#ed ana


i fuckin binged again :( I can’t with myself

“1 step forward, 3 steps back”

This is exactly what it is like to have a binging, starving cycle.

I am trying to my first fast for 24 hours does anyone have any tips that would help?

i was looking at photos of myself and now i am crying

Paris Hilton is the definition of thinspo.

i am finally getting a new scale my old one was broken

i just walked 3 miles and took a shower let’s hoe i can continue on without eating

shit well i woke up like 3 hours ago and haven’t eaten i am about to hop on the treadmill and go for a long walk.

This hurt will stop once you are skinny.

Keep pushing. Keep fighting.

Hi Guys.

I had a terrible binge this morning. I have been binging for the past several days. I haven’t been doing what I should. Everytime I go out I see all of the skinny girls walking around looking so happy and all I can do is wish to be like them. I keep thinking that my actions of binging are not helping me to reach those goals. So, starting now I am going to do everything I can to continue what I was doing before. I have 30 days until I go into my first year of high school and I am going to lose 30 pounds. Just wait. I will be beautiful.


Hi loves

I was with a group chat on tumblr, before it got deleted and me and a few other people had made a discord server because we all struggled with the same things. I’m offering the link to join, there is no proana, just simply there for a way to communicate to each other and not feel alone. Anyone is welcome to join it and we decided to post this on tumblr as a way to reach more people struggling with the same thing. There is about 5 of us girls in there right now, please feel free to join <3 I would love to make new friends.


Chocolate: Twix,butterfinger,


Sweets:Marshallow,cake,cookie dough

Salty: Bread, salad, taco



Ugh when your taken to Golden Corral and spit and chew everything you eat. I was with my family and w my binge urges I felt disgusting but I had 450 calories and didn’t eat breakfast so ima try to eat 150 calories. It’s hard being on vacation when eating is part of the agenda. I wish I had more control at Golden Corral so that’s my fault. But I will not let this vacation make me fat.

I wonder how many calories/pounds I saved by spitting out my food

Comment medications that cause weightloss or makes your full that I can get at a pharmacy!!

(Help Everyone on ED tumblr!! And comment below!!)

My birthday dress. I look fat in it when I breathe. I have 1 month exactly. I want to be at most 108 and be officially underweight on my birthday. I am 114.5 rn. Comment tips :)

Reblog or comment if you are an active ED account :) my lst account got terminated and I need new peers ✨
