#writing prompts


“You do know harassment is illegal, right?” The hero asked, smiling teasingly as they twirled their handcuffs on a single finger. They stepped in front of the villain, putting themselves between their lover and their unwelcome guest.

The civilian in front of them paled, watching as the hero’s eyes raked over them. Their face and tone may have been cheery, but their eyes were hard with warning.

“Being a villain is also illegal,” the civilian argued.

“What’s on your mind?” The villain asked their right hand.

“Huh-?” The other flinched.

“I can always tell when you’ve got something on your mind,” the villain answered the unspoken question, before reclining back on the couch, “so, out with it then. What’s on your mind?”

Their right hand took a deep breath, “I want out,”

The hero turned the corner, eyes scanning the scene before they huffed in annoyance and defeat. Damn it! They’d lost the villain again!

They turned to kick the wall in annoyance.

Suddenly, something pushed them forward, chest against the cold brick in front of them.

“Looking for someone?” A voice purred in their ear.



Fluff • Headcanon List

↠ anniversary

↠ birthday

↠ comfort

↠ camping

↠ celebration

↠ cheering you up

↠ children

↠ compliments

↠ confession

↠ cooking together

↠ cuddling

↠ dancing

↠ dates

↠ first date

↠ first kiss

↠ first ‘i love you’

↠ flirting

↠ flowers

↠ game night

↠ gifts

↠ holding hands

↠ honeymoon

↠ hugging

↠ kissing

↠ lazy day together

↠ living together

↠ love language

↠ love letters

↠ massages

↠ mornings

↠ movie night

↠ nights

↠ pets together

↠ pda

↠ picnic date

↠ planning for the future

↠ playing video games together

↠ poetry

↠ proposal

↠ road trip together

↠ shopping together

↠ sick partner

↠ sleeping next to each other

↠ stargazing

↠ vacation together

↠ wedding



Headcanon List

↦ allergies

↦ athleticism

↦ aversions

↦ body language

↦ catchphrases

↦ character flaws

↦ character traits

↦ childhood

↦ cleaning habits

↦ cooking habits

↦ coping mechanisms

↦ dreams

↦ eating habits

↦ enneagram personality type

↦ exercise

↦ family

↦ fashion

↦ fears

↦ fighting

↦ friends

↦ future plans

↦ guilty pleasures

↦ handwriting

↦ hobbies

↦ hopes

↦ humor

↦ hygiene habits

↦ insecurities

↦ lazy day

↦ mornings

↦ music taste

↦ myer-briggs personality type

↦ nights

↦ pets

↦ poetry

↦ regrets

↦ scars

↦ school

↦ secrets

↦ shopping habits

↦ sleeping habits

↦ spending habits

↦ talents

↦ tattoos

↦ vacations

↦ zodiac sign


“What do you expect me to do?”


You have lived an unimpressive life, and died an unimpressive death. Surprisingly, Odin welcomes you into Valhalla, citing the many battles with depression you fought.

June 7th- Experimentation


Cw: forced stripping (kinda—non sexual, just a shirt), noncon partial nudity, restraints, threats, noncon touching, implied noncon body mod, noncon surgery, lab whump, implied torture and kidnapping, threats, mentioned gore (not really)

Whumpee let out a strained cry, their pupils dilating as Whumper flicked on the bright O.R. lights. Their limbs moved on their own, twisting and thrashing against the restraints that kept them pinned to the operating table.

“WHUMPER- WHUMPER PLEASE-” They screamed, hot tears dribbling down their cheeks, craning their neck as they tried to see what their captor was doing.

Whumper’s movements were quick and calculated, almost mechanical as they moved around the frigid cold room. They didn’t bother to look up as they washed their hands in a plain sink, drying them on a sterile white towel, before slipping plain see-through medical scrubs over their typical outfit.

“Oh hush,” They sighed, surgical mask already pulled over their face as they slid their hands into a pair of latex gloves. “You’ll be fine.”

“NO- NONONO WHUMPER- PLEASE-” Whumpee’s eyes blew wide as they watched Whumper circle the room, picking up a tray of surgical instruments and carrying them closer.

“I said be quiet,” Whumper snapped, slamming the tray down on a stand closer to the table with much more force than necessary. Whumpee flinched at the clanging of metal. “Maybe I’ll cut your vocal chords while I’m at it, hm? That’ll sure teach you…”

Whumpee’s body went cold.

NO-” They yelped, before quickly realizing their mistake and shutting their mouth. They instead shook their head, more tears welling in their eyes as they watched Whumper pick up a pair of metal shears.

“That’s much more like it,” Whumper grumbled, stepping forwards and grabbing the hem of Whumpee’s shirt.

Whumpee barely had time to panic before Whumper cut the tattered material clean down the center. A small sob slipped from their lips, the cold metal just grazing their skin as Whumper cut both the sleeves, and tore away the fabric.

Goosebumps pricked against Whumpee’s exposed skin, making them shudder as Whumper set down the scissors.

They watched anxiously as Whumper stepped away from the table, moving out of Whumper’s line of sight.

A few moments of tense waiting later, Whumpee jolted as an oxygen mask was pressed over their mouth and nose, the elastic band pulled back around their head and fastened in place.

“Now,” Whumper stepped back around into their sight, eyes creasing with a grin as they sauntered over to the tray of instruments, looking over them for a moment before picking up a wickedly sharp looking scalpel. “Where to begin?”

June 2nd- “Left behind”


Cw: left behind, starvation, dehydration, left to die, freezing, captivity, lost hope, fear of death

Whumpee shivered, wrapping their frail arms around themself. The thin blanket was drawn tight around their shoulders, tucked over their head so they were completely covered. Every now and then, a chill would creep it’s way up their spine, drawing a whimper from their chapped lips.

It was cold.

Despite how close they curled to the radiator, how hard they pressed themself against the chill metal, there was no heat. There hadn’t been for a while.

Whumper had always left the heat on for them.

The nights were always terrible. Much worse than the days. So terrible they could drain the warmth from even the hottest of fires, reducing Whumpee to a breathing corpse, without even the energy to shiver.

They stopped sleeping by the second day.

They were too scared that if they closed their eyes, they’d never open them again.

Whumpee had ran out of food days ago. Every last crumb devoured, without so much as a scrap left for the mice. They had tried to make the meal last as long as possible, a bite of bread every time the hunger got too unbearable, a small nibble of the rice whenever they got so lightheaded they couldn’t see.

It had only lasted them half a week.

Water. They still had water, though. The sink, the dirty, cracked porcelain sink built into the corner of their room still ran. The water was freezing, cold enough to chill them to the bone, but Whumpee didn’t care. It was water, and water would keep them alive. They still tried to ration that too. Only drink as much as they needed, careful not to waste any, fearful that that too would once run out.

They pulled the blanket a bit tighter around themself.

One breath at a time. Ignore the pain, ignore the cold. Minute by minute.

They could only wait until Whumper returned.

May 29th- “Don’t make me”

[collared | cane | flinching]


Cw: collaring, intimidation, bruises, implied torture, kidnapping, abuse

The collar buckled around Whumpee’s neck pinched their skin, drawing a hiss of pain from their chapped lips with every little movement. The leather dug into their throat, fastened much tighter than necessary, making their breaths raspy and labored.

They flinched, every muscle in their body tensing as Whumper’s footsteps came to a halt behind them, so close Whumpee could feel their presence.

“What were the rules?”

Whumper’s voice was flat, tone unreadable. They didn’t move, didn’t say anything else. Just stood there, behind their trembling captive.

Whumpee opened their mouth to speak, not daring to turn around. Their voice cracked before they could even get a word out, breaking into a whimper.

“What were the rules?” Whumper repeated, their voice slightly quieter than before, which only seemed to unnerve Whumpee further.

“Nn..not t’ take- take it ‘ff..” Whumpee whispered, their voice bouncing back at them off the walls of the basement.

The collar seemed to pull tighter, itching at their skin.

“And what did you do?”

“I t-took it.. it ‘ff…”

May 28th- “I’d rather not”

[Faked death | iron|ditch]


Cw: faked death, restraints, manipulation, faint mentioned gore/torture, faked murder, captivity, noncon touching, restraints, knocked unconscious, kidnapping

They couldn’t breathe.

They couldn’t breathe.

Though the stale air of the basement surrounded them, leaving a stale taste in their agape mouth, a breath lodged in their throat begging to be released. .

But they couldn’t breathe.

“I know this must be upsetting,” Whumper sighed as they clicked off their phone and pocketed it. It didn’t do anything to help. The image was burned into whumpee mind, each terrible, explicit detail scarred into their memory.

“I’m so sorry you had to find out this way, but you deserved to know,” Whumper took a small step forwards, their face filling with concern as Whumpee began to sway.

“Darling, please say something,” Whumper’s gaze softened with concern as they reached forwards to cup Whumpee’s cheek, brushing away a tear with their thumb.

Despite the growing lump in their throat, Whumpee’s mouth began to move.

“Nn.. c-caret-…” They choked out, their knees finally buckling and they collapsed against Whumper with a sob. “Nno-”

“Oh sweetheart,” Whumper frowned, hugging their captive close. “I know this is rough, but they’re in a better place now, okay? They wouldn’t want you to be upset…”


Whumpee didn’t need to know that so-called better place was knocked unconscious and tied up in Whumper’s shed.

After all, Whumper wasn’t a murderer.

May 27th- “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

[mask|nightmare | painkillers]


Cw: infection, sick fic, injury, blood, fever, implied sedation/drugging, implied medical shit

Caretaker sighed, their hand brushing over Whumpee’s fevered forehead, pushing their sweat-soaked bangs.

“hh..hurts…” Whumpee whimpered, cringing away from Caretaker’s icy hand.

“I know darling, I know. Just a few more hours, then you can have some more painkillers,” They whispered soothingly, pulling their hand away when they noticed it only caused Whumpee more discomfort.

“nn… pl’se….”

“I’m sorry, Whumpee,” They whispered, instead beginning to card their fingers through Whumpee’s damp hair, their eyes traveling down to rest on the bloodstained bandages wrapped around Whumpee’s midriff. If their fever got any worse, they’d have to bring Whumpee to the hospital, despite their protests. They couldn’t risk losing them again.

For now, they could only hope the sedatives would kick in soon.

“I’m so, so sorry. It’ll be over soon, I promise…”

May 26th- “I don’t know what you mean”

[gambling | drugged | paranoia]


Cw: noncon drugging, noncon touching, drooling, demeaning language, creepy whumper, pet whump-ish, Whumpee referred to as “pet”, implied captivity

Whumpee’s eyes lazily drifted open and closed, their vision blurring more with each slow blink.

The world around them was a canvas of color, golden ringlets surrounding the flickering candles that lit the table.

Their head felt… light.

Like it was stuffed with cotton, muddling their thoughts and turning their brain to mush.

Whumper smirked, dragging their fingers through their pet’s hair, scratching Whumpee’s scalp as their head rested against Whumper’s leg.

A small chuckle slipped from Whumper’s lips as they watched a small bit of drool drip from Whumpee’s parted lips.

So pathetic…

Who knew it only took two small white pills to render Whumpee completely and utterly helpless.

May 25th: “A little louder”

[Buried alive | failed escape | handcuffs]


Cw: kidnapping, restraints, failed escape attempt, recapture, gagging, nature whump, left alone outside, bugs, injuries

“NO- NONONO PLEASE- PLEASE WHUMPER-” Whumpee screamed, their voice cracking as they twisted and thrashed. Sleek metal cuffs encircled their wrists, painfully tight, digging into their tender wrists.

The rough bark of the tree dug into their arms and back, each movement only causing it to push further into their skin. Their arms were wrenched behind them, awkwardly twisted around the tree, creating an ache in their shoulders that only worsened as the seconds passed.

“YOU CANT LEAVE ME HERE- PLEASE-” They sobbed, kicking their legs out as a beetle began to crawl up their thigh.

“Oh shut up,” Whumper groaned, pulling a long strip of cloth from their pocket. “You obviously wanted to go outside, I’m just giving you what you want.”

Whumpee sobbed, their efforts to twist their head away futile as Whumper grabbed them by the jaw, swiftly gagging them.

“Perhaps a few nights out here will help you learn your lesson,” They spat, double checking Whumpee’s restraints before stalking inside and slamming the door shut behind them.

May 23rd- “Please”

[sobbing | falling | rock]


Cw: collapse, injury, exhaustion, crying, bleeding, past abuse, implied torture

Whumpee’s face contorted in pain, beads of sweat dripping down their forehead as the deep exhaustion rooted in their bones only grew. Welted bug bites along their limbs stung and itched, but the discomfort had faded to the back of their mind a long while ago.

Their legs were as stiff as lead beneath them, feeling just as heavy, each step draining away at their already scarce energy levels. Their footsteps were heavy and clumsy, eyes barely cracked open as they stumbled forwards. Their extremities had long since gone numb, a faint trail of blood left behind from the cracked soles of their feet.

They had long since stopped trying to avoid the rocks.

The world swayed around them, the stretches of forests blurring together until trees were nothing but imperceptible streaks of browns and greens.

It was no surprise they didn’t see the tree root, snaking it’s way across their path, hidden under a layer of dead leaves and moss.

A small sob slipped from Whumpee’s lips as they crashed to the ground, their body slipping out of their control, succumbing to the exhaustion.

They were too exhausted to even cry.

May 21st- “Are you cold?”

[burning | faked love |winter]


Cw: burning, restraints, screaming, torture, past torture, captivity, noncon touching, manhandling, mouth whump, begging

Whumpee let out a whimper, cringing back as the small flame flickered, the soft golden glow illuminating the tear stains striking their cheeks.

“Shhh darling, calm down,” Whumper’s lips curled into a grin, their eyes glinting playfully in the firelight.

Their free hand snaked into Whumpee’s hair, fingers tightening around a fistful of their greasy locks, forcing their head still as Whumpee sobbed and tried to pull away.

“Please I- I’m sorry please-” Whumpee sobbed, squirming against the ropes that wound around their body, pinning them to the chair. “I pr- promise I won’t do it ag-again, please-”

Whumper’s gaze hardened, but their grin didn’t falter.

“Oh how lovely it is to hear you begging, sweet thing,” They drawled out, slowly raising the lighter to Whumpee’s face, holding it close enough so they could feel the heat without actually burning them yet.

“But it’s much too late for your begging, love,” They sighed, releasing Whumpee’s hair only to grab them by the chin, forcing their thumb between Whumpee’s teeth and prying open their jaw. “Stick your tongue out,” They ordered.

The smell of burning flesh hit Whumpee before the pain did. The terrible, agonizing, burning pain so bad they couldn’t even scream.

“Maybe this will teach you what happens if you talk back.”

May 20th- “Don’t leave me here”

[trunk | gagged | camping]

Alternate prompt used: shadows

I had a nice whumpy dream but it didn’t fit any of todays prompts. I really wanted to write it tho hehe. This isn’t the full dream so I’ll prolly continue this later.


Cw: capture, restraints, darkness, cells, bruises, implied torture, screaming, kinda stress position, exhaustion

A sole shaft of silvery moonlight shone through the dark, illuminating each spec of dust as they drifted lazily through the air, casting inky shadows across the small stone cell.

Whumpee’s eyes drifted across the room, following a small fleck of debris as it floated along with the cold draft. Their eyes tracing as it danced through the air, trying not to focus on the deep ache that resounded through their bones.


Their arms trembled terribly, muscles pulled taut from hours of being forced in the same position. Dark bruises and splotches of dirt littered every inch of their skin, making each breath even more painful than the last.

The manacles around their wrists were tight and rusted, pinching their skin at every small twitch, but the more they tried to hold still, the more violently their body shook.

Whumpee swallowed dryly, a quiet whimper slipping from their lips as the simple action drew a new wave of pain flooding through their nerves.

Every so often a scream would echo from somewhere deep in the dungeons, jolting Whumpee’s attention back to the present.

Part of them wondered what hell they were being forced to endure.

They had heard tales of what happened to those captured by the royal guard. Ruthless, bloody stories with endings so gruesome they would leave Whumpee lying awake at night.

But as the dungeon lapsed into silence once more, leaving Whumpee to their thoughts, they decided they didn’t want to know.

• • •

[to be continued]

The main character gets shipwrecked on a deserted island with a complete stranger and

  • They become friends or lovers while trying to survive and find a way off
  • They become enemies and divide the island in half, trying to sabotage each other constantly
  • They become enemies and split the island, slowly gathering more shipwrecked people and pirates to start a war between each other.
  • They build a small village on their own that eventually becomes a safe haven for others who are shipwrecked and for wanted men and families.
  • They share stories of their life around a campfire and find out they aren’t strangers after all
  • One finds out the other is the reason their parents died
  • One finds out something dark about the other and kills them in the middle of the night
  • They find an old abandoned village in the middle of the island that was wiped out long ago by disease, war, or something else. They make it their home and discover its secrets.
  • One keeps doing stupid things that nearly gets them killed and the other has to basically babysit them
  • One is a survivalist perfectly capable of living off the land and surviving and the other is a rich person who has never gone a day without AC and internet.
  • One is a child and one is an adult who has never dealt with kids much less on a deserted island while trying to survive.
  • One is a child who lost their parent during the accident. The other is a parent who lost their child. They comfort each other.
  • One is an elder with lots of knowledge but not the physical ability to use it and the other is a young teen who is kind of bratty but steps up to the plate. They become best friends.
  1. “I didn’t know it was important so I sold it to a dragon. I got a ton of coins for it though!”
  2. “You don’t go pickin fights with the fae unless you lost your damn mind!”
  3. “I make a point of not meeting vampires so, no, I haven’t had my blood sucked before.”
  4. “I always thought I’d be abducted by aliens not a bunch of fairies…”
  5. “I didn’t wake up and decide to be an elf you know.”
  6. “Don’t be mad but… I stole the dragon’s egg.”
  7. “You won’t believe what happened last night! I rode a griffin! A real, living, breathing, griffin!”
  8. “These wings… they don’t belong to any animal.”
  9. “How many times do I have to explain that mirrors aren’t made with silver anymore. Vampires reflections show up now. Sheesh.”
  10. “So I joined a herd of centaurs and became an honorary member. They even gave me my own hoof pick!”
  11. “I’m so sick of every Lord of the Rings fanatic thinking they know shit about elves. You know nothing!”
  12. “Look. I’ll just nicely explain to the dragon that we were really hungry and not thinking straight when we stole the eggs. Everything will be fine.”
  13. “I thought pixies were… bigger.”
  14. “Mermaids don’t like eating fish. It feels wrong. You wouldn’t eat a monkey would you?”
  15. “I didn’t know he was the human king when I dragged him under the water. He just looked cute!”
  16. “Werewolves aren’t the only were creatures in this forest you need to look out for.”
  17. “The thief had the ears and the tail of a fox! I’m not delusional. I swear it! They were real too!”
  18. “Everyone thinks being immortal is so fun. Honestly, being able to die sounds a lot better.”
  19. “I may have accidentally invited a werewolf to live with us….”
  20. “Apparently they don’t hire fae.. the stupid jerks.”

By request for @borb0letas-a-voar 

  1. “You’re not my type.”
  2. “What the hell gave you the idea that we could ever work out?”
  3. “I love them but they don’t even know I exist.”
  4. “I just wanted them to feel the way about me that I feel about them. Is that so wrong.”
  5. “You should have just said you don’t love me. It would have hurt a lot fuckin less.”
  6. “Maybe it’s a blessing he didn’t love me. I didn’t end up with a murderer.”
  7. “I’m not crying because you don’t love me. I’m crying because I still love you.”
  8. “You can do better than her.”
  9. “I’ll wait for your feelings to match mine.”
  10. “You not loving me back was the best thing that ever happened to me.”
  11. “I thought I loved you back but I only loved what you could do for me.”
  12. “I can’t just delete my feelings because yours aren’t the same.”
  13. “I want someone I can’t have and it’s killing me inside. I can’t live with these feelings!”
  14. “You’re just a good fuck. I don’t see us growing old together.”
  15. “I tried to love you back. I wanted to love you back. I wanted to see your smile. But I love them, not you.”
  16. “We’re not kids anymore. I’ve moved on and so should you.”
  17. “Stop this! You can’t force me to love you.”
  18. “I wasn’t looking for love. I was just looking for some fun. I thought you were too.”
  19. “We barely know each other. Stop saying you love me.”
  20. “You love me? Who are you?”
  21. “I owe you my life but I can’t pretend I have feelings for you.”
  22. “How can you say you don’t love me after everything that’s happened?”
  23. “What do you mean you don’t like me that way…?”
  24. “I thought if I changed myself, became everything they liked, they’d love me back.”
  25. “Why do I only fall in love with people who want nothing to do with me?”