#aftg trilogy


Neil: So. You like me?



Andrew: It’s four in the goddamn morning and I literally married you.

Neil: Well yeah but I thought it was because of tax benefits

Andrew: And you are right. Good night.

Neil: Wait, Andrew— do you like me as a friend though or do you like like me?

Andrew: I am honestly also second guessing this marriage.

aftg social media au part 2/? • neil’s instagram finally has a profile picture. and the first ever post—after a lot of pestering from allison

the foxes in high school if they were not traumatized au

part 2 (ft. everyone being oblivious)

when andreil starts dating no one really notices, even though andrew and neil will mention their relationship but people sort of just think it’s a weird inside joke. this is because of many reasons, but here’s a few of them:

  • kevin knows they’re together and will tell them to stop flirting whenever he is in their presence, but neil will always go “ew cooties” while andrew just looks offended, and people assume it’s becuase he’s been accused of flirting and not because his bf just said he has cooties
  • most people think andrew is straight even though he regularly makes gay jokes, because they think it’s his weird way of supporting nicky (even if a lot of the jokes feel vaguely homophobic), and that him and neil just have a weird jock bromance going on
  • whenever neil wants to hold andrew’s hand he very dramatically goes “give me your hand” in a weird voice and then andrew (very reluctantly) will put out his hand, and then once they are walking neil very dramatically swings their hands back and forth until andrew tells him to calm down
  • when they are sitting on sofas andrew sits at one end while neil sits side ways with his legs on top of andrew’s lap, taking up the entire couch. everyone thinks they are just being assholes who are unwilling to share a couch (which yeah, they definitely are) but it’s actually just that cuddling is very awkward when other people are on the same couch as you, so they’re improvising.
  • andrew and neil will sometimes take kevin with them on their dates. kevin is horrifically bisexual and obsessed with aaron, so andrew says it’s because he wants to keep an eye on him. neil says it’s because kevin doesn’t trust them to not do something dumb that ends with them kicked off the exy team. the rest of the school thinks that they are just the ultimate friendship trio. when kevin starts dating aaron people are like “omg but what about neil?” and kevin’s just kind of like “he has andrew?” and people are like “but you’re dating andrew, right?” and kevin is very eager to list of all the reasons he would never date andrew, and why aaron is husband material.

i love how the first time most of us read aftg we thought kevin was going to be the love interest but then BAM! next thing you know the short blonde guy with anger issues is telling us that he would blow neil

and then you reread the series for the first time and realize that this series is the ultimate slow burn that you didnt even know you needed, and you spot all sorts of gay shit you missed the first time around

headcanon that kevin is terrified of children

but because he plays on a pro team he’s expected to do certain PR events for various charities

for the first season of his pro career he manages to avoid all of the events involving children, but at the beginning of his second season he has to volunteer at a local children’s athletic center for an exy day camp

at first he’s just happy that he doesn’t have to read them books or make crafts with them or something. but then he realizes that he will have to play exy with actual children. tiny little uncoordinated demons with heavy sticks and projectiles. maybe he would have preferred glue sticks and cotton balls.

when he gets to the event, his teammates (who had done events like this before) filled him in on what he was going to do. kevin’s job is to hand out equipment to the kids when they need it, but he won’t have to actually teach them anything or play with them if he doesn’t want to.

at first it goes relatively well. at least as well as giving energetic grade schoolers helmets and sticks can be. some of the kids vaguely recognize him, but otherwise he is mostly ignored. until two of the kids have an argument about him.

two of the gremlins were arguing over who the best professional striker was, and one of them built their hill on kevin’s career and was ready to die on it. the other kid didnt know who kevin was, until the other child pointed to kevin, who most of the children had simply been referring to as ‘the stickman’

but then kevin’s teammates start shit-talking kevin’s exy skills to the children, because they knew that while kevin might be unpredictable on the field he is a very predictable person when it came to his pride

five minutes later, kevin finds himself on the exy court with a racket that’s made for someone at least 2 feet shorter than him, vs every single child

i love that andrew canonically is basically the mom friend, so here are things that have definitely happened:

neil: you should really stop letting kevin drink away his issues, his liver is probably dead :/

andrew: don’t question my parenting methods >:(


neil: hey, andrew. loml. plz stop taking cracker dust <3

andrew: ofc babe

*the next day to kevin, aaron, + nicky*

andrew: mommy isn’t allowed to have cracker dust anymore so you are also banned <3


andrew: now that i’ve removed your girlfriend from my hit list i have something i need to talk to you about~

aaron:i stg if you say what i think you’re about to say-

andrew: you radiate very strong virgin energy so i just want to make sure you are aware of safe and sane sexual intercourse practices in case your gf ever propositions you

aaron: stop talking right now.


andrew: i got these for you :))

kevin: these are all pamphlets about internalized homophbia

andrew:it’s time for an intervention. nicky and i have formed a 10 step plan to help you analyze your romantic and sexual preferences and by the end of the course we anticipate that you will end the program no longer be the boring cishet man you currently are


andrew: sweaty, i bought a ton of clothes for you to try on so we can keep what fits and return the rest. i got so much old navy cash from this, and i am such a dicount god that it ended up being more than 75% off >:)

neil: didn’t you buy me clothes last month?

andrew: are you saying i should return all the sweatpants i just bought?

neil: ok i’ll try them on, geez…

neil: …why would you think that i might need sweatpants in tall? or XS?

andrew: i was just being thorough. you never know what sizes might fit when you’re an athlete uwu


nicky: hey andrew just wanted to check in with you about something. are you doing alright?

andrew: i’ve been amazing, why would you ask ?

nicky:you’ve been listening to mamma mia on repeat for the last 3 hours

andrew: yeah. i know. it’s about being a mother. i’ve been taking notes.


matt: why do you keep referring to yourself as mommy? is that like a gay thing?

andrew: it’s becuase i am a mother

renee:it’s becuase he has mommy issues

andrew: not anymore. i dealt with the issue.

allison: or maybe it’s because neil is a daddy?

dan: does this make nicky a grandfather?

kevin: maybe the ’m’ in his last name reminds him of the McDonald’s ’M’ which represent voluptuous maternal breasts

andrew: you just lost your internet privileges

thinking about andrew and neil sitting together on long bus rides

neil sleeping on andrew’s shoulder and andrew resting his head on top of neil’s

andrew sharing a pair of ear bud’s with neil, listening to playlists andrew put way too much time into

neil bringing a backpack full of snacks and energy drinks. andrew tells him the only reason he deals with him is because they are trail mix compatible. andrew gets all the raisins and chocolate, while neil gets all the nuts

so you know the scene where “happy birthday junior” is written in blood on the locker room wall? how did they write it. did they do it like fingerpainting? or with a massive paint brush? im just imagining lola with a massive paint brush, dipping it into a bucket of pig blood going “this is gonna be so epic, junior’s gonna lose his shit >:)” like how the fuck did this scene get set up????

kevaaron fluff

  • before practice aaron and kevin have a very intense stretching routine they do together. it takes them a solid 20 minutes to do every time but they refuse to practice without doing it first bc they dont want to sprain a muscle. neil complains about his legs being sore once and kevin then forces him and andrew to join them too.
  • pre-kevaaron stretch routines were absolute hell for andrew and neil bc they had to deal with kevin and aaron being flustered when they were watching each other do some of the stretches, or when they had to do the ones where one of them was lying on the ground and the other was pressing their leg into the air for them. andrew had never been happier that he ended his deal with aaron, bc now he could bully kevin into asking his brother out bc jesus christ he didnt want to see that much unresolved sexual tension involving his little brother.
  • kevin steals his dad’s sams clubs card to by big multipacks of sports drinks and bulk buy healthy food. he always drags aaron with him, and theyll get churros in the food court to eat while theyre shopping. aaron complains to kevin that they dont go on enough dates and kevin goes “dude, we literally went to sams club last saturday” and aaron realizes how dumb his very pretty boyfriend is. “andrew i just realized im dating a himbo” “kevin’s not a himbo he just forgets he’s not straight sometimes”
  • aaron and kevin use hand warmers for their sore joints after practice, or will keep them in their pockets for when their hands are sore. they have the ones with adhesives to put on the inside of their clothing, and will use those on their legs when they have long classes after practice. matt walks in on kevin putting his arm down the front of aaron’s pants to help him put the adhesive in the right place and is scarred for life. he sends kevin a 3 page word document titled “god i wish i were blind: a guide on how to have a healthy sex life when you have roomates who arent into voyeurism”
  • aaron sprains his ankle when kevin accidentally pushes him off of his bunk bed when they’re making out bc he thought there was a wall behind him. kevin decided that it is too risky for him and aaron to kiss during exy season so from now on his relationship with aaron will be completely chaste until summer break. the decision lasted exactly 47 minutes, until aaron came back from his morning class.
  • sometimes kevin forgets that nicky is related to aaron and will start talking about how pretty he is and be offended when nicky doesn’t agree with him “have you seen him stretch to get my cereal off of the top shelf? i want to have so many babies with him. dont you think he’s great too?” “no lol” “fuck you, you have awful taste” “im literally his legal gaurdian” “oh, yeah.”
  • aaron loves halloween so he ‘forces’ kevin to go to pumpkin patches and haunted houses with him. the twins used to work at one of the haunted houses so aaron knows all the hiding places in the building so he makes kevin hide with him to scare the actors and other people going through. they only go once, because an hour in andrew and neil show up and try to take their hiding place because they were gonna try to scare people too. aaron is horrified that his brother had the same date night idea that he had and never takes kevin to that haunted house again.
  • aaron makes kevin use his interview personality to get them discounts when they go out to eat. kevin and aaron are both broke college students so kevin very berdugingly will go along with aaron’s plan. “babe i only have $3 for coffee but i wanted a bagel too~” “im not doing the thing” “come on you love doing it” “no i dont. im not doing it.” “ok. guess ill just starve. you dont have to do the thing.” “fine.” “i just said you dont have to~” “im doing it. stop looking at me like that” “thanks babe i knew you loved me”
  • aaron is majoring in chemistry and has to take 8 different chem classes before he graduates, so kevin knows way more about chem then he needs to. aaron will take pictures of the cool reactions he gets to do in lab and send them to kevin bc kevin likes the colors. for his history major, kevin has to write a big paper so he writes about famous chemists so he can have aaron help him. aaron isnt really much help though bc theyll read about a discovery one of the chemists made and then go down a science rabbit hole and realize that kevin still doesn’t know anything about the chemist.

this post is dedicated to my lovely besties with kevaaron requesties: @/lena.h.w @/kaaaaarts @abundance-ofemilys(@/aftg.bois)@allfourthefoxes@/ukumushu_the_bibliophile

Neil & Andrew from #AFTG [commission]

I love these guys sm! my love for this series has been re-ignited haha ❤️

Based on a future scene of Oaklandby@iamagentcoop

Andreil ! Juvie AU that is please read it!

neil: my head hurts

kevin: that’s your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity

(actual) friendly reminder that kevin day casually exposed rico on live tv by simply saying he’s never been skiing. he’s such a legend pls

lets take a minute and imagine…

few years later, Andrew and Neil are on the same team

Coach: where is Andrew?

Neil: he went to the hospital because his sister’s baby just debut yesterday

Coach: you mean born?

Allison: Good morning everyone! You guys have a wonderful day today!

Nicky: That sounds sinister and threatening

Allison: Then have a horrible day bitch, damn..

Neil, writing in his diary: dear diary, how are you? I’m fine



Neil, groaning and continuing: okay, I’m not fine. You got me. Damn you’re good.


“Here are two pictures,” Kevin said, holding photos out. “One is your desk. The other is a garbage dump in the Philippines. Can you tell which is which?”

Nicky surveyed both pictures. “That one’s the dump,” he said confidently, pointing at the one in Kevin’s left hand.

“They’re both your desk,” said Kevin.

Erik: Is something burning?

Nicky:Just my love for you.

Erik:Nicky, the toaster is on fire.

yes i am sucker for eriknicky whacha gonna do about it
