



This is a masterpost for family, friends, and partners of those suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder. 

Note: If you are seeing a reblogged version of this, be sure to check the original post, because I will be updating this post as I find/create more resources.

* * * Read this before asking us a question about an abusive loved one with BPD. * * *


More Information about Borderline Personality Disorder

Recommended Reading

Recommended Links

this is my absolute favorite BPD blog out there, and i found this resource post to be very helpful and informative. not only for me helping loved ones understand the how i feel, and how they should approach each situation, but i found it really helped me understand myself on a whole new level.

Agreed,@shitborderlinesdo is wonderful ♥


Here are a collection of posts to help you decide whether or not you may possibly have Borderline Personality Disorder:



I don’t usually comment on posts like this but for over an entire year I suffered majorly from panic disorder experiencing DOZENS of panic attacks a day, to the point where it was a problem for me to leave the house or even my bed! Until one night i was freaking the Fuck Out, i was like! Screw it! I’ll make a run for it! I left the house at like 2am and just walked. Run a little occasionally and get REALLY angry while doing it and the panic would disappear! Instead of giving my head room to panic i’d give myself a goal: just walk around the block twice and THEN see how you feel. And reeaaally focus on that goal. Sometimes it’d take 3 hours to pass and sometimes only 10 minutes, but not once, to this day, has just getting out there and give into the fight or flight response not helped. By taking action you’re tricking your brain into regaining control when you feel out of control during panic/anxiety!

If u scared? Fuck it! Run!


[Start I.D.: therapist Hack: anxiety is physical, so it needs a physical response, AKA fight or flight, take a walk for ten minutes it tricks your brain into thinking you’re running away, you will start to feel relieved. End I.D.]


this is about half of why tai chi works

or if you dont know how to tai chi, ‘earthbender breaks’ work just as well


Additionally to walking, biking does something similar while:

1) taking pressure off knees, feet, joints

2) some might feel socially anxious and not want to converse passing people on foot… you can just zoom on a bike and no worries

3) similarly the brain can be something of an ouroboros and by giving the reptilian brain (which controls muscle memory, driving, things you don’t often actively “think” about) an activity as simple as turning some pedals and steering… it gets the fuck out of the way. 

Both are good at guiding the brain towards constructive thinking imo

If it’s not safe for you to walk around the block (especially at night), then maybe pace around in your kitchen! Personally, I live in a gated apartment complex, so that helps if I want to walk at night - and if you’re in a gated community that feels safe, then I would recommend staying inside your gated community if you do walk outside! And make sure that you always have your phone / keys!! ♥

And if you can’t run or walk when anxiety hits (i.e., at work), then try stimulating movement by doing leg movements!

P.S. - If you can’t walk for any reason (maybe you’re in the hospital, or your legs are broken / paralyzed), but you can still move your upper body - you can try appeasing the “fight” response instead by punching a pillow to release the anxious energy! :) ♥ 
