#anakin x obi wan



The devastation, the pain,on Obi-Wan’s face and in his eyes upon learning that Anakin is still alive has come for my fucking heart, gutted me, and left me broken. This is what I wanna see, the utter despair that these two men have caused each other. I hate them. I love them so much.

mihrlin: listen remember that one clone wars ep, and this scene happened? at first i thought he was mihrlin: listen remember that one clone wars ep, and this scene happened? at first i thought he was mihrlin: listen remember that one clone wars ep, and this scene happened? at first i thought he was mihrlin: listen remember that one clone wars ep, and this scene happened? at first i thought he was


listen remember that one clone wars ep, and this scene happened? at first i thought he was talking about himself and this just came to mind okay dON’T EVEN LOOK IN MY DIRECTION

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In this Short, easy Essay I will talk about how accurate this is to AniObi’s relationship starting now,

Obi Wan lost so many people throughout his life but still went with his Jedi Code and let them go..

Until Anakin’s betrayal happened.

Yes, he didn’t cradle Anakin’s body (ignoring Anakin’s body was burning alive) because he didn’t want to let go of Anakin. Ever.

He could move on from his Mentor dying, he could move on from his “girlfriend” dying, he could even move on from the person that hurt him the most! But he couldn’t move on from Anakin. No. The young man he loved the most. The young man he fought side by side with in battle. They both needed each other (minus the fact they don’t talk about their feelings. Because they’re dumb.)

He knew how to cope with the grief with Qui-Gon and Satine but he didn’t know how to cope with Anakin’s loss. He just didn’t want to let go of the single thread of hope that maybe, just maybe Anakin would walk in one day and grin at him again. Or scowl. He’d take anything. Just to see him again.

I just hurt for Obi Wan just thinking about it :( I could write more but I forgot how to from words right noooowkskdfjfnggldllwls.!;;!!;;:$$



Here are some passages from Jude Watson’s “The Last One Standing” that give me psychic damage!!!! This is the beginning of the short story—it opens with the fact that Obi-Wan is ruminating on Anakin:

Sometimes he talked to him in his head. Arguments more furious than the ones they'd had. Talks in which he explained, Master to Padawan, why he'd done what he'd done. Simple words that managed to say everything he'd meant to say, only more clearly than he'd ever been able to say it. In these talks, Anakin listened and understood. Of course, he was talking to a ghost. Anakin Skywalker was dead.

He’s having conversations with him in his head, constantly consumed by rehashing old arguments and figuring out the perfect sequence of words. He believes he is dead at this point, Luke is still a baby so he hasn’t learned about Vader. He literally thinks he’s arguing with the man that he loved and killed, like:

Anakin was still alive in Obi-Wan's mind. Obi-Wan was engaged with him so intensely that he expected his apprentice to walk over one of those shifting sand dunes and grin at him again. Or scowl. He'd take anything. Any mood, any defiance. Just to see him again. Every day and every night he violated every principle the Jedi had taught him about staying in the present moment, about acceptance. Going over every argument, every talk, to find the key that he should have turned in order to unlock the secrets of Anakin's heart. Why had he turned to the dark side? When did it happen? The Anakin he knew and loved couldn't have done it. Something had twisted in him, and Palpatine had exploited it somehow.

Engaged with him so intensely… Grin or scowl, he’d take anything, any mood, any defiance, just to see him again. He’s aware that he’s violating the Code, not accepting what happened, not accepting the the man he knew and loved could have done the things that he did. This results in a depression so profound that I recognize it from personal experience lol:

Obi-Wan didn't like the sand, either, but he was grateful for the absence of color. He didn't find the planet beautiful, so at least he felt no loss when he traveled across the landscape. Once he had loved the vivid greens of forests, the deep blues of lakes and seas. Now everything blended into everything else, mesa, cliff, hill, road. There was no vegetation to refresh the eye, no sudden explosions of flowers to startle you into a fresh appreciation of living. He didn't want to appreciate anything. He wanted a place of no color, flat light, dark shadow. It suited him now.

He didn’t want to appreciate anything, a place of no color, flat light, dark shapes. It suited him now. Like fuck, dude, I want to forcefeed him some of my wellbutrin. When Ewan says that at the beginning of the Kenobi show, he feels broken and faithless? If he is feeling like the above? It is going to break my heart to watch Ewan do that. I cannot watch him self-flagellate and pine:

He had been tempted once, too. He had loved, too. If only Anakin had confided in him. If only... And why hadn't he? Because Obi-Wan had failed him. If he'd been a better Master, if he'd had more of Qui-Gon's kindness and wisdom ... Anakin might have approached him, have felt free to say whatever he was thinking or feeling. If ... They had flown together, wingtip to wingtip. They had relied on each other. He was more daring when Anakin was with him. Anakin had taught him how to take risks. But in the end he had lost everything. I hate you! Anakin had screamed at him on the volcanic slope. Writhing in pain on the black sand while the lava river burned behind them.

His longing for the past is so palpable you can almost taste it. Flying together, wingtip to wingtip, relying on each other, Anakin made him feel more daring. He’s consumed with how entangled their lives were, how much they shaped each other, how Anakin made him feel. He’s violating the Code again, clinging to those memories, that old identity, wondering what he did wrong, and never able to find an answer.

Sand pelted his cheeks. This was his life now. To protect a baby who didn't know him, might never know him. To have no one by his side, ever again. To be Master to none, to have his life linked to no one. To coexist with memories that he could not live with. To have the memory of Anakin be like living fire in his gut. To get up every day, to stand, to watch, to live, when so many had died. And keep on walking.

To have no one by his side, ever again. Master to none, life linked to no one. Coexist with memories he could not live with. His memory of Anakin like a living fire in his gut. Like, this is so painful lmao. I just ache with him and his grief, his loneliness without Anakin, without the rest of the Jedi. I cannot believe Anakin did this to him, and neither can he. CANNOT WAIT for the show to dramatize this all and ruin my life ✌️

OP reading “The Last One Standing”:


doing dumb wreckless shit: enjoyable

getting scolded by obi-wan for doing dumb wreckless shit: enjoyable

it’s a win/win


Who knew porn bots loved Star Wars so much?


Hi hello good morning tumblr, I was just thinking about how the Open Circle emblem was on like EVERYTHING:


But you know that there was a teeeeeeeeny sliver of Anakin that was upset about it. (To be honest 50% of the items probably ended up at Vader’s Lava Castle of Dramatic Bullshit “by accident”).


Just one more kiss

Birthday countdown: 7/7!

Happy birthday to me!



the best thing about obiwan and anakin is that despite enduring EVERY SINGLE trope of utterly delicious yet soul-wrenching literary star-crossed agony, is that somehow, on top of ALL that, we know in irrefutable CANON they are happy together for all eternity in the force

daisanfar: a week ago i had a dream with these two, obi-wan was wounded and he had to fly away from


a week ago i had a dream with these two, obi-wan was wounded and he had to fly away from the battlefield, and anakin kissed him on the cheek and forehead as a goodbye, but i couldn’t finish what i started i’m sorry i’m weak.. just imagine anakin gently kissing obi-wan just– k bye.

I love this!

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