#mood disorders


i want to go to cafés, read while i sit there, i want to go on walks through the forest, sit by the lakes and eat berries. i want to go to the cinema, get my thoughts lost in the string of moving pictures. i want to go to museums and sketch on a little notebook even if i’m not perfect at it. i want to go to the international food stores and try things i haven’t tried before. i want to go on walks late in the day when it’s foggy. i want to sit at a bench in a park and listen to birds. i want to go to a concert and put my hoodie on and become invisible amidst the music waves. i want to do so many things. live so many lives. experience it all. and yet every day is the same sitting on this sofa to wither away into nothingness. i’ve been jailed by myself in a prison of my own making and i don’t find the key to finally let myself out.

them: you never reply to messages, you may be so busy, you never have time for anyone, you must be having so much fun always doing stuff that you just entirely forget about me




A gender that is muted or more vague due to depression/during depressive episodes. This gender is exclusive to those with depression.

‼️I will be categorizing this as a neurogender, please inform me if this is the incorrect thing to do! ‼️


Depressintensic - When ones gender intensifies or becomes more prominent when one’s depression does. This may possibly be a coping mechanism used to try and encourage finding comfort in ones gender.

This is a neurogender exclusive to those with depression.



“Your peace is more important than driving yourself crazy trying to understand why something happened the way it did. Let it go.”

— Mandy Hale

I compulsively try to understand things; it’s a core personality strength and I’m proud of it. However if I let it run away with me then it can lead to madness.

I’ve learned that sometimes other people do things without sensible reasons. It’s an alien concept to me but not to most of the world. I’ve got to get used to that.

This is that whole “stare into the abyss” thing, I suppose.

^ I can relate… that’s how I almost always was. But after developing Borderline Personality Disorder, let me tell you… if you keep obsessing over what happened to you, why it happened to you, who is to blame - and if those people ever “pay”, or letting your paranoia just run unbridled that it could (or that it will definitely) happen to you again… it can definitely lead to madness. 

Trust me – obsessing over what happened and whose “fault” it is won’t change what happened, and paranoia almost never (IF ever) actually saves you in the end. By letting those emotions fly unchecked, all you’re doing is shooting yourself in the foot over and over and over and over again. All that’ll happen is you suffering faaaaaaaaaar longer than is necessary. 

Some of us need professional help to learn how to let go - for me, personally, I need dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) - and that’s okay. What’s important is that you do (re)train your brain to let go, and to find positives in your life… or no matter the situation or relationship you’re in, you’ll simply always be miserable. It is SO(!!!!!) important to learn how to focus more on the positive things, and let go. So focus more on the things that you CAN control - like taking accountability for your own words and actions so that you don’t contribute (anymore) to any toxic cycles (and understand that accountability doesn’t mean falling into the self-blame hole - but simply taking your power over yourself back), and finding an effective treatment plan for yourself - including therapy, taking self-help advice from licensed therapists, medication, etc. - and learning how to cope with your pain in healthy ways so that you can finallymove on

We can do it
Believe that you can, because you can.



This is just a short directory to explain, in one sentence or two, what these concepts mean, and what the use of each skill is by defining it.  Come to this page if you can’t remember what IMPROVE or DEAR MAN stands for, but don’t want to have to read the long post that introduced those skills on SBD.

See the DBT Skills Masterpost for posts that go into each of these skills or sets of skills in depth.

Mindfulness Skills:

  • Wise Mind: The Wise Mind is the balance between Emotion Mind and Logic/Reasonable Mind
  • Observe:Notice without getting caught in the experience.  Experience without reacting to the experience.
  • Describe:When a feeling or thought arises, or you act, acknowledge it with a description of the thought or action or sensation, etc.  Describe to yourself what is happening and label your feelings.
  • Participate: Enter into your experiences, act intuitively, be completely immersed in the experience, in the present.
  • Non-Judgmental:See, but don’t evaluate.  Focus on the “what” happened, not on what “should” or “should not” have happened.
  • One-Mindful: Focus on the moment–do one thing at a time and completely focus on what you are doing or whom you are with.  Let go of distractions.
  • Effective:  Do just what is necessary in a situation to achieve your goals.  Focus on what works, and direct your efforts there.  Act skillfully, because the more you practice acting skillfully, the more Effective you will become at attaining your goals.

Distress Tolerance Skills:

  • STOP: Stop,Take a step back, Observe,Proceed Mindfully
  • TIP:Temperature,Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing/Paired Muscle Relaxation/Progressive Muscle Relaxation (used to change your level of distress quickly)
  • Distract using Wise Mind ACCEPTS: Distract yourself with Activities,Contributing,Comparisons,Emotions,Pushing away, Thoughts,Sensations
  • Self-Soothe: Use the senses (vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch) to soothe your physical self in order to make your emotions less painful.
  • IMPROVE the Moment: Improve the moment with Imagery,Meaning,Prayer,Relaxation,One thing in the moment, Vacations,Encouragement
  • Pros and Cons: Examine the short term and long term pros and cons of acting and not acting on your urges/impulses using a chart.
  • Radical Acceptance/Reality Acknowledgement: Acknowledge what is, let go of fighting or denying reality.  Use TURNING THE MIND to commit to acknowledgement over and over again.

Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills:

  • Clarified Priorities: What is most important to you in this interpersonal interaction 1) Obtaining your objective, 2) Maintaining the relationship, or 3) Maintaining your self-esteem/sense of self-worth
  • DEAR MAN:Describe,Express,Assert,Reinforce, stay Mindful,Appear confident, Negotiate (used for saying “no” or asking for something; obtaining your objective)
  • GIVE:BeGentle, act/be Interested,Validate, use an Easy manner (used for maintaining a relationship)
  • FAST:BeFair, no Apologies,Stick to values, be Truthful (used to maintain your self-esteem/sense of self-worth)

Emotion Regulation Skills:

  • PLEASE: For reducing vulnerability, treat PhysicaL illness, balance Eating, avoid mood-Alerting drugs (as in street drugs or non-prescription drugs), balance Sleep, get Exercise
  • ABC: Accumulate Positive Emotions/Experiences: For reducing vulnerabilities in the Short Term: Do pleasant things that are possible now.  For reducing vulnerabilities in the Long Term: Make changes in your life so that positive events will occur more often.  This helps “build a life worth living for you.”
  • ABC: Build Mastery: Engage in activities that make you feel competent and in control.
  • ABC: Cope Ahead: Cope ahead of time with emotional situations.  Rehearse a plan ahead of time so that you are prepared to cope skillfully with emotional situations.
  • Opposite Action: Change emotions by acting opposite to current emotions/urges. Used for when emotions don’t fit the facts of a situation.
  • Check the Facts: Check out whether your reactions (emotional or behavioural) fit the facts of the situation.  Changing beliefs and assumptions to fit the facts can help you change your emotional reactions to situations.
  • Problem Solve: When the facts themselves are the problem, solving emotional problems consistently and effectively will reduce the frequency of negative emotions and increase your sense of competency in regards to dealing with these emotions/urges.


Hey, DBT doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s one of the best treatments for mood and personality disorders out there. Also not to shabby when used in trauma therapy. Do your research, be good ❤️

^ Important to remember! I have Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), and DBT is one of the most effective types of therapy for it (it was even created by someone with Borderline) ♥

I hope this information can help someone!!! ♥



I don’t usually comment on posts like this but for over an entire year I suffered majorly from panic disorder experiencing DOZENS of panic attacks a day, to the point where it was a problem for me to leave the house or even my bed! Until one night i was freaking the Fuck Out, i was like! Screw it! I’ll make a run for it! I left the house at like 2am and just walked. Run a little occasionally and get REALLY angry while doing it and the panic would disappear! Instead of giving my head room to panic i’d give myself a goal: just walk around the block twice and THEN see how you feel. And reeaaally focus on that goal. Sometimes it’d take 3 hours to pass and sometimes only 10 minutes, but not once, to this day, has just getting out there and give into the fight or flight response not helped. By taking action you’re tricking your brain into regaining control when you feel out of control during panic/anxiety!

If u scared? Fuck it! Run!


[Start I.D.: therapist Hack: anxiety is physical, so it needs a physical response, AKA fight or flight, take a walk for ten minutes it tricks your brain into thinking you’re running away, you will start to feel relieved. End I.D.]


this is about half of why tai chi works

or if you dont know how to tai chi, ‘earthbender breaks’ work just as well


Additionally to walking, biking does something similar while:

1) taking pressure off knees, feet, joints

2) some might feel socially anxious and not want to converse passing people on foot… you can just zoom on a bike and no worries

3) similarly the brain can be something of an ouroboros and by giving the reptilian brain (which controls muscle memory, driving, things you don’t often actively “think” about) an activity as simple as turning some pedals and steering… it gets the fuck out of the way. 

Both are good at guiding the brain towards constructive thinking imo

If it’s not safe for you to walk around the block (especially at night), then maybe pace around in your kitchen! Personally, I live in a gated apartment complex, so that helps if I want to walk at night - and if you’re in a gated community that feels safe, then I would recommend staying inside your gated community if you do walk outside! And make sure that you always have your phone / keys!! ♥

And if you can’t run or walk when anxiety hits (i.e., at work), then try stimulating movement by doing leg movements!

P.S. - If you can’t walk for any reason (maybe you’re in the hospital, or your legs are broken / paralyzed), but you can still move your upper body - you can try appeasing the “fight” response instead by punching a pillow to release the anxious energy! :) ♥ 
