#wlw community


calling all lesbians and sapphics, we should make an island called lesbian nation so we can all live without any terfs or bigots

Very sad that I’m not making out with a girl rn

Really just want to lay in bed with a girl in soft sweaters while we watch studio ghibli movies and cuddle and just enjoy each other’s company :(

Oh to wear another girls sweater and we walk outside in autumn with our fingers intertwined and smiles on our faces :(

It’s October now

What girl is gonna smoke cigarettes on the roof with me, looking so pretty while we gaze at a view that I love

i miss her.. and not in a “we haven’t talked in a while” way because we talk almost daily.. i miss being in the same room has her… i miss seeing her smile and hearing her laughing in front of me instead of through earbuds.. i miss her calming presence that makes my heart flutter and everything feel like the warmth and brightness of sitting in that one sun spot on the couch during a nice spring day… i miss us just walking and her talking about anything honestly.. like the cool facts about the abandoned buildings we went to on our last date.. basically i miss her.. a lot.. and she’s pretty much all i think about..

she put up with my obnoxious ass for like an hour while we played minecraft,, that’s how i know she’s good,,, is when i say i’m gonna blow shit up in minecraft and she just goes along with it,, n e ways we built a bench like tommy and tubbo and i made my basement floor crafting tables and it was very fun and chaotic and i loved it,,

does a cute guy, girl, or enby want to study together next to the fire while we drink hot tea and listen to the rain outside

straight friend groups b like: the fboy, the low-key weeb, Kyle, the Discord girl, the former horse girl, & the Overcompetitive Sporty Ones

Gay friend groups b like: the Closeted ™ one, the flamboyant one, Questioning ™, Obligatory Girl Scout, & the one who’s always either dressed like a rät or a fashion model

stop asking who’s the man and who’s the woman in the relationship. start asking who’s the edgy misunderstood fallen hero and who’s the wholesome ray of sunshine who switched sides to help their new love interest

feeling like i look too straight :/ might commit hairdye later

HELP in health we’re having a sexuality&gender unit and i wrote “no hetero but boys are cute sometimes” in for my personal sexuality and tURNED IT IN
