




Y all can always pop in my dms i’d be glad to talk with anyone


everyone deserves to eat (yes that includes you person reading this)

i wish that i was skinny enough for someone to like me

does anyone have an anorexia group chat that i can join?

i fuckin binged again :( I can’t with myself

“1 step forward, 3 steps back”

This is exactly what it is like to have a binging, starving cycle.

I am going to do a liquid fast again today!!

my mom just said “you just ate 2 servings of stuffing why would you need to eat anything else” when i was going to get water out of the fridge. I had just finished working out to burn the calories I just ate.

I have lost 18 pounds and no one has noticed.

I wish that i was skinny so that people would actually notice when I lost weight and be worried about me.

I hate being fat.

5 things that would make me happy

1. reaching my ugw

2. reaching my ugw

3. reaching my ugw

4. reaching my ugw

5. reaching my ugw

I finally did it I fasted for 24 hours!! I am going to keep going though.

Any tips for when I am fasting tomorrow?

According to a weight loss calculator it says I can be underweight in 4 mounts if I eat 500 cals a day and exercise. I have never thought of it in that way.

I am so lost and I don’t know why I let my binge eating disorder get so bad. My mom has to hide everything in my house so that I don’t binge. I love her and I ask her to but I am so disappointed in myself.

i have decided that tomorrow every hour from when i wake up i am going to post a fasting update because i plan on fasting tomorrow. i got this!!!

i’m back. i lost a lot of weight at sleep away camp but since i have gotten back i have been nonstop binging. So, i am changing it when i still can. Does anyone have any encouragement??

Hi I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve lost 17 pounds though :) idk what to post so just hi
