn’t a Christian, but if he used the text written about above in his magical work, he was most certainly influenced by Christianity. And in the world of Traditional Witchcraft, such influences are common, not rare. Chumbley is also majorly responsible for the boom in high quality Witchcraft books from specialty publishers.

The first person most of us think of when it comes to Traditional Witchcraft is Robert Cochrane, whose witch group is still called The Clan of Tubal-Cain. Tubal-Cain was a descendant of Adam and Eve, and was a famous blacksmith that is mentioned in the Bible. He was not a figure from Greek mythology, as some believe. He was also not an Incan or a Mayan, as others believe. Traditional witchcraft also often references figures such as Lucifer or Satan or the Devil, and we all know where he came from.

If you have seen the book “The Red Goddess,” you will immediately notice the quotation from the Song of Solomon (that’s a book in the Bible) on the back, not to mention all of the quotes from the book of Revelation which feature prominently in its text. And if you read a lot of Traditional Witchcraft books, you’ve no doubt run into figures such as the Nephalim, Watchers, and Enoch. Where do people think this stuff comes from?

In addition, there is a long history of Christians using magic. Many practices are influenced by charmers or cunning-folk. These are techniques practiced overwhelmingly by self-identifying Christians. Are you into Pennsylvania Dutch Pow-Wow? That’s another thing developed by Christians.

Guess how many of the witches who were killed during the infamous witch hunts were pagans? None. None of them were pagan. They all identified as Christians.

Wiccan-witchcraft has also been heavily impacted by Christianity. The early modern grimoires which helped to shape a lot of Wiccan ritual practices were mostly written by Christians, and those that weren’t were written by Muslims and Jews. All three of these religions worship the God of Abraham and their beliefs systems all stem from one religion. Abraham and his God are documented in ancient texts found in archaeological excavations. The names of many of those grimoires give away their Biblical roots: “The Key of Solomon,” “The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses,” and “The Grimoire of Pope Honorius” are just three examples of grimoires that were written by Biblical or Christian figures. And don’t overlook just how impactful some of these books have been on Wicca especially. There are a lot of Wiccan teachings that read like they came straight from “The Key of Solomon.”

Wiccans have borrowed a whole lot of stuff from Freemasonry over the years, from vocabulary to ritual techniques, and the Masons were overwhelmingly Christian. Many of Masonry’s most esoteric architects were Christian too, and many Wiccans have taken a little from them over the years too. Groups such as the Theosophical Society honored Jesus, and one of the world’s all time favorite occultists, Dion Fortune, always found time for her Master Jesus.

So, yes, modern witchcraft owes Christians no small debt of gratitude for many of their practices. Today the world calls many of these things “witchcraft” so it makes sense that Christians looking to engage in these practices would call themselves Christian Witches.

Many witches who seem aghast at the idea of Christian Witches in their midst often quote the Bible to back up their outrage. And they have no idea what the verses they are quoting actually mean even! The word “witchcraft” can have a whole host of different meanings, and its use usually comes down to who is doing the translating.

The Bible condemns a lot of different things – such as lying and gossip and sexual immorality and fits of anger and arguments and envy and dishonoring your parents and drunkenness and breaking the Sabbath, among many others (for an example see Galatians 5:19-21) - and it says that those who do these things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But Christians seem to ignore most of these and focus on two communities – the LGBTQ community and the witchcraft communities – both of whose translations were mauled by the early Bible translators who were ALL under the influence of the man made doctrines of the churches of the Dark Ages.

If witchcraft is simply a magical practice, void of religion or spirituality, how can there not be Christian Witches? That is like saying that there can’t be Jewish herbalists. Certainly the idea of witchcraft is not compatible with an overwhelming majority of Christians, because they believe the lies, but why should anyone else care if some of us DO believe in the power of magic that we KNOW we have been gifted with, while finding spiritual fulfillment in the God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, the disciples, Paul, and a multitude of others throughout history? It doesn’t hurt them unless we try to start speaking for all of them. But all we can do is present the truth in love, and then back off to let the seed of truth grow in their hearts, watered by the Holy Spirit.

Witchcraft is empowering. Shouldn’t Christians and pagans alike be all in for anyone with an open mind using it to take charge of their life? Shouldn’t they be all for more witches in the world, not less?

This was based on an article by a well published pagan, Jason Mankey, who also agrees that Christians should be able to identify as witches if they feel drawn to do so, and that the witchcraft community should support this. Thank you, Jason.

5 things you SHOULD do on Friday 13th

We’ve taken a look at the history and it’s actually the perfect day for a few behaviours

Whether or not you believe in the superstition of Friday 13th, it’s still a date that can send a shiver through your plans thanks to the attention and hype the ancient ‘unlucky’ date has built-up over the years.

But should we approach it with fear, or should we use it to our advantage and make a few different decisions? Country Living took a look at the history and have come up with five detoxing and rather enjoyable things which are best done on Friday 13th.


The superstition dates back to the urban legends of the 1600s and, to understand it properly, we need to look at the day Friday and the number 13 separately.

So, why Friday? Steve Roud, author of The Penguin Guide to the Superstitions of Britain and Ireland (£2.96, Amazon), explained to the BBC:

“Because Friday was the day of the crucifixion, Fridays were always regarded as a day of penance and abstinence,” he says.

“This religious belief spilled over into a general dislike of starting anything - or doing anything important - on a Friday.”


Well, back in the 1690s, an urban legend began to bubble that it was unlucky to have 13 people sat around a dinner table as this was the amount of people present at the Last Supper. It was also believed to be the number of witches needed to officially make a coven.

How did the two come together? “The Victorians who were intrigued by folklore put Friday and 13 together and created a doubly unlucky day,” by the author of the Country Wisdom and Folklore Diary.

5 things we should do on Friday 13th

1. Disregard the 'unlucky’ part

When legends like this circulate, it’s easy to blame anything negative that happens on that day on the ideas. If your car won’t start today or you put salt instead of sugar in your tea, blame coincidence.

2. Have an alcohol-free day

In the spirit of abstinence, and the fact that Christmas is soon approaching and will bring with it platefuls of indulgence, why not have a day without your favourite tipple. Instead, enjoy a soft alternative or hygge-inspired hot chocolate.

3. Write a list

We love a list - normally of the shopping to to-do variety – but, on a day when people were originally not meant to start something new, let’s use this time to sit back, relax, and think about things we would like to start in the future.

Is there a hobby you’ve always wanted to try? A place you’ve always wanted to travel to? Or simply a walk you haven’t trodden yet? Make a bucket list, stick it on the fridge and commit to ticking them off when you can. Just because we shouldn’t do, doesn’t mean we can’t plan.

4. Take a moment to feel grateful

While you relax, soft drink in hand, thinking about the exciting activities you plan to do, also take a moment to appreciate what you have already done and the smile-inducing things in your life. Not having to worry about witches and penance should probably be top of the list…

5. Procrastinate

It’s probably not a behaviour we are used to but, on a day when urban legend tells us not to do anything important, let’s give it a go. Clean the oven tomorrow, sort out the post on Sunday and save the hoovering for the morning. Just sit, relax and be mindful.

So don’t take that date to seriously…

Have a Happy Friday the 13th

By Country Living Magazine

Alchemical Sulfur, Mercury and Salt in Western Occultism

Western occultism (and, indeed, pre-modern Western science) is strongly focused on a system of four of five elements: fire, air, water, and earth, plus spirit or ether. However, alchemists often spoke of three more elements: mercury, sulfur, and salt, with some focusing on mercury and sulfur.


The first mention of mercury and sulfur as base alchemical elements come from an Arab writer named Jabir, often Westernized to Geber, who wrote in the late 8th century. The idea was then transmitted to European alchemist scholars. Arabs already used the system of four elements, about which Jabir also writes.


The pairing of sulfur and mercury strongly corresponds to the male-female dichotomy already present in Western thought. Sulfur is the active male principle, possessing the ability to create change. It bears the qualities of hot and dry, the same as the element of fire; it’s associated with the sun, as the male principle always is in traditional Western thought.


Mercury is the passive female principle. While sulfur causes change, it needs something to actually shape and change in order to accomplish anything. The relationship is also commonly compared to the planting of a seed: the plant springs from the seed, but only if there is earth to nourish it. The earth equates to the passive female principle.

Mercury is also known as quicksilver because it is one of the very few metals to be liquid at room temperature. Thus, it can easily be shaped by outside forces. It is silver in color, and silver is associated with womanhood and the moon, while gold is associated with the sun and man. It possesses the qualities of cold and moist, the same qualities ascribed to the element of water. These traits are opposite those of sulfur.

Sulfur and Mercury Together

In alchemical illustrations, the red king and the white queen also sometimes represent sulfur and mercury.

Sulfur and mercury are described as originating from the same original substance; one might even be described as the opposite gender of the other–for example, sulfur is the male aspect of mercury. Since Christian alchemy is based on the concept that the human soul was split during the fall season, it makes sense that these two forces are seen as initially united and in need of unity again.


Salt is an element of substance and physicality. It starts out as coarse and impure. Through alchemical processes, salt is broken down by dissolving; it’s purified and eventually reformed into pure salt, the result of the interactions between mercury and sulfur.

Thus, the purpose of alchemy is to strip down the self to nothingness, leaving everything bare to be scrutinized. By gaining self-knowledge about one’s nature and one’s relation to God, the soul is reformed, the impurities expunged, and it is united into a  pure and undivided thing. That is the purpose of alchemy.

Body, Spirit, and Soul

Salt, mercury, and sulfur equate to the concepts of body, spirit, and soul. Body is the physical self. The soul is the immortal, spiritual part of the person that defines an individual and makes him unique among other people. In Christianity, the soul is the part that is judged after death and lives on in either heaven or hell, long after the body has perished.

The concept of spirit is far less familiar to most. Many people use the words soul and spirit interchangeably. Some use the word spirit as a synonym for ghost. Neither is applicable in this context. The soul is personal essence. The spirit is a sort of medium of transference and connection, whether that connection exists between body and soul, between soul and God, or between soul and the world.



If you’ve got kids at home, try celebrating Samhain with some of these family-friendly and kid-appropriate ideas.

1- Honor your ancestors

In many cultures, ancestor veneration is an important part of the season. Depending on how old your children are, you may want to use this time of year as an opportunity to introduce your kids to the people whose blood runs through their veins.

Study Genealogy: All of us came from somewhere, so why not figure out what that place might have been? Get your kids involved in learning about their forbears, even if it’s just something as simple as asking Grandma what it was like to live when she was a child. Take the information you learn, and fill out a family tree chart — if you’re feeling really crafty, use that info to make an ancestor altar cloth!

Got photos and family heirlooms? Set up an ancestor altar in a place of honor in your home. Is your child — or are you — adopted? That’s okay, you can still honor your kinfolk, you just have to go about it a slightly different way. Consider celebrating archetypes that represent your ethnic or cultural background.

2- Family Friendly Ritual

Let’s face it, sometimes ritual is hard to get through when you’re little. The trick to keeping young children involved is to keep them occupied – that means rethinking ritual ideas so that it can fun as well as spiritual. This ritual is designed to celebrate Samhain with younger kids.

Obviously, if your children are older, or you have younger kids who are very focused and mature, you may not need a “kids ritual.” However, for those of you that do, this is a rite you can complete, from start to finish, in about twenty minutes. Also, keep in mind that you are the best judge of what your child is ready for. If he wants to paint his face, bang a drum and chant, let him do so — but if he’d rather participate silently, that’s okay too!

Use a basic altar setup for this ritual. If your kids are old enough to not burn the house (or themselves) down when near an open flame, you can use candles, but they’re not required for this ritual. A nice alternative is the small LED tealights, which can go on your altar safely.

In addition to your Samhain decorations, place photos of deceased family members on the altar. If you have other mementos, such as jewelry or small heirlooms, feel free to add those.

Finally, have a cup with a drink in it that the family can share — milk, cider (always a great option in the fall), or whatever you may prefer. Obviously, if someone is sporting a cold or runny nose, you might wish to use individual cups.

Gather your family around the altar, and ask each child to stand quietly for a moment to take a few minutes to think about the different family members that have passed away.. If your child is too young to know anyone who has passed away they can simply think about the family they have now, and all the living people who are important to them.

After everyone has taken a moment to think about their ancestors, and before anyone starts to fidget, begin the ritual.

Parent: Tonight we are celebrating Samhain, which is a time when we celebrate the lives of the people we have loved and lost. We are going to honor our ancestors so that they will live on in our hearts and memories.

Tonight, we honor [name], and [name].

Go through the list of specific people you wish to honor. If someone has died recently, start with them and work your way back. You don’t have to unleash the names of every single person in your family tree (because it could be Yule before you finish), but it’s important to mention the people who have had the most impact on your life. If you want, to help the kids understand who everyone was, you can go into more detail as you name the ancestors off:

“Tonight we honor Uncle Bob, who used to tell me funny stories when I was a kid. We honor Grandma, who lived in a cabin in Kentucky where she learned to make the best biscuits I’ve ever had. We honor cousin Adam, who served in the Army and then bravely fought cancer before he crossed over…”

Once you’ve named off all of the ancestors, pass the cup around the circle. As you pass it, you can say, “I drink in honor of my family, of the Holy Trinity, and of the bonds of kinship.” Take a sip, and pass it to the next person, saying, “I share this with you in the name of our ancestors.”

Once everyone has had their turn, replace the cup on the altar. Ask everyone to join hands and close their eyes for a moment.

Take a moment for quiet reflection, and then end the rite in whatever way works best for your family.

Adapted from

Wigington, Patti. “Celebrating Samhain With Kids.” Learn Religions


Keeping your space and yourself free of negative energies is essential to living a magical life. Want to know how to cleanse your house and body of bad vibes?

* Cleansing/Saining/Smudging with Sage and other herbs such as Rosemary,

* Frankincense and other incense,

* Essential oils (in cleansing products and diffusers),

* Cleansing sprays (with herbs or essential oils),

* Salt,

* Sound,

* Nature Sounds, and of course,

* Crystals!

You will find some specific lessons on these in our unit called HEARTH & HOME. Also there is a lesson called GETTING RID OF NEGATIVE SPIRITS in our unit called ADVANCED BIBLE STUDIES!

When you make energy cleansing a part of your daily wellness routine, the extra effort will be worth it, especially when you’re radiating with light and love. Clearing and purifying your space also helps boost the healing energy of crystals, which act as energy amplifiers.

You don’t have to be a Zen master to notice if the energy feels stagnant and stuck in your home. Simply take a moment to notice if you or your environment feels heavy. In the hectic pace of the modern world, it’s not uncommon to come home from a long day at work feeling overwhelmed. Also, any time you or someone in your home has an argument, the bad energy often accumulates in different pockets of a room. The same goes for the healing process. If you or a loved one is fighting an illness, it’s time for a quick space cleansing ritual.

We know what you’re probably thinking. Here’s yet another chore to add to your list of to-dos. But all it takes is 5 to 10 minutes once or twice a week to truly transform your life. A pure and cleansed environment is also vital for enhancing the healing energy of your crystals. Before you bring crystals into your home, purify your space first so that it amplifies the energy that’s already there. And always be sure to cleanse your crystals before placing them in your collections or using them! (More on that in our unit called CRYSTALS, GEMSTONES, METALS & STONES).

Negative energy seeps into our space constantly so it’s important to keep a positive flow throughout your environment with house cleansing rituals. When your home is purified, it restores balance and harmony to your life, which is essential for giving you and your family a happy and healthy place for deep healing and rejuvenating the spirit. When you make energy cleansing a part of your everyday routine, it’s the perfect remedy for easing the stress and anxiety that comes from the demands of modern living.

A sage, herb or incense cleansing/saining/smudging ritual also gives you the chance to cleanse your crystal collection. While letting the smoke envelop the crystals, take this moment to reinforce and program them for your intention. Remember, the clearer your purpose for each gemstone, the stronger and more effective their healing powers. For instance, ask Rose Quartz to bring unconditional love into your life, Citrine to boost happiness and success, Peacock Ore to enhance pure joy, or any of your favorite gemstones that resonate with your spirit.

Crystals are big-time energy amplifiers, so it’s important to cleanse your crystals and cleanse them often! Healing crystals are constantly transmuting and absorbing negativity, so keep them cleansed and activated by cleansing and charging them regularly. If you’re overcoming an illness, it’s a good idea to cleanse them on a daily basis, especially for crystals used for their healing and energizing effects.


When it comes to ridding the body of toxic energy, healthy eating is a good place to start but sometimes it takes more than organic salads and vitamins to tackle your inner demons. If you’re feeling particularly heavy in the energy department, try these cleansing techniques and free yourself of bad thoughts that are holding you back from your true potential.

FOREST BATHING – If you’ve got a case of the blues, it’s time to get back to nature with forest bathing. Instead of walking the path in order to get from Point A to Point B, take your time to breathe in the incredible healing energy of the forest and its abundance of oxygen permeating the air. Bring along your favorite crystals – we recommend Tree Agate and Aventurine – and wander along the trail at your own pace, taking the time to notice the incredible miracle of life that surrounds you.

CONSCIOUS BREATHING – If you feel stressed or anxious, deep breathing is a simple and easy way to restore your mind-body-spirit to a place of peace and tranquility. Inhale positivity and exhale negativity. It’s that easy!

MUSIC – When it hits you, you feel no pain. That’s the magic of music. Even after cleansing rituals, bad thoughts can still persist, so put them to rest with a collection of your favorite songs. Playing an instrument is also an excellent way to stay in the present moment because when you’re concentrating on notes and chords, you don’t have time for any negative thoughts to get in the way.

DANCE – Even if you have two left feet, play your favorite dance jams, turn up the volume, and dance like no one is watching. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to shake off a case of the blues. Plus, it’s cheaper than therapy and a lot more fun!

PURIFYING BATH – Water is incredibly healing on its own, so when you add the powerful cleansing and rejuvenating powers of Himalayan sea salt, it makes your bath ever more restorative. Add 2-4 pieces of Himalayan salt rocks to your bath, a few drops of your favorite essential oils, and healing crystals like Amethyst, Aventurine, and Rose Quartz.

Yule log is ready! It’s all been a bit hectic recently so I took the opportunity whilst my son is as

Yule log is ready!

It’s all been a bit hectic recently so I took the opportunity whilst my son is asleep to run around my garden in my pyjamas and dressing gown snipping bits off my Holly and a few other plants. The cedar is from a branch threat fell during storms.
It’s a bit messy but I’m happy with it.

Tomorrow is pomanders!

#witch #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #witchythings #witchyvibes #pagan #pagansofinstagram #yule #yulelog #wintersolstice

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Mabon altar is finally complete. All grown at home or foraged from my local walks. 
This if my favou

Mabon altar is finally complete. All grown at home or foraged from my local walks. 
This if my favourite time of year, from the cooler days and the beautiful colours to the morning dew clinging to the cobwebs like strings of diamonds. ❤️
#mabon #mabon2021 #mabonaltar #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #witchesofig #witchesaltar #pagan #pagansofinstagram #witchblr #witchyvibes #witchy #witchythings #altardecor #altarspace #witch #witchaesthetic 

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♡︎ ♡︎ FEMININE, VENUS, WATER Used in love spells, attraction, success and protection against decepti

♡︎ ♡︎

Used in love spells, attraction, success and protection against deception.

This beauty has bounced back from its pruning earlier in the year and has some new growth at the bottom which was what I was hoping for.
The bush stands at approx 7ft tall and 8ft wide and will be losing much of its size when it’s next pruned. This will allow the new growth space whilst removing aome of the heavier branches that are damaging a wall as well as allowing me to reshape the whole bush so it’s easier to care for in the future.

The wood collected from the previous pruning has been stripped and is drying ready to make wands. Ideal for handfastings!

#witch #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #magickalplants #magickalcorrespondences #myrtle #pagan #pagansofinstagram #witchythings #greenwitch


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I realized recently with how gothy and #witchy I am and my LOVE of all those things, I am lacking in

I realized recently with how gothy and #witchy I am and my LOVE of all those things, I am lacking in the amt of #originalart I produce that’s centered around those themes (and that makes me SUPER SAD So I decided to make a series of art around my eclectic and #magical beliefs, that would be available on homegoods products, clothing, and more.
First up is this cute lil familiar! A little black kitty from the nethers of space and time who’s come to help you summon up whatever spells and wizardry you demand in your time of need. He’s accompanied by the signs of the #zodiac - the #elderfuthark & #runes with #oldmagic - the #planetarymagick symbols - as well as the #phasesofthemoon to help you channel what you need
This artwork will be available on LITERALLY ANYTHING: Clothing, Scarves, Totes, Mugs, Hoodies, Bedding, etc…so that you can have just a little bit more magic imbued into your every day lives

Shop HERE!:
https://www.redbubble.com/people/Poofette/ (link is also in my profile)
#witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #pagan #wicca #witchyvibes #tarot #witches #magick #halloween #witchythings #art #occult #wiccan #crystals #pagansofinstagram #spirituality #dark #cats #bruja #spiritual #witchlife

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With cherries and chocolate this treat is meant to promote self love and invite love into my life. 

I ordered this knock off perfume to replace my discontinued fragrance and it was a total flop. silve

I ordered this knock off perfume to replace my discontinued fragrance and it was a total flop. silver lining though - it came in this awesome satin bag that is begging to house a tarot deck.

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I added this to my grimoire tonight. I found it online but no credit to the author was given so I&rs

I added this to my grimoire tonight. I found it online but no credit to the author was given so I’m not sure where it comes from. I’m going to try it out soon though.

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My tarot cards have a snazzy new bag. It matches the gold and black theme of the Russian tarot deck

My tarot cards have a snazzy new bag. It matches the gold and black theme of the Russian tarot deck that I love so much. I got it from Etsy.

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“Make a list of new worst things you can try. It can be anything like talking more walks or a new spell!”

Okay typos aside, I think I’m supposed to list some new witchy things to try. This is real challenge because I’ve been doing witchcraft for so long I’m not sure there IS anything I consider new…I’m going to have to think on it and reblog my list. 

after some serious thought it finally occurred to me that I’d never made egg shell powder. So I made some just to try something new. I posted my process yesterday.

Egg shell powder is useful in witchcraft because it protects and purifies. 

It helps block non-corporal beings from a physical space so pressing it into chalk form, or sprinkling it can work as a barrier to keep unwanted nasties at bay.  

Some say it even blocks out the benign energies at work as well, so it’s great for those times when you need to just sit and be a muggle for a little while. 

  • Sprinkle it across thresholds such as windows and doors or even use it to draw sigils. 

It can also be used to enhance psychic ability in a way because it protects you from that which seeks to take advantage of you when your engaged in psychic activity. 

  • Simply rubbing a little of the powder on you or dabbing a dot onto your third eye energy point is said achieve this. 

Another use is purification and is especially useful in the bath. 

  • It dissolves easily in water so adding it to a bath intended for purification can amp up the cleansing effect.  

 How to make it:

  1. Boil water in a pot
  2. Place empty eggs shells in boiling water carefully (don’t burn yourself)
  3. Boil for 10 minutes
  4. Drain water from shells and place on paper towel to dry overnight
  5. When shells are completely dried, place them on a cookie sheet lined with parchment
  6. Bake egg shells for about 10 minutes or until they are completely dried at 200 degrees (F)
  7. When cool enough to handle, place egg shells a few at time into an electric coffee grinder and pulse until finely ground
  8. Store in airtight container away from heat or moisture. 

To protect from Salmonella (a harmful bacteria that can make you sick) store your used egg shells in the egg carton and refrigerate until you are ready to boil your shells, making sure never to leave them sitting out for long. 

Added bonus: Egg shells make great plant food so you can share with your plants. I use this in my homemade pet food as a calcium supplement. 

It was really easy. In fact, it was so easy I’m a little embarrassed to say it was my first time making it. 

“Journal about the elements and what they mean to you.”

Um, I could fill a book with what the elements mean to me, lol! For the sake of y’all reading this, I’ll be brief. I envoke the innate power of the elements when I cast major spells. I draw on the power they embody that encompasses mother earth. When I draw on this power I am using the energy of planet earth and I can use them individually or together, depending on what I’m intending. Elemental magic is a very strong magic and when I cast spells I usually include some form of elemental magic, whether it’s the fire that burns my written desire or breath of air I use to activate a sigil. Though these two examples are but small instances of what I’d consider minor elemental uses, they are still powerful. They are just as powerful as the torrential rain I have stood in to purify my body and soul of heartbreak and the tornadic winds I’ve asked to rip away my anxiety. 

One familiar protects me physically while I sleep, the other protects me mentally while I dream. For a witch who does LOTS of dream magic and energy work, this very important. 
