


Happy First Day of Spring, Tumblr! 

What better way to celebrate than to **ACHOO!!**….wait, what were we saying?


Ah, spring! Grass growing, flowers blooming, trees growing new leaves, but if you get allergies, this explosion of new life probably inspires more dread than joy.  


Step outside, and within minutes, you’re sneezing and congested. Your nose is running, your eyes are swollen and watery, your throat is itchy. For you and millions of others, it’s seasonal allergy time. So what’s behind this onslaught of mucus?


The answer lies within you. It’s your immune system. Seasonal allergies, also called hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, are a hypersensitive immune response to something that’s not actually harmful. Pollen from trees and grass, and mold spores from tiny fungi find their way into your mucous membranes and your body attacks these innocuous travelers the same way it would infectious bacteria. 


The immune system has a memory. When a foreign substance gets tagged as threatening, white blood cells produce customized antibodies that will recognize the offender the next time around. They then promptly recruit the body’s defense team. But sometimes, the immune system accidentally discriminates against harmless substances, like pollen. When it wafts in again, antibodies on the surface of white blood cells recognize it and latch on.


This triggers the cell to release inflammatory chemicals, like histamine, which stimulate nerve cells, and cause blood vessels in the mucous membranes to swell and leak fluid. In other words, itchiness, sneezing, congestion, and a runny nose. 


Allergies usually, but not always, show up for the first time during childhood. But why do some people get allergies and others don’t? Allergies tend to run in families, so genetics may be one culprit. In fact, errors in a gene that helps regulate the immune system are associated with higher rates of allergies. The environment you grow up in matters, too. Being exposed to an allergen as a baby makes you less likely to actually develop an allergy to it. People who grow up on farms, in big families, and in the developing world also tend to have fewer allergies, although there are plenty of exceptions, partly thanks to genetics. One theory is that as children, they encounter more of the microbes and parasites that co-evolved with traditional hunter-gatherer societies.


Called the hygiene hypothesis, the idea is that when the immune system isn’t exposed to the familiar cast of microbes, it’ll keep itself busy mounting defenses against harmless substances, like pollen. Another theory is that an immune system toughened up by a barrage of pathogens is less likely to overreact to allergens. Pollen is a common offender, just because we encounter so much of it, but there’s a long list of substances: dust, animal dander, insect venom, medications, certain foods, that can send your immune system into overdrive. Some of these reactions can be scary. An allergy can develop into full-blown anaphylaxis, which typically brings on severe swelling, shortness of breath, and very low blood pressure. It can be deadly.


But as we who suffer from seasonal allergies know, even non-life threatening allergy symptoms can make you miserable. So what can you do about it? Medications can help reduce the symptoms. The most common ones keep histamines from binding to your cells. These antihistamines stop the inflammation response. Steroids can help dial down the immune system. Another more permanent option is immunotherapy. Deliberate, controlled exposure to gradually increasing amounts of an allergen can teach the immune system that it isn’t dangerous after all. 


Of course, you can always just wait your seasonal allergies out. The spring pollen onslaught dwindles by mid-summer…just in time for ragweed season!

From the TED-Ed Lesson Why do people have seasonal allergies? - Eleanor Nelsen 

Animation by TED-Ed

For all you allergy sufferers of the world, Happy Spring?

lookysquarescomics:and yet i get in trouble when i go around ejaculating on everything. my car was c


and yet i get in trouble when i go around ejaculating on everything.

my car was covered – COVERED – in it this morning. tsk tsk, plants.  X^P

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Yesterday a bouquet with 2 lilies in it arrived at our house (for mum’s birthday). Today another 6 lilies arrived (in 2 bouquets). 

Lilies are the only plant that cause me major health problems [in that I am affected for weeks instead of hours]. I had lethargy for 6 days last year followed by a 2-week cold. 

Mum thankfully placed them in a room I don’t access, but I think they’ve already done damage to me. I feel like my immune system is slowing down… :/ Hopefully this time isn’t as bad. 

“What’s that noise?” Evan asked, turning his head to try to locate the source of the sound. “We’re in the park,” Carla reminded him. “You’re going to have to be more specific.”

Today’s Blindsided Adventure was brought to you by my partner asking this exact question! Enjoy!

“What’s that noise?” Evan asked, turning his head to try to locate the source of the sound.

“We’re in the park,” Carla reminded him. “You’re going to have to be more specific.”

He heard it again. “That noise. That one,” he repeated when the rustling continued.

“Seriously? There’s kids…

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To the tune of Camptown Races:

I forgot to take my meds

Do Da, Do Da

Cuz I woke up at 6am

Oh da do Da Day

Probably gunna die,

Don’t know how I’m alive.

Put all my money in that medicine bag

Hope my liver’s ok.

unillustrated-man:theroguefeminist:dontbeanassharry:aroacelukeskywalker:nursenotes:1. Fist






1. Fist: Make a fist around the epi-pen, don’t place your thumb/fingers over either end

2. Flick the blue cap off

3. Fire. Press down into the outer thigh (the big muscle in there), hold for 10 seconds before removing (the orange cap will cover the needle). Bare skin is best but the epi-pen will go through clothing. Avoid pockets and seams. 

- Ring an ambulance even if everything seems to be fine!

Oh my god.
So as someone who has to carry an epipen EVERYWHERE I am so happy to see that there’s an info post about them.
Like in the extreme case that I can’t inject myself, somebody else would have to do it, but nobody knows how to do it! Thank you, this may just save my life some day.

Don’t be wimpy about it, either. I know friends who are like, “but idk if I could stab you with a needle!” Please stab me with the needle, don’t be hesitant about it.

In my case (I can’t speak for all allergies), an epi buys me 20 minutes of breathing to get to the hospital. It is not a magic bullet, it’s a few critical minutes to help get me where I need to go.

For those who don’t know, people with serious food allergies carry epinephrine which is an adrenaline shot just in case they have anaphylaxis, which is a life threatening allergic attack. This shot is life-saving and must be administered to someone who is having an anaphylactic attack as SOON AS POSSIBLE, because an extra waited minute could mean their life.

It doesn’t hurt much at all to use this needle. The first time I used mine, I didn’t even feel it. But be sure to stab it IN THE OUTER THIGH. Do not stick it anywhere else or you could seriously hurt or kill someone. Just right to the outside of the thigh and then call the ambulance - even if your friend starts doing better, they could have a biphasic reaction, meaning a reaction that comes back (or they may need a second dose, be on the look out). If your friend has an epipen, then they have an epipen trainer that doesn’t have a needle and you can try it out just to be sure you know how to use the real thing if you have to. I’d also advise holding it a few more seconds then 10, maybe go for 14 just to be sure all the medicine is administered and that you didn’t count too fast - that’s what I did.

Here’s a graphic of where to stick it:


THANK YOU FOR THE GRAPHIC I was about to ask because my mom carries one around and so do some of my friends and I wanted to make sure I would do it right if I ever needed to!

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They will catch you… Or isn’t it rather youwho will catch them? Coming very soon to your garden, parks, cities, villages… well… mostly everywhere.

A spoof of your average blockbuster epic trailer. With the obliged spoiler of the movie’s key scene: THE SNEEZING!

I wanted to pay a tribute to a recurring state that hits me every year at the same period since I’m 10: pollen allergies. It’s been so long, we’re like good old friends now!


  • All the fake names at the end are among the plants I’m sensitive to.
  • Aerioos is a spoof of Aerius, a treatment for allergies
  • Klinex is a spoof of a famous tissues brand, that one uses in mass when allergic!

Twelve Titans Music - Monolith

#3d animation    #source filmmaker    #autodesk maya    #fanospy    #allergies    #allergy    #pollen    #nature    #cherry tree    #seasonal allergies    
wish i was also a cat person!

wish i was also a cat person!

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I have gone from severe chronic pain and fatigue, to zero chronic fatigue and mild pain. Professiona

I have gone from severe chronic pain and fatigue, to zero chronic fatigue and mild pain. Professionals didn’t listen to me so I had to do my own research. Here are a few things that have given me my life back.

(DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor or giving medical advice, I am merely sharing my personal experience and some things that have worked for me, please do your own research and continue to see your doctor)

Sending love :)

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3 ways to kill hay-fever :) 1) Vitamin C 2) Nettle tea 3) Avoid dairy, tomatoes, celery, melons, pea

3 ways to kill hay-fever :)

1) Vitamin C

2) Nettle tea

3) Avoid dairy, tomatoes, celery, melons, peaches and alcohol as they can worsen symptoms!

Vitamin c and nettle tea are natural antihistamines, and won’t put you to sleep like some medicines do!

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Nut allergies?

Try blending tigernut flour with coconut oil for a delicious nut-free nut spread replacement!

(Remember, acne can be a sign of food intolerances!)

It sucks right, weather seems decent.. but bloody ass hay fever is ruining it for everyone suffering this stupid backside allergies 





Anyone can help!

(Real pen the last picture)

It is important for EVERYONE to know how to help ANYONE. Not everyone can give them selves their medicine under every circumstance. Be educated, help out.

In the last year, i have gotten about five new violent allergies from foods i used to be able to eat. Next time i eat a fruit, my throat could close. I may not be able to inject myself. My boyfriend and i played with my trainer pen for like 30 minutes. He knows how to inject it. I know how. This is important.

As someone with food allergies I feel like everyone should know this. Especially for those who are physically or mentally unable to stab themself with a needle for whatever reason (such as myself who has an extreme phobia of needles), others around them need to know how to administer one in case of an emergency.

Another tip! If their thigh isn’t exposed don’t panic! The needle will go through fabric as long as you don’t try to push through a seam. Seams are too thick for the needle!!!

I’m pinning this post

As someone who has had to have this used on them, plus I’ve had to turn around and use it in someone e else….take this into your brain and store it in there.


Commission piece

A friends of mine wanted to be a fairy and have her boyfriend be a cat boy, but he’s allergic to cats so I made him sneezing since he’s allergic to himself, but he doesn’t want to drop her she’s such a cutie!


I’m watching this while my arm swells from an allergy shot for said allergies
